Oklahoma GOP Passes Resolution to Condemn and Censure Sen. James Lankford for Outrageous Border Deal

 Source: Wikimedia Commons

Tensions within the Oklahoma GOP have reached a boiling point as the state party’s leadership passed a resolution on Saturday to condemn U.S. Senator James Lankford for his involvement in an outrageous border security deal with Democrats.

The resolution, passed with immediate effect, states that the party will withhold all support for Senator Lankford until he ceases his involvement with the proposed legislation.

The resolution cites several concerns, notably Senator Lankford’s collaboration with Senator Chuck Schumer on a deal allegedly permitting 5,000 illegal immigrants per day to enter and work in the United States. This figure translates to approximately 155,000 illegal immigrants each month, amounting to an annual total of 1.8 million.

According to information obtained by FOX News reporter Bill Melugin, the deal includes:

— Mandatory detention of all single adults.

— Mandatory “shut down” of border once average daily migrant encounters hits 5,000. Importantly, this 5,000 number includes 1,400 CBP One app entries at ports of entry per day, and roughly 3,600 illegal crossings per day.

— How is that enforced? Once the 5,000 threshold is hit, a new authority is codified into law that requires Border Patrol to immediately remove illegal immigrants they catch without processing. They would not get to request asylum, they would immediately be removed. This includes removals back to Mexico, and deportations to home countries. This would be a *massive* change from current policy, which is that once an illegal immigrant reaches US soil, they must be processed via Title 8 and allowed to claim asylum. Under this new authority – they are not processed, and they are mandatorily immediately removed once the “shut down” threshold is reached.

— This “shut down” also takes effect is there are 8,500 migrant encounters in a single day.

— The “shut down” would not lift the next day. It wouldn’t lift until daily encounters are reduced to under 75% of the 5,000 threshold for at least two weeks. This means the “shut down” authority would not lift until two weeks of an average of less than 3,750 migrant encounters per day.

— Some family units will be released with ATD (Alternatives to Detention, ankle monitors etc).

— New removal authority to immediately remove all migrants who do not have valid asylum claims, which will be determined within 6 months rather than the years long process we have right now.

— Any migrant caught trying to cross twice during “shut down” phase would be banned from entering US for one year.

— US will need agreement with Mexico for MX to take back non-Mexican illegal immigrants. This hasn’t been ironed out yet.

BREAKING: Senate border deal details, per source familiar I just had a call with.

– Mandatory detention of all single adults.

– Mandatory “shut down” of border once average daily migrant encounters hits 5,000. Importantly, this 5,000 number includes 1,400 CBP One app…

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) January 27, 2024

According to Melugin, “President Biden approves of the deal and is ready to sign it as is, right now, and implement the new authority it would give him.”

The OK GOP party emphasizes support for “limited legal immigration” and opposes any ‘path to citizenship’ that would favor illegal aliens over those who have pursued immigration through legal channels.

The resolution accuses Senator Lankford of undermining the rule of law and the safety of American citizens by negotiating a deal that could potentially lead to an ‘invasion’ of the borders, referencing Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution which tasks the United States with protecting states against invasion.

Read the resolution below via Oklahoma State Senator Dusty Deevers:

WHEREAS, Senator James Lankford was recently working with Democrat Senator Charles Schumer on an open border deal to allow 5,000 illegal immigrants a day to enter and work in the United States.

WHEREAS, The OKGOP Platform states: “We support limited legal immigration and embrace legal immigrants who choose to assimilate to our American culture, language and values.”

WHEREAS, The OKGOP Platform further states: “We oppose a ‘path to citizenship’ that would grant citizenship to illegal aliens faster than to immigrants who have come to the United States through legal means.”

WHEREAS, Senator Lankford playing fast and loose with Democrats on our border policy not only disenfranchises legal immigrants seeking citizenship but it also puts the safety and security of Americans in great danger.

