‘The Effort’ By Janaury 6 Political Hostage Ryan Samsel


GUEST AUTHOR: J6 political hostage Ryan Samsel 

My name is Ryan Samsel. I think I should inform the public with updates about my case and my health, as many of you have inquired. Let me give you a recap and some back story to remind some and inform others.

J6 hostage Ryan Samsel renders Joshua Black aid after police shot him in the face at the Capitol riot.

I was scheduled for surgery for a male breast double glansectomy on March 11, 2021.  Instead, I was arrested on January 30, 2021, for protesting on January 6, 2021.

I told medical staff when I arrived at the jail that I had this condition and that I needed to be placed back on blood thinners. I was denied this.

Not even a month into my incarceration, I was brutally attacked by government officials, after of course, being zip-tied —  just as cowards they are.

I was left unconscious in my cell only to wake up in the back of an ambulance a few days later.

I was rushed to the trauma unit and then treated in the intensive care unit. Doctors determined assaults left me with broken face bones, skull bones, a broken nose, a dislocated jaw, and traumatic brain injury. They found blood clots in my chest and arms and loss of vision in my eye. I was prescribed many follow-ups. To this day I’ve had none!

So-called lawyers promised to help and file lawsuits. The first anti-Trump attorney promised me the world and even gave interviews on my behalf. But when I did not have the money to pay for his services, he did not show up to my court dates.

I was alone in this struggle.

The next left-wing lawyer would bounce me back and forth on phone calls for months with nothing. In the meantime, I was transferred to a Virginia jail. The medics there wrote to the judge warning I required immediate extensive medical treatment that they could not provide at their facility and they asked for me to be moved to a medical jail.

So, I was transferred to Central Virginia Regional Jail in Orange, VA, and held in booking, in constant lockdown. They wanted to do this me to — they would black out my windows and put me in the back of booking until Virginia State Police received complaints from staff. The VA State Police reviewed the complaints, came to the jail, and said I was living in inhumane conditions and I was transferred.

I was transferred to Northern Neck Regional Jail, where I was tortured, held in a four-point restraint chair for 12 hours on the request of Assistant US Attorney Karen Rockland of Miami district, and then told I must be placed in solitary confinement.

In the restraint chair, they tie all your ‘points’ and lay you backwards. They have to massage you every hour not to prevent you from getting blood clots. But they didn’t do that for me in the chair. They did not cover my face at first, they spat on me.

During a legal visit, I explained to C.O Taylor and Captain English that I was cuffed to the front due to the blood clots in my arm. That is when they said they, ‘Don’t give a fuck’ and forced my arms behind me and beat me. Captain English called me ‘a terrorist piece of shit’ and told his staff to beat me.

I awoke an hour later to medical giving me CPR. I assume I stopped breathing and I was revived.

Then I was dragged into a hidden cell.

I would be transferred to the hospital only after cops were notified by a concerned staff member that EMTs were lied to and told I was ‘not there.’

At the hospital, the jail doctor showed up and treated me, which is odd — the x-ray would prove I have a broken skull and was stabbed by handcuff keys — once again, I received no actual treatment for these assaults.

***Please Support J6 Political Hostage Ryan Samsel here. ***

These hits are from no other than our ‘great government.’

Your Congress members don’t do anything. The lawyers are worthless and the ‘patriot’ organizations are racking in money for their personal interests. They help who they want and how much they want. The rest goes to God only knows and I’m sure He doesn’t like his name being exploited to raise money for personal gain.

I was offered assistance from a powerful, famous attorney’s team. Then this attorney went on top conservative news broadcast telling the world how I was not indicted for 11 months and raised money from the broadcast to retain a lawyer that would help me get medical treatment.

Well, they left the lawyer hanging — never fully paid the man who now represents me.

My current lawyer then reached out to an attorney who I will refer to as ‘BS,’ for assistance. BS would later mislead many defendants and the public and lie and misquote The Gateway Pundit’s reports about my case. He raised money using my suffering, never to do anything for me, not a thing! Just raise money and lie about me and rob the American people!

This is why over and over I say, ‘Donate directly to the Jan6er’ not some other organization.

BS told me he would and did file a writ of habeas corpus for my medical treatment. Nope.

He lied.

And so Judge Jia Cobb called me to her courtroom, and she is a no-nonsense person, you can see the coldness in her. She does not care about my medical situation whatsoever or justice or law for that matter. But she did tell me she does not like how the lawyers are lying to me and not helping me address this urgent medical issue.

