IT’S ON! Trump Campaign Opening Field Offices Throughout Virginia and Minnesota

IT’S ON! Trump Campaign Opening Field Offices Throughout Virginia and Minnesota


The Trump campaign is making a serious play for the blue states of Virginia and Minnesota and will be opening field offices throughout each state.

Recent polls have shown Trump tied with Biden in both places.

The idea that Trump is even competitive in these states is amazing and must have Democrats nervous. Biden should not have to defend these states.

FOX News reports:

Trump campaign expands operations in Minnesota, Virginia with opening of ‘Trump Force 47’ field offices

Former President Trump is making a bold push into two states once written off as blue, opening a combined 19 field offices in Virginia and Minnesota with the 2024 presidential election less than five months away.

The Trump campaign confirmed to Fox News that it is expanding operations in the two states that have voted reliably Democrat in recent presidential elections. The Trump campaign is in the process of securing leases for eight Trump Force 47 field offices in Minnesota and another 11 in Virginia, according to a Trump campaign memo obtained by Fox News on Friday.

Staff have already been hired to manage each state, and the campaign is currently working to build out teams to work each field office in favor of the former president…

The Trump campaign, which views both Minnesota and Virginia as competitive in the upcoming election, aims to flip both states as it pushes to expand the 2024 electoral map.

This is huge.

Word on the street is that the @realDonaldTrump campaign is opening 8 field offices across Minnesota!

It’s time to turn MN Red!

Let’s freaking go!

— AK Kamara (@realakkamara) June 22, 2024

New: The Trump campaign is set to open 8 new field offices in Minnesota and 11 in Virginia.

The Trump campaign believes by putting Minnesota and Virginia on the map it can add at least 12 additional pathways to 270.

Via: CBS News @olivialarinaldi

— The Calvin Coolidge Project (@TheCalvinCooli1) June 21, 2024


The Trump campaign is set to open 11 new field offices in n Virginia.

Virginia is in play!

— ROOZ (@ROOZVA) June 22, 2024

Can you even imagine the media meltdown on election night if Trump wins either of these states?

The post IT’S ON! Trump Campaign Opening Field Offices Throughout Virginia and Minnesota appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Governor Announces Efforts Underway to End State Income Tax

Governor Announces Efforts Underway to End State Income Tax


In Arkansas they took an ax, and gave the tax rate another whack; the governor said after this latest one, she’ll keep cutting until the taxing is done.

Republican Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Wednesday signed bills cutting the individual and corporate tax rates while raising the homestead property tax credit, according to the Associated Press.

Sanders has cut taxes three times since she took office in January 2023, and said her goal is to wipe away the state income tax altogether.

“We are moving in the right direction and we’re doing so responsibly,” Sanders said.

We returned half a billion to Arkansans today, lowering our income tax to 3.9%.

Since taking office last year we have cut income taxes three times, and of the Southern states with an income tax, Arkansas now has the lowest.

— Sarah Huckabee Sanders (@SarahHuckabee) June 19, 2024

The new rates, retroactive to Jan. 1, reduce the top individual tax rate from 4.4 percent to 3.9 percent. The top corporate rate will drop from 4.8 percent to 4.3 percent, retroactively, beginning Jan. 1.

By contrast, according to,  the top tax rate for individuals in New York state is 10.9 percent, with a top rate for corporations of 7.25 percent.

Sanders explained her tax-cutting logic in an Op-Ed on Fox News.

“Who do you trust to handle your money: the government or yourself? Personally, I think you handle your money better than politicians ever could. That’s why I entered office promising to responsibly phase out our state income tax,” she wrote.

She said that collectively, about 1.1 million state residents, the “majority of taxpayers,” will save “nearly half a billion dollars.”

BREAKING: Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders reportedly plans to get rid of the state income tax very soon. This comes as she just signed a bill into law significantly reducing property and income taxes.

— Jesse Morgan (@Jesse_Morgan_) June 21, 2024

“Democrats in Washington drove our economy off the rails, making sound stewardship in Little Rock even more important,” she said, noting that curbing spending has led to curbing taxes and adding, “With extra money in their pockets, Arkansans have more ability to cover the higher cost of everyday items.”

Sanders said state residents need all the help they can get to cope with the high cost of living imposed by the Biden administration.

“Prices are up 20 percent since President Biden took office and lit trillions of taxpayer dollars on fire, causing an inflationary spiral we haven’t seen since Jimmy Carter was president,” she wrote.

“The average Arkansas family has to pay nearly $800 more a month to make the same purchases they were making when Joe Biden took his oath of office. Eggs cost nearly twice as much, chicken prices have gone up over 25 percent and bread is 30 percent more expensive,” she wrote.

Sanders said her state is “at a crossroads.”

“On the one hand, thanks to our pro-growth policies, more Arkansans are working than ever before, our population and economy are growing, and the credit rating agency S&P just upgraded Arkansas’ outlook from ‘stable’ to ‘positive’ — one of only six states to receive that rating. On the other hand, families and businesses alike are facing headwinds from Washington’s economic mismanagement,” she wrote.

Sanders said what can be done in Arkansas can be done across America.

