Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr Says Irishmen “Terrorists” are the Problem – NOT the Migrants Stabbing Children (VIDEO)

Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr Says Irishmen “Terrorists” are the Problem – NOT the Migrants Stabbing Children (VIDEO)

 Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr says the Irish in Ireland are the problem.

Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

Three children and two adults were taken to a nearby hospital with stab wounds. One child was severely injured.

It was later discovered a migrant from Algeria was behind the vicious knife attack on children.

Irish citizens rioted in the streets after this latest horrific attack by an immigrant.

Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr spoke to the BBC since the brutal stabbing attack.

Seenoi-Barr says the Irish in Ireland are the problem. Everyone is scared of them.

Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr: I’ve been speaking to so many leaders since Friday. In fact, I haven’t had good sleep because we’ve just been discussing the same issues. People are very fearful. They are terrified of even thinking they will walk on the street. Not just in Dublin, across Ireland right now. They know that there’s a voice note circulating on social media calling for people to harm them, killing every immigrant in this country. It is very unsettling. Everyone is living on edge right now and we need to do something about it. We cannot continue ignoring that this is a small minority of far right. It is an organized terrorist group of people who want to harm immigrants in this country and we have to take action now! We can’t keep on calling them a small, dangerous group of people because it is an organized group of people who are radicalizing young people and encouraging them to go and harm others who are just living peacefully, who wants to live a peaceful life in this country.

She said nothing about the children being stabbed. Not one word.

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Report: Hamas Barbarians Offer to Release ALL HOSTAGES in Exchange for a Full Ceasefire

Report: Hamas Barbarians Offer to Release ALL HOSTAGES in Exchange for a Full Ceasefire

 Israeli hostages held by Hamas terrorists.

Hamas slaughtered 1,400 Israelis and foreigners in an October 7, 2023, attack on civilians in southern Israel.

The terror group also took at least 240 Jews and foreigners hostage.

Israel released photos of dozens of young beautiful women who went missing following the historic Hamas attack on Israel.

Hamas reportedly launched over 5,000 missiles into southern and central Israel. Over 1,300 Israelis were killed, and over 1,000 were hospitalized following the massive assault inside Israel.

Hundreds of Israelis were attending a dance party, also described as a peace party, in the desert near the border when Hamas launched its attack.

Chaos erupted after Hamas reportedly opened fire on the gathering. Hundreds of Israelis ran into the desert to hide.

Several of the women who attended the party are still missing and may have been brought back to Gaza.

40 young women are pictured as missing.

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In the past week Hamas has released 59 hostages including 36 Israeli hostages and 12 Thai hostages.

None of the missing women pictured above have been released.

Now there are reports that Hamas has offered to released ALL ISRAELI HOSTAGES in exchange for a full ceasefire in Gaza.

Via Caroline Glick.

Hamas is offering all the hostages in exchange for a full ceasefire. In other words, if Israel agrees to lose the war, and accept Hamas’s survival, it will give us the hostages.
If Israel takes this deal, we will be on the fast track to national destruction.

— Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick) November 28, 2023

Hamas wants to extend the cease-fire.

CBS News reported:

The temporary cease-fire between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip continued Tuesday after being extended for two additional days to allow for the release of more hostages by the militant group and more Palestinian prisoners to be freed by Israel. Israeli officials said they had approved a new list of Palestinian prisoners to be freed if Hamas makes good on its promise to release more hostages, and Israel had a list of names from Hamas of the hostages it planned to free later Tuesday.

Around 170 people remain captive in Gaza, according to Israel, but not all are held by Hamas. U.S. officials have said they’re continuing to work for further extensions in the truce, and that they’ll keep pushing the negotiations until everybody is released.

A Hamas official told CBS News on Tuesday that the group — long designated a terrorist organization by the U.S., Israel and many other nations — was looking to negotiate another extension of the pause in fighting during which it would release not just women and children, as it has done daily since Friday, but also male hostages and abducted Israeli soldiers. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office declined to comment Tuesday on any negotiations for a new deal with Hamas.

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Joe Biden Grips Jill’s Hand for Dear Life, Uses Shorter Staircase as He Heads to Georgia with Clintons, Michelle Obama (VIDEO)

Joe Biden Grips Jill’s Hand for Dear Life, Uses Shorter Staircase as He Heads to Georgia with Clintons, Michelle Obama (VIDEO)


Joe and Jill Biden departed the White House on Tuesday morning en route to Marietta, Georgia to attend a tribute service for former First Lady Rosalynn Carter.