It’s lawyers like BS who have been fired by almost every Jan6er because simply he wants people to plead guilty, and I did not, because anybody who does is helping our government and is a coward.

It is our duty to stand up — it’s not a right. It’s a duty. Anybody who pleads guilty in my opinion shall be tarred and feathered because they helped build cases against us, the few men who fought for you at home.

And the plea deals are helping convict our President. Yes, these plea dealers are signing a paper blaming President Donald Trump. Call to President Trump: Any man who pleads guilty shall not deserve a pardon as they are not willing to die for their beliefs and the Truth, so they are not fit to live. And I don’t call them ‘patriots,’ I call them ‘turncoats.’

And I yell to you sitting at home, I have been through hell and back and will go back and I’ll keep coming back! They can’t beat me. They won’t beat me. I will not bend these knees!

With legal counsel absent, the judge ordered my transfer to USP prison pre-trial in Lewisburg, a level 5 prison. The doctor from that prison wrote to the judge stating, Ryan Samsel needs surgery and a lot of medical and it would be best if he were permitted to return home for treatment in his condition.

Judge Cobb blew a gasket. She called the prison and told the doctor to change his order now. And he did. Then he sent me to Lehigh Valley Hospital, where they made appointments for cancer treatment, reconstructive plastic surgery, and vascular surgery. The doctors authorized me to take blood tests for cancer, again prescribed the double glansectomy surgery I was scheduled to undergo before Jan. 6, and physical rehabilitation. Judge Cobb was not happy with this so she sent me to be treated by the University of Jefferson in Philadelphia.

I sat in vain as the medical physician and breast cancer doctor both could not believe the judge was doing this. They both marked my case ‘urgent.’ I was given a mammogram again and the glands in my chest were now bleeding and had grown 10 centimeters. The doctors wanted surgery. Judge Jia Cobb said ‘No’ and while there in Philadelphia, I was abused again.

I was detained on 8th the floor. After weeks of starving, I would empty the toilet and yell down to the cell blocks.

When Zachary Rehl heard me yelling, I cut my bed sheets into a rope and he would ‘fish’ me food through the toilet and letters of hope.

I cried — out of anger and rage! Good men are being abused, tortured— lawyers don’t care. They’re so scared to fight! So, we must do that. We must take the fight in our own hands.

I was moved into a room called a “hard cell” when the COs realized I was fishing through toilets for food.

Lawyers exploited my suffering and used photographs exposing this illegal persecution to profit. Fake media published fake voice recordings claiming the hell I lived through was fake.

The truth was exposed as I said it would, as it always eventually is. This torture is real just as Zach Rehl explained and as others there have confirmed. This is happening every day as we speak.

I am steadfast in unwavering faith and I know, God, that justice will be served. I am reaching out to a new team of lawyers. I will not ask any organization for help.

I ask you, the American public, to join me. Please, help me raise the money so I can get lawyers to fight and get the life-saving medical.

I am laying here in bed, in lockdown in the basement of the Washington DC Correctional Treatment Facility still, with yet another blood in my leg. It was a battle months-long battle for the nurses here to finally give me blood thinners.

Please, no more. It’s been 3 hard, long years. After a habeas complaint is filed and the judge permits the treatment and surgery, it will set a precedent for others who are languishing in this evil system;  you will facilitate a change in the American prison system for all men and women.

I beg you, please help me expose this injustice. Share this story. Share the link to my GiveSendGo. Write Judge Jia Cobb. Let her know the world sees and history will show what she has done — and shame on her! And you are what matters at home, you. I am enduring torture for you so you never have to.

Please support me. Expose this, make a video report about it, and pass it around.  Anybody who knows who produces video content, ask for people to help us in this fight. We can make a difference but only if we are united. We have to donate even if it’s just 5 dollars, every little bit helps and it goes directly towards building a team of lawyers who will file a habeas lawsuit that will allow me to get the surgery that will save my life, not a 3rd party.

I can build a team of lawyers who will file a habeas corpus that will change how people are later treated here, even if it costs my life. Please do something. We are the hope for the hopeless. We have to keep the flame of freedom alive. You know the choice you have to make. get up and do something right now in this moment.

I have spilled my blood.

I have given my eye and arm. I have given my freedom. I was tortured for you and standing for what’s right and still am. Fight with me! Get up now do something! I beg of you please write the judge a letter and make 20 copies of it and flood her with letters and please pass this share this and tag Trump. I will be in the courtroom next to yours, sir and I fight for freedom. I do not plea nor beg for mercy from our enemy, sir. I choose death before dishonor.

