The Heist of Fort Knox That President Trump Thwarted
February 19, 2025
I have been calling for an audit for Fort Knox for over a year. The last reported audit of Fort Knox was in 1974. That lack of transparency means our own government, as expected, is up to no good. How much gold do we have and does it really matter? The answer to those to questions is, we don’t really know and most certainly yes.
At first I assumed our gold had been raided. Stolen from the American tax payer, like all the other money we are finding our lawmakers and bureaucrats wasted and abused. But there is another option here that no one is considering, the U.S. Government has been hoarding gold over the past decades, slowly selling it off at a deep discount to well connected global elites.
Fort Knox may be continuing to increase its stock piles in preparation of a global financial catastrophe, orchestrated by a cabal of “Deep State” elites whose sole goal is bring America to its knees. But don’t think the gold will benefit us, it won’t.
With no audit or real knowledge of just how much gold we have, the stock pile could be raided for the financial gain of the very nefarious characters who created the collapse in the first place. Under my scenario the price of gold would sky rocket. The scary part is, this is not the first time a scenario like this unfolded. In this podcast you will hear the story of the Rockefeller Family buying gold from the Federal Reserve at “bargain basement” pricing.
We do have evidence gold is being flown to Fort Knox daily. The DOGE team needs to gain immediate access to Fort Knox to audit America’s gold stockpile now.
The post The Heist of Fort Knox That President Trump Thwarted appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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Author: Grant Stinchfield