OUTRAGEOUS: IRS Contractor Who Stole and Leaked Trump’s Tax Returns Could Face Little or No Jail Time


This past fall, a contractor for the IRS named Charles Littlejohn admitted to taking a job with the IRS with the goal of stealing Trump’s tax returns, which he did.

The Gateway Pundit did an extensive report about Littlejohn and his crimes.

Now we are learning that Littlejohn is likely to see very little jail time or none at all, because the DOJ allowed him to plead guilty to just one felony count. This is as Trump officials are going to jail over almost nothing.

Former IRS contractor Charles Edward Littlejohn, who stole and helped publicize the confidential tax records of Donald Trump and an estimated 7,500 other wealthy Americans, could face little or no jail time when he’s sentenced later this month, because the DOJ allowed him to…

— Peter Schweizer (@peterschweizer) January 25, 2024

From Real Clear Investigations:

Leniency on Tap for Anti-Trump Leaker of Thousands of Tax Returns

Another apparent “sweetheart deal” negotiated by President Biden’s Justice Department in a politically charged case is drawing scrutiny.

Former IRS contractor Charles Edward Littlejohn, who stole and helped publicize the confidential tax records of Donald Trump and an estimated 7,500 other wealthy Americans, could face little or no jail time when he’s sentenced later this month, because the DOJ allowed him to plead guilty to a single felony count.

In a new court filing, prosecutors acknowledge the plea deal “does not account for the fact that he leaked thousands of individuals’ tax returns. His [sentencing] range would be the same today if he had leaked only a single return.”

But instead of seeking prison time for each of his offenses – or even for the two separate mass thefts he committed, one in 2019 and another in 2020 – the DOJ is asking a federal judge to sentence Littlejohn to just 60 months, the maximum for a single offense under the statute. Some political leaders angry over the plea deal say he should get 60 years, not months, for his crime – the biggest heist of IRS taxpayer data in history.

Attorneys for Littlejohn, 38, argue he actually deserves an even lower sentence, closer to the presentencing report’s range of four to 10 months, in part because he leaked the reams of stolen private income-tax data to “reputable news organizations – the New York Times and ProPublica – that he knew would handle the information responsibly.”

We do not have equal justice under the law. The left gets away with doing pretty much whatever they want to do.

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New Poll Finds Voters Think the Term ‘Bidenomics’ Could Actually Help Trump Win the Election


The term ‘Bidenomics’ is politically toxic. We have known this for months. The Biden White House has been running away from the term because they know it’s a loser.

According to new polling from Rasmussen, the term is such a loser that voters think it could actually help Trump win the election in November.

How’s that for irony?

The Washington Examiner reports:

Voters: ‘Bidenomics’ a loser, will help Trump win

America’s voters view the White House term “Bidenomics” negatively and believe that President Joe Biden’s touting of it will actually help former President Donald Trump win in the fall election.

A risky strategy from the start since similar phrases such as “Reaganomics” were used against the sitting president, Biden’s team believed they could spin the term positively. The president even said it was interchangeable with the “American Dream.”

But in the latest Rasmussen Reports survey shared with Secrets Thursday morning, likely voters weren’t buying Bidenomics.

By a 44%-26% margin, voters said that the term would help Trump, not Biden, “win” the fall election. Most of the rest, 23%, said it won’t make a difference in the outcome.

What’s more, the term helped voters recall the economic prosperity when Trump was president.

Democrats had such high hopes for this. Not anymore.

Voters: ‘Bidenomics’ a loser, will help Trump win

By a 44%-26% margin, voters said that the term would help Trump, not Biden, “win” the fall election. Most of the rest, 23%, said it won’t make a difference in the outcome. @Rasmussen_Poll https://t.co/A7Ir5deBf9 via @dcexaminer pic.twitter.com/Y9H0NlVpGU

— Paul Bedard (@SecretsBedard) January 25, 2024

Is ‘Bidenomics’ a Winner or a Loser for 2024?

By a wide margin, more voters say “Bidenomics” will help Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential campaign than believe it will help Joe Biden win reelection.

More At Rasmussen Reports:https://t.co/DCPMjcCYy7 pic.twitter.com/KlzBj6hpk9

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) January 25, 2024

Bidenomics has become nothing more than a punchline.

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WATCH: Louisiana Senator John Kennedy Embarrasses Clueless Biden Judicial Nominee Who Bombs Two Basic Legal Questions

 Robin M. Meriweather, on left, bombs basic legal questions from Louisiana Senator John Kennedy, on right.
Credit: Forbes YouTube Screenshot

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) is a national treasure with an incisive wit and a dry sense of humor. He has displayed these talents throughout his time in the Senate, whether by stumping unqualified Biden nominees or in interviews with reporters.

