WATCH: Biden Education Secretary Butchers Iconic Ronald Reagan Quote While Pushing the Regime’s Radical Agenda

WATCH: Biden Education Secretary Butchers Iconic Ronald Reagan Quote While Pushing the Regime’s Radical Agenda


Former President George W. Bush was lampooned for this classic gaffe while speaking about America’s education system: “Rarely, is the question asked, is our children learning?” It’s safe to say Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona failed to learn some basic history at school after he made an epic gaffe on camera while speaking about the great Ronald Reagan.

Townhall reported Monday that Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona botched an iconic Reagan quote while giving a speech at the Western Governors’ Association’s winter meeting earlier this month in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. During his address, Cardona vowed to “follow-up” with governors to ensure the DOE provides guidance and “a playbook” to support state educational efforts.

Cardona next falsely quoted the great Reagan, an avowed opponent of big government’s evils, to push the Biden regime’s failing education agenda.

Cardona: You know, we’re going to set up follow up calls with every governor we meet with to make sure we’re available.

I think it was President Reagan who said, We’re from the government. We’re here to help.


Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona just said with a completely straight face “I think it was President Reagan who said, ‘We’re from the government. We’re here to help.’”

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 27, 2023

Those with a rudimentary understanding of Reagan know the 40th president actually issued a dire warning to America not to start worrying when the federal government offered “help.”

Here is the full quote from Reagan along with video.

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”

The Secretary of Education needs to brush up on his history:

“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’” – President Ronald Reagan

— Nicki Neily (@nickineily) November 27, 2023

With clowns like Cardona “leading” the way, it is little wonder why our K-12 education system is in the toilet despite all levels of government spending more money than ever.

The only way to fix this is to ensure schools are actually teaching our children instead of brainwashing them and pocketing taxpayer money increase administrative bloat. But this will not happen until the American people actually vote out not only the Biden regime but also Democrats coast-to-coast.

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RNC Sees Donations Hit 8-Year Low Under Feckless Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel

RNC Sees Donations Hit 8-Year Low Under Feckless Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel


Donations to the feckless Republican Party reached an 8-year low under Ronna McDaniel according to the Washington Post.

The GOP raised its lowest amount since President Trump arose as leader of the party.

it could be that McDaniel has shown a complete lack of concern in confronting the widespread voter fraud by the left and has spent more time attacking popular Republican candidates.

Under Ronna McDaniel – A dollar to the RNC is a dollar wasted. reported:

Donations to the Republican National Committee (RNC) have hit an eight-year low, sources told the Washington Post on Monday.

The diminished donations raise concerns about whether or not RNC leadership is properly aligned with the party’s grassroots to counter an unpopular Democrat president seeking reelection.

Ten people familiar with the matter told the Post that big donors and small donors are not giving as much money to the RNC as they have in the past.

The RNC raised the lowest amount of money since former President Trump arose as the leader of the GOP, the Post reported:

The Republican National Committee disclosed that it had $9.1 million in cash on hand as of Oct. 30, the lowest amount for the RNC in any Federal Election Commission report since February 2015.
That compares with about $20 million at the same point in the 2016 election cycle and about $61 million four years ago, when Trump was in the White House.
The Democratic National Committee reported having $17.7 million as of Oct. 30, almost twice as much as the Republican Party, with one year before the election.

“I think there’s more donors just fully committed to their candidate right now, saying I am all in, and once the nominee is set, I’ll be there. That’s what I hear more than anything. And they’re really solidly in the camps of their candidate, which is normal,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel told the Post. “There’s nothing unusual about this, because they know that once their candidate gets in that we will merge and that we’ll be working together to win the White House.”

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The Numbers are MASSIVE! Illegal Aliens Spotted Leaving Central Mexico Making Their Way to US Border (VIDEO)

The Numbers are MASSIVE! Illegal Aliens Spotted Leaving Central Mexico Making Their Way to US Border (VIDEO)


Biden’s border crisis continues with no end in sight.

A video posted to X on Monday shows a massive group of military-aged illegal aliens on open train cars heading to the U.S./Mexican border. The train originated in central Mexico, according to citizen journalist Auden Cabello who documents illegal migrant journeys through Coahuila and Texas.

According to Auden Cabello, the train full of illegals is heading to Eagle Pass, Texas.


All aboard!

Here comes another train load. @CBP and @CityEaglePassTx might as well close both bridges.

Spotted leaving central Mexico and making its way to the US/MX border.

