President Trump Calls on ‘All Willing States’ to Deploy Their National Guards to Texas to Defend U.S-Mexico Border as Red State Alliance Grows to 25


As the Gateway Pundit reported earlier, several Republican governors are uniting in support of Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s challenge against the Biden regime to defend the southern border. Now, President Trump is voicing his support and calling on them to raise the bar further.

Trump, a short time ago, called on ‘all willing states’ to send their national guards to Texas to defend the U.S.-Mexico border. He also vowed to work with Governor Abbott to stop the invasion on Day One of his Presidency.

We encourage all willing States to deploy their guards to Texas to prevent the entry of Illegals, and to remove them back across the Border,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

All Americans should support the commonsense measures by Texas authorities to protect the Safety, Security, and Sovereignty of Texas, and of the American people.”

When I am President, on Day One, instead of fighting Texas, I will work hand in hand with Governor Abbott and other Border States to Stop the Invasion, Seal the Border, and Rapidly Begin the Largest Domestic Deportation Operation in History.

Credit: Trump Truth Social Screenshot
Credit: Trump Truth Social

Even before Trump’s announcement, the number of states supporting Texas putting up razor wire and deploying other measures to seal the border grew from 14 to 25.

Holy shlit. 25 Republican governors just signed a joint letter in support of the TX Resistance.

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 25, 2024

The states now backing Texas are Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported Governor Abbott deployed approximately 30 miles of razor wire near Eagle Pass, Texas, as a barrier against illegal immigration.

However, this move was challenged in court, leading to a lengthy legal battle. Despite defeats in lower courts, the state’s efforts were momentarily boosted by a decision from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, which was reversed by the Supreme Court’s 5-4 vote as Cristina Laila reported.

With Trump now sharing his powerful voice, seeing how many follow his advice will be intriguing.

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ROGER STONE EXCLUSIVE: The FBI Stormed My Home and Arrested Me 5 Years Ago Today

 On January 25, 2019, the FBI raided Roger Stone’s home before dawn and arrested him and abused his wife. Chris Wray’s FBI first tipped off the CNN about the arrest before it was executed.

Guest post by Roger Stone

January 25, 2024

It was exactly five years ago today, on January 25th, 2019, that 29 heavily-armed FBI agents in full SWAT gear and brandishing fully automatic M4 assault weapons surrounded my home to take me into custody for the entirely fabricated crime of lying under oath to Congress in my voluntary testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in their investigation into nonexistent “Russian collusion” with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016.

As I’m sure many will remember, CNN just happened to coincidentally have a camera crew positioned a mere 25-feet from the front door of my home. Although CNN would insist that their correspondent, producer, and camera crew made it there on the basis of shrewd investigative reporting and a hunch, documents sent to my lawyers by CNN that very morning would not only prove that CNN had been tipped off about my arrest, but also revealed who had gave them the advance notice of the raid on my home in violation of the law. Leaking the government’s plans to execute either an arrest or search warrant before the act is a felony.

I was arrested at 6:06 A.M., and at 6:20 A.M. CNN correspondent Sarah Murray texted my lawyer Grant Smith Esq. a copy of my still-sealed criminal indictment. In fact, the indictment would not be unsealed until 10:30 A.M. that morning by a magistrate in Washington D.C. While the document CNN sent my attorney had no timestamp or court markings on it, an examination of the metadata tags revealed the initials of the man who wrote it and who, therefore, also leaked it; Mueller henchman Andrew Weismann. Murray’s subsequent claim that the document she sent my lawyer had been obtained on the Special Counsel’s website is a blatant lie easily disproved with the use of the Wayback Machine. CNN would actually receive an award from the White House Correspondents’ Association for their dogged investigative reporting that allowed them to be present when my wife and I were perp walked out of our Fort Lauderdale home for CNN‘s cameras. Their claims are a lie.

Thus would begin a two-year odyssey in which the media cabal, in league with federal prosecutors, would smear me as a “Russian intelligence asset,” insisting falsely and without an iota of proof that the Democratic National Committee had been the target of an online hack by Russian intelligence agents and that I had acted as a go-between for WikiLeaks and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. In fact, Robert Mueller’s prosecutors would never produce any evidence at my Soviet-style show trial to substantiate any of these claims. Fighting their charges would bring us to the brink of bankruptcy. Causing us to lose our home, our savings, most of our insurance, along with my livelihood since the gag order imposed on me by Amy Berman Jackson, the judge in my case – similar to the gag now imposed by a DC judge on President Donald Trump – prevented me from writing or speaking about any subject.

