FREE SPEECH SHOWDOWN: Supreme Court to Hear Missouri v. Biden on March 18 – The Gateway Pundit Publisher Jim Hoft is Lead Plaintiff

FREE SPEECH SHOWDOWN: Supreme Court to Hear Missouri v. Biden on March 18 – The Gateway Pundit Publisher Jim Hoft is Lead Plaintiff


The “most important free speech case in a generation” Missouri v. Biden, is set to be heard by the Supreme Court on March 18th, and it features as lead Plaintiff Jim Hoft, Publisher and Founder of the Gateway Pundit.

Mark your calendars – Missouri v. Biden, the most important free speech case in a generation, will be in front of the nation’s highest court on March 18th.

— Senator Eric Schmitt (@SenEricSchmitt) January 29, 2024

Missouri v. Biden is the case filed by the courageous Attorneys General from Missouri and Louisiana against the Biden Administration for their violations of the First Amendment. Specifically, the case complains to the Court that the federal government violated the Constitution when it specifically directed social media companies to delete comments they disliked, and when the FBI’s corrupt agents, agents like Elvis Chan, engaged in a wholesale deplatforming of specific users, specific comments, and specific topics.

The government was purposefully censoring truthful information.

The scale of the censorship regime is massive.

This is a critical key point because the government prefers to lie and say this case is about ‘disinformation’ but in this case, it was about the government limiting the spread and existence of truthful information.

Our corrupt federal officials have even been caught demanding social media companies delete comments unfavorable to foreign governments like Ukraine.

The mainstream media has dishonestly framed this case as “limiting communications” or “contacts” between the government and social media companies, here, here, and here. They don’t explain that the ‘communication’ and ‘contact’ was the federal government, via the FBI, requesting the deletion of specific truthful comments and speech from their systems.

Free speech groups ask how can there be a First Amendment if the federal government can use its enormous coercive powers to demand private companies to purposefully suppress the speech of people that the government wants to silence. Leftists complain that siding on free speech will hurt their ability to continue censoring Americans.


The list of banned topics is long, and includes: spreading truthful information about the risks of transmitting and surviving COVID, aka the Wuhan Virus, telling the truth about the lab-leak theory which correctly identified the Wuhan Virus lab as the riding of the COVID virus, telling the truth about the many documented affidavits, statements, data showing widespread and systemic fraud in the 2020 election, the risks associated with taking the untested vaccines for COVID, among other topics.

This case saw the deposition of Anthony Fauci and corrupt FBI Agent Elvis Chan, among others, who were critical to the operation of the Biden censorship machine.

Corrupt FBI Agent Elvis Chan

The hearing on March 18th will be for oral arguments, which will likely last one day. The case would then be decided by the Justices, and if a majority agrees, they will issue an opinion on the last day of the Court’s term, typically in late June or early July. The Supreme Court agrees to hear very few cases each year, typically only 100-150 cases of over 7,000 that usually request review.

The case originated in the federal Western District Court of Louisiana. It has faced a variety of twists and turns as the Appellate Court initially sided with the courageous district court, and then reversed on an en banc rehearing of the full Appellate Court.

The Roberts Court has historically been very favorable to protecting the First Amendment.


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Italy’s PM Meloni Unveils Her ‘Africa Plan’ To Create an Energy Hub and Curb Illegal Immigration

Italy’s PM Meloni Unveils Her ‘Africa Plan’ To Create an Energy Hub and Curb Illegal Immigration


Days after closing a deal with Albania to hold part of the migrant flood there while awaiting asylum processing, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is trying to limit the number of arrivals in the first place, by a new partnership with Africa.

She unveiled a long-awaited plan to ‘boost economic ties, create an energy hub for Europe and curb immigration’.

More than two dozen African leaders attended the one-day summit, where Meloni outlined a series of initiatives with an initial pledge of 5.5 billion euros ($5.95 billion).

Meloni called the summit a success, that ‘produced many areas of potential cooperation, particularly with regards to energy’.

Reuters reported:

“‘We are only at the beginning, there is a very long road ahead of us. This day is a restart’, she said in her closing remarks.”

Head of the African Union, Moussa Faki Mahamat and emphasised the need to honor commitments.

“‘I want to insist here on the need to move from words to actions. You can well understand that we can no longer be satisfied with mere promises that are often not kept’, he said, standing alongside Meloni in Italy’s ornate Senate.

In a news conference after the summit, Meloni acknowledged that it was important now to ensure that work began to deliver projects that would make a difference on the ground.”

