Swedish Nationalist Leader: Europe Will Never Be Free as Long as the EU Exists
March 20, 2025

Alternative for Sweden Leader Gustav Kasselstrand

As the European Union’s political elites scramble to redefine their stance in response to shifting global dynamics—particularly the changing role of the United States—a striking shift has emerged in their rhetoric, with many now adopting patriotic, pan-European nationalist language and advocating for a “strong Europe.”

But is this newfound pan-European patriotic nationalism genuine, or is it a calculated move by EU globalists to consolidate power in Brussels?

Gustav Kasselstrand, leader of the nationalist and NATO-critical Alternative for Sweden (AfS)—a party inspired by Germany’s AfD, Austria’s FPÖ, and France’s National Rally—in an article titled: “Don’t talk about Europe—it’s a trap,” contends that the EU’s recent embrace of patriotic rhetoric is merely a deceptive power grab, aimed at eroding national sovereignty and consolidating control in Brussels.

For Kasselstrand, the agenda pursued by EU elites will not strengthen Europe; instead, it will undermine and weaken its true strength—its diverse, sovereign nations.

“Now, the EU establishment wants us to forget everything they’ve said for years, specifically that we are safe thanks to Article 5: NATO’s collective defense guarantees, which were the foundation and the only unique competitive advantage sold through NATO,” Kasselstrand notes.

Their ultimate goal, he contends, is not European sovereignty but the creation of a United States of Europe.

Kasselstrand contends it’s a mistake to compare Europe to the United States, Russia, or China since Europe is not a single state or federation but a collection of many nations, each with its own unique cultures and identities.

“Many people find it appealing to hear that Europe is becoming more independent from the United States, but don’t be swayed by the rhetoric EU leaders are promoting,” Kasselstrand continued. “Europe is a civilization that spans millennia, while the EU is a political union that, at best, has existed for only half a century and is shaking the very foundations of Europe.”

“The EU represents centralization, while Europe is defined by its diversity. As the EU strengthens, Europe weakens. The unique character of each nation is the essence of Europe and what has made it the world’s most historically successful and fascinating continent.”

“EU leaders are not fools: they use Europe as a promotional tool for an ever closer EU. That’s why they, and their supporters, now only speak of ‘Europe.’ It resonates positively with most Europeans, whereas the EU does not. But the real agenda behind ReArm Europe is to take the next step in the EU’s path toward becoming an empire.”

Like other anti-globalist politicians across Europe, the AfS leader argues that the EU, which was originally conceived as an economic union focused on free movement, has evolved into something entirely different, with a seemingly ever-expanding range of powers and responsibilities.

He points out that while the EU has long had a common foreign and security policy, Brussels now aims to establish a unified EU defense. He views “ReArm Europe” as a significant and potentially perilous step toward that goal.

Without any public discussion, Kasselstrand said, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, has launched the ‘ReArm Europe‘ initiative, which allocates 800 billion euros for “defense investment aimed at strengthening Europe’s defense capabilities.”

“Following the ‘boiled frog’ theory, the temperature must be slowly increased so the frog doesn’t realize it’s being cooked until it’s too late. Similarly, the shift toward a common EU defense unfolds gradually, step by step.”

“So what is the real purpose of the investments? We get the answer if we look at the birth of the European movement. Initiator Winston Churchill explained in Zurich in 1946 and at the Hague Congress in 1948 that the goal is “A United States of Europe!” and that”’we cannot settle for anything less than a union for the whole of Europe!”

To conclude, Kasselstrand states that Europe’s freedom rests upon its nation-states being freed from the iron grip of the EU.

“It is only when European nations are freed from the EU’s sweater that true European independence arises: an independence that manifests itself in a unique diversity of voices and wills.”

The post Swedish Nationalist Leader: Europe Will Never Be Free as Long as the EU Exists appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Robert Semonsen