Honor, respect integrity, life, light, freedom, strength, and my blood Ryan Samsel.

Join the effort join or die!

***Please Support J6 Political Hostage Ryan Samsel here. ***

The post ‘The Effort’ By Janaury 6 Political Hostage Ryan Samsel appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


French Constitutional Council Strikes Large Sections of Macron’s New, Tougher Immigration Bill


All over Europe, the Globalist-liberal governments are faring poorly in the polls, while the right wing parties are soaring.

France is no exception. In his move to the right, President Emmanuel Macron is trying to prevent a crushing defeat in this year’s European Parliament elections.

This lead to the formation of a new administration with a much more conservative profile, even if led by young, openly gay, former socialist Prime Minister Gabriel Atal.

Read: France’s Macron Caves to the Right in New TOUGH Immigration Bill, in a Political Victory for Marine Le Pen

One of the vital issues Macron is trying to address is, of course, the scourge of unchecked mass migration.

To this effect, a new tough immigration bill was approved in the National Assembly, with the help and votes of the right.

However, now the French Constitutional Council, on Thursday, rejected several measures contained in the bill, in what appears to be a new blow to President Emmanuel Macron and his government. But is it, really?

The council blocked 32 of the law’s 86 articles. These were supposedly contrary to the French constitution.

Associated Press reported:

“Among measures rejected were those making it harder for immigrants to bring their families to France, and limiting their access to social welfare. The bill also strengthens France’s ability to deport foreigners considered undesirable.

Groups who see the law as contrary to French values — and as a gift to the increasingly influential far right — protested ahead of the ruling outside the Constitutional Council across from the Louvre Museum in central Paris. Other protests were also planned, and Paris police deployed special security measures for the day.”

Read: Defiant Macron Says He’s Not a ‘Lame Duck’ President, Defends the New Tough Immigration Bill: ’It’s What the French People Wanted’

Leftwing protesters accused Macron of caving into pressure from Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party.

“The dispute comes amid tensions across Europe around migration and as anti-immigration parties on the far right are rising in popularity ahead of European Parliament elections in June.”

Read:  Young and Gay New French PM Attal Masks a Shift to the Right in Macron’s New Cabinet, In a Bid To Limit Projected Conservative Victories

The government, rather than trying to get the stricken measures back, will push through the law ‘in the coming hours’.

Most of the 35 measures rejected were added to the bill to get right-wing votes for the bill.

But the government still insists that new law represents ‘a hardening of the immigration rules’.

BBC reported:

“Foreigners legally in France could now be deported with criminal convictions. Even those who came to France before they were 13 or those who have lived in France for more than 20 years could be expelled if they are given substantial jail terms and deemed to be a ‘grave threat to public order’.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said the Constitutional Council had validated all the government’s measures and it was now time to put the law into practice. ‘The Republic will never have had a law as tough as this,” he told France’s TF1 TV channel on Thursday night’.”

New 2023 migration number from France’s interior ministry show that the number of foreign offenders expelled from France rose by 10.7% to more than 17,000.

The number pales compared to asylum applications, that  increased by 8.6% to almost 142,500.

“With European Parliament elections ahead in June, and without a majority in the National Assembly, President Emmanuel Macron is facing a strong challenge from the far right and he is reliant on parties outside the government to get legislation through.”

Five weeks ago the government the backing of right-wing Republicans and National Rally (RN) to push through its immigration law, but what about now?

“The French right is now pressing for a second immigration bill to be put forward, although the interior minister has made clear he has no intention of doing so.”

Read more:

‘Tournez à Droite’: Macron Scrambles To Gain the Conservative Vote Without Losing His Globalist, Liberal Pedigree









The post French Constitutional Council Strikes Large Sections of Macron’s New, Tougher Immigration Bill appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Why Is Biden Admin Unpopular? According to Kamala, It’s Because They Haven’t Taken ‘Adequate Credit’


As of Friday morning, President Joe Biden’s favorable rating in the RealClearPolitics polling aggregate sits at 39.6 percent favorable, 55.3 percent unfavorable — a negative 15.7 percent spread.

Vice President Kamala Harris is doing even worse: 36.2 percent favorable, 55.0 percent unfavorable, a negative 18.8 percent spread.

Compare this with former President Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner whom both the administration and its media enablers have painted as an insurrectionist, an election-denier and a threat to democracy: 41.6 percent favorable, 55.9 percent unfavorable.

