WAYNE ROOT: One Candidate Just Had the Worst Week in the History of Politics. Can You Guess Which One?
October 22, 2024


By Wayne Allyn Root

Americans work hard, then get home and take care of their family. After work it’s often a blur of soccer games, football games, cheerleading practice, ballet lessons, SAT courses, and PTA meetings. It’s easy to get distracted and miss the big picture.

So, perhaps you missed what’s been happening on the presidential campaign trail. Perhaps you didn’t notice one candidate had the worst week in the history of politics. I’m talking about Kamala Harris.

Kamala had a really, really, terrible, awful, horrible, painful, humiliating, historically bad week.

If I tried to sell a movie script with the things that happened to Kamala this week, I’d be laughed out of Hollywood. Because they’d say, no one would believe the storyline. Because they’d say, no candidate could be this bad, this dumb, this incompetent, or this clueless. It’s just not possible.

Well guess what? One candidate is this bad, this dumb, this incompetent, and this clueless…

Meet Kamala Harris.

Kamala’s very bad week started with the Bret Baier TV interview on Fox News. Why did her team agree to this interview? Because her campaign is collapsing, her polls are disintegrating, and they were desperate. So, they agreed on this “Hail Mary.”

The result was a disaster. Kamala proved what I said about her debate performance versus President Trump was true. I said the debate was rigged, as she was clearly given all the questions in advance. That’s the only reason she had perfect answers to every question- she knew what was coming, in exact order, and memorized a script.

This time, without any advance tipoff, she was lost. Adrift. A total disaster. She had no answers for any question. Her only fallback was “Trump is bad” “Trump did it” and “it’s Trump’s fault.”

Kamala was exposed as a fraud. Not just any fraud, but a lazy fraud. She is either A) Really dumb. or B) She’s just too lazy to actually study any issues, or understand any policies. I vote for C) Both.

But that was only a small start to Kamala’s really bad week.

Kamala made the shocking decision to not attend the Al Smith Catholic Charity Dinner in New York. She snubbed the biggest Catholic event of the year. She offended every Catholic voter in America. She became only the second presidential candidate to refuse to attend in a century. The other was Walter Mondale- who went onto lose in a massive 49-state landslide.

There goes the Catholic vote.

The next day at a Kamala rally, a Christian protestor in the crowd screamed out, “Jesus is Lord.” Any smart politician would have answered, “Thank you. I appreciate your views. I love God too. Democrats all love God just like you do.”

Not Kamala. She responded with “I think you’re at the wrong rally. Try the smaller one down the street.”

Kamala mocked God. She offended anyone who believes in Jesus. She told Christian churchgoers to “go to hell.”

There goes the Christian vote.

Not content to turn off Catholics and religious Christians, Kamala decided to make it a tripleheader! At another Kamala rally, a pro-Hamas protestor screamed out that Israel is committing genocide. Kamala responded, “Listen to what he’s talking about, it’s real.” Kamala offended every pro-Israel Jew in America.

There goes the Jewish vote.

But wait- it gets better. Black rapper Lizzo got up on stage at a Kamala event in Motown and told the crowd, “Kamala will turn all of America into Detroit.”

If anyone was left after Kamala offended Christians, Catholics and Jewish Americans, this one was the coup de grace. Sorry Detroit, hard to tell you this but, no one in America has Detroit as their fantasy. No one has a wish list to become more like Detroit. No one wants their town to look like Detroit.

Families live in cities like Detroit because they are trapped. If they have the opportunity, they leave for nice, clean, safe suburbs. That’s just reality.

There goes the entire suburban vote.

But Kamala’s week just kept getting worse and worse. Next radio legend and finance guru Dave Ramsey, with a following of millions, took a giant gamble, and endorsed President Trump.

There goes the voting bloc of Americans concerned about the economy, their jobs, and their personal finances.

And then the week got really bad, as President Trump pulled off perhaps the greatest stunt in political history. Trump went to work at a McDonalds in Pennsylvania. He made French fries and worked the drive thru window. In one foul swoop, he cemented his image as a man of the people, who cares about middle class America, and Trump also focused America’s attention on Kamala’s lie that she once worked at McDonalds.

The next day McDonalds announced they have no record of Kamala ever working at McDonalds.

Game. Set, Match.

Kamala’s week was history in the making. No candidate in history has ever had a week this bad.

Trust this former Las Vegas oddsmaker. America has decided. They’ve seen enough. This is a political tsunami. Trump is pulling away. Kamala’s support is cratering. You’re witnessing one of the great collapses in US political history.

Even with massive Democrat rigging and cheating, the die is cast. It’s just too big to rig. By Election Day, this will be a Trump electoral landslide.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: One Candidate Just Had the Worst Week in the History of Politics. Can You Guess Which One? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Assistant Editor