“Polls show that Americans are fed up with Democrats in Washington. After three years of economic failure, that’s not surprising. The good news is there’s another option: fiscal responsibility, smaller government and lower taxes. It’s working in Arkansas. It’s working in other Republican-led states. And if it’s put in place in Washington, it will revive our national economy,” she wrote.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Governor Announces Efforts Underway to End State Income Tax appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


China Buying Up Land Near Strategic US Military Bases, 19 American Locations Potentially Compromised

China Buying Up Land Near Strategic US Military Bases, 19 American Locations Potentially Compromised


Chinese land purchases near strategic military bases in the United States are causing even more concern about the amount of political and strategic power the country wields in America.

In recent years, entities out of the People’s Republic have purchased countless acres of U.S. farmland, some of it near military bases critical to America’s national security.

The purchases, and other apparent infiltration of the American homeland, underline an alarming fact about China’s ability to project power.

According to the New York Post, Chinese investors own more than 349,442 acres across the United States.

At least 19 of these foreign holdings are located in worrying proximity to domestic military bases.

The important posts include Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Irwin, the Yuma Proving Ground and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

The last installation is perhaps one of the most troubling. Wright-Patterson AFB hosts personnel assigned to the Nuclear Command, Control and Communication Integration Directorate.

“The directorate advises [Air Force Global Strike Command] on the [Nuclear Command, Control and Communications] Weapon System’s technical architecture and informs key decisions regarding investment and modernization,” an Air Force fact sheet explains.

“The directorate is also responsible for the weapon system’s configuration management, system test, system verification, and system certification.”

Wright-Patterson AFB not only plays a key role in the maintenance and modernization of our nation’s nuclear stockpile, but also houses a number of strategic air wings, as well as intelligence and research centers.

Now, the base is neighbors with a property owner out of China, a country infamous for exerting powers and privileges in supposedly privately-held companies.

Are we really to believe that all the base-adjacent real estate being purchased across the country is simply an innocent coincidence?

Seen in the light of other disturbing facts about China and its activities against the United States, the land purchases become much more concerning.

Recently, a surveillance balloon launched by the People’s Republic transited much of the continental United States, passing military posts and other sensitive sites along the way. Other balloon launches have passed over enemies of China and strategic locations.

President Joe Biden’s administration was either unwilling or unable to stop the balloon over the U.S. until it cleared a vast majority of the country.

Countless Chinese are also among the millions of foreigners who have poured over the southern border in recent years. It’s unknown how many people from China have crossed into the United States.

Amid the swarm over the border, it’s likely that foreign governments have used the chaos to infiltrate their own agents into the American interior.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, it became clear what a small but well-organized and dedicated group is capable of. Just 19 men took active part in multiple coordinated hijackings that Tuesday morning, and reshaped the world as we know it in a matter of hours.

Now imagine what a few hundred dedicated people could do, especially with heavy foreign investment and access to acreage near U.S. military installations.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post China Buying Up Land Near Strategic US Military Bases, 19 American Locations Potentially Compromised appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


REVEALED: Amazon Complied With Demands From Biden Regime to Censor Books Critical of Big Pharma

REVEALED: Amazon Complied With Demands From Biden Regime to Censor Books Critical of Big Pharma


Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) revealed that Amazon complied with demands from the Biden Administration to censor various books they considered a threat to their political agenda.

In a lengthy thread on the X platform, Jordan explained how internal documents within Amazon confirmed that Biden officials had requested that Amazon add various titles to a “Do Not Promote” list.


We knew that @Amazon censored books because of pressure from the Biden @WhiteHouse.

Now we know which books:

–Children’s Books
–Books for Parents
–Books critical of Big Pharma


— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) June 21, 2024

Jordan wrote:

Internal emails reveal that Amazon initially added 43 books to its newly created “Do Not Promote” class of allegedly anti-vaccine books. These pro-censorship changes were being made “due to criticism from the Biden people.”

In response to a subpoena from [House Judiciary Committee], Amazon revealed the 43 book titles it censored because of the Biden White House’s pressure. Whether you love or hate the books on this list, no bookstore should be censoring books because of government pressure.

This is unconstitutional government censorship, full stop. Whether you agree with this speech or not, free speech is free speech and the Biden Admin pressured private companies to censor constitutionally protected speech.

[Our committees] will continue this critical investigative work to further inform legislative solutions to dismantle the Biden Administration’s censorship regime.

Among the books censored by Amazon were mainly critical of vaccines, including one for children that suggested vaccinated and unvaccinated people can be friends.

The children’s book said the vaccinated & unvaccinated can be friends.

Instead of censoring it, Amazon should have sent the book to Fauci, @GavinNewsom, and @JoeBiden. Remember when they said everyone had to comply with their made-up rules and vax mandates or lose their jobs?

— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) June 21, 2024

The revelations provide further evidence of the collusion between the White House and left-wing Big Tech companies to censor the voices of Americans and those who oppose the actions of global pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer and Moderna.

You can read all of Congressman Jordan’s revelations at the following link.

The post REVEALED: Amazon Complied With Demands From Biden Regime to Censor Books Critical of Big Pharma appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.