That’s a negative 12.3 percent spread — not great, granted. But when the administration and the establishment media of the United States and the West — almost all of which parrot the Democrats’ lines — have spent nearly a decade painting Trump as the unholy amalgamation of Mussolini, Joe McCarthy and Godzilla, the fact that both the sitting president and vice president have lower favorability ratings than that guy should speak loudly of their failures.

So what’s the real issue here, particularly going into an election year? What can the Biden administration change so that Joe and Kamala aren’t looking for new gigs come next January?

Well, Harris sat down with Katie Couric for an interview this week and she said she had the answer: It was about time they started taking “adequate credit” for their accomplishments.

You heard the vice president correctly, folks. They’re just unpopular because they’re too darn modest.

In the hardest softball thrown in an interview of Couric-lobbed softballs on Tuesday, the former “CBS Evening News” host noted the “accomplishments” of the Biden administration — and how, somehow, that hadn’t translated into through-the-roof popularity.

“An infrastructure bill, finally,” Couric said. “The CHIPS Act, the Safer Communities Act, addressing gun violence, to name three legislative accomplishments. Low unemployment. Millions of jobs created. Inflation down. The stock market up … and yet, you and President Biden’s approval ratings are at historic lows.”

“Why do you think that is, given what I just outlined?” she asked.

Perhaps it was because she was speaking to a simpatico interviewer who seemed as clueless as she was about why she and her boss were at historic lows when it came to approval ratings, but she let a bit too much on.

Harris began by saying that if she “listened to polls, I would have never run for my first office, or probably my second or third, for that matter, so I only put so much stock in polls.”

She then listed the minor “accomplishments” the Biden administration had racked up on the economy, prescription drug costs, student debt and infrastructure.

“Historic work has happened, no question. It is incumbent on us to let people know who brung it to them, frankly,” the vice president said.

“So, you’re right, we have a lot of accomplishments, and I think what the American people want most in their leaders is that we actually get things done — and we have done it,” Harris said. “We haven’t taken adequate credit for it, frankly, and we’ve got to do a better job of getting the word out about what we have accomplished and who did it.”

Kamala Harris explains why she and Biden are historically unpopular: “We haven’t taken adequate credit” pic.twitter.com/Ofzi0Krsxd

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 25, 2024

Where, indeed, to begin? Let’s start with her claims about the economy, in which she talks about “rising wages” and “bringing down prices.”

“We have historic accomplishments in terms of the economy,” claims Kamala Harris.

“Rising wages” (real wages down ~2.5% under Biden), “bringing down prices” (prices up 17.3% under Biden).

“It is incumbent on us to let people know who brung it to them, frankly.” pic.twitter.com/o55IsE9A8z

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 25, 2024

This is bunkum, unless you’re the type who believes someone who takes someone’s boot off of someone else’s neck can take credit for improving the person’s respiration. Both economic growth and job numbers have more to do with extended COVID lockdowns, a product of the Democratic Party, depressing a strong economy, which bounced back — albeit not as quickly as it should have, and with plenty of bumps along the way.

Inflation is lower than it was, but that’s not saying much: It was at 40-year highs during the first few years of the Biden administration, and those price increases are now baked into the economy; considering that the most widely used inflation metric is year-over-year price increases, saying that inflation is lower than it was ignores the fact that prices aren’t rising as quickly as they were when inflation was out of control.

As for wage growth, consider that roughly 60 percent of Americans said their salary increases had not kept pace with inflation, according to a November Bankrate survey. So, sure, unemployment numbers may be low — and they were under Trump, as well — but those jobs aren’t paying the bills for Americans the way they should.

Biden’s infrastructure bills have been lard-filled disasters that have — and here’s a shocker — yet to yield any drastic improvements.

Consider that, as of November, $7.5 billion allocated to build electric vehicle chargers in an infrastructure bill passed in November 2021 had yet to yield a single completed electric vehicle charger. Are they not taking “adequate credit” for this kind of astounding efficiency? Is that the problem, Mrs. Vice President?

As for student loan “relief” and the administration’s gun-grabbing policies, the same thing could be said for both: Thanks to the fact that what the Biden-Harris White House wanted was legislatively and/or legally untenable, the progress on those fronts has been too slow for progressives and horribly alarming for conservatives.

This ignores, by the way, the fact that more than 6 million illegal immigrants have entered the country under the administration’s watch.

It also ignores the fact that the globe teeters on the brink of World War III thanks to the wars in Ukraine and Israel, along with the threat of war between China and Taiwan.

And it also ignores that, on a personal level, the president is out-of-touch and senile, and his second-in-command is out-of-touch and unlikeable.

