Popular MAGA Republican Byron Donalds Endorses CJ Pearson for Georgia State Representative

Popular MAGA Republican Byron Donalds Endorses CJ Pearson for Georgia State Representative

 Conservative Pro-Trump activist CJ Pearson at age 12 and today at 21.

Young conservative activist CJ Pearson announced earlier this month that he had qualified for the special election to be Georgia’s next State Representative in District 125.

CJ is running on the promise to hold Soros-backed prosecutors like Fani Willis accountable, protect Georgia’s traditional values, and to usher in the next generation of America First leadership to Georgia.

At 21 years old, I just qualified for the special election to be Georgia’s next State Representative to hold Soros-backed prosecutors like Fani Willis accountable, protect Georgia’s traditional values, and to usher in the next generation of America First leadership to our state.… pic.twitter.com/3LLAvqGGjD

— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) January 9, 2024

** You can donate to CJ’s campaign here.

Conservatives and Trump supporters KNOW that we need to replace the dirty RINOs who have infiltrated hundreds of Republican seats across the country today. 

The Gateway Pundit believes that electing CJ Pearson would be a good start.

The Gateway Pundit has been reporting on CJ Pearson for over 10 years now since he came on the scene at age 12!. One of our first reports on CJ Back in 2013 was about how Barack Obama had blocked CJ on Twitter.

At one point CJ and his family were the target of death threats after he stood up to Obama as a 12-year-old.

On Sunday popular MAGA House Republican Byron Donalds endorsed CJ Pearson for Georgia State House District 125.

Byron says, “CJ is a Conservative champion who will fight to hold radical Democrats accountable & protect GA’s traditional values.”

** Early voting begins TODAY – Monday January 22nd.

I am proud to endorse my friend @thecjpearson in the Special Election to fill GA State House District 125.

CJ is a Conservative champion who will fight to hold radical Democrats accountable & protect GA’s traditional values.

Early voting begins TOMORROW January 22nd.

It’s time… pic.twitter.com/S8dgRwa5oc

— Byron Donalds (@ByronDonalds) January 21, 2024

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Man Sentenced to 50 Years in Prison for What He Wrote About Monarchy on Facebook

Man Sentenced to 50 Years in Prison for What He Wrote About Monarchy on Facebook


The First Amendment guarantees Americans the right to free expression without fear of prosecution, stating, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech …”

This free speech tradition protects even offensive or distasteful commentary about elected politicians and government leaders — let alone unelected monarchs. While certain limitations apply to speech posing an imminent danger, Americans have a long legal tradition of cases defending the right to engage in political dissent and criticism of authority figures.

But not every nation has the freedom we do.

An appeals court in Thailand last week handed down an unprecedented 50-year prison sentence to a man convicted of violating the country’s strict laws that criminalize insulting the country’s centuries-old monarchy, according to a legal advocacy group statement reported by CNN. 

Mongkol Thirakhot, an online vendor and political activist, was initially given a 28-year sentence in 2023 on charges related to social media posts considered offensive toward the king. However, according to the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights group, an appeals court found him guilty on Thursday of about a dozen additional violations of the law and added 22 years to his sentence.

Thailand: Man jailed for 50 years for defaming monarchy https://t.co/cWgbRIkeH7

— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) January 18, 2024

Thailand has some of the harshest laws in the world against insulting its royal family. Each offense under the lese-majeste provision in Thailand’s criminal code can bring up to 15 years in prison. As a result, sentences for those convicted can stretch on for decades.

The content of Thirakhot’s allegedly illegal Facebook posts is unclear.

Theeraphon Khoomsap, Thirakhot’s lawyer, told Reuters that Thirakhot denies the charges and plans to appeal his sentence to the Supreme Court.

Thirakhot’s case brings to mind the trial of John Peter Zenger in 1733, a landmark case that helped cement a tradition of open dissent that was later enshrined in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Zenger, a German immigrant who lived in New York City, had printed a series of controversial newspaper articles in his New York Weekly Journal accusing the colony’s Royal Governor William Cosby of corruption and election rigging. Such public criticism of imperial leaders constituted “libel” under prevailing British law — a serious felony offense punishable by heavy fines, public shaming, and even imprisonment.

Yet after a rousing defense from then-renowned Philadelphia lawyer Andrew Hamilton that printing truthful criticism served liberty, Zenger’s jury openly defied the court’s directives by delivering a stunning not-guilty verdict after barely 10 minutes of deliberation.

“It is not the cause of one poor printer,” Hamilton proclaimed in his closing statement, “but the cause of liberty.”

During a week when we found out that the U.S. government asked banks for the records of those who disagree with the current government, according to Fox News, Zenger’s victory and Thirakhot’s loss of their respective cases are poignant reminders of how far we have come as a nation and how easily we could slide into autocratic control.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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BREAKING: Journalist Stephen Baker Releases Statement After DOJ Threatens Prosecution Following His Video Report Indicting J6 Capitol Police Officers of Perjury

BREAKING: Journalist Stephen Baker Releases Statement After DOJ Threatens Prosecution Following His Video Report Indicting J6 Capitol Police Officers of Perjury

 The Blaze contributor Stephen Baker

Nearly three years after the January 6, 2021 fedsurrection, Blaze reporter Stephen Baker reported in December that he will be charged for his actions that day reporting on the event.

Steve wrote in October that he was under investigation for the past two years by Chris Wray’s FBI for reporting at the historic protests in Washington DC.

Even reporters aren’t safe from this tyrannical regime. Steve expected to be charged by the Biden regime.