— Auden B. Cabello (@CabelloAuden) November 27, 2023

The Gateway Pundit reported in September of open train cars filled with illegal aliens heading to the southern border.

“FOX News sources capture a FerroMex train bursting with migrants out of Zacatecas heading to our southern border right now… cheering and clearly not heeding the message: “do not come”” Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins said in September.

FOX News sources capture a FerroMex train bursting with migrants out of Zacatecas heading to our southern border right now… cheering and clearly not heeding the message: “do not come”@FoxNews

— Griff Jenkins (@GriffJenkins) September 17, 2023

Eagle Pass, Texas has been a trouble spot for illegal border crossing for some time. The Gateway Pundit reported earlier in November of illegals with sick children crossing into the U.S.

On Monday afternoon, another large group of illegals arrived in Eagle Pass, Texas.

Just this afternoon, when the closure of the Eagle Pass-PN bridge 1 was just announced, this large group of hundreds of migrants is heading to cross the river thanks to GPS coordinates obtained from the same authorities. @BorderHawkNews

— Efraín González (@efraiinGzz) November 27, 2023

According to The Highland County Press, more than 10 million illegal aliens have entered the US since Joe Biden was installed in January 2021.

Also according to the CBP, fiscal year 2023 finished with 2.47 million encounters. The highest annual total ever recorded in a single year.

Real America’s Voice reporter Ben Bergquam told The Gateway Pundit that what’s unusual about these trains full of illegals is that the numbers are massive.

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Eat Bugs and Live in a Pod: United Nations to Tell First-World Countries to Limit Meat Consumption in Food’s First ‘Net Zero Plan’

Eat Bugs and Live in a Pod: United Nations to Tell First-World Countries to Limit Meat Consumption in Food’s First ‘Net Zero Plan’


Eat bugs and live in a pod.

The climate change zealots (Communists) are not only coming for your gas-powered vehicles, they want to destroy the cattle and farming industry under the guise of reducing carbon emissions with a ‘net zero plan.’

The United Nations’ Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) is expected to roll out its food guidance for first-world countries in an effort to reduce carbon emissions.

The message to ‘rich’ countries? Consume less meat.

The new food system is expected to be unveiled at the COP28 summit next month in Dubai.

“Nations that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.” Bloomberg reported.

Excerpt from Bloomberg:

The world’s most-developed nations will be told to curb their excessive appetite for meat as part of the first comprehensive plan to bring the global agrifood industry into line with the Paris climate agreement.

The global food systems’ road map to 1.5C is expected to be published by the United Nations’ Food & Agriculture Organization during the COP28 summit next month. Nations that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.

The average American consumes about 127 kilograms of meat a year compared with 7 kilograms in Nigeria and just 3 kilograms in the Democratic Republic of Congo, according to the FAO data. The Eat-Lancet Commission recommends people consume no more than 15.7 kilograms of meat a year.

The Rome-based UN agency, tasked with improving the agricultural sector and nutrition, is seeking to strike a balance between the climate transition and ensuring food security for the growing global population. So as well as calling for less meat consumption for the world’s well fed, the plan would also encourage farmers in developing countries to bolster productivity of their livestock and supply more sustainably.

The globalists and freaks in the left-wing media are trying to convince people to eat bugs.

Eating bugs is degrading and that’s why the elitists are pushing them as a “sustainable” source of protein for the peasants.

The globalists are pushing for commoners to eat bugs, weeds and synthetic ‘meat’ because bugs “consume fewer resources than traditional livestock.”

The World Economic Forum recently promoted the EU’s new plan to use mealworms in food in their bid to reduce meat consumption.

“Livestock around the world is responsible for around 14.5% of all greenhouse gas emissions relating to human activity. The need for land – whether for grazing animals or growing crops to feed animals – is “the single greatest driver of deforestation, with major consequences for biodiversity loss,” the paper says.

synthetic meat

A WEF article from 2016 says it all: “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better”

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“The Goal of Every Maoist Revolution Is the Destruction of the Nuclear Family” – MUST SEE – Tucker Carlson with Steve Bannon on the Migration Crisis in the West (VIDEO)

“The Goal of Every Maoist Revolution Is the Destruction of the Nuclear Family” – MUST SEE – Tucker Carlson with Steve Bannon on the Migration Crisis in the West (VIDEO)

 Emergency workers are called after an Algerian migrant stabbed five people including three children in Dublin, Ireland on Thursday, Nov. 23, ’23.

