Alaska Airlines is being sued by two Christian former employees who claim they were subjected to religious discrimination for opposing woke company politics.

The airline has already been making headlines after one of its plane’s doors blew off mid-flight.

The former flight attendants, Marli Brown and Lacey Smith, say the company encouraged them to engage in “open and critical dialogue” regarding the Equality Act — but fired them for criticizing its far-left political activism on LGBTQ issues.

The lawsuit claims the women were fired for being “Christians who hold traditional Christian beliefs, including the belief that everyone should be treated with kindness and the belief that there are only two sexes.”

The complaint continues:

Promising a culture of open dialogue, Alaska Airlines encouraged employees to ask questions, have difficult, courageous conversations with each other, and share their diverse perspectives. Yet, when Plaintiffs relied on that promise and posted a comment on the Company’s employee-only message board questioning the Company’s support of the proposed Equality Act, Alaska Airlines disparaged their religious beliefs, treated them as safety risks, and terminated them. fe Company then refused to reinstate them, treating them worse than flight attendants who were reinstated after making racist remarks in front of passengers, telling a coworker to expose her breasts to a passenger, and inappropriately touching a woman on a plane. fe Company’s disdain for employees with traditional Christian beliefs is evident.

The former flight attendants are represented by Stephanie Taub, Senior Counsel for First Liberty Institute (FLI).

“I went to access my schedule in the morning … I saw that Alaska had posted an article that just said Alaska supports the Equality Act,” Smith told Fox News on Friday. “There are a lot of different religious people who had issues with the Equality Act. And I guess I just had some questions with Alaska in terms of what that meant when they said things like, ‘Alaska supports the Equality Act’ … What does that mean for me?”

The lawsuit was filed in 2022, but the FLI filed a motion for summary judgment on Wednesday. Along with Alaska, the complaint also names the Association of Flight Attendants union.

Newsbusters reports, “Beyond the allegations of this lawsuit, Alaska Airlines also offers to refund travel costs up to $4,000 for employees who wish to kill their unborn children. The woke airline also embraces Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and gender ideology. In fact, in a March 2023 DEI statement, the company strongly implied they were racially discriminating in hiring.”

The post Ultra-Woke Alaska Airlines Sued by Christian Former Employees Over Religious Discrimination appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.