‘Global Warming’ Alert: German Authorities Urge Citizens To Stay at Home Amid Brutal Winter Weather and ‘Unseasonable Cold’

‘Global Warming’ Alert: German Authorities Urge Citizens To Stay at Home Amid Brutal Winter Weather and ‘Unseasonable Cold’


The problem, it seems, is not so much ‘global warming’ as it is ‘local freezing.’

Northern Europe was surprised by the ‘sudden onset’ of Winter, causing disruption and dangerous conditions in several countries.

Liberal Europeans had barely finished complaining that 2023 was ‘the hottest year on record’ when – wouldn’t you know it – temperatures were freezing cold at the very start of winter.

Authorities in western Germany, for one, urged residents to stay home, warning of ‘life-threatening danger’ after a ‘burst of winter weather’ led to hazardous roads, leading to accidents that left two people dead.

Reuters reported:

“The sudden onset of winter led to several accidents and people being trapped in their vehicles due to slippery roads and fallen branches caused by snowfall in many parts of Germany.

In the Schwaebisch Hall district in Baden-Wuerttemberg, a 71-year-old man died as a result of a collision on a snowy road on Monday evening. According to police in Aalen, the driver lost control of the vehicle and drove into the oncoming lane.”

In Hesse state, 100 people were evacuated from their vehicles near the Rheingau-Taunus district, while 70 people were trapped on the road near Linienbad.

“‘My urgent appeal: Be sure to stay at home on Tuesday. Please do not go for walks in the forest either: there is an acute danger to life from broken branches and falling trees’, said the [Rheingau-Taunus] district’s administrator in a statement.”

The German Meteorological Service (DWD) forecasts snow and sleet again today, adding that the extremely cold weather will persist in the coming days.

Bloomberg reports that temperatures plummeted across much of Europe and are poised to remain very low.

Unseasonably cold conditions will see parts of Scandinavia touch –20C, while Berlin will experience lows of -6C on Thursday.

[…] In the UK, colder air from the north may bring wintry showers to areas along the North Sea coast as well as some inland parts of northern Britain, according to the Met Office. It also forecast some possibility of snow across the south towards the end of the week. Maxar said London and Manchester could see temperatures as low as -1.5C on Thursday and Friday.”

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Leftist Ghouls Attack Melania Trump For Wearing Dark Grey Tweed Coat to Rosalynn Carter’s Funeral

Leftist Ghouls Attack Melania Trump For Wearing Dark Grey Tweed Coat to Rosalynn Carter’s Funeral


Leftist ghouls attacked former First Lady Melania Trump for not wearing all black at Rosalynn Carter’s funeral.

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter passed away earlier this month at the age of 96 after it was revealed she had dementia.

Jimmy Carter, the Bidens, Clintons, Michelle Obama and Melania Trump all sat in the front row of the church in Marietta, Georgia on Tuesday.

BREAKING: Former Pres. Jimmy Carter arrives at Glenn Memorial Church at Emory University to attend the tribute service for his late wife and former first lady, Rosalynn Carter. https://t.co/JBwV48zM8I pic.twitter.com/CV9OGkJQ58

— ABC News (@ABC) November 28, 2023

Melania Trump looked classy and beautiful in a dark grey (or black and white?) tweed coat she wore over a black dress.

Wearing dark grey or even navy blue at a funeral is perfectly appropriate and acceptable.

Melania Trump wore a black dress underneath her coat, but Trump-hating leftists still bullied her.

One leftist called Melania “disrespectful and rude” for wearing a dark grey coat.

Melania is Disrespectful & Rude https://t.co/GISV6A0ROs

— The Resistor Sister®️♥️ (@the_resistor) November 28, 2023

Melania Trump doesn’t wear black to First Lady Rosalyn Carter’s service and looks down. Forever out of place. pic.twitter.com/KXOc4BLN20

— Outspoken™️ (@Out5p0ken) November 28, 2023

Watching Rosalyn Carter’s memorial, Melania Trump is the only one in church not wearing black. She should have stayed home.

— Pamela Parkington ❤ (@BigDogMom3) November 28, 2023

Once again, proving the trumps show no respect to anyone, Melania Trump attends Mrs Carter’s funeral in a light grey outfit. Every other former first lady is in traditional, respectful black. Not Melania. Why dd she even bother coming?