Italy cannot compete with China, Russia and the Gulf states in terms of economic power, and they are all trying to tap Africa’s natural resources.

“Energy needs lie at the heart of the initiative, with Rome looking to serve as a gateway into European markets for natural gas from Africa that has become vital after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine made diversification of supplies a priority for the EU.”

Italy has already countered lower Russian supplies by shipping increased volumes from Africa.

Meloni wants to boost industry and agriculture in Africa to strengthen local economies, preventing young Africans from wanting to migrate north.

157k boat migrants reached Italy last year, wrecking Meloni’s pledge to halt the flow of illegal arrivals.

“‘Mass immigration will never be stopped, human traffickers will never be defeated if we do not address the many causes that push a person to leave their home’, Meloni told the summit. ‘This is exactly what we intend to do’.”

France24 reported:

Meloni, who came to power in 2022 on an anti-migrant ticket, has vowed to reshape relations with African countries by avoiding the ‘predatory’ approaches of the past in favour of one inspired by Enrico Mattei, founder of Italy’s state-owned energy giant Eni.

[…] Meloni said the Italian plan would start with a series of pilot schemes – from modernizing grain production in Egypt to purifying water in Ethiopia and providing training in renewable energies in Morocco – with the aim of then extending them across the continent.”

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen described the plan as ‘complementary’ to the European Union’s Africa package worth €150 billion.

“Meloni wants to transform Italy into an energy gateway, capitalizing on demand from fellow European countries seeking to slash their dependence on Russian gas following Moscow’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine.”

Read more:

Italian PM Meloni’s Plan to Send Migrants to Albania for Asylum Processing Approved in Lower Parliament Chamber, Expected to Also Clear Senate Vote


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Texas Meteorologists Believe Mysterious Blob Spotted on Radar Was Military “Chaff”

Texas Meteorologists Believe Mysterious Blob Spotted on Radar Was Military “Chaff”


Meteorologists in Northern Texas were baffled last week when their radar systems detected a thinly-shaped blob drifting across the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

The National Weather Service reported its radar systems picked up a strange blob sweeping over the Dallas Fort Worth area despite it not raining.

After further examination, the National Weather Service of Fort Worth stated that their “best guess is chaff.”

The NWS continued, “The military will sometimes run exercises where they release chaff, and it’s completely harmless. But it definitely shows up on radar as it is quite reflective.”

Chaff is a “radiofrequency countermeasure released by military aircraft, ships, and vehicles to confuse enemy radar.”

Chaff was first used on the battlefield during Operation Gomorrah in Germany and notably used the day before D-Day.


Wondering what this is? We were too! Our best guess is chaff. The military will sometimes run exercises where they release chaff and it’s completely harmless. But it definitely shows up on radar as it is quite reflective. #dfwwx

— NWS Fort Worth (@NWSFortWorth) January 21, 2024

Per Chron:

Radar technology is useful for detecting meteorological changes and patterns, but earlier this month, weather equipment picked up a more baffling phenomenon in North Texas. On Jan. 20, the National Weather Service (NWS) of Fort Worth reported its radar systems had tracked something unusual in the area. A time-lapsed video clip showed a thinly-shaped blob sweeping over Dallas-Fort Worth, but it wasn’t raining.

“Wondering what this is? We were too!” a NWS representative posted on X. “Our best guess is chaff.”

Chaff is an aluminum-coated substance made of glass fibers that are less than one centimeter in length, per an article in the Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety journal. Chaff is used as a military radiofrequency countermeasure and released from aircrafts, ships and vehicles to confuse enemy radar systems. It was first deployed during World War II when American bombers flew over Germany, according to a 1998 report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). While chaff has its tactical uses, it can also interfere with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) air traffic radar and cause power outages.

A mysterious cloud moved over North Texas. Was it weather or the military?

Earlier this month, a weather radar detected a wave of something hovering over parts of the Dallas-Fort Worth area. But it wasn’t raining.

— PatriotAsAMother (@battleofever) January 29, 2024

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Venezuelan Communist Dictator Prevents Top Opposition Candidate from Running in Election – Just Like the Democrats

Venezuelan Communist Dictator Prevents Top Opposition Candidate from Running in Election – Just Like the Democrats


Guest post by Joe Hoft at – republished with permission

Venezuelan Marxist tyrant Nicolas Maduro

The people of Venezuela are starving. They live in a country where they have no voice. They have watched their once wealthy nation, full of oil deposits, get taken over by communist dictators. They are living in a Marxist hell-hole.

