Joe Biden Announces Border Is Broken After He Broke It – Says He Can Fix It When He Hasn’t – Asks for Authority Which He Already Has – Wants You to Believe He Will Take Action When We All Know He Won’t


Joe Biden’s handlers released a statement on Friday night on his plan to fix the open border that he broke when he came into office.

Note: Joe Biden’s very first act as president was to end the construction of the Trump border wall and the Keystone Pipeline. Joe Biden later sold these border wall parts for scrap to some lucky soul for pennies on the dollar.

During President Trump’s time in office you could track the progress of his border wall. Trump was able to build hundreds of miles of border wall despite pushback from then Speaker Paul Ryan, Majority leader Mitch McConnell, and every Democrat in office. Trump also had to regularly fend off the liberal legacy media who attacked his plan to secure the US southern border.

Joe Biden sold the border wall segments worth $300 million for $2 million.

Over ten million illegals have now walked across the open border into the United States since Joe Biden took office.

Joe Biden allowed more illegals to walk across the US border than the population of New Jersey.

In December a record 302,034 walked across the border into the United States. More migrants crossed into the US in one month than the total population of several prominent US cities like Buffalo, St. Louis, and Greensboro, North Carolina – IN ONE MONTH!

Joe Biden released this outrageous statement on the border crisis he created last night. He is asking for the authority to fix the border that he already has.

So, does this mean Joe Biden will visit the border now?

Will Joe Biden send in troops to arrest Texas Governor Greg Abbott for securing the border from Joe Biden’s illegal alien hordes?

Byron York delivered the perfect response to Joe Biden’s unbelievable stunt.

Byron York: The man who broke the border says the border is broken, and he is the one to fix it. He wants the authority — which he already has — to ‘shut down’ the border ‘when it becomes overwhelmed.’ Even if he used it, which he likely would not, because he hasn’t used the authority he already has — even if he used it, the effect would be to regularize the flow of 5,000 illegal crossers into the United States every day. Remember in the Obama years, when officials said 1,000 a day would overwhelm the system? Now Biden wants to make 5,000 a day — OK, 4,999 — the new benchmark of what is acceptable. And no one should believe Biden would even enforce that. Why would Congress do such a thing?

The man who broke the border says the border is broken, and he is the one to fix it. He wants the authority — which he already has — to ‘shut down’ the border ‘when it becomes overwhelmed.’ Even if he used it, which he likely would not, because he hasn’t used the authority he…

— Byron York (@ByronYork) January 27, 2024

Read more from Byron York on Joe Biden’s open border crisis here.

The post Joe Biden Announces Border Is Broken After He Broke It – Says He Can Fix It When He Hasn’t – Asks for Authority Which He Already Has – Wants You to Believe He Will Take Action When We All Know He Won’t appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Articles of Impeachment Introduced Against DA Fani Willis: ‘The Time to Act Is Now’


Georgia Republicans unveiled a one-two punch Friday targeting Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

Last year, Willis secured the indictment of former President Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants on allegations that they were involved in a conspiracy to interfere with the results of the 2020 election.

In recent days, Willis has come under fire amid allegations of a personal relationship with Nathan Wade, the prosecutor she hired to oversee the investigation of Trump. Documents released as part of Wade’s divorce case indicated the two have traveled together.

Republican state Rep. Charlice Byrd on Friday introduced a resolution calling for Willis to be impeached.

“With freedom on the line, bold action is necessary. It’s time for the legislature to do its constitutional duty and hold corrupt Fulton DA Fani Willis accountable, which is why I have introduced H.R. 872, articles of impeachment against Fani Willis,” Byrd wrote in a post on X.

With freedom on the line, bold action is necessary. It’s time for the legislature to do its constitutional duty and hold corrupt Fulton DA Fani WIllis accountable, which is why I have introduced H.R. 872, articles of impeachment against Fani WIllis. Read my full statement below:

— Rep. Charlice Byrd (@charlice_byrd) January 26, 2024

In an accompanying statement, Byrd said Willis sought to prosecute Trump and his co-defendants “for their constitutional right to question the integrity of the 2020 election count.”

“The First Amendment is still the bedrock of this country and Fani Willis can’t overturn it because she has Trump Derangement Syndrome,” Byrd said in the statement. “It’s time our state lawmakers draw a line in the sand and put an end to her refusal to uphold the Constitution.”

The statement noted that “Willis also has come under scrutiny for possible conflict of interest in hiring a potential paramour in the case against Trump,” the statement said.

“Fani Willis has a laundry list of potential conflicts that make her unworthy and unfit to be the District Attorney in Fulton County. Someone elected to that office is expected to uphold the law and not weaponize their office for political gain. Since Day One when she was elected, Fani Willis has embarrassed the criminal justice system in Fulton County and our state,” Byrd said in the statement.

