EXCLUSIVE: Proposed Bills to Florida Legislature Will Address Hundreds of Missing Controls in State’s Election Process


Guest post by Joe Hoft – republished with permission

In Florida and across the nation, nearly two-thirds of all controls in the election process are missing. Three bills proposed to the Florida legislature are expected to address the bulk of the state’s missing controls.

Last week JoeHoft.com released a report showing that nearly two-thirds of the controls related to the election process across the country were missing.

SHOCKING EXCLUSIVE: Nearly TWO-THIRDS of All Controls Needed To Ensure Accurate and Secure Elections Are Missing!

This is a horrible result. In the corporate world, ALL controls related to financial reporting must be in place before external auditors will sign off on the annual financials for major US corporations. This means that up to 1,000 controls or more have to be in place for the financials to be certified.

In the corporate world, financial controls are defined as follows:

Financial controls are the procedures, policies, and means by which an organization monitors and controls the direction, allocation, and usage of its financial resources. Financial controls are at the very core of resource management and operational efficiency in any organization.

In US elections Americans are being swindled into believing that the election process is the same as processes in other industries. They are not.

With two-thirds of all controls missing, US elections should be shut down today until this is fixed.

A group of concerned citizens in Florida have put together proposed legislation to address the many controls not in place in Florida elections. They believe that their three proposed bills will address most of the controls missing in the state election process.

This team reviewed the security risks for a typical county in the state and identified hundreds of security control risks. This is depicted in the chart below.

Once the risks in an election were outlined and then mapped out in the diagram above, the risks were grouped into three main areas: Vote By Mail, Voter Registration, and Election systems.

This group of concerned citizens then drafted three proposed bills for the Florida legislature to pass that would address the major risks in Florida’s elections.

Below is supplemental information and support for the bills proposed:

Vote-by-Mail Risks, Controls, Legislation (HB1669)

Video Report: Absentee Voting Packet Overview 1.2.24 mini.pptx (9-minute) – Vote-By-Mail Bill v3.mp4 (22-minute)

Proof of Chain of Custody Gaps in Florida: Chain of Custody Handout 12.13.pptx (based on review of over 2,000 completed Chain of Custody forms, security plans, and 100’s of hours of observation)

EAC best practices: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AlLfdMy0hwN2ga1VArGSi33wFE5J5A?e=H1zuHb

Problems and Solutions: Lobby 2 – Vote by Mail.pdf

HB1669 Summary: Summary of Absentee Packet Legislative Proposal Final2 12.29.23.docx

U. S. Citizenship Risks, Controls, Legislation (SB1602)

Video Report: Absentee Report Version 3.mp4

Proof of size and scope of the risk of non-citizens voting in Florida: The evidence that millions of non-citizens can register to vote in Florida v2.docx

Citizenship Problems and Solutions: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AlLfdMy0hwN2ga1Eh4agnJRyploNQw?e=n54A9C

Voter Roll Accuracy Problems and Solutions: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AlLfdMy0hwN2ga1FEEKJv6SOETB_lQ?e=Hd2r3r

SB1602 Summary: https://1drv.ms/w/s!AlLfdMy0hwN2ga1HfwvRdgkhMPW6bw?e=xmMhcr

Technology Risks, Controls, Legislation (HD 90412 and SD 22-01427-24)

Video Report: Technology Bill v7.mp4

Expert Interview: https://floridarepublicanassembly.org/2023/12/11/clay-parikh-explains-how-voter-systems-certifications-are-inadequate-in-florida/

Proof of size and scope of Florida election technology risks: https://1drv.ms/w/s!AlLfdMy0hwN2ga1TRtxQYAtRUZ3hDA?e=enSWM1

Technology Problems and Solutions: Lobby 4 – Technology B Corrected.pdf

Technology Legislative Draft Summary: Tech Bill Summary Final 12.26.23 v3.docx

Additional work on Florida Election Security Report

Video Report: Absentee Report Version 3.mp4

Written Report: Florida 2023 Election Security Report Final 1.18.24.docx

Election Security Control Report also published at The Gateway Pundit

SHOCKING EXCLUSIVE: Nearly TWO-THIRDS of All Controls Needed To Ensure Accurate and Secure Elections Are Missing! | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

These bills are an attempt to ensure elections are in place that are accurate, fair and transparent.

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Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm Claims She Never Heard Biden Promise to Put the Fossil Fuel Industry Out of Business (VIDEO)

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm Claims She Never Heard Biden Promise to Put the Fossil Fuel Industry Out of Business (VIDEO)


During a recent appearance on CNBC, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm claimed that she never heard Joe Biden promise to put the fossil fuel industry out of business.