The Clintons, Bidens and Michelle Obama all flew on Air Force One together on Tuesday.

Joe Biden seen deplaning Air Force One with Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Michelle Obama in Georgia

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 28, 2023

81-year-old Joe Biden held onto Dr. Jill’s hand for dear life as he walked across the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews to Air Force One.

Feeble Biden used the shorter staircase again.


Why the death grip on Jill?

Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Michelle Obama are all traveling with Joe Biden on Air Force One to Georgia today … They are already in stashed cargo

— Joni Job (@jj_talking) November 28, 2023

A recent report revealed there is a secret mission to prevent Joe Biden from falling down.

According to a new report by Axios, White House insiders are secretly working to prevent feeble Joe Biden from falling down.

Via Axios:

Biden’s balance difficulties are likely the result of what his physician has diagnosed as “a combination of significant spinal arthritis” and “mild post-fracture foot arthritis.”

Biden works out many mornings with physical therapist Drew Contreras, who also worked with former President Obama.
Biden’s doctor has recommended exercises for balance, which he called “proprioceptive maintenance maneuvers.”
What the maneuvers entail is unclear.
“I have never heard the term ‘proprioceptive maintenance maneuvers.’ It is not a clinical term in standard use,” said Professor James Gordon, associate dean and chair of the Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy at the University of Southern California.

Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Melania Trump and the Clintons joined Jimmy Carter at a tribute service in honor of former first lady Rosalynn Carter.


LIVE: Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Melania Trump and the Clintons join Jimmy Carter at a tribute service in honor of former first lady Rosalynn Carter.

— NBC News (@NBCNews) November 28, 2023

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Waste of the Day: NYC Service Cuts Due To $7 Billion Budget Gap, Migrants

Waste of the Day: NYC Service Cuts Due To $7 Billion Budget Gap, Migrants


This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Adam Andrzejewski
Real Clear Wire

New York City taxpayers will see their own services cut — police, schools, sanitation, libraries — in lieu of paying the massive bill of caring for an estimated 143,000 migrants.

City officials predict it will spend $11 billion on housing migrants over the next two years.

Mayor Eric Adams announced that the city’s $7 billion budget gap — due in large part to the cost of housing and feeding migrants and the reduction in federal aid for COVID — will mean 5% cuts across the board at city agencies.

Most importantly, a freeze in hiring at the NYPD will drop the number of police officers to its lowest since the 1990s, CBS News reported.

Thirty years of progress in public safety could be gone in a flash, as the next five classes at the police academy will be canceled, without information on when they would resume. There are typically four classes each calendar year.

That will drop the number of officers from 33,541 to about 29,000 in the fiscal year starting next July. That’s the lowest number of cops since the 1990s.

Mid-year budget cuts to schools will result in cuts to the universal pre-K and 3-K programs, with an undetermined number of the 37,000 vacant slots left unfilled.

Residents can expect to see dirtier streets, as there will be fewer litter baskets, mostly in the outer boroughs and residential areas, while there will be cuts to sanitation programs to clean pedestrian areas, greenways, empty lots and other areas, CBS News reported.

Hours will be reduced at libraries throughout the city, including ending all Sunday services, news outlet The City reported.

Members of the NYC Council Common Sense Caucus have pushed back against Adam’s statements that the city is obligated to provide shelter to the migrants, calling the crisis “self-created, the result of decades of terrible policies and irresponsible decisions.”

They have challenged Adam’s claim that the city’s right-to-shelter law requires the city to “house, feed and provide every service imaginable to foreign nationals at our taxpayers’ expense.”

The city is in court after Adams tried to limit the law in certain circumstances, but was sued by homeless rights advocates. Gov. Kathy Hochul has backed Adams’ effort to limit the law, saying the rule was never meant to “house literally the entire world.”

The #WasteOfTheDay is brought to you by the forensic auditors at

This article was originally published by RealClearInvestigations and made available via RealClearWire.

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U.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Department Data Showing Alarming Increase in Heart-Related Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Myocarditis Up by 151%, Heart Failure by 973% (VIDEO)

U.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Department Data Showing Alarming Increase in Heart-Related Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Myocarditis Up by 151%, Heart Failure by 973% (VIDEO)

 Lt. Ted Macie

Since the introduction of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, The Gateway Pundit has been covering numerous studies from health professionals, revealing startling findings that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are linked to the rapid onset of heart-related problems in individuals across all age groups.