BREAKING My attorney has just been notified by @FBI that I am going to be charged by @TheJusticeDept for my journalistic efforts on #Jan6. I have to self-surrender on Tuesday. Charges are yet unknown. Stay tuned for more information to follow this afternoon.

— Steve Baker – TPC (@TPC4USA) December 14, 2023

Steve is no ordinary reporter, in the past year he found and published stories about video evidence that contradicts claims made by the Department of Justice – and evidence presented by the DOJ – in various trials of the January 6 defendants.

In July, The Gateway Pundit and Cowboy Logic offered proof that the DOJ edited video to incriminate the Oath Keepers during their trial.

The DOJ’s star witness in the Oath Keepers trial, Special Agent David Lazarus. lied under oath and was not present during an alleged confrontation as he testified in court. He was in a different location. In July 2023, Donna Fiducia and Don Neuen co-hosts of Cowboy Logic on Real America’s Voice, released evidence that the Biden DOJ edited footage from January 6 in order to convict innocent January 6 protesters and Oath Keepers members.

Steve Baker was the first to uncover the entire video that proves Officer Lazarus lied under oath during the Oath Keeper’s trial.

Recently Stephen Baker reported that the person who discovered the mysterious pipe bomb at the DNC on January 6 was an undercover officer.

Now the FBI is after him.

On Monday Stephen Baker’s attorneys released a statement.

“My name is Stephen Baker, and I am a journalist. I am now employed by Blaze Media, but I have been a freelance writer and journalist for more than 25 years. I have covered newsworthy events around the country for over ten years. I went to Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021, just like dozens of other journalists, and I covered the events of the day.

For more than 30 months, it has been said to me by representatives of the Department of Justice that I am under investigation, and twice, I have been told that an indictment charging me with crimes would be filed within a matter of days.

For the past 8 months, I have been reviewing non-public closed-circuit television video and body-worn camera video in the possession of Congress at the invitation of the Speaker of the House. I have found and published stories about video evidence that contradicts claims made by the Department of Justice – and evidence presented by the DOJ – in various trials of the January 6 defendants.

After not having indicted me for 3 years, it is clear that any move to do so now will be in retaliation for my reporting – first about apparently perjured testimony by key government witnesses Harry Dunn and David Lazarus, and now about the true identity of the “passerby” who discovered the pipe bomb outside the DNC headquarters a short distance from the Capitol. The “passerby” was actually a U.S. Capitol Police Officer.

I will not be intimidated. I will continue to report the findings of my investigation into the evidence being made available to me to review. I have followed and reported on dozens of trials of January 6 defendants, and the more I investigate, the greater is my unease at what is being done in the name of “justice.”

Stephen Baker
January 22, 2024

Here is the statement by Stephen Baker and his attorneys James Lee Bright, Matthew P. Ceradini, etal.

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EVERY Battleground State in 2020 Announced They Were Going to Quit Counting on Election Night After Trump Was Roaring to Victory – Then Lied and Kept Counting… What Was Bill Barr’s Role in This?

EVERY Battleground State in 2020 Announced They Were Going to Quit Counting on Election Night After Trump Was Roaring to Victory – Then Lied and Kept Counting… What Was Bill Barr’s Role in This?


On Election night in November 2020 President Trump was soundly defeating Joe Biden. The election was won by Trump when Americans went to bed.

Then something took place that Americans had never experienced in over 200 years of its existence. News broke that the battleground states were going to quit counting votes for the night. This had NEVER taken place in US history.

AMUSE reposted this video compilation on Sunday.

On Election night President Trump went out to speak to supporters. He had won the election. But the battleground states announced they had stopped counting. President Trump told his supporters, “This is a fraud. This is an embarrassment to our country.”

Overnight, Democrats dumped hundreds of thousands of mysterious votes for Joe Biden into the battleground states. There was collusion. Four days later even Pennsylvania, where they locked the doors on the counting rooms and prevented Republican observers from entering, had gone to Joe Biden. Trump was ahead in the state by nearly 800,000 votes on Election night!

Flashback: On Election Night Chris Wallace Said Election Workers in MI, PA, WI, NC, GA and NV Had to Stop Counting Because They’re “Normal People” Who “Need to Sleep”

This was classic election fraud. The entire country knew it then and knows it now. The pretenders in the fake news immediately started pushing the notion that Joe Biden, who never held an honest rally the entire election season, had captured 81 million votes. It was the greatest crime in US history.

Today we are starting to understand Attorney General Bill Barr‘s role in this historic criminal act.

** Bill Barr refused to investigate the Muskegon GBI Strategies voter fraud scandal. GBI Strategies dumped thousands of bogus voter registrations into numerous Michigan counties weeks before the 2020 election. Bill Barr killed the investigation and smacked down the Trump administration whistleblower who brought it to the DOJ’s attention.

** Bill Barr knew about the dozens of crimes committed by the Biden Family but hid the Hunter Biden laptop from the public during President Trump’s farcical impeachment trial and Barr hid it from the American public prior to the 2020 election.

** Bill Barr screamed at investigator Tony Shaffer for looking into the USPS ballot trafficking scandal from New York to Pennsylvania. Barr killed that investigation, too!

** Bill Barr and FBI Director Chris Wray covered-up the most glaring evidence of election fraud in 2020 – the State Farm Center late-night ballot stuffing scandal. Wray and Barr published a dishonest report and lied to the American public.

This is just a partial list of Bill Barr’s actions before, during and after the 2020 election.

Bill Barr played a major role in the scheme to remove President Trump by any means necessary.

When will Bill Barr face justice?

The post EVERY Battleground State in 2020 Announced They Were Going to Quit Counting on Election Night After Trump Was Roaring to Victory – Then Lied and Kept Counting… What Was Bill Barr’s Role in This? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.