That is extremely hard to believe, but even if you give Granholm the benefit of the doubt that she doesn’t deserve, she is implementing the Biden policies that are clearly designed to do just that.

Every energy initiative out of this White House is designed to appeal to the far left Democrat base which is obsessed with climate change and despises the fossil fuel industry. How could she possibly not know this?

FOX News reports:

Energy secretary confronted on Biden’s campaign pledge to end fossil fuels: ‘I did not hear him say that’

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm claimed Friday not to know about President Biden’s past statements on fossil fuels.

Amid a conversation about the Biden administration pausing approvals of liquefied natural gas or LNG exports, Granholm was questioned about the consistency of Biden’s stance on fossil fuels in general.

“Secretary, your comments on our show – and I know we have a business audience– I’m sure that you wouldn’t cater your comments, but they’re very measured and, you know, you bring up a lot of reasons other than climate change for why you’re doing this,” CNBC “Squawk Box” host Joe Kernen began. “But if you look at the way the president is selling it, and he basically said, you know, this is the — an attempt to tackle the ‘existential crisis of our time.’”

“Activists are hailing the decision as a landmark crisis that shows that industries will no longer just get a blank ‘okay’ to proceed with building oil and gas products, a powerful statement we can no longer allow the industries to continue operating and that hearkens back to President Biden’s campaign vow to put the fossil fuel business out of business,” Kernen continued. “And he said, ‘Read my lips, we will put fossil fuels out of business.’”

“I did not hear him say that,” Granholm replied.


Energy Secretary Granholm claims that she “never heard” Biden promise to put the fossil fuel industry out of business. pic.twitter.com/HctZsKMn5K

— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) January 26, 2024

Here’s what Biden said on the campaign trail:

How could she have possibly missed that?

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BREAKING: House Republicans Introduce Two Articles of Impeachment Against DHS Secretary Mayorkas

BREAKING: House Republicans Introduce Two Articles of Impeachment Against DHS Secretary Mayorkas


The House of Representatives released articles of impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas for high crimes and misdemeanors on Saturday.

The amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 863, offered by Rep. Mark Green (R-TN), outlines the grave allegations against Mayorkas, marking a significant escalation in the ongoing debate over immigration policies and border security.

The articles of impeachment, exhibited by the House of Representatives, cite Mayorkas’s willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law, failure to control the border to the detriment of national security, compromise of public safety, and violation of the rule of law and separation of powers in the Constitution.

Article I of the Impeachment: “Willful and Systemic Refusal to Comply with the Law”

The first article accuses Secretary Mayorkas of willfully and systematically refusing to comply with federal immigration laws. It alleges that his actions, or lack thereof, have resulted in millions of illegal immigrants entering the United States.

This, according to the resolution, not only violates the Constitution’s separation of powers but also poses significant threats to national security and imposes substantial costs on states and localities.

Specific violations include the alleged refusal to comply with detention mandates of the Immigration and Nationality Act, resulting in a “catch and release” scheme.

The resolution cites multiple sections of the Act which it claims have been blatantly disregarded by Mayorkas, leading to unlawful releases of immigrants and failure to detain individuals as required by law.

Article II: “Breach of Public Trust”

The second article charges Mayorkas with breaching public trust through false statements and obstructing lawful oversight of the Department of Homeland Security.

This includes claims that Mayorkas made false statements to Congress about the security of the border and the vetting of Afghan refugees, as well as failing to comply with subpoenas issued by congressional committees.

Additionally, the amendment accuses Mayorkas of abdicating his statutory duty to control the border and guard against illegal entry. It references his termination of initiatives like the Migrant Protection Protocols and border wall construction contracts, claiming these actions directly led to increased illegal border crossings.

If the House of Representatives approves the articles of impeachment, the case will move to the Senate for a trial.

It can be recalled that the House voted in November to shelve Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Articles of Impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

Greene introduced the resolution following a tragic incident in which two of her constituents were killed by human traffickers near the border. These deaths and many more are the results of Biden and Mayorkas’ failure to control the border and prevent the entry of terrorists, human traffickers, drugs, and other contraband into the United States.

The resolution to impeach Mayorkas cites a long, long list of evidence – enough to fit on six pages – of Mayorkas’ failures as DHS Secretary.

The House just voted to shelve the legislation and refer Rep. Greene’s resolution to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the Homeland Security Committee to prevent a vote tonight on the resolution itself. The motion to refer was offered by Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-MA).