On Monday, Lieutenant Ted Macie, an active-duty officer in the Navy Medical Service Corps and a whistleblower, revealed Department of Defense data indicating a significant rise in heart-related issues among military pilots following COVID-19 vaccination.

Lt. Macie, who also serves as a Navy Health Administrator and Medical Recruiter, shared these findings in a recent video, elaborating on concerns initially raised by his wife, Mara Macie, a candidate for Florida’s 5th Congressional District in the U.S. House.

Mara Macie’s social media post criticized the treatment of thousands of service members during the vaccine rollout, highlighting a deep mistrust in military leadership and calling for accountability and justice.

“So you may have seen my wife’s recent post, and I want to elaborate on that and give you an example as to why reinstatement, back pay, and apologies isn’t enough,” said Macie in a video posted on X.

In a staunch reply to Missouri Senator Eric Schmitt’s call for rehiring previously discharged service members with “full back pay, rank and an apology,” Mara Macie emphasized the deep lack of trust in military leadership among those affected by “illegal mandates.”


Thousands of servicemembers were treated with “disrespect” and fired because of “tyranny,” yet citing recruitment challenges as a reason this should be a priority diminishes the sentiment.

There is a complete lack of trust in the military “leadership” among those who were not only involuntarily separated, but also those who walked away (including just shy of retirement), those who fought from within but were flagged for promotion, those who didn’t want to take the shot but were coerced, and us family members who have been told that our community’s mental and physical health is important to that alleged leadership.

Accountability is the only answer. Every single voice of servicemembers who suffered because of these ILLEGAL mandates should be heard before Congress. Every single military “leader” who was informed by servicemembers presenting them with the law and still did nothing should be investigated until we remove all those who put their careers above the mental and physical safety of our servicemembers and their families.

When I am elected to Congress, I will lead the charge for accountability, and the investigation into those who violated their oath of office, therefore forfeiting their honorable status, in exchange for personal advancement. Justice must prevail.”

According to the data presented by Lt. Macie, there has been a dramatic increase in various heart-related ailments among fixed-wing and helicopter pilots. The figures show surges in conditions like hypertensive disease (36%), ischemic heart disease (69%), pulmonary heart disease (62%), heart failure (973%), other forms of heart disease (63%), and cardiomyopathy (152%) compared to the five-year average prior to 2022.

These revelations follow a report by The Gateway Pundit in July, which cited a leaked military study admitting a spike in myocarditis cases by at least 151% post-vaccination in the US Military.

Gilbert Cisneros Jr., the Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, confirmed the increase, noting 275 cases of myocarditis in 2021, a significant rise from the annual average observed from 2016 to 2020.

In an X post, Lt. Macie wrote, “Thank you to the Congressman and woman raising concerns over the injustice of the illegal shot mandate. With that said, my wife Mara Macie and thousands of us will stop until there’s accountability, it’s the ONLY way to right the ship. The effects from this are just beginning, and to simply overlook them is a disservice to us and the country. In the video I’m covering active duty fixed wing and helo pilot heart issues from the DoD’s own numbers.”


Speaking to The Gateway Pundit, Lt. Macie said:

The responses to our concerns from the DoD have been memorandums, letters. As in a letter displaying how they confirmed the data but said it was due to the covid virus, even though all the issues start in 2021.

I met with the Chief of Naval Operations and her aide. So far the only response to that is that the DMED data has been sent to the Navy IG from the CNO’s office. Slow rolling everything has been the norm as well as denying anything is happening. “We’ll take a look.”

Congress’ response has been abysmal. They’re more interested in going after woke things in the DoD, which as we all know is low hanging fruit that’s of relatively low consequence compared to the death and injury over the illegal shot mandate. I have so much to say, so I’ll leave it at that unless you need clarification. Also, my wife has been extremely active with our fight and in exposing the Florida establishment that I’m certain they won’t even acknowledged our existence. They don’t want us to have any credibility.

According to the most recent data from the U.S. Army, as of 13 October 2022, 97% of active-duty soldiers are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The vaccination rate for the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve is slightly lower, with 90% and 91% of soldiers fully vaccinated, respectively.

Source: US Army

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