But please, Kamala Harris, do start to take “adequate credit” for all of that. I’m sure America’s opinion of your administration’s tenure at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. will change in no time.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Why Is Biden Admin Unpopular? According to Kamala, It’s Because They Haven’t Taken ‘Adequate Credit’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


President Trump Responds to Outrageous Verdict Ordering Him to Pay $83 Million to E. Jean Carroll


President Trump on Friday evening responded to the outrageous verdict ordering him to pay E. Jean Carroll $83 million in damages.

On Friday afternoon the 9-person jury began deliberations in E. Jean Carroll’s defamation case where she sought $10 million in damages based on Trump’s 2019 statements about her while he was president.

Trump’s efforts to assert immunity over his 2019 statements about E. Jean Carroll were rejected.

The jury ordered Trump to pay a total of $83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll for statements he made defending himself against false rape accusations.

Trump said he’s going to appeal the ‘Biden-directed witch hunt focused on him and the Republican Party.’

“Absolutely ridiculous! I fully disagree with both verdicts, and will be appealing this whole Biden Directed Witch Hunt focused on me and the Republican Party. Our Legal System is out of control, and being used as a Political Weapon. They have taken away all First Amendment Rights. THIS IS NOT AMERICA!” Trump said in a Truth Social post on Friday evening shortly after the jury returned the verdict.

The Trump jury in the E. Jean Carroll defamation trial returned a verdict on Friday: $7.1 million… $11 million… plus punitive $65 million!


Andy (clerk): 7.1 million… 11 million… punitives: $65 million

— Inner City Press (@innercitypress) January 26, 2024

In 2019, E. Jean Carroll alleged Donald Trump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the 1990s.

E. Jean Carroll is a mentally unwell woman who previously told CNN she fantasizes about rape.

Raving lunatic E. Jean Carroll

Trump has denied the allegations and called E. Jean Carroll a “whack job” who’s “not my type.”

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BIDEN BORDER CRISIS: A Record 302,034 Illegal Aliens Encountered at Southern Border in December

 Illegal aliens in Eagle Pass, Texas


A record 302,034 illegal aliens were encountered at the US-Mexico border in December.

It has been estimated that more than 11 million illegal aliens – mainly military-age males – have crossed over the border since Joe Biden was installed in January 2021.

The Biden Regime waited more than 3 weeks to release the numbers and then decided on a Friday news dump.

BREAKING: In Friday news dump, CBP officially reports 302,034 migrant encounters in December, the highest month ever recorded. CBP also reports Border Patrol arrested 19 people on the FBI terror watchlist in December, bringing the total to 50 arrests for fiscal year 2024 so far.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) January 26, 2024

“This represents a 460 percent increase from the average December during the Trump administration.” RNC Research said.

This represents a 460 percent increase from the average December during the Trump administration. https://t.co/RMVIs8qLqP

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 26, 2024

Last month a mass of thousands of illegal aliens waited to be processed by Border Patrol at the Eagle Pass port of entry were spotted after they invaded Texas.

“I’ve spent hundreds of days there over the last 2+ years and I’ve never seen it like this,” Fox News reporter Bill Melugin said in December.


BREAKING: Video from a contact on the ground in Eagle Pass, TX right now shows a mass of thousands of migrants waiting to be processed by Border Patrol after they crossed illegally today. I’ve spent hundreds of days there over the last 2+ years and I’ve never seen it like this. pic.twitter.com/JPNYY7sPxI

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 19, 2023

According to Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins, more than 4,000 illegal aliens crossed over the border in Eagle Pass in just one day.

NEW: Eagle Pass TX is being overwhelmed w migrants tonight w more than 4,000 illegally crossing today with no end in sight and more than 4,000 already in custody @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/55ImOMblcZ

— Griff Jenkins (@GriffJenkins) December 19, 2023

The border invasion got so bad in December that authorities suspended railway operations at the border to free up agents to help with the onslaught of illegals.

According to Union Pacific, the suspended railway operations at the border impacted last month:

• Agricultural products (grain held in six Midwest states)
• Food and beverages (beer and dry food products)
• Automotive (finished vehicles and parts)
• Consumer goods
• Industrial commodities (metals and cement)

Roughly 45% of all rail cars moving to and from Mexico cross through El Paso and Eagle Pass – there isn’t enough capacity at the other four gateways to reroute them. Union Pacific urges the Eagle Pass and El Paso border crossings be reopened immediately. This is impacting:
•… pic.twitter.com/iDPVhkEUTF

— Union Pacific (@UnionPacific) December 18, 2023

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