Gateway: Beyond the Headlines 1/29/24 — Border Standoff Video Contradicts Mainstream Media; Independent Journalist Reveals Truth at US/Mexico Border and Latest on DHS Secretary Mayorkas’ Impeachment, and MORE

Gateway: Beyond the Headlines 1/29/24 — Border Standoff Video Contradicts Mainstream Media; Independent Journalist Reveals Truth at US/Mexico Border and Latest on DHS Secretary Mayorkas’ Impeachment, and MORE



Tonight – a new video from the border standoff in Texas is telling a different story than the mainstream media’s headlines are indicating. So what’s true? Independent journalist Taylor Cramer joins Ivory with the latest from the US/Mexico border, along with the latest on the impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Then, Biden’s on the campaign trail, having stopped in South Carolina over the weekend. But as we’ve seen time and time again with Joe Biden, he can’t remember who he is! We’ve got more video of that, plus reports that the Obamas and Clintons are going to be working hard to get Biden reelected. And Nikki Haley, a Soros plant? She’s also said that she ‘absolutely trusts’ the jury which awarded E. Jean Carroll $83 million against President Trump. Ivory breaks down exactly what this all means.

And after US troops were killed in Jordan, several Republican leaders are calling on Joe Biden to attack Iran. Retired Green Beret, and Republican Candidate for Washington’s 3rd Congressional District Joe Kent joins the show to talk about this – and Lindsey Graham’s public support of attacking Iran.

Then, more on the story about farmers protesting in France that we covered a few days ago. Now, some of these farmers are spraying manure on buildings in defiance of France’s “green” regulations and other things.

Finally, a new poll shows superstar Taylor Swift’s political views have a notable impact on her fans. Is this why the Biden Administration is trying to use her for campaigning? And Snoop Dog had a “change of heart” – publicly expressing support for President Trump. But that’s not all – political influencer Ben Shapiro, now a rapper? His new record is setting records. We’ve got all of this and more on tonight’s Gateway: Beyond the Headlines.


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“Hillary Clinton Brought the Cringe” – News Outlet in Spain TRASHES Hillary Clinton for Attempting to Dance “La Macarena” at Party in Spain (VIDEO)

“Hillary Clinton Brought the Cringe” – News Outlet in Spain TRASHES Hillary Clinton for Attempting to Dance “La Macarena” at Party in Spain (VIDEO)


Hillary Clinton was spotted trying to dance “La Macarena” in Spain earlier this month and it may be the worst thing you’ve seen all day.

A news outlet in Spain trashed Hillary Clinton after she was spotted looking like an idiot trying to dance following a meeting in Madrid with the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“Hillary Clinton brought the cringe with her during a trip to Sevilla on January 19,” The Olive Press, a news outlet in Spain wrote on X.

The news outlet blasted Hillary Clinton for having no clue of the “iconic dance.”

“She was called up to dance La Macarena with the original singers from Los del Río,” The Olive Press wrote. “She tried it gamely despite clearly having no clue of the iconic dance that accompanies the song.”


Hillary Clinton brought the cringe with her during a trip to Sevilla on January 19.
She was called up to dance La Macarena with the original singers from Los del Río.
She tried it gamely despite clearly having no clue of the iconic dance that accompanies the song.

— The Olive Press (@olivepress) January 22, 2024

The Olive Press reported:

FORMER US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was dragged up to throw hands to the iconic dance La Macarena during her recent trip to Sevilla.

Her trip coincided with the 30th anniversary of the 90’s classic, which went on to become an unofficial anthem of husband Bill Clinton’s re-election campaign in 1996.

And it just so happened that the tuxedoed duo who sang the original song, Los del Rio, were present at the Palacio de las Dueñas bash, held in Hillary’s honour.

The former first lady was quickly shanghaied into joining in with the sevillano duo as they did an impromptu rendition – complete with arm movements and sashays.

She took the imposition with good grace and tried gamely, despite looking a little alarmed. But it soon became clear that she had no clue about the dance routine.

