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Guest by post by Bob Unruh
‘American culture appears increasingly hostile to Christianity’
Experts are warning a “skyrocketing” number of attacks on Christian churches “mirrors the general anti-Christian tenor of the Biden administration’s policies, at home and abroad,” according to a new report from the Washington Stand that detailed how such incidents of violence have exploded 800% over six years.
The report explains, “Joe Biden’s ‘indifference abroad to the fundamental freedom of religion is rivaled only by the increasing antagonism toward the moral absolutes taught by Bible-believing churches here in the U.S.’”
That word is from Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, who explained, “The Biden administration’s whole-of-government opposition to biblical morality is ‘fomenting this environment of hostility toward churches.’”
“If you believe anti-Christian attacks have skyrocketed over the last decade, you’re right. Attacks on churches have increased 800% in less than six years — and more than doubled over the last year, according to a new report released today by Family Research Council. Documented acts of anti-church hostility include attempted bombings, shootings, satanic vandalism, and numerous attacks based on anti-Christian bias due to support for abortion or extreme transgender ideology. Some constituted unpunished election interference,” the Stand reported.
Some 915 “acts of hostility” have been identified as being launched against churches from January 2018 to November 2023.
There were 709 acts of vandalism, 135 attempted or accomplished arsons, 32 bomb threats and nearly two dozen gun-related incidents.
Also, assault, threats and deliberate disturbances of worship.
“These acts of ‘religious intimidation’ send the message ‘that churches are not wanted in the community or respected in general,’” explained Arielle Del Turco, report author.
“Regardless of the motivations of these crimes, everyone should treat churches and all houses of worship with respect and affirm the importance of religious freedom for all Americans.”
During the first 11 months of 2023, there were 436 “acts of hostility” against churches in America, including 315 vandalisms, 75 arsons, 20 bomb threats and 12 instances of “satanic graffiti.”
The Stand reported, “These statistics likely understate the extent of the problem, because ‘[m]any acts of hostility against churches are likely not reported to authorities and/or are not featured in the news or other online sources from which we collected data.”
There were few areas of American left untouched, with reports coming from 48 states and Washington, D.C. There were 91 such attacks in California.
“The rise in hostility we identified in our December 2022 report has neither slowed nor plateaued; rather, it has accelerated,” the report documents. “The rise in crimes against churches is taking place in a context in which American culture appears increasingly hostile to Christianity. Criminal acts of vandalism and destruction of church property may be symptomatic of a collapse in societal reverence and respect.”
The report noted, “Perhaps the most shocking act of anti-Christian bias took place last March 27, when transgender-identifying Audrey Hale opened fire at the Nashville Covenant School, operated by the Covenant Presbyterian Church, killing six people, including three young students. Hale, who frequently identified as a male named ‘Aiden,’ told a friend she had left a manifesto and ‘plenty of evidence behind’ attesting to her motive. Yet, aside from a few pages pried out of police hands by conservative commentator Steven Crowder, Hale’s manifesto remains hidden.”
The violence was vast: “On July 17, a man threw Molotov cocktails through the windows of Living Stones Church in Reno, Nevada. In March, four people fired 50 rounds into Clearview Mennonite Church of Versailles, Missouri.”
Some carried specific “political” messages.
Many church assaults stemmed from the Christian church’s 2,000-year-old teaching that life begins at fertilization/conception, and abortion is murder, the report said.
And, the report added, “Some acts of violence appeared to spring from Islamist sources. Last October, a man claiming to be with Hamas entered Sacred Heart Church in Cicero, New York, and threatened its employees.”
Some attacks evidenced a demonic influence, the report said.
“In June, Ascension of the Lord Romanian Orthodox Church of Hayward, California, was broken into, and several religious artifacts were set on fire, including a Bible and a crucifix. The charred items and ashes were left around an altar.”
And there were a dozen other incidents that “included satanic imagery or symbols.”
One case involved vandals spray-painting “Lucifer Lives Here” and “God No More” on Bethlehem Church in Austin, Texas.
The Stand reported, “The Biden administration cannot plead ignorance of church desecrations and vandalism targeting houses of worship: The administration actively warned such incidents would increase for the foreseeable future. Last May 27, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a bulletin warning of ‘a heightened threat environment’ for churches and religious institutions, thanks to ‘the 2024 general election cycle and legislative or judicial decisions pertaining to sociopolitical issues,’ such as issues involving ‘the LGBTQIA+ community.’”
Copyright 2023 WND News Center
The post ‘Skyrocketing’: Number of ttacks on Christians, Churches Explodes appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.