“The time to act is now and I encourage my colleagues in the General Assembly to join me and impeach Fani Willis,” Byrd concluded.

The resolution accused Willis of “malfeasance, tyrannical partiality, and oppression” in indicting Trump and his co-defendants.

It further said Willis “engaged in an inappropriate relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade” and paid Wade close to $700,000; and that “as a result of Fani T. Willis’ inappropriate relationship with Nathan Wade, she has financially benefitted.”

While Byrd sought to impeach Willis, Georgia Senate Republicans on Friday formed a committee to investigate allegations against her that revolve around Wade, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The resolution to form the panel passed 30-19 on a party-line vote.

Republican state Sen. Greg Dolezal, said senators have an obligation to see how public money is spent.

“This resolution is about an officer of the state of Georgia, within a subdivision of the state of Georgia, and how they are using state funds,” he said. “This falls squarely within what we should be talking about and what we should be addressing.”

Republican state Sen. Brandon Beach said, “It is becoming more and more clear that this was prosecution for personal profit.”

“It’s my hope that this investigative committee will use its subpoena power and subpoena witnesses and records to explore if state funds were spent on these lavish trips and fine dining [restaurants]. Did security details travel on these trips and who paid for their expenses? Did Ms. Willis break any ethics law by not disclosing any gifts she received?” he said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Elon Musk Responds After Joe Biden Issues Press Release on “Bipartisan Senate Border Security Negotiations” on How to Fix the Border

 Hundreds of illegal immigrants are processed by U.S. Border Patrol officers in Eagle Pass, Texas, on Sept. 18, 2023. (Bill Melugin / Twitter video screen shot)


Friday Night, Joe Biden, via his official X account, released a statement regarding the on-going negotiations with the Senate, claiming, “For too long, we all know the border’s been broken” and that “it’s long past time to fix it.”

Biden stated that he “instructed his team to begin negotiations” with the Senate to “seriously, and finally, address the border crisis.”  Biden claimed that “what’s been negotiated would… be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country.”

For everyone who is demanding tougher border control, this is the way to do it.

Here’s my full statement on border security negotiations:

— President Biden (@POTUS) January 27, 2024

Elon Musk responded on X, saying “No laws needed to be passed.  All that is needed is an executive order to require proof before granting an asylum hearing.  That is how it used to be.”

No laws need to be passed. All that is needed is an executive order to require proof before granting an asylum hearing. That is how it used to be.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 27, 2024

Today marked the deadline of the Biden Administration’s ultimatum demanding Texas permit federal agents access at Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, TX.  It has been a contentious showdown between armed Texas National Guard troops and federal agents since the guardsmen began blocking federal agents access to the park on January 12th.  In response to a January 14th DHS letter demanding federal access, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton refused to back down, citing federal statute and Article IV Section IV of the US Constitution.  AG Paxton also noted:

Your supposed commitment “to rendering emergency assistance to individuals in need” is belied by the fact that U.S. Border Patrol withdrew from Shelby Park last year and advised the Texas Department of Public Safety that federal personnel would not be present to administer aid unless Texas called for help. Moreover, the Del Rio Sector appears to be the only place along the Rio Grande where DHS does not keep boats on the water around the clock to provide water-rescue capabilities.

In a December 2023 letter written by Speaker Mike Johnson to Biden, he wrote:

“All of this is the direct result of your administration’s policies.  You have clearly undermined America’s sovereignty and security by ending the Remain in Mexico policy, reinstating catch-and-release, suspending asylum cooperative agreements with other nations, revoking existing restraints on the abuse of parole, and halting border wall construction.”

According to CBP data, there have been more than 8.1 million border encounters at the southern border since Biden took office.  Since 2023, there have been 218 encounters with individuals on the TSDS, or terrorist watch list.  There were only 124 in the last six years.  And only 11 during President Trump’s entire term.

Biden continues to pass the blame onto Congress, holding them captive alongside Senate Democrats and some Republicans, such as Mitch McConnell, who are demanding funding for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.  The southern border would receive $14 billion of the proposed $110 billion package.

Much of that funding set aside for the border would go towards 1,600 new asylum processing officers, while 600 federal agents were relocated in November to “make sandwiches” and “babysit” illegal migrants, according to Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO).  During a Senate hearing, DHS Secretary Mayorkas would not outright deny the whistleblower’s claim:

A patriotic whistleblower told me DHS special agents are being pulled off investigating child trafficking to make sandwiches for illegal immigrants at the southern border. Secretary Mayorkas can’t deny it. Watch

— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) October 31, 2023

Joe Biden’s current approval rating is at 41%, the lowest of any President in his third year since Jimmy Carter (37.4%), according to The Hill.


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Trump Destroying Haley by 27 Points in Her Own State of South Carolina


Former President Donald Trump is destroying neoconservative candidate Nikki Haley in her own state of South Carolina.