WHEREAS, Senator Lankford has taken an Oath to support and defend the United States Constitution, which says in Article IV, Section 4: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion…”

WHEREAS, authorizing several thousand people to invade our borders before any action can be taken is contrary to the oath that Senator Lankford took to the Constitution and therefore outside of the area that he is authorized to negotiate in.

BE IT RESOLVED, that the OKGOP strongly condemns Senator James Lankford, if and to the extent that he continues these actions, and calls upon him to cease and desist jeopardizing the security and liberty of the people of Oklahoma and of these United States.

BE IT RESOLVED, that until Senator Lankford ceases from these actions the Oklahoma Republican

Party will cease all support for him.

BE IT RESOLVED, that the OKGOP Chairman will publish this resolution in PDF form on the website, issue a press release outlining the resolutions the State Committee passed and post the press release on the website with a link to the resolution PDF, and send both the press release and link to the resolution to the entire OKGOP distribution list, and post on OKGOP social media channels.

“Resolution Condemning & Censoring Senator Lankford’s Open Border Deal” as approved by the OKGOP State Committee members on January 27, 2024. pic.twitter.com/peVqHAfIpt

— Dusty Deevers (@DustyDeevers) January 27, 2024

Earlier this month, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) expressed strong opposition to the Senate Amnesty Bill on his social media account, describing it as a “nightmare.”

He criticized the bill for granting legal status to illegal aliens who have exploited the system and violated the law.

“The Senate Amnesty Bill is a nightmare. It gives legal status to illegal aliens who have gamed our system and broken our laws. It rolls out the red carpet for 5,000 illegals EVERY DAY, forever. It’s hard enough to stop the far-left’s state-sponsored invasion of our Southern Border, and it’s even harder when you’re pulling Senator Langford’s daggers out of your back. I oppose the Senate Amnesty Deal and will work to see its defeat,” Gaetz wrote.

Similarly, Representative Dan Bishop (R-NC) voiced his disbelief and concern on social media.

“How could this even be imagined?! 5,000 a day is 150,000/mo. The unprecedented threshold breached in January 2021 after the post-election ramp-up. Lankford proposes to institutionalize the crisis-level flow? As a “border security” proposal?”

Jackson Lahmeyer, the founder of Pastors4Trump, has initiated a petition aimed at recalling Senator Lankford. This move reflects a growing discontent among certain groups with Lankford’s stance and actions regarding the proposed immigration reforms.

“Join me in signing the RECALL JAMES LANKFORD petition: jacksonlahmeyer.com/recalljameslankford

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Texas AG Ken Paxton Rejects Biden Admin Demands for Access to Shelby Park in Eagle Pass


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Friday rejected demands by the Biden administration for access to Shelby Park in Eagle Pass where the Border Patrol had previously processed massive numbers of illegal aliens who crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico. Texas took control of the 47 acre city park on January 10 under the order of Gov. Greg Abbott (R) and has blocked the federal government from accessing the property ever since–even after a Supreme Court ruling that the federal government could cut or remove razor wire and other barriers erected by Texas to protect the state from mass illegal immigration being enabled by the Biden administration.

The move by Texas to block the federal government from Shelby Park drew added controversy when Democrat Rep. Henry Cuellar (TX) falsely accused Gov. Abbott of letting three illegal aliens drown in the Rio Grande by denying Border Patrol agents access to the park.

The Biden administration has so far not tried to use force to access the park. DHS sent a letter on Tuesday citing the Supreme Court decision to demand access to the park. Texas rejected the DHS demand. (Excerpt, CNN timeline of events at Shelby Park):

The US Department of Homeland Security sent a letter to Texas’ attorney general reiterating the federal government’s demand that state authorities fully reopen the Shelby Park area to Border Patrol agents.

This time, the DHS general counsel cited the Supreme Court’s ruling allowing federal authorities to cut or remove razor wire and argued it had the legal right to access disputed areas in Eagle Pass.

