THE STREETS ARE WORSE THAN PRISON! One J6er’s Story After Serving Over Two Years for Misdemeanor Charges
October 26, 2024

Darrell Neely

Darrell Neely, a January 6 political prisoner, was released from FCI McDowell in Welch, West Virginia, in late June.

Neely went to Washington, D.C., on January 6th to provide media coverage he knew would not be available through the mainstream media. Darrell was sentenced to 28 months in prison for his actions that day. Neely took video and photos to discuss on a program the next day.

Neely shared an update with The Gateway Pundit. The former radio broadcaster Darrell explained, “I was MEDIA in DC on J6. The Feds destroyed my life.”

“They destroyed my life over MISDEMEANOR CHARGES. WHY? Because I’m a Black, and I’m America First!!”

No one is more dangerous to the Biden-Harris regime than journalists they don’t control.

And one thing is for sure: a black man speaking out on behalf of Donald Trump is one too many for the Biden-Harris regime.

Darrell Neely has found himself unable to find work and get back on his feet because D.C. or the Bureau of Prisons has illegally confiscated all of his personal effects.

They destroyed his life, effectively. He can’t get work. He can’t rent an apartment. He can’t afford transportation to get to day labor type jobs, and he definitely cannot afford to purchase a vehicle.

You can read more about Darrell in his tweet thread below, but rest assured, Darrell Neely needs our help.

Patriots can assist with Darrell’s transition at his GiveSendGo, here, which you can also find in his tweet thread below.

Citizen journalists like Neely were in D.C. to document and report on what was happening. Yet media reporters were falsely charged.

And with Black voters following the social media “underground railroad” out of the Democrat Party plantation, radio broadcasters like Darrell Neely offer a ray of freedom and hope.

The phrase “The process is the punishment” isn’t just a cliche – it is Merrick Garland’s strategy for doling out punitive punishment for political prisoners from his perch atop the U.S. Department of Justice.

As January 6 political protestors with shorter sentences are finishing their jail time, many are finding that the ongoing abuse seems to never end, even after they are released.

Too many patriots think January 6 doesn’t affect them, failing to understand that silencing all conservatives is the point.

The DOJ has targeted many who were on Capitol Hill as citizen journalists on January 6, 2021.

Compare the treatment of Darrell Neely with the DOJ treatment of regime-friendly journalists like Luke Mogelson of The New Yorker Magazine in his “A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege,” January 17, 2021.

Left-leaning reporters inside the U.S. Capitol were celebrated.

Meanwhile, conservative journalists like Darrell Neely were prosecuted. To the best of TGP’s knowledge, after sending an inquiry to the U.S. Capitol press office which was not responded to, The New Yorker Magazine did not have any special status to enter the Capitol building that day and does not regularly report from the Capitol.

And then the Bureau of Prisons, under Merrick Garland, confiscated and/or destroyed, all of Neeley’s identification, bank cards, birth certificate, credit cards, wallet, etc. and his cell phone.

The FBI, BOP, and Federal persecutors shut down his media business, deleted his contacts, and removed his past work of radio interviews and broadcasts from the internet.

His bank accounts have been shut down. Neely still cannot get a bank account, apartment, or job, despite making dozens of applications.

Merrick Garland’s DOJ Is Stealing January 6ers’ IDs and Personal Property

The Patriot’s Legal Defense Fund asked around and confirmed that almost all other January 6 Defendants have had similar experiences.

The only exception is when very young Isaac Thomas had the presence of mind to hand all of his IDs and personal belongings to his attorney in the courtroom as soon as he sensed that the judge was going to order him jailed before trial.

The Fund paid for Darrell to go to Washington, D.C., where he had his last current driver’s license, to get a replacement. Six weeks ago, D.C.’s DMV promised to mail him the driver’s license – but never did. The Fund paid for Darell to go to his birthplace to get a replacement birth certificate. That took 6 weeks to arrive. (They wanted to see his driver’s license first – in a Catch 22.)

Now, Darrell faces anti-conservative political discrimination in trying to get a job and an apartment.

Having been in jail awaiting trial for around two years, before serving a prison term, Darrell has not been able to (free to) hold a job for a total of three years.

Darrell now has misdemeanor criminal convictions.

And he is branded a domestic terrorist by the totalitarian Left.

Greensboro was not his preference but his probation officer is based there.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported on Neely’s plight:

J6 Political Prisoner Darrell Neely Is Sleeping Under a Bridge After He Was Released From Prison – Is Banned From Homeless Shelter In NC and Needs Help

Do readers know of conservative-friendly or at least fair and decent employers who might give a chance to January 6 defendants who have done their (excessive) time?

Please contact the Patriot’s Legal Defense Fund at [email protected] This could be a nationwide need.

For Darrell, he is currently required to stay in the Middle District of North Carolina, but he can petition the Court to transfer him elsewhere if needed to find employment and an apartment.

Similarly rules would be true for other January 6 defendants.

Before January 6, 2021, Darrell Nelly was:

  • U.S. Navy SeaBee,1992-2003
  • Naval Threat Analyst - 3 years
  • Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Navy
  • Worked in Steel Construction 12 years
  • Solid Work History
  • Conservative Christian family
  • Stable home environment
  • Radio broadcaster
  • My life was fulfilling

Currently, Darrell Neely is spending everything he has so he can have a roof over his head at flea-bitten, seedy hotel paying double the going rate for an apartment in Greensboro for 10% of the quality at low-grade hotels.

With no kitchen, and no car, food expenses are excessive.

Darrell needs to find a conservative-friendly landlord who will rent an apartment to him.

Darrell will likely need to pay up front at the start the entire six month’s rent on a six month lease to get him back to a record of successful renting and overcome background checks.

Again, “the punishment continues” even after the jail term ends.

He has tweeted:“I'm Darrell Neely. I'm a PEACEFUL J6er, who was in DC as MEDIA. I need your help to get back on my feet.

***You can help Darrell here***

Darrell added:

  • Ex-wife is now liberal, hates me.
  • Lost custody of Darrell Jr.
  • Amtrak refuses my Federal (prison) ID.
  • As result, I can’t visit mom, who is in a home.
  • Older living son refuses to speak with me.
  • Committed no violence
  • Witnessed no violence (except for that perpetrated by DC cops)
  • Caused no damage
  • I was respectful to police
  • Cracked jokes and had police smiling
  • Never told to leave Capitol.

A Black Trump supporter with experience in conservative media must be targeted in the Biden-Harris regime.

Darrell Neely was released from jail this Summer in Greensboro, North Carolina on minor charges. The Biden-Harris DOJ is not focused on the seriousness of alleged crimes (although Leftist crimes are ignored).

Merrick Garland wants to silence public criticism of the “fundamental transformation of America.”

Leftist street thugs were handled with kid gloves when they attacked the White House – the leadership of the nation, the worldwide deployment of our military, and world-wide foreign policy.

World leaders watched as the Left assaulted the White House.

And now, our own servicemen like Darrell Neely are crushed under the boot of the totalitarian Biden-Harris Dept. of Justice.

China and Iran must be licking their chops with the full knowledge that America refuses to take care of its own.

Stand up for America. Stand up for her veterans like Darrell Neely. Chip in here to help.

Anything you can do to help Darrell will take America one step closer toward Making America Great Again.

The post THE STREETS ARE WORSE THAN PRISON! One J6er’s Story After Serving Over Two Years for Misdemeanor Charges appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Assistant Editor