— Miki Fiegel Picinich (@nymiki) November 28, 2023

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Maine Governor Stalls Mass Murder Case – Will Connection Between Killer and Big Pharma Ever Be Addressed?

Maine Governor Stalls Mass Murder Case – Will Connection Between Killer and Big Pharma Ever Be Addressed?


This article originally appeared on JoeHoft.com and was republished with permission. Information in this article was provided by AbleChild.

Maine Governor Janet Mills

Maine Lawyers Up, Victims Lawyer Up, Mass Murders Continue to Thrive in America

Maine is the latest State to experience a mass shooting. The Governor of Maine, Janet Mills, set up a commission that will engulf our country in a stalemate to obtain needed mental health records that may reveal the psychiatric drugs and devices the shooter, Robert Card, was prescribed prior to the mass murder.

Robert Card, who was treated by the United State Military through Keller Army Community Hospital and a private psychiatric treatment center, Four Winds in Katonah, New York, killed 18 people and left another 13 injured in Lewiston, Maine. He had a history of psychiatric “treatments.”

The current situation has now twisted the three branches of government into figuring out what happened in Lewiston, Maine.  The executive, the legislative, and the judiciary branches have all followed the commands of an executive order issued by Governor Mills to establish a commission to determine the facts in the case.  This causes a severe problem relating to due process.

This process deflects from any real legislative efforts to require the mental health/behavioral health industry from being held responsible for its dangerous mind-altering “treatments” associated with its subjective psychiatric diagnosis practices.

The psychiatric industry is often referred to as the behavioral health and mental health industry.   These diagnoses are laid out in a billing bible called the DSM (Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association). The DSM currently is in its 5th reincarnation.  This is due to the subjective nature of the reported disorders and unfolding public questions relating to the ever changing “symptoms” that make up just one of the reported “disorders.”

The government funds these disorders through drug research and the DSM sets a billing code for each of the disorders to bill the government through various programs within public education, the military, even the prison system, basically every state and federal institution.  Taxpayers foot the bill and this has been fast-tracked without public hearings in the aftermath of each mass killing.

The police have been left without power to pursue the evidence, wherever it might lead, to protect the public. Instead, it appears the Governor’s commission has received the power of all three branches of government.  This leaves one to question, what are the police and FBI doing?  Where is their report?  When will that report be released?

The Maine public health department has taken a stand on behalf of the behavioral health industry; we saw this in the press conference where Commissioner Sauschuck declared he was more afraid of anyone misunderstanding “mental illness” than calling out the psychiatric industry to disclose the mental health treatment records and psychiatric cocktail of mind-altering drugs that Robert Card may have been prescribed.

The victims have lawyered up and sent a (retain your records letter) to multiple agencies within the State of Maine.  While this might give one hope that this action might get some due process for the American people and bring to the forefront how psychiatric drugs play a part in these mass killings, the chances are slim at best.  We have seen a law firm use an active FBI agent (FBI has a code of ethics that agents may not benefit from crime scenes and must obtain a waiver for any such actions to benefit financially) to sue a media personality for billions of dollars in the Sandy Hook shooting.  The FBI has failed to produce any meaningful connections to mass killings and psychiatric drugs.  The FBI did little to speak out after Sandy Hook on the massive corruption that existed in the Newtown Police Department prior to the killings, where several officers were selling long guns and drugs imported from China (operation juice box).  In addition, Homeland Security could have provided insight into the arrest of the treating psychiatrist of Adam Lanza, Paul Fox.  Instead there was radio silence and the gun manufacturer, Remington was sued out of business.  Losing a gun manufacturer is not good for the National security of the United States.

It’s simple. The public must be made aware of the alleged shooters’ mental health records and psychiatric drug use. Creating another commission sounds good, but rarely is the public given any real detail. Without it, the shootings will continue, and the psychiatric and mental health industry will reap a financial windfall and the deadly cycle continues.

Justice delayed (and covered up) is justice denied.