“Pursuant to federal law enabling the U.S. government to condemn property rights essential to control and guard the borders of the United States, 8 U.S.C § 1103(b), the Department acquired permanent real estate interests in and around Eagle Pass in 2008 to support the construction and maintenance of border barriers in and around the Shelby Park area,” the DHS wrote to Paxton.

“For much of the property … the Department acquired fee simple interest from the City of Eagle Pass via condemnation as well as from private landowners.”

Paxton sent a response letter to the general counsel for the Department of Homeland Security on Friday rejecting demands for access to Shelby Park and instead made demands of the federal government to prove ownership or provide access agreements to plats of land in or near the park that the department claims to have. Paxton gave DHS a deadline of February 15.

Paxton posted about his letter on X Twitter:

Today, I denied the Biden Administration’s unfounded requests & issued counter-demands. By February 15, DHS must supply the official plat maps & deeds demonstrating the precise parcels to which they claim ownership, an explanation of how Texas is preventing access to those specific parcels, documentation showing that Eagle Pass or Texas ever granted permission for DHS to erect infrastructure that interferes with border security, & proof of Congress empowering DHS to turn a Texas park into an unofficial & illegal port of entry. If the federal gov. is going to make such claims, it must provide proof.

Presumably because you have no meaningful response to our letter, your latest letter abandons earlier factual assertions, asserts new ones, & supplies even less of a legal basis for your demand. Once again, I respectfully suggest that any time you might spend suing Texas should be redirected toward enforcing the immigration laws Congress already has on the books. As I said before, this office will continue to defend Texas’s efforts to protect its southern border against every effort by the Biden Administration to undermine the State’s constitutional right of self-defense.

Today, I denied the Biden Administration’s unfounded requests & issued counter-demands. By February 15, DHS must supply the official plat maps & deeds demonstrating the precise parcels to which they claim ownership, an explanation of how Texas is preventing access to those… https://t.co/cXwBfGtiG3

— Attorney General Ken Paxton (@KenPaxtonTX) January 27, 2024

Text of Paxton’s letter:

January 26, 2024
Jonathan E. Meyer
General Counsel
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
2707 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE
Washington, D.C. 20528-0525
Dear Mr. Meyer:

Dear Mr. Meyer:
I have received your second demand letter dated January 23, 2024, in which DHS continues to complain about how TMD secured Shelby Park in the City of Eagle Pass, Texas. In a previous response, I explained that your original letter “misstates both the facts and the law in demanding that Texas surrender to President Biden’s open-border policies.” Presumably because you have no meaningful response to our letter, your latest letter abandons earlier factual assertions, asserts new ones, and supplies even less of a legal basis for your demand. Once again, I respectfully suggest that any time you might spend suing Texas should be redirected toward enforcing the immigration laws Congress already has on the books.

Again, let’s start with the facts. As I have already explained, U.S. Border Patrol withdrew from Shelby Park last year and deliberately reduced its ability to respond to medical emergencies in the vicinity. The tragic incident on January 12, 2024 that you once tried to pin on Texas had already occurred well before your agency’s officers arrived at the Shelby Park gate—conspicuously lacking any equipment to perform an emergency rescue. And the supposed “Memorandum of Agreement” between U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the City of Eagle Pass from 2015 (2015 MOA) was never approved by Texas as required under the State’s constitution. Your latest letter disputes none of this. Instead, you now claim Texas has somehow restricted access to land owned by the federal government. Yet your first demand letter acknowledged that Shelby Park “is municipal land owned by the City of Eagle Pass,” not the United States. Which is it?

