Squad Opponent Calls Out Cori Bush and Dems For Failing To Protect President Trump
July 24, 2024

Representative Cori Bush, of St. Louis (currently representing Missouri’s 1st Congressional District), who famously cheered the lawless BLM riots and spent nearly $250,000,000 on private security, will likely face Black Trump supporting entrepreneur Andrew Jones in November, IF she makes it through the Democratic primary, where recent primary polling has shown her down as much as 20% points against a more moderate Democrat and former prosecutor.

Wesley Bell, Bush’s primary opponent, has reportedly garnered the support of the American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC). 

Toxic Democrat Cori Bush Calls Trump “The Former White Supremacist in Chief” During House Hearing (VIDEO)

As recently reported by the Gateway Pundit, Cori Bush claims she can perform miracles and heal people, somehow more so than the divine powers of Almighty God, is currently in hot water over her Pro-Palestinian stances after the terroristic attack on the Israeli state.

Bush and fellow squad member Congressman Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, voted against a bill that would deny entry to the United States for Hamas terrorists who took part in the October 7th attacks of 2023, joining fellow anti-Israel Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. Hamas is a known domestic and international terrorist organization, which has been involved in recent unprovoked attacks on the Jewish people of Israel.

She has also admitted that she married a former security guard of hers, paying him to the tune of $50,000.00, despite being extremely pro-gun-control and against our constitutionally protected rights to bear arms.

Toxic Democrat Cori Bush Calls Trump “The Former White Supremacist in Chief” During House Hearing (VIDEO)

Cori Bush can be protected, elected Democrats can be protected, but constitutional loving patriots and people like President Trump deserve no such privileges. Bush even inflamed vitriol and hate against President Donald J. Trump in the months leading up to the assassination attempt, calling him the "Former White Supremacist In Chief."

Toxic Democrat Cori Bush Calls Trump “The Former White Supremacist in Chief” During House Hearing (VIDEO)

She even parroted the now debunked Democrat talking point about Biden's obvious mental and physical decline as a "vast right wing conspiracy." Talk about having egg on your face!

Andrew Jones, the Black Trump Republican looking to secure the nomination, said Congresswoman Bush's and Democrats efforts to strip President Trump of his Secret Service detail, and overall anti-American stances, are "reprehensible acts of cowardice."

Cori Bush is a hypocrite just like the socialist dictators she so admires.

Ms. Bush wants to defund our police yet uses armed security to protect herself. She lives large on our tax dollars and enriches herself with campaign cash, while the people here in her district are trying to make ends meet.

Jones, who currently serves as the Executive Vice President of Business Development and Marketing at Southwest Electric, has been a St. Louis resident for over 30 years, spending his free time participating in youth mentorship programs.

"The very policies she supports have created this bad economy and caused prices to skyrocket - but she doesn’t seem to care. The people of St. Louis have had enough of her radical politics," concluded Jones.

The post Squad Opponent Calls Out Cori Bush and Dems For Failing To Protect President Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jacob Engels