8 RINOS voted with Democrats to save Mayorkas from being fired. 13 Republicans refused to vote on the resolution.

Here are the 8 Republicans:

Patrick McHenry – North Carolina
Tom McClintock – California
Virginia Foxx – North Carolina
Darrell Issa – California
Cliff Bentz – Oregon
Ken Buck – Colorado
Mike Turner – Ohio
John Duarte – California

Read the Articles of Impeachment introduced by Rep. Mark Green below:


“Having exhausted all other options to hold Secretary Mayorkas accountable, it is unmistakably clear that Congress must exercise its constitutional duty and impeach him,” Rep. Green wrote on X.


Having exhausted all other options to hold Secretary Mayorkas accountable, it is unmistakably clear that Congress must exercise its constitutional duty and impeach him. pic.twitter.com/t8MpwAQ0tE

— Rep. Mark Green (@RepMarkGreen) January 28, 2024

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War On The Rocks Has Rocks On The Brain


Here is another article of delusional hopium courtesy of the folks at War on the Rocks. HOLD, BUILD, AND STRIKE: A VISION FOR REBUILDING UKRAINE’S ADVANTAGE IN 2024 by Michael Kofman, Rob Lee and Dara Massicot is a well-written exercise in fantasy. They start off with a moment of clarity:

This winter, Ukraine’s military is visibly running on fumes, as recent reporting shows M109 Paladin artillery outside Bakhmut receiving only smoke shells for ammunition. When we were last there in November, shell hunger was widespread along the front, and the situation has only gotten worse.

But after that bit of reality, they veer off into the world of magical thinking:

However, with tailored Western support, Ukraine could hold against Russian forces this year and rebuild the necessary advantage to conduct large-scale offensive operations in 2025, recreating another opportunity to deal Russia a battlefield defeat. . . .

Territorial control is one measure of progress toward one’s objectives, but the balance of attrition, capacity for reconstitution, defense industrial mobilization, and the ability to employ force effectively at scale are more important determinants of long-term success. . . .

If this year is used wisely, core problems are addressed, and the right lessons are applied from the 2023 offensive, Ukraine can take another shot at inflicting a major defeat on Russian forces. However, this demands a new strategy, premised on three central elements: hold, build, and strike. Holding will require a well-prepared defense, consolidating, and rationalizing the Ukrainian armed forces’ diverse park of equipment. Building focuses on reconstituting force quality, training, and expanding defense industrial capacity. Finally, the strike element will degrade Russian advantages and create challenges for Russian forces far behind the front lines, as Ukraine works on rebuilding its capacity to resume offensive operations. Ideally, Ukraine can absorb Russian offensives while minimizing casualties and position itself to retake the advantage over time.

What planet are these three living on? Starting in mid-December 2023, Russia has unleashed a devastating barrage of missile and rocket attacks on Ukraine’s military-industrial plants, munition storage facilities, and infrastructure. I can excuse Michael Kofman and Dara Massicot’s ignorance — neither has experience with actual military operations and are quintessential analysts from the ivory castle of political science — but how can Rob Lee, a former Marine infantry officer, sign on to something so imbecilic? They claim to be Russian experts but reveal a profound ignorance about Russia’s military and economic capability.

I will make this real simple. Ukraine does not have the ability to implement the War on the Rocks prescription. First, manpower. Even Ukrainian sources are conceding that Ukraine has suffered more than a million casualties. The average age of the frontline troops is 43. For the math challenged out there (this clearly applies to Kofman, Lee and Massicot), if the average age is 43 that means you have a large number of 50 and 60 year old cannon fodder manning the trenches and bunkers. The under 40 crowd is not flocking to the recruiting office in Kiev to sign up. Just the opposite. They are going to extreme lengths to avoid being dragooned into the army. We’ve seen guys wearing disguises that make them look like 70 year old men and others dressing as women. Not because they are transgender but because the Ukrainian recruiters are not grabbing women off the street and throwing them on to the military bus.

Let’s assume that Ukraine can somehow find an additional 500,000 potential soldiers. (They will need at least that many to keep up with Russia who added that number to their armed forces in 2023 and continue to sign up new recruits at the rate of more than 40,000 a month.) Where are they going to train? Russia’s missile strikes during the past month have hit some major troop locations. For example, the strike in Kharkiv last week wiped out a 200 man contingent of foreign mercenaries. Russia can and will hit every training center in Ukraine, which means the new Ukie recruits will have to be sent to bases in Europe.