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Pope Francis Says Africans Are a ‘Special Case’ in Their Fierce Rejection of ‘Same-Sex Blessings’ – Labels Other Opponents as ‘Small Groups’ That Must Be Ignored

Pope Francis Says Africans Are a ‘Special Case’ in Their Fierce Rejection of ‘Same-Sex Blessings’ – Labels Other Opponents as ‘Small Groups’ That Must Be Ignored


Globalist Pope Francis is still trying to normalize his train-wreck document Fiducia Suplicans, that prompted negative reactions from hundreds of Conservative bishops all over the world.

While in central and eastern Europe the idea of priests blessing same-sex unions was met with fierce rejection, nothing compares with the Earthquake that shook Catholic Church in Africa.

Being forever preoccupied with the political correctness of his every move, Francis decided to give African prelates some special consideration in the controversy that he created.

Read: Pope Francis’ ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ a Failure of Biblical Proportions – Writer Is Controversial Bishop Accused of Covering up Sexual Abuse Allegations in His Diocese

In an interview published today (29), the Pope said that Africans were a ‘special case’ in regards to the opposition of bishops and lay people to homosexuality.

Except for the Africans, critics of Fiducia Suplicans will eventually understand it, he believes.

Reuters reported:

“‘Those who protest vehemently belong to small ideological groups’, Francis told Italian newspaper La Stampa. ‘A special case are Africans: for them homosexuality is something ‘bad’ from a cultural point of view, they don’t tolerate it. But in general, I trust that gradually everyone will be reassured by the spirit of the ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ declaration by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith: it aims to include, not divide’, the pope said.”

Read: Benedict XVI’s Biographer: Previous Pontiff Felt Betrayed by Pope Francis Many Times: ‘He Was Stabbed in the Heart’

Ever since the document was published, Francis has had to explain, dispel what he found to be misunderstandings, relitigate and call for unity and for prelates to step away from political stances – which is the summit of irony coming from him.

African bishops have effectively rejected it, which is hardly a surprise, since in some countries homosexuality can lead to prison or even the death penalty.

“[Francis] said that when the blessings are given, priests should ‘naturally take into account the context, the sensitivities, the places where one lives and the most appropriate ways to do it’.

In the interview with La Stampa, Francis said he was not concerned about the risk of conservatives breaking away from the Catholic Church due to his reforms, saying that talk of a schism is always led by ‘small groups’. ‘We must leave them to it and move on…and look forward’, he said.”

Read: Fiducia Supplicans Controversy: Holy Office Issues ‘Clarification’ as Pope Francis Tries to Quell Open Rebellion Against Gay Couple Blessings

An article in the Catholic World Report:

“Pronouncing the Vatican declaration Fiducia Supplicans ‘in direct contradiction to the cultural ethos of African communities’, the African bishops formally issued a strong statement of protest on January 11th titled ‘No Blessing for Homosexual Couples in the African Churches’.

Signed by Congolese Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, president of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), the statement acknowledged the ‘shockwave’ that Fiducia Supplicans has caused, declaring that ‘it has sown misconceptions and unrest in the minds of many lay faithful, consecrated persons and even pastors and has aroused strong reactions’.

[…] The Church has long warned of the consequences of the imposition of dramatic cultural change on mores, including sexual ethics and life issues. She has always advised Catholics to be ‘counter-cultural’ on life issues and marriage by rejecting Western culture’s embrace of reproductive rights by respecting all life from conception until natural death, and to protect marriage as a union between one man and one woman.  But now, in some ways, the Vatican is apparently attempting to ask us all to validate some of the most decadent of the cultural values of the mainstream culture.”

Read: Archbishop Viganò Calls for Swiss Guards to Arrest Pope Francis and Cardinal Responsible for Pornograhic Book

Not only African bishops have rejected Fiducia Supplicans. The Hungarian Catholic Bishops Conference and several other Eastern and Central European countries rejected the document.

“In their statement, the Hungarian bishops wrote: ‘We can bless all individuals regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation but we must always avoid giving a common blessing to couples who live together in a mere relationship, or who are not in a valid marriage or same-sex relationship’.”

Read more:

On the Blessed Day of Epiphany, Pope Francis Continued Trying to Gaslight the Faithful Into Buying His Controversial Approach to Doctrine and Dogma.