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‘I Am Hopeful – that Congress Will Do It” – DHS Secretary Mayorkas Lays Out Amnesty Plan for 12-30 Million Illegal Aliens Here in the US

‘I Am Hopeful – that Congress Will Do It” – DHS Secretary Mayorkas Lays Out Amnesty Plan for 12-30 Million Illegal Aliens Here in the US


Approximately 10 million illegal aliens have walked across the open southern US border in the first three years of Joe Biden’s administration. Millions more are on their way.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas repeatedly lied and told Congress that the border is secure for three years.

Don’t forget – Republican lawmakers refused to impeach Mayorkas earlier this month.

Now Mayorkas is pushing amnesty for the approximately 40 million illegals in the country today.

HOST: “What should we do with the 12 million illegals aliens already here in America?”

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas: “The answer is quite clear and quite straightforward, and we’ve been waiting for for about 30 years, and that is to fix a system that everyone agrees is fundamentally broken, and we need congressional action both for the lawful pathways that really need to be more robust in statute and for the 12 million people who are here in the United States, who have been contributing so fundamentally to our country’s well-being. They’re our neighbors, our friends, our fellow congregants, they provide our front line workers. We need to do something, and I am hopeful and remain hopeful that Congress will do it. The president, on his first day in office, presented Congress with a proposal.”

HOST: What about the millions of illegal immigrants already in the country?

MAYORKAS: Amnesty pic.twitter.com/6fDRaGORWv

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 28, 2023

We’re talking about 40 million illegals.

There were roughly 30mil already here before Mayorkas (they always call it 12mil) + another roughly 10mil in the last 3 years … it’s unsustainable & America should NOT reward them with amnesty! https://t.co/apbuLRc1lN

— SoCal☘️ Gal (@SoCalEdgyGal) November 28, 2023

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ANOTHER LEAK: Mike Pence Trashes Trump as “Reckless” to Special Counsel Jack Smith in Closed-Door Testimony

ANOTHER LEAK: Mike Pence Trashes Trump as “Reckless” to Special Counsel Jack Smith in Closed-Door Testimony


Another day, another leak.

Former Vice President Mike Pence trashed President Trump to Special Counsel Jack Smith earlier this year in a closed-door testimony.

Chief Judge James Boasberg, an Obama appointee ordered former Vice President Mike Pence to testify before a grand jury about his conversations with President Trump related to January 6.

This was an unprecedented attack on Trump’s authority and executive privilege which is derived from the constitutional separation of powers.

Jack Smith was present at the grand jury proceeding during Pence’s 5-hour testimony in April.

According to a leak to ABC News, Mike Pence told Jack Smith that Trump hired a bunch of “crank” lawyers who espoused “un-American” legal theories, and almost pushed the country toward a “constitutional crisis,”

Pence also told federal prosecutors that Trump was acting “recklessly” on January 6, 2021.

“In the first few days after the election, Pence never saw any “significant allegations of fraud,” according to what he told Smith’s team, sources said. But Trump still declared victory — and claimed there was “a major fraud in our nation” — within hours of polls closing, though Pence allegedly told investigators he believes Trump was speaking “in very general terms,” not about specific instances of fraud.” ABC reported.

ABC News reported:

Speaking with special counsel Jack Smith’s team earlier this year, former Vice President Mike Pence offered harrowing details about how, in the wake of the 2020 presidential election, then-President Donald Trump surrounded himself with “crank” attorneys, espoused “un-American” legal theories, and almost pushed the country toward a “constitutional crisis,” according to sources familiar with what Pence told investigators.

The sources said Pence also told investigators he’s “sure” that — in the days before Jan. 6, 2021, when a violent mob tried to stop Congress from certifying the election — he informed Trump he still hadn’t seen evidence of significant election fraud, but Trump was unmoved, continuing to claim the election was “stolen” and acting “recklessly” on that “tragic day.”

Pence is the highest-ranking current or former government official known to have spoken with the special counsel team investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election. What he allegedly told investigators, described exclusively to ABC News, sheds further light on the evidence Smith’s team has amassed as it prosecutes Trump for allegedly trying to unlawfully “remain in power” and “erode public faith” in democratic institutions.

Mike Pence dropped out of the 2024 presidential race last month to the surprise of no one.

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