We have clear evidence based on the Ukrainian failure in the 2023 counter-offensive of how inadequate that training was. And the training I am talking about is Basic Training. Decent Basic Training takes 13 weeks. Do the math — even if Ukraine can marshall 20,000 new recruits a month and run them through Basic Training, Ukraine would only have 160,000 troops trained in rudimentary skills by the end of the year. Ukraine failed to do that during 2023. What miracle drug will they be taking that allows them to train three to four times the number of troops they assembled for the failed counter offensive?

The vast majority of the Ukrainian troops sent to attack the Surovikin lines of defense did not receive Advanced Individual Training nor did they participate in large unit exercises. Knowing how to shoot, clean and maintain a fire arm in combat conditions is a good thing. But that does not automatically translate into how to conduct an assault on heavily defended positions. And don’t tell me the Brits and Germans can handle that training task. Hell, the U.K. cannot even meet its own recruitment needs. The Brits are a puny, inexperienced force lacking in knowledge of how to carry out a combined forces attack against the Russians. Ditto for the Germans. The Wehrmacht is kaput.

The War on the Rocks clown show pays lip service to Ukraine’s need for air defense, artillery, artillery rounds, tanks and armored vehicles, but ignores the real world. No country in the West has the ability to produce these items and send them to Ukraine in the quantities required to sustain a force in the field for the foreseeable future. The authors are particularly lost in La La Land when they talk about Ukraine being able to launch long-range missiles to hit critical infrastructure in Russia. There is no other country in the world with an air defense system like Russia’s. Moreover, if such attacks are launched Russia has the ability to launch successful counter strikes to eliminate those threats.

Where the hell is the West going to come up with a thousand tanks and armored personnel carriers? There are no factories in the West churning these out. To the contrary, the West is struggling to produce 155 mm shells. All of the War on the Rocks “analysis” rests on the assumption that the West’s only concern is Ukraine. That dog won’t hunt anymore. Israel, Yemen, Iran and China are becoming greater priorities than Ukraine.

Finally, let’s assume that Ukraine is able to muster a new army of cannon fodder to attack Russia’s heavily defended lines? Where is the Ukrainian air power? It does not exist and will not exist. If the United States is able to deploy a few F-16s to Ukraine, they will meet the same fate that Ukraine’s now non-existent air force met. They will be shot down.

Let me leave you with this. It is a report from the front lines by Russia’s pre-eminent war correspondent, Marat Khayrullin. Here is the current reality:

Krynki, if anyone doesn’t remember, it was such a conditional bridgehead (it still exists) on our bank of the Dnieper, which the Ukrainians tried to sell to the West as another success. And it was this PR campaign that became symbolic, because for the first time, without even having time to properly swing, it failed due to obvious senselessness. And the Ukrainians themselves and, most importantly, their Western allies themselves saw the futility of Krynoki as a military operation.

The story with the Krynki was so stupid and wretched that it could not be sold even to the Ukrainian society, which believes, as experience shows, any fairy tales about victory over the Russian Federation.
And today we are seeing how this Krynok syndrome is beginning to spread across the entire front. What does this mean?

Today it is already obvious that the initiative has completely passed to our troops. But, nevertheless, the dill continue to desperately resist. Going completely on the defensive. And the most pressing question now is how long the dill will be able to hold the front line.

Here it is interesting to remember the recent words of the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: they say we will prepare a certain Zaluzhny line, 10-15 kilometers deep in defense, and calmly withdraw there. And here we need to understand two points. Firstly, on the existing line of contact, the dill have already created an unprecedented complex of protective structures. I have already given an example that in the summer only in the zone of responsibility of my native Slavyanka near Avdeevka, about 6 kilometers wide and up to 10 km deep, dill dug more than 600 different types of fortifications. From oporniks to pillboxes, bunkers, underground bunkers, etc., using any advantages on the ground.

They created something similar along almost the entire front line. This, by the way, partly explains that the war is not going so quickly.

To successfully overcome such a line of fortifications, it is necessary to significantly increase the capabilities of our army. This is what we are doing now.

And the second point: by and large, our troops can overcome such fortifications anywhere, it’s just a matter of losses.

Here it is appropriate to recall the years of the Great Patriotic War – for the complete liberation of Ukraine it took 15 military operations, and the total losses of Soviet troops amounted to several million people. During the Donbass operation alone (August 13-September 22, 1943), our troops lost about 270 thousand soldiers, despite the fact that the total number of the group was just over one million. That is, almost every third.