If this newfound allegation of federal “property rights” were true, Texas would of course remove any obstructions to federal land pursuant to a lawful court order. This State will continue to respect another sovereign’s property rights, even though the federal government refuses to do so. See, e.g., Texas v. DHS, 2023 WL 7135677, at *3 (W.D. Tex. Oct. 30, 2023) (Moses, C.J.) (finding federal agents repeatedly trespassed to state chattels, and even “damaged more property a mere day after” the State sought a temporary restraining order); Texas v. DHS, 88 F.4th 1127, 1136 (5th Cir. 2023)(observing that federal agents “have repeatedly ‘damage[d], destroy[ed], and exercis[ed]
dominion over state property’”), vacated, 2024 WL 222180 (U.S. Jan. 22, 2024) (mem.).

After conducting a diligent search in the arbitrarily short period you allotted for this rebuttal, it appears there are serious reasons to question both of your new claims of federal property rights. First, you say the United States acquired fee-simple title to certain parcels in the Shelby Park area. But your own map shows that most of the tracts you reference fall outside the perimeter area secured by Texas at Shelby Park. With respect to parcels identified in your maps that are actually in the vicinity of the park, publicly available records suggest the United States does not even purport to own what your latest letter claims. For example, the home-cooked map attached to your
letter insinuates that the United States has title to every parcel on the west side of Ryan Street bordering Shelby Park. Based on our necessarily cursory review, current records from Maverick County do not support that claim. By February 15, 2024, Texas hereby demands that your agency supply the following documents and information to this office:

official plat maps and deeds demonstrating the precise parcels that you believe the United States owns; and your explanation of how exactly Texas officials are preventing access to those parcels by federal agents.

Second, you say the United States acquired a perpetual easement from the City of Eagle Pass in 2018. What I said last week about the 2015 MOA, I will say again about your latest claim: “Texas never approved that transaction as required by Article IV, § 10 of the Texas Constitution. Your federal agency cannot have something that was not the City’s to give.” You are invited to read that document at https://tlc.texas.gov/docs/legref/TxConst.pdf. But even if the 2015 MOA were somehow valid, you are not seeking “access consistent with” its terms. The “nonexclusive” easement from 2018 is attached for your convenience. Its express “purpose” was to allow “maintenance . . . of a road” along the river, including “the right to trim . . . trees” or other obstacles within the roadway. Elsewhere, the 2018 easement prohibits the United States from making any permanent improvements “other than a Roadway” without written City approval. If your federal agency wishes to help municipal officials with tree-trimming and road-maintenance chores, I suspect they would appreciate the help. The 2018 easement, however, nowhere contemplates allowing the federal government to deploy infrastructure that President Biden will use to wave thousands of illegal aliens into a park that will “continue to [be] use[d] and enjoy[ed]” for “recreation events.” By February 15, 2024, Texas hereby demands that your agency supply the following documents and information to this office:

any written approval from the City of Eagle Pass or the State of Texas consenting to allow your federal agents to erect the open-border infrastructure hinted at in your letter; and your explanation of where the Congress has empowered your federal agency to pursue this scheme, notwithstanding statutory provisions to the contrary.

Without clarifying both the metes and bounds of the federal government’s alleged “property rights,” and how its lawful access to such property has been in any way impeded, the State cannot meaningfully assess your demand. But to the extent your agency demands access in order to once again transform Shelby Park into “an unofficial and unlawful port of entry,” Texas v. DHS, 2023 WL 8285223, at *14 (W.D. Tex. Nov. 29, 2023) (Moses, C.J.), your request is hereby denied.

To be clear, your latest letter points to no law supporting the agency’s right to do that. In an unexplained reference to “Border Patrol’s responsibility and statutory authorities,” you parrot statutory language about the need “to patrol the border.” But you (unsurprisingly) omit the statutory language that your agency continues publicly to disregard: Border Patrol is tasked with “patrolling the border to prevent the illegal entry of aliens.” 8 U.S.C. § 1357(a)(3) (emphasis added). Instead, you fixate on a recent order from the Supreme Court of the United States. As you know, that unsigned order supplied no rationale for vacating a Fifth Circuit injunction. It may be that the
Supreme Court was misled by allegations levelled by your federal agency, and which you repeated in your January 14th letter to our office. In any event, the Court’s order certainly said nothing about access to Shelby Park, which even the federal government’s lawyers acknowledged is “not presented” in that ongoing litigation. See Second Supplemental Memorandum at 5, DHS v. Texas, No. 23A607 (Jan. 15, 2024).

