January 6, 2021 pipe bomber. The person is reportedly a former government employee but the FBI refuses to interview him.

Over three years ago, on January 5, 2021, a suspect planted pipe bombs near the Washington DC RNC and DNC headquarters the night before the January 6, 2021 protests.

The US Capitol was shut down on January 6 after the feds found the bombs near the Republican and Democrat Party headquarters.

As previously reported — A mysterious suspect planted two pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC DC Headquarters and safely detonated by a bomb squad on January 6.

The FBI continued to drip out new videos of the suspect who placed two pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC the night before the Capitol riot in the months following the incident.

A whistleblower stepped forward in 2022 and disclosed that the FBI was withholding information on the investigation.

In 2023 the FBI finally offered a $500,000 reward for information on the alleged bomber.  Maybe they need to check who was on duty that night?

The culprit was caught on video but never caught by the FBI – the greatest intelligence service in the world.

Now we know why.

FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin reported in May 2023 that the technicians who worked on the program told him the devices were inoperable.

Another solid piece from @KerryPicket … keeping the story alive

Cc: @RealStevefriend https://t.co/yLAi5bXEqe

— Kyle Seraphin (@KyleSeraphin) May 12, 2023

It was likely just a propaganda operation used to attack Trump supporters. Planned and sanctioned by the Deep State.

in May 2023 Representatives Jim Jordan (R-OH), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), and Bill Posey (R-FL) sent a letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), demanding an update on the case of the J6 pipe bomber.

Rep. Jordan’s letter highlights a crucial detail that has come to light: the FBI may possess information about the license plate number of the suspect’s vehicle.

“As part of our oversight investigation into the pipe bombs placed near the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee on January 5, 2021. At the start of the 118th Congress on January 17, 2023, we reiterated this request. To date, you have failed to comply,” reads the letter.

The committee’s interest in the investigation was sparked by a whistleblower disclosure from a senior FBI official, which raised questions about the “unusual” nature of the FBI’s investigative efforts.

The whistleblower disclosure revealed that the FBI’s Washington Field Office had requested other field offices to canvass all confidential human sources across the country for information about the culprit, despite more than a year having passed since the bombs were placed.

The request specifically asked for information from sources reporting on all types of threats, as the suspect’s “motive and ideology remained unknown.”

The FBI then used the security camera footage from the Northern Virginia Metro stop to identify the license plate of a car associated with the suspect. However, the FBI has yet to identify the suspect, despite these leads.

One former FBI assistant director observed, “[it just doesn’t add up … [t]here’s just too much to work with to not know who this guy is.”

BREAKING: GOP Rep. @Jim_Jordan sends letter to FBI demanding J6 pipe bomber update

Get this – the FBI *knows the license plate of the suspect’s car* but no arrests?!

Former FBI Asst Dir: “it just doesn’t add up…there’s just too much to work with to not know who this guy is” pic.twitter.com/XaeCz7bUmj

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) May 24, 2023

Now, there are reports that the operative who planted the bomb is a former government official – but the FBI refused to interview the person!

The Daily Wire reported:

A former FBI agent said that the Bureau quickly believed that it tied the person who planted pipe bombs at the Democrat National Committee and the Republican National Committee to a particular Metro fare card and license plate, but did not allow him to interview the person of interest and pulled his team off of the lead.

The allegation raises more questions about the pipe bombs, which were by far the most violent aspect of the January 6 protests, but which Democrats and authorities have seldom mentioned since.

Kyle Seraphin, who led FBI surveillance teams, told The Daily Wire that shortly after January 6, a counterintelligence team met him at a firehouse in Falls Church, Virginia to brief him on his next surveillance target: They had used security footage to follow the person into a Metro station after he planted the bombs, and identified the fare card that was used.

That fare card then allowed them to determine that the person got off at a Metro stop in Northern Virginia, where surveillance footage showed the person entering a car. Both the car and the fare card were in the name of the same person — a retired Air Force chief master sergeant who was now working as a contractor with a security clearance, they said.

Seraphin and his team were assigned to stake out the person’s row house for days, but the FBI blocked his request to interview the person, he said. Then they were called off the target completely and told to pore through low-priority leads about minor January 6 participants, he said.

The post Report: J6 Pipe Bomber Was ‘Former’ Government Official – FBI Had His License Plate Number but Refused to Interview Him appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.