Today we cannot afford such losses. So you have to pick ukrov out of every hole. Especially considering that the Ukrainian command behaves completely inhumanely – not counting its soldiers, who are simply openly sent to their deaths. And their obvious tactic is precisely to inflict on us the most significant losses possible, not counting their soldiers. Because then, according to the theory of the Western masters of Ukraine, this will provoke unrest in Russia, and the people will demand the end of the Northern Military District without achieving the main goals. This will be considered a victory for the West. I repeat, no one cares how many Ukrainians will have to be killed. And the fact that our command is not accepting these giveaways is very disappointing to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the collective West as a whole.

Therefore, we will all have to be patient and wait for so many of the enemy’s reserves to be processed so that he is no longer able to cover certain sectors of the front.

Speaking figuratively, today the entire front line is turning more and more into conditional Krynki. The Ukrainians are stupidly sitting in their holes and trying to somehow survive. And we continue to destroy them with greater and greater intensity.

There is no point in eliminating this conditional bridgehead at the cost of the lives of our fighters – the enemy is already doomed. It’s much wiser to just wait. Moreover, we have nowhere to rush – assistance to the enemy from the West is drying up, human reserves are running out. And most importantly, the collective enemy is increasingly realizing the futility of resistance.

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Biden Family Associate Testifies Joe Met with Chinese Industry Leader – Then Hunter Was Given a $3 Million ‘Thank You’

Biden Family Associate Testifies Joe Met with Chinese Industry Leader – Then Hunter Was Given a $3 Million ‘Thank You’


Joe Biden met with a shadowy Chinese businessman who was making deals with Hunter Biden at the time, according to information released by the House Oversight Committee.

“Today we learned that Joe Biden met with the now-missing Chairman of CEFC, Ye Jianming, as Hunter Biden and his associates received $3 million from a Chinese entity CEFC controlled,” committee chairman Rep. James Comer of Kentucky said, according to a news release from the House Oversight Committee.

Evidence continues to reveal the Bidens sold the ‘Biden Brand’ to enrich the Biden family,” he said.

The New York Post noted that the 2017 encounter was described by Biden family associate Rob Walker in an FBI interview.

Joe Biden “said hello to everybody” and then “literally sat down. I don’t even think he drank water. I think Hunter said, um … ‘I may be tryin’ to start a company,’ ah, or tried to do something with these guys and could you … and [I] think he was like ‘if I’m around’… and he’d show up,” Walker said then.

The FBI interview, however, did not note Ye’s presence, the Post reported.

In the release, Comer said Friday’s interview with Walker “confirmed Hunter Biden and his associates’ work with the Chinese government-linked energy company began over a year before Joe Biden left the vice presidency, but the Bidens and their associates held off being paid by the Chinese while Joe Biden was in office.”

Comer noted the timing of the activity for which the Bidens were paid.

“The Chinese company paid Hunter Biden and his associates $3 million shortly after Joe Biden left office as a ‘thank you’ for the work they did while Joe Biden was in office,” he said.

“Members of the Biden family received payments from the Chinese deal even though they did not work on it. This is the type of swampy influence peddling the American people want us to end,” he said.

According to Fox News, in an FBI form outlining a 2021 interview between Walker and investigators working for Special Counsel David Weiss, Walker said the “$3 million amount was more of a ‘thank you’ from CEFC.”

Comer noted in the House panel’s release that Walker was involved in projects with the Bidens that took place during President Joe Biden’s time as vice president in the Obama administration.

“Additionally, as Joe Biden was leading anti-corruption efforts in Romania, Hunter Biden and Rob Walker began an ill-defined business relationship with Romanian businessman Gabriel Popoviciu,” Comer said in the House panel’s release.

“Mr. Walker also confirmed that he and Hunter Biden received payments from Popoviciu beginning in 2015 that continued throughout the rest of Joe Biden’s vice presidency,” he said.

Walker was summoned by Comer and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio to address whether Joe Biden “took any official action or effected any change in government policy because of money or other things of value provided to himself or his family, including whether concerns that Chinese sources may release additional evidence about their business relationships with the Biden family have had any impact on official acts performed by President Biden or U.S. foreign policy” and other concerns, according to Fox News.

According to Axios, an opening statement from Walker supported the president’s version of events that he kept his distance from Hunter Biden’s business venture.

“To be clear, President Biden – while in office or as a private citizen – was never involved in any of the business activities we pursued,” the statement said. “Any statement to the contrary is simply false.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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