A Tyson Group survey released this week found Trump has 58 percent support in the South Carolina Republican primary race, while Haley has just 33 percent support.

Another 11 percent of likely voters remain “undecided.”

On @thepulseofnh this AM, @GovChrisSununu notes that SC primary is “even more open” than #FITN.
“In South Carolina, if you’re a Democrat, you can just walk in the door and vote. So there is a lot of opportunity there” for @NikkiHaley in #SouthCarolinaPrimary @NHGOP

— NH Journal (@NewHampJournal) January 25, 2024

South Carolina is an open primary state, meaning that Democrats can vote for a GOP candidate.

As we have seen in other states, Haley’s support is being largely boosted by Democrats.

When looking only at Republican voters, Trump’s support jumps to 69 percent, and hers falls to 28 percent — a massive 41-point margin.

Trump is also leading Haley among independents, 48 percent to 33 percent.

Breitbart News noted, “New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, who backs Haley, also pushed for Democrats to vote for Haley in South Carolina.”

A poll conducted ahead of the Iowa caucuses by NBC News, the Des Moines Register, and Iowa pollster Selzer & Co. found that Haley supporters in Iowa are twice as likely to vote for Joe Biden as they are Donald Trump, should she not win the Republican nomination.

The pollsters asked likely Iowa caucus-goers, “If Donald Trump is the Republican nominee in the general election in November, would you vote for him, vote for Joe Biden, vote for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., or vote for some other third-party candidate?”

Across the board, just 11 percent of Republican caucus-goes across the board said they would flip and vote for Biden if Trump was the nominee. Looking only at Haley supporters, that number jumped to a whopping 43 percent.

Just 23 percent of Haley’s supporters said they would vote for Trump over Biden.

In contrast, 64 percent of DeSantis supporters said that they would vote for Trump if he was the nominee.

NBC News reports, “These new findings from the latest NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll of Iowa further illustrate the degree to which Haley is bringing in support from independents, Democrats and Republicans who have been uneasy with Trump’s takeover of the GOP. Fully half of her Iowa caucus supporters are independents or crossover Democrats, according to the survey results. Overall, Haley took 20% for second place in the survey, compared to 48% for Trump.”

“The poll also shows three-quarters of caucusgoers believing Trump can defeat Biden despite the former president’s legal challenges. But again, a majority of Haley’s supporters think it will be nearly impossible for Trump to win,” the report added.

In 2019, Haley was elected to Boeing’s board of directors months after leaving her post in the Trump administration. At the time, she had a net worth less than $1 million.

“Post her tenure, reports surfaced that Haley boosted her fortune eight-fold — to $8 million — after leaving the Trump administration,” the New York Post reported at the time.

Soon after, the former UN ambassador purchased a $2.4 million waterfront estate on Kiawah Island, South Carolina.

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VIDEO: John Fetterman Spends His Night Trolling Pro-Hamas Agitators with Israeli Flag After They Showed Up at His Home to Harass Him


Braddock, Pennsylvania -For the past several months, Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) has demonstrated shocking glimpses of common sense, which is endearing himself to conservatives and angering his leftist supporters.

Fetterman, for example, has been critical about the border invasion taking place with the Biden regime’s encouragement and has supported border talks with Republicans to help solve the crisis. He has said the situation is so awful the American dream itself is threatened by record illegal immigration.

He also went against Democrat leadership and demanded indicted New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez resign from the Senate.

But his most significant break from the left has been on the Israel-Hamas war. Fetterman is a big supporter of Israel’s right to defend itself. He has even declined to back a “two-state” solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict favored by his Democrat colleagues.

Fetterman’s independent streak on Israel was again displayed Friday night. Pro-Hamas agitators showed up at his home in Braddock, Pennsylvania waving Palestinian flags and chanting, “Fetterman, Fetterman, you can’t hide! You support genocide!”

But instead of ignoring or trying to pander to the losers, Fetterman got on his rooftop and spent the night trolling them with an Israeli flag.

The person who captured the epic response, a pro-Hamas Marxist, called it “an unbelievable sight to see.”


John Fetterman spent the night standing on a rooftop waving an Israeli flag at protestors in Pennsylvania. Just an unbelievable sight to see.

— James Ray (@GoodVibePolitik) January 27, 2024

This was not the first time Fetterman mocked pro-Hamas protesters. In November, Fetterman waved an Israeli flag in their faces outside of the Senate.

Not many Democrats would dare show this amount of audacity in confronting the radical left. This goes double for Joe Biden, who earlier this month let himself get shut down by pro-Hamas protesters and later tried to appease them.

Fetterman still does not deserve to be trusted entirely because he remains quite liberal on most issues. But he has surpassed conservatives’ meager expectations of him.

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