Nonetheless, the number of online trolls who continue to accuse me of being a “Russian traitor” is significant. This is the direct result of the fact that I was unable to defend myself on social media due to a constitutionally questionable gag order imposed upon me by Judge Jackson, and by the warped coverage of the Soviet-style show trial that I was subjected to simply because I refused to testify falsely against Donald Trump. In fact, I was framed for nonexistent crimes for the specific purpose of pressuring to testify falsely against President Donald Trump, in order to create an impeachable offense when Mueller and his thugs could find no actual evidence of Russian collusion or any other crime by President Trump or his campaign.

Federal prosecutors, of course, provided no evidence whatsoever of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign at my trial. In fact, in pretrial motions, the government moved that, in order to convict me, they did not have to prove that there was any Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, or that the Democratic National Committee had, in fact, been the target of an “online hack” with the purloined data going to WikiLeaks. Judge Jackson granted their motion.

Those who actually followed my legal lynching in a D.C. courtroom would also know that Judge Jackson denied my defense attorney a sealed Report from CrowdStrike, a private company retained by the DNC, that supposedly contained proof of this Russian hack. Only when the sworn testimony of CrowdStrike Head Shaun Henry (conveniently, a former deputy to Robert Mueller at the FBI) was declassified and released did we learn that CrowdStrike had no proof whatsoever that the Russians conducted an online hack of the DNC. It was in my trial that the DOJ admitted that, for some strange reason, the FBI never inspected the DNC computer servers to detect whether there was an online hack. Given their role in directing the silencing of pro-Trump voices on Twitter, we now see why.

In fact, no misstatement that I made under oath was material or hid any underlying crime, never mind Russian collusion. The prosecutors provided no proof that I was a go-between for WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign, as the fake news media had more than speculated about, or that I had any involvement in the timing of the devastating WikiLeaks disclosures that rocked Hillary Clinton back on her heels. The idea that I was “covering up for Donald Trump” as Judge Jackson said in her sentencing tirade against me is false. There was nothing to cover up.

Even the much-hyped claim that my innocuous Twitter DM (Direct Message) exchange with the persona of Guccifer 2.0, who then-CIA Director John Brennan and then-FBI Director James Comey insisted was a Russian intelligence asset, is flawed. The 28-word exchange itself is innocuous, but more importantly, it took place three months after WikiLeaks had already published the DNC material which Guccifer 2.0 claimed he had hacked. Therefore, my involvement would have been chronologically impossible and the insistence that Guccifer 2.0 is a Russian spy is contradicted by substantial evidence that he is a US intelligence-created operative.

Even if Guccifer 2.0 was a Russian hacker, my limited exchange with him provides no evidence that we coordinated or colluded in any way. I myself fully released our Twitter DM exchange, and I voluntarily turned it over to the House Intelligence Committee when I testified. It proves nothing. Nonetheless, when I was pardoned, Mueller attacked me in a Washington Post op-ed (probably ghostwritten by corrupt federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann) in which Mueller said I was “communicating with ‘Russian Intelligence asset(s)’”. It’s another fraud.

Federal prosecutors in my trial insisted that my case had to be in front of Judge Jackson because my case was “related to” the case Mueller brought against seventeen alleged Russian intelligence agents, a case that has never even gone to discovery, never mind trial. In fact, Assistant US Attorney Jonathan Kravis told Judge Jackson that federal prosecutors would present evidence against me, gleaned from search warrants in that case at trial, but never did. That’s because no such evidence exists.

Judge Jackson denied my lawyers’ attempt to introduce forensic evidence or expert testimony to challenge the claim that the DNC had been hacked by the Russians. When my lawyers challenged the government’s lack of evidence of a “Russian hack of the DNC” – the underlying premise of my indictment – Kravis filed a rare reply with the court, insisting that the government had proof beyond the CrowdStrike Report that the Russians hacked the DNC. They don’t.

If you don’t believe my version of events, you can simply look at Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s own long-suppressed final Report.

Only by court order, on November 3rd, 2020, based on a lawsuit brought by BuzzFeed, did the Department of Justice release the last remaining, redacted and long hidden portions of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final Report, in which even he could not sugarcoat the fact that, despite his wide and unprecedented legal authority and an unlimited budget, he could find “no factual evidence” that I had engaged in Russian collusion, WikiLeaks collaboration, or had played any role in the phishing or publication of John Podesta’s highly embarrassing e-mails.

Specifically, Mueller’s Report said:

On Page 178,

“The Office’s determination that it could not charge WikiLeaks or Stone as part of the Section 1030 conspiracy was also informed by the constitutional issues that such a prosecution would present. Under the Supreme Court’s decision in Bartnicki v. Vopper, 532 U.S. 514 (2001), the First Amendment protects a party’s publication of illegally intercepted communications on a matter of public concern, even when the publishing parties knew or had reason to know of the intercepts’ unlawful origin.”

Also Page 178,

“The Office determined that it could not pursue a Section 1030 conspiracy charge against Stone for some of the same legal reasