French Teen Is Stabbed by Arab Migrants – So Police Vow To Crack Down – On the French Citizens Protesting It!

French Teen Is Stabbed by Arab Migrants – So Police Vow To Crack Down – On the French Citizens Protesting It!


By now, all well-informed patriots have grasped the playbook: Police are negligent on migrant crime; Migrant stabs children or teens; Patriots react in fury; Police finally cracks down — on the patriots!

This unacceptable state of affairs played out in the exact same way in Ireland as now in France.

There has been no shortage of protests and riots in France, from the yellow vest marches to the revolt over tyrannical pension reform to minority riots over police brutality – you name it, France has got it.

But now the ailing Macron administration has found its bogeyman: the far right. Yes – lame!

Reuters reported, with an even much greater bias than usual:

“Night-time protests across France over the past few days by ultra-right militants [sic] chanting ‘Islam out of Europe’ have been fanned by last week’s rioting in Dublin, a French intelligence source and far-right Telegram communications indicate.”

Let’s unpack the story.

A teenager, named Thomas, from the southeastern village of Crepol, was murdered by what witnesses allege were assailants of Arab origin.

In a normal world the police cracks down on Arab radicals, gets them, game over. We are NOT in a normal world.

Protesters marched in Lyon, Rennes, Grenoble and also in Romans-sur-Isere – in the neighborhood of one of the alleged killers.

The Dublin riots were an inspiration for rioters, according to the authorities.

Read: CHANGE: President Emmanuel Macron Calls for ‘Ruthless’ Deportation of All Migrants With Ties to Islamic Extremism From France

A government spokesperson delivered the usual platitudes: ‘we don’t respond to violence with violence, we respond with justice. We don’t respond to violence with division.’

That would be nice, if it wasn’t for the fact that citizens know France responds to violence with surrender.

“French authorities have arrested more than a dozen march participants over the last few days and interior minister Gerald Darmanin said on Tuesday that he intended to shut down three ultra-right and neo-Nazi groups, including one based in Paris known as the Martel Division.”

So police snatched nine Arab stabbers but DOZENS of protesters! And more, they don’t intend to shut the Mosque that radicalized them – oh no!

They want to shut down right wing groups.

Read: Global Day of Jihad: Man Shouts “Allahu Akbar” Before Killing Teacher and Injuring Others in a Knife Attack in France (VIDEO)

“‘France has avoided an Ireland-like scenario, because it was firm, France has avoided a mini-civil war’, Darmanin told France Inter radio.

[…] There are about 3,000 violent ultra-right militants identified by the French intelligence services. That number has been stable for the last few years but the national coordination by demonstrators as seen on Saturday is a new phenomenon, the intelligence source said.”

Just note how Reuters’ reporting treats the stabbers as an afterthought. How many radicalized Muslim migrants are in France? What’s been done about them?

Read more:

France Votes on Bill to Tighten Migration Control as Europe Is Overrun With Illegals

The post French Teen Is Stabbed by Arab Migrants – So Police Vow To Crack Down – On the French Citizens Protesting It! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


A “Gold Rush” Hits Costco With Demand For Gold Bars – Here’s One Way To Own Gold if Your Money Is In a Retirement Account

A “Gold Rush” Hits Costco With Demand For Gold Bars – Here’s One Way To Own Gold if Your Money Is In a Retirement Account


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The demand for physical precious metals has been rising since before the pandemic.  Central banks have been buying ton after ton for two years. Even some U.S. states — like Tennessee — are filling their coffers with physical precious metals.

Now, Costco is offering gold bars to their members — and some observers are saying there is a “gold rush” on Costco’s gold:

Mike Cernovich reported: “People buying them but bars sold out fast. One disappointed customer had paid but the membership pick-up said it was out.”

Others had no idea Costco sold gold:

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20-Year-Old Fan Hospitalized with Severe Injuries and Brain Hemorrhage After Unprovoked Attack by American Rapper’s Entourage Over Photo Request (VIDEO)

20-Year-Old Fan Hospitalized with Severe Injuries and Brain Hemorrhage After Unprovoked Attack by American Rapper’s Entourage Over Photo Request (VIDEO)

 Right: Nardo Wick

A young fan’s request for a photograph with American rapper Nardo Wick turned into a nightmare when he was viciously attacked by members of the rapper’s entourage, according to video evidence and sources familiar with the incident.

The 20-year-old fan was admitted to the hospital with grave injuries, including a brain hemorrhage, which prompted a police investigation into the rapper’s entourage, responsible for the brutal attack.

The incident occurred late Sunday night following Nardo Wick’s performance at Club Skye in Tampa, Florida.

Sources have told TMZ that the fan recognized Nardo—real name Horace Bernard Walls III—as he exited the venue around 1:15 AM and approached for a photo.

Video footage obtained by TMZ shows the grim moment of the unprovoked attack wherein the fan was sucker-punched by one of Nardo’s crew members, causing the victim’s head to smash against a concrete wall.

Reeling from the initial blow, the fan was hit yet again by another individual from the group, driving him to the ground where his head struck the pavement, as per TMZ’s report. While Nardo Wick, identifiable in a white shirt in the video, appeared to attempt to de-escalate the situation, the violence had already taken its toll.


Nardo Wick’s bodyguards, ex-gang member sent a fan to the hospital with a concussion and brain bleeding after he asked for a picture.

— I Meme Therefore I Am (@ImMeme0) November 28, 2023

The young fan was rushed to a local hospital for treatment and is reportedly suffering from a grave concussion and brain hemorrhaging. Sources close to the situation have expressed concern about potential long-term consequences, though his current condition is listed as critical but stable.

In response to the incident, Tampa Police have reached out to the public seeking assistance in identifying the assailants. A police spokesperson has confirmed the severity of the situation and the active search for individuals involved in the attack.

In the wake of the incident, backlash against Nardo Wick has been erupting on social media.

A user on platform X decried the incident with the comment, “Homie don’t want no White fans!”

Homie don’t want no White fans!

— Big Jim Slade (@JamesJo02164102) November 28, 2023

Looks like a hate crime to me

— Jeff (@JeffMNC) November 28, 2023

Sue his a$$ into oblivion and file charges.

— Spitfire (@DogRightGirl) November 28, 2023

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Pro-Palestine Protesters Stage Rally Outside Rosalynn Carter’s Memorial Service (VIDEO)

Pro-Palestine Protesters Stage Rally Outside Rosalynn Carter’s Memorial Service (VIDEO)


In a classless act, Pro-Palestine protesters flocked to former First Lady Rosalynn Carter’s memorial service in Atlanta, Georgia.

The protesters were seen chanting and holding signs outside the Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church in Atlanta, where Rosalynn’s tribute service was taking place.

The demonstrators could be heard screaming, “Biden, Biden, you can’t hide. We charge you with genocide!”

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, the Bidens, the Clintons, and Michelle Obama all flew on Air Force One to attend the event.


Pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrate outside the memorial service for former First Lady Rosalynn Carter in Atlanta.

— The Recount (@therecount) November 28, 2023

Per The Washington Examiner:

Pro-Palestinian protesters did not pass up the opportunity to be seen by President Joe Biden, even at a memorial service.

Several chanting, sign-wielding demonstrators set up outside Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church in Atlanta, where former first lady Rosalynn Carter is being memorialized in a tribute service. Biden is attending, and his motorcade traveled by the scene.

The crowd engaged in chants of “Biden, Biden, you can’t hide. We charge you with genocide!” as the motorcade approached.

Signs included “End all U.S. aid to Israel” and “Ceasefire now! Stop Israel and Biden’s genocide.”

BREAKING: Pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrate outside former first lady Rosalynn Carter’s memorial service

— The Messenger (@TheMessenger) November 28, 2023

Watch the tribute service below:

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SHOCK REPORT: Biden Admin Is Spending $451 BILLION a Year to Pay for Illegal Alien and Asylum Seeker Benefits (VIDEO)

SHOCK REPORT: Biden Admin Is Spending $451 BILLION a Year to Pay for Illegal Alien and Asylum Seeker Benefits (VIDEO)

 Illegal migrants caravan to the open US border.

FOX business network reporter Madison Alworth released a shocking figure this week on the cost of illegal aliens on an annual basis.

According to the House Committee on Homeland Security, the massive cost to house and take care of illegal aliens and so-called asylum seekers inside the US is $451 billion.

FBN reporter Madison Alworth: “Stuart we have new numbers, a new report from the US House Committee on Homeland Security. They say the price tag per year is $451 billion dollars. That is for both the housing and care of the asylum seekers as well as those known got-aways.”

NEW – United States taxpayers pay $451 billion per year for housing and care of illegal

— (@disclosetv) November 28, 2023

The House Committee on Homeland Security reported:

Representative Mike Ezell (R-MS) recently authored an op-edfor Townhall on the financial costs affecting law enforcement and first responders as a direct result of the unprecedented border crisis.

This op-ed follows the release of the House Committee on Homeland Security’s Phase Four interim report pursuant to the Committee’s oversight investigation into how the policies of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and President Joe Biden have created and maintained the worst border crisis in American history. The report documents how the skyrocketing dollar costs of the border crisis could exceed $451 billion per year, with law enforcement shouldering a major new financial burden. Read the full report here, and Ezell’s op-ed here.

Read highlights from the op-ed:

“The crisis caused by the Biden administration’s reckless, open-border policies has burdened Americans across this country, no matter how far from the border they live. Every state has now become a border state. From Yuma County, Arizona to Jackson County, Mississippi and all the way to New York City, the costs of this disaster come in many forms. 

“With more than 40 years of law enforcement experience under my belt, I know this crisis does not just affect a community—it affects the dedicated men and women tasked with defending it. 

The unprecedented flood of more than six million illegal aliens across the Southwest border since Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas took office has stretched many law enforcement agencies to their breaking points. The never-ending chaos makes it harder for them to successfully protect and serve at a time when many police and sheriffs’ departments are already facing a retention crisis. 

“During my eight years as sheriff of Jackson County, I saw the physical, emotional, and psychological toll that this career can take on individual officers. Those difficulties are magnified when local law enforcement is forced to bear the costs of a national crisis. Instead of focusing on their communities, officers find themselves forced to spend valuable time and resources dealing with the ripple effects of the open border.

“The Biden-Mayorkas strategy isn’t working, and it’s undermining the morale and the homeland security mission of law enforcement across the country.”

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