As I said before, this office will continue to defend Texas’s efforts to protect its southern border against every effort by the Biden Administration to undermine the State’s constitutional right of self-defense. You should advise your clients to join us in those efforts by doing their job and following the law.


Ken Paxton
Attorney General of Texas
cc: The Honorable Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas
Major General Thomas M. Suelzer, Adjutant General, Texas Military Department
The Honorable Merrick B. Garland, U.S. Attorney General

Paxton appeared on the Fox News Channel Thursday night to discuss the crisis at the border:

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Left Wing ‘Fact Checker’ Snopes Forced to Admit Biden Was Wearing a Hard Hat Backwards After Being ‘Flooded’ With Comments


This week, we pointed out that when Joe Biden was visiting Wisconsin, he was photographed wearing a hard hat backwards.

The left wing ‘fact checker’ site Snopes defended Biden, of course, claiming that the hard hat was not backwards.

RedState reported:

Snopes Sets Itself on Fire With ‘Fact-Check’ of Biden Wearing a Hard Hat Backwards

Did Snopes just engage in the most dishonest “fact-check” of all time? That may be a little strong given how awful the fact-checking industry is, but their latest work has to be up there.

The setup, which was reported by RedState on Friday, involves Joe Biden wearing a hard hat backwards while trying to pander to union workers in Wisconsin. The photo itself is comical, and it was only a small part of the senility displayed during his trip.

The picture received the appropriate amount of ribbing from people online. I mean, it is objectively funny that, while trying to project himself as working-class, Biden managed to screw up wearing a hard hat. Snopes couldn’t just leave well enough alone, though. One of their “fact-checkers” sprung into action to deliver one of the dumbest “ackshually” moments in recent political history. It’s so bad that some thought it was fake, but it’s real.

It’s real. https://t.co/eSOG8BobpS https://t.co/NPPaoldb84 pic.twitter.com/Vyrl7mWcCi

— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) January 27, 2024

Snopes got roasted on Twitter/X over this.

Snopes fact-check: “Biden wore a hard hat backwards” is misinformation

Who are you going to believe:
Snopes or your lying eyes? pic.twitter.com/p30Qu0uWlY

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 27, 2024

And then they changed their rating and admitted the truth.

BREAKING: @snopes wears credibility backwards: pic.twitter.com/PWStY1XI9X

— NeverTweet (@LOLNeverTweet) January 27, 2024

Snopes changed Joe Biden backwards hard hat to TRUE
We did it, X! pic.twitter.com/7QWawpeKNz

— Brendan (@BrendanMcInnis) January 27, 2024

It’s absolutely amazing that they went to bat for Biden over something so obvious. How many other times have they been wrong?

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Man Smacks Alleged Child Rapist in the Face Outside Las Vegas Courtroom, Knocking Him to the Ground – Then He is Arrested and Charged Following the Incident (VIDEO)

 Credit: 8 News Now

Las Vegas, Nevada – A man charged with kidnapping and sexually assaulting a teenage girl under 18 (legally a child) was busted in the face by a man disgusted by his alleged crimes.

As 8 News Now reported, 59-year-old Yousef Azami was scheduled to have his preliminary hearing Tuesday in the Las Vegas Justice Court on kidnapping, lewdness, and sex assault charges. But for some reason, he ventured outside the Vegas courtroom just before the hearing began.


This was a mistake he would come to regret. Surveillance footage obtained by 8 News Now shows a man reportedly connected to the alleged victim walking up to Azami and punching him, knocking him to the ground.