Five people, including three children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

Three children and two adults were taken to a nearby hospital with stab wounds. One child was in critical condition.

The perpetrator is an Algerian immigrant who has lived in the country for several years.

Following the stabbing, Dubliners rioted in the downtown and set the Holiday Inn Express on fire in Dublin where migrants were being held.

On Monday night Tucker Carlson released Episode 41 of his Tucker on X series.

Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon discuss the immigration crisis in Ireland, the EU, and the United States in Episode 41 of Tucker on X.

Tucker invited Steve Bannon on to discuss the situation in Dublin, Ireland and the migrant invasion in Europe and the United States.

On the rioting in Ireland last wekend.

Steve Bannon: Viktor Orban has led this fight for years and has tried to get his country, the sovereignty of it, to stay away from what’s happening in Germany and places like Ireland. Ireland’s probably one of the worst, if not the worst, because the political class has totally sold out the people. They’ve had, I think, 125,000 immigrants in the last year. That is the same equivalent if all of Joe Biden’s 9 million illegal alien invaders here in our country all came within one year. That’s the impact it’s had on Ireland. And they’re all on the public dole. There’s been 100,000 Ukrainians in, what, 18 months or 20 months since the war started. 100,000 Ukrainians, all on the public dole, all paid for out of the Irish budget. Now, some of that money is given by the EU, but the Irish politicians are by far the worst that are bought off by the EU. They’re the biggest globalists. They’ve sold out the sovereignty of the Irish. And you’re seeing a natural blowback and you’re really seeing it among working class people in the cities, irish nationals, Irish citizens whose family have been there for generations and generations and generations and have nothing to show for it and also in the rural communities.

On the goals of the race-hating globalists.

Tucker Carlson: It does seem like there’s race hate at the bottom of it. I can’t think of a better explanation. I mean, there have been wars in know, sort of every week for my entire life, and no one’s saying, we’ve got too many Africans in Nigeria. Let’s replace them with Indians or something. No one would even think to say that. But poor Ireland, which didn’t really do anything wrong on the world stage that I’m aware of, is, I mean, in 100 years, there’ll be a minority of Irish people in Ireland. That’s a big change and it’s on purpose.

On dealing with the illegal aliens in the country.

Steve Bannon: My belief is those people have to go home. They have to be returned, they have to leave our country, or we’re not going to have a country… It’s happening every day in the country is bad enough. And if you stand up to it, you’re called a nativist, a xenophobe, a racist, a domestic terrorist, violent extremist. But if you even start to bring up what’s going to happen for a solution like in midtown Manhattan where you have to empty out the Roosevelt Hotel and those folks have to go home, it’s going to get ten times worse. And so I hope people that watch your show appreciate the fact, particularly maybe people that are not that political, that we’re going to have not just turbulence, we’re going to have a firestorm in this country that is going to pale in comparison, I think, to what you saw in Ireland last week.

On the purposeful destruction of America.

Tucker Carlson: I mean, if you’re born in a country where your ancestors were also born and you’ve paid your taxes and obeyed the laws and participated in civic life, voted, volunteered, sent your kids to school, supported the schools, I think it’s fair to call it your country, right? And if your government, which hates you, lets in tens of millions of people illegally and then pays for their lives, it’s fair to say your country is being stolen from you, is it not? Or am I missing something?

On the scale of the invasion.

Steve Bannon: On D-Day in 1944, there was 150,000 men that hit the beach that day, right. And that’s looked at as the biggest military maneuver, military movement in American history. 150,000 men. We have almost two times that every month coming across the border. We have equivalent of 35 combat divisions, combat division being about 10,000 men. The scale of this is incredible, and there’s no discussion about it. And obviously they make everything just like every Maoist revolution or every Marxist revolution, focus on breaking the nuclear family and to make sure in this country, quite frankly, that people can’t reproduce with anything like the replacement population, the number 2.1% or 2.1 children per family. And they not just welcome in. They have created a system and they gamed an entire asylum system which was set up to prevent this, that you, just because of economic necessity, are wanting a better life, which are wonderful things. And I don’t blame the people coming up. If I was now in that situation, I would, too. But that’s not what our asylum system and immigration system was supposed to do.

Ep. 41 Dublin in flames. What’s happening in Ireland will happen here, at scale. Steve Bannon explains.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) November 27, 2023

The post “The Goal of Every Maoist Revolution Is the Destruction of the Nuclear Family” – MUST SEE – Tucker Carlson with Steve Bannon on the Migration Crisis in the West (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.