The post Pope Francis Says Africans Are a ‘Special Case’ in Their Fierce Rejection of ‘Same-Sex Blessings’ – Labels Other Opponents as ‘Small Groups’ That Must Be Ignored appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


UPDATE: Illinois Biden Ballot Removal Petition Recommended for Dismissal by Hearing Officer

UPDATE: Illinois Biden Ballot Removal Petition Recommended for Dismissal by Hearing Officer

 Illinois patriots Peggy Hubbard, Shane Bouvet, Timothy Conrad, and Terry Newsome.

On Friday, January 26th, Illinois hearing officers heard arguments from objectors and Joseph R. Biden’s attorneys regarding the petition of four Illinois objectors that asserts Biden has violated the 14th amendment section 3 specifically, by providing “…aid or comfort to the enemies…” of the United States.

In a previous article, Gateway Pundit reported that the motion to dismiss from Biden’s attorneys was based on the assertion that the objectors had no “plausible facts” and claims “…none of the facts alleged are admissible evidence because they lack foundation and are hearsay…” Saturday, a recommendation was given to the Illinois Board of Elections by a hearing officer. Terry Newsome, podcast host of his show Behind Enemy Lines, provided the recommendation on his website: Behind Enemy Lines.

During the hearing on Friday, Mr. Biden’s attorney rejected that objectors presented facts suggesting this is merely a policy dispute and the board should not engage in this type of frivolous objection. To be clear, objectors presented the facts that the Biden administration has violated existing immigration law. Objectors presented facts that, as a result, known terrorists from State Department-designated foreign terrorist organizations have been provided safe transport inside our country. They’ve even shown that Americans have been murdered by some of these individuals. 

Terry Newsome, an objector to the Biden candidacy, had the following to say on the Biden attorney’s dismissive posture during the hearing,

“I would ask the following: is it really the position of Mr. Biden’s attorney that murdered American families have no factual evidence to dispute Mr. Biden’s candidacy because allowing an open border that has resulted in the murder of Americans is simply a policy dispute? Should we accept terrorists into our country that will potentially murder Americans as a matter of policy just because the President says so? Or should we consider this a violation of the Constitution?”

Aside from the evidence provided in the previous article showing that Biden aided and abetted known terrorists and terrorist organizations, the original petition lists 64 direct actions taken by the Biden administration that are contrary to the existing immigration laws of the United States. 

While the hearing officer asserts the same arguments regarding policy dispute, they add an additional observation and admit this issue goes beyond the scope of the election board. The board’s ability to assess Biden’s candidacy based on the 14th Amendment and whether it would be able to do so without detailed constitutional analysis is questioned. The conclusion is, “It simply cannot.” The officer states further, “These Constitutional issues belong in the courts.” While this could be true and an argument against the petition for removal, it should be called out that no such statement was brought forth in the previous motion to dismiss by Biden’s attorney. 

Without an in-depth legal analysis, there are a couple of other curious claims that any layman could dispute in plain language. The hearing officer argues the 14th Amendment issue should be reserved for the courts at the outset of their recommendation. And yet, they go on to argue against the objector’s petition on the basis that the 14th Amendment does not apply. If it is impossible for the board to assess the question of Constitutionality, then the hearing officer’s interpretation of the 14th Amendment is irrelevant.

According to the hearing officer, there is no evidence that Biden “personally” provided aid and comfort to enemies. However, Mr. Biden oversees and directs executive department agencies on border policy. They go on to describe the language of the 14th amendment as not being applicable to the President or Vice-President as their titles are not listed. This is easily disputed, as pointed out in the original petition within the 14th amendment as it states, “…having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States…” which, of course, applies to Joe Biden has been a Senator for almost 40 years. 

The recommendation is sloppily written and contradicts itself from the very first challenge. It admits the board cannot assess the Constitutionality of the 14th amendment then goes on to interpret it as further rebuttal. Meanwhile, a few floors above, arguments were heard to remove President Trump from the Illinois ballot. The basis to remove President Trump was the same 14th Amendment section 3 claiming incitement of an insurrection. Of course, President Trump has neither been charged nor convicted of any such crime. 

All of this brings to mind one question: who holds the government to account when they violate the Constitution? Perhaps the answer will come November 5th, 2024.


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