Several people, including an officer, are seen racing toward Azami and the man who is on video hitting him.


The man responsible for attacking Azami was later identified as Glenn Cromwell Jr. He was arrested and charged with battery.


Azami, an actor born in Afghanistan, allegedly sexually assaulted a teenage girl in his home in September 2023. As 8 News Now reports, officers on September 3 responded to the Mirage Hotel for a report of a teenager who said she got into Azami’s car where he drove to his home and raped her.

The young girl, who was 14 or 15 at the time of the alleged assault, revealed to cops she was searching to ‘get something to smoke and eat’ when she noticed Azami in a marijuana dispensary parking lot.

Azami then drove her to his apartment, according to police. What happened next according to the cops was nothing short of pure evil.

“Azami was on the couch for a while on his phone and then came to lay with her on the bed,” police said. “(The teenager) had just started to fall asleep when Azami lay behind her.

She stated she felt his pelvis ‘grinding’ against her, and he was not wearing any clothes.”

The girl begged Azami to stop. She then took a shower, put on a piece of Azami’s clothing, and rushed out of Azami’s apartment. According to police documents, the teen was in the area of the Mirage where “she met a man who was picking up his wife,” telling him “she had been kidnapped and raped and needed police.”

Azami is scheduled to return to court on February 20 but is out of custody on a mere $5,000 bail. He was released by a judge on his recognizance.

Cromwell was released from custody on his own recognizance. He was due to return to court on March 19.

Coincidentally, this incident occurred in the same building where a man named Deobra Redden attacked Clark County District Judge Mary Kay Holthus on January 3. As The Gateway Pundit reported, Robben launched himself at her after she rejected his pleas for more probation.

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Former Intelligence Officer Believes He Discovered Amelia Earhart’s Missing Plane


One of the plaguing mysteries among aviators today is what happened to Amelia Earhart and her plane after she disappeared without a trace in 1937.

Former Air Force Intelligence Officer Tony Romeo has been trying to crack the longtime mystery of Earnart’s plane whereabouts, and a recent sonar image snapped by Romeo reveals he may be close to cracking the longtime mystery.

Romeo, who is the founder of the exploration company Deep Sea Vision, deployed a drone 16,500 under the ocean in Tarawa, Kiribati, in an attempt to find Earhart’s plane.

The drone captured sonar images that were the same shape as a Lockheed Electra, the same model plane Earhart flew during her last flight.

Romeo didn’t want to give any false hope and shared, “I’m not saying we found her,” but he’s still reamins very optimistic and plans to do a secondary search in the near future to see if sonar images can pick up the plane’s tail number.

Plane-shaped sonar image may be vital clue in Amelia Earhart mystery, adventurer says https://t.co/Qv3SY4ci8P pic.twitter.com/ja0vmmhHK2

— New York Post (@nypost) January 27, 2024

Per The New York Post:

For dozens of explorers, Amelia Earhart is the one who got away — seemingly permanently.

However, a commercial real estate investor from Charleston, South Carolina, believes he might finally have found a vital piece of the 87-year-old puzzle.

The pioneering female aviator, a household name at the time, disappeared with her flight navigator on what was to be a record-setting trip around the world in 1937.

Despite many attempts and millions of dollars spent over nine decades, neither Earhart’s remains nor the wreckage of her plane have ever definitively been located.

But Tony Romeo, a pilot and a former US Air Force intelligence officer who sold all his commercial properties to pay for his search, told The Wall Street Journal he thinks he found part of Earhart’s plane resting on the ocean floor.

The hunt for Amelia Earhart.

Deep Sea Vision scanned more than 5,200 square miles of ocean floor with a 16-person crew and the Kongsberg Discovery HUGIN 6000 before finding what could be the legendary American aviator’s Lockheed 10-E Electra. pic.twitter.com/lkxZqUOmkV

— Deep Sea Vision (@DeepSeaVision) January 27, 2024

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