The only hope for nations when despot communists rule is to vote them out, but the communists own the elections. So in Venezuela today we see this.

According to HotAir:

The second to worst thing that can happen to a civil society is civil war. The only thing worse than that is what Venezuela is living with right now, a dictatorship in which there is no hope of democratic change or equal justice. In Nicolas Maduro’s Venezuela his voice is the only one that matters. It has been that way since he took over as the hand-picked successor to communist blowhard Hugo Chavez in 2013.

Since then, opposition figures have tried everything to get a fair chance at defeating Maduro at the ballot box and at every turn they have been thwarted. Some were arrested and wound up in jail on trumped up charges. Others were simply told they weren’t allowed to run. The latest effort in this long series involves Maria Corina Machado, a candidate who supports free-markets instead of the black market socialist economy which has resulted in extreme inflation and more than 7 million Venezuelans fleeing the country to survive.

Machado is well liked and last October she was the overwhelming winner of a 10-candidate race to become the main opposition candidate in the next presidential election. There was just one problem. Nicolas Maduro’s government had announced prior to the opposition election that Machado was forbidden from holding office for 15 years. Why? That’s a question you ask in a country that isn’t a banana republic. In Venezuela the only answer is because President Maduro considers her a threat.

Today, Venezuela’s Supreme Court upheld the government order that Machado not be allowed to hold office for 15 years, meaning the opposition’s top candidate can’t run.

Ms. Machido is being held in home captivity. Anyone who helps her is punished or arrested. This is the communist way.

What we see in Venezuela we are witnessing here in the US. Corrupt courts override the Constitution and rule that the border should be kept open.

The current leader is not running the show; he is too old and senile. Those running him and the country, hate Americans. They push more radical judges and fraudulent elections where machines are used that lack security and allow bad actors to flip elections for the senile old guy.

The economy is only running due to massive government spending. The government spends money on foreign wars, and censoring conservatives – those the Biden gang hates.

The justice department is totally corrupt and the top candidate to win the last and next election is being prosecuted in corrupt kangaroo courts on bogus made-up charges.

America is quicking morphing into Venezuela. Wake up America.

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Bill Melugin: Illegals from China, Turkey and India Cross Border in San Diego County (VIDEO)

Bill Melugin: Illegals from China, Turkey and India Cross Border in San Diego County (VIDEO)


Joe Biden’s America.

Footage provided by Fox News reporter Bill Melugin showed two SUVs dropping off illegals at the southern border in Jacumba, California (East San Diego County) on Monday. The group consisted of people from China, Turkey and India. The illegals walked around the border wall into the US without hesitation.

Jacumba, which is about 75 miles east of San Diego, has been a hangout for thousands of illegals after crossing the border. The high desert has been a drop-off location for smugglers for illegals to live in makeshift camps.

The group Border Kindness, which is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that helps provide resources for illegals, has provided food and water in areas where terrain is difficult to traverse in the San Diego mountains.

BREAKING: “Our photographer in Jacumba, CA just witnessed two human smuggling SUVs drop off groups of illegal immigrants who then trot around the border wall and enter the US. People from China, Turkey, & India in this group. This is in eastern San Diego County, and there was only one single Border Patrol agent in the area, per our photographer.” Melugin said on X.


BREAKING: Our photographer in Jacumba, CA just witnessed two human smuggling SUVs drop off groups of illegal immigrants who then trot around the border wall and enter the US. People from China, Turkey, & India in this group. This is in eastern San Diego County, and there was only…

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) January 29, 2024

Since January of 2021, there has been an estimated 11 million illegals that have poured into the US. That number is growing rapidly, considering the Biden regime’s unwillingness to stop them.

California has seen its share of illegals pouring across the border. However, Texas has seen worse days. TGP had reported in December of 2023 of a train heading to Eagle Pass filled with illegal aliens.


EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: FOX sources capture tens of thousands of migrants attempting to catch a train in Mexico 3 hours south of Piedras Negras bound for the U.S. border where BP agents are already overwhelmed with unprecedented numbers @FoxNews

— Griff Jenkins (@GriffJenkins) December 13, 2023

The border has caused a major divide between the Federal Government and the State of Texas as TGP reported last week.

The Texas National Guard this weekend installed more razor wire in Shelby Park amid an escalating border battle with the Biden Regime.


More razor wire & fencing going up. Basically Texas’ border wall in Shelby Park.

— Matt Finn (@MattFinnFNC) January 28, 2024

Texas has received a lot of support with the standoff against the Federal Government. 25 States have sided with Texas in a signed letter.

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