Kennedy’s wit was on display again Wednesday when he questioned Robin M. Meriweather before the Senate Judiciary Committee, who is currently a federal magistrate judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Joe Biden nominated her to be a judge on the Court of Federal Claims earlier this month.

Kennedy exposed Meriweather’s utter lack of qualifications during his line of inquiry. He began by forcing her to admit she had never argued a single case before the Court of Federal Claims after multiple tries.

Then things got even worse for Meriweather. She bombed two basic questions a law student could answer. The first was the grounds for granting a new trial, and the second was defining a contract of cohesion. After much prodding from Kennedy, she could only name one of at least six grounds for granting a new trial and was left completely bamboozled by the second question.

This whole six-minute interrogation was a complete mismatch.



Kennedy: How many motions have you argued in the Court of Federal Claims?

Meriweather: I have argued hundreds of motions involving complex civil claims in numerous courts. The Court of Federal Claims is not one of those courts.

Kennedy: Okay, so the answer is zero?

Meriweather: That is correct, senator.

Kennedy: Okay, how many cases have you tried in the Court of Federal Claims?

Meriweather: I have tried a civil case in the District Court for the District of Columbia; most of my cases have been resolved on motions, and none of those cases have been in the court of federal claims, although they involve similarly complex matters under civil laws,” Meriweather explained.

Kennedy: So the answer is zero?

Meriweather: That is correct, Senator.

Kennedy: Tell me the grounds for granting a new trial in the Court of Federal Claims.

Meriweather: All of the trials in the Court of Federal Claims are bench trials and the Court of Federal Claims, although it is not bound by the federal rules of civil procedure, its rules mirror those rules when applicable. So it’s my understanding that the same rules that would apply in the district court are also applied in that context, but if I were presented with a motion for a new trial, should I be confirmed as a judge on the Court of Federal Claims I would, of course, consult the rules of court, of the Court of Federal Claims.

Kennedy: So what are the grounds for granting a new trial?

Meriweather: My understanding is that in a new trial, you would have to comply with the applicable rules.

Kennedy: I know that, but what are they? What are the grounds? You said that the rules are identical to the Court of Federal Claims and Federal District Court. I’m not sure that’s accurate, but just tell me, what are the grounds for granting a new trial in the Court of Federal Claims?

Meriweather: Senator, that is not an issue I have had occasion to consider before, despite my extensive civil experience and my familiarity not only with the federal rules of civil procedure but I’ve also reviewed the rules of the Court of Federal Claims. But if I were presented with that question, should I be confirmed, I would again consult the rules and follow the precedent.

Kennedy: Alright, let me be sure, judge, I understand your testimony. Can you tell me one single ground for granting a new trial in either a federal district court of the Court of Federal Claims as we sit here today?” Kennedy asked again.

Merriweather: Yes, if you misapplied, if there were gross misapplication of the law, certainly a litigant would argue for a new trial…”

Kennedy: Anything else? There are like six or seven of them. Can you tell me any others?

Merriweather: Trials are so infrequent in the civil context and I have, although I have presided over bench trials and a jury trial, I have not been presented with a motion to have a new trial so I’ve not..

Kennedy: Okay, okay, what’s a contract of adhesion?

Merriweather: Senator, I’m familiar with contract law, the concept of contracts of adhesion..

Kennedy: Yeah, you’re gonna see a lot of that; that’s what the Federal Court of Federal Claims does. What’s a contract of adhesion?

Merriweather: Senator, the court of federal claims does handle a lot of procurement cases, those typically turn on interpretations…

Kennedy: Yes, ma’am, but I’m going to run out of time. What’s a contract of adhesion? If you don’t know, just tell me.

Merriweather: Senator, despite my extensive civil experience including dozens of cases that include contract cases, I have not dealt with the question of what a contract of adhesion is but should it be presented to me I would…

Kennedy: Sure, you’ll look it up.

According to Cornell Law School, a contract of adhesion exists “if the parties are of such disproportionate bargaining power that the party of weaker bargaining strength could not have negotiated for variations in the terms of the adhesion contract.” Cornell Law goes on to note these contracts are generally used for matters involving insurance, leases, deeds, mortgages, automobile purchases, and other forms of consumer credit.

The nominees Biden has nominated for federal court would be hilarious if the consequences were not dire. Remember, these leftist morons will spend a lifetime legislating from the bench and make a total mockery of the Constitution in the process.

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Michigan Head Coach Reveals “Mini Revival” Took Place Among Players, 70 Players Baptized During Championship Run


University of Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh’s impact on players in the Wolverine’s football program is much deeper than the game of football.

During an interview with Christian sports commentator Jon Root, Harbaugh revealed that 70 of his players had been baptized over the past season.

Harbaugh told Root, “There’s a spiritual mission to our team.”

Root reacted to the incredible news from Harbaugh by expressing that the baptism of 70 players in a single season signifies the occurrence of “a mini-revival” within the team.

The Michigan Wolverines, under Harbaugh’s leadership, went 15-0 this year and were National champions after trouncing the Washington Huskies.

Michigan Head Coach Jim Harbaugh Reveals ‘Mini Revival’, 70 Players Baptized Last Season https://t.co/VXUfvrJxSp

— CBN News (@CBNNews) January 23, 2024

Per CBN:

University of Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh revealed a stunning stat last week while joining the 51st annual March for Life Rally in Washington D.C. The coach of this year’s college football championship team said 70 of his players had been baptized over the past season.

In an interview with faith and sports commentator Jon Root, on the sidelines of the pro-life rally, Harbaugh shared the surprising news.

“There’s a spiritual mission to our team,” Harbaugh said. “I’m inspired by them…[it’s] inspirational. The young players on our team are incredible examples.”

There are more than 100 players on the roster for the 2024 College Football Champs. Root said that indicates “a mini revival” has been underway this past season with more than half of the Michigan Wolverines declaring their faith in Jesus by getting baptized in 2023.

Several of the players are outspoken born-again Christians who aren’t afraid to talk about their faith in Christ.

Got a chance to chat with Jim Harbaugh about his bold pro-life stance, where he’ll potentially coach next & more at the @March_for_Life pic.twitter.com/tftKJbBiBj

— Jon Root (@JonnyRoot_) January 19, 2024

Harbaugh was a keynote speaker during the recent March for Life pro-life event in Washington, D.C.


National Champion Football Coach Undaunted, Scoffs at Freezing Weather During March for Life

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New York Changed Laws to Enable Crackpot E. Jean Carroll to Sue Trump – E. Jean Carroll Admits She Helped Democrats Pass the Law So They Could Get Trump

 Crazy lady E. Jean Carroll admits that she helped push Democrats to pass an adult survivor’s act so she could sue Donald Trump on her fake rape charges.

As DC Draino pointed out earlier today – E. Jean Carroll wasn’t only funded by a Democrat activist billionaire to smear Trump in court, but she also helped New York officials *change state laws* to specifically allow her to attack Trump right before the 2024 election. And Trump-hater George Conway helped push her to file the outrageous claims against President Trump.

E. Jean Carroll went on CNN with her attorney Roberta Kaplan went on with CNN to brag about how Carroll was only able to file the lawsuit after New York Democrats changed the laws and extended the statute of limitations for sexual assault in the state. This allowed E. Jean Carroll to sue Trump for a rape she said took place in a department store sometime in the 1990s during a shopping spree with the younger Donald Trump. She didn’t even have to give a date or a year to get the case to court in New York City.

Governor Hochul siged the act into law in may 2022 so that E. Jean Carroll could file her lawsuit against President Trump.
SafeHorizon.org reported:

On May 24, 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul signed the Adult Survivors Act (ASA) into law, which gives survivors of sexual assault an opportunity to heal and seek justice.

The Adult Survivors Act creates a special one-year look-back window to allow survivors whose case or claim expired outside the statute of limitations, and who were 18 or older when they were sexually assaulted in New York State, to file a lawsuit against the person who harmed them and/or the negligent institution.

The one-year window will begin on November 24, 2022 and will allow survivors to sue, even if they were already outside of the civil statute of limitations.

Carroll could not win a rape case against Trump so her team took him to court for “defamation” for the comments he made as president. This sets a dangerous precedent for future presidents as the left continues its assault on the First Amendment.

Never Forget

Trump accuser Jean Carroll admits on CNN she *helped* New York Dems pass the new law in 2022 that extended statute of limitations for sexual assault civil lawsuits beyond 20 years, which allowed her to sue Trump in a 1 year window

Her lawyer says they filed their… pic.twitter.com/dEHfWyBoF2

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) January 26, 2024

The Trump jury in the E. Jean Carroll defamation trial returned a verdict on Friday: $7.1 million – $11 million – plus punitive $65 million in “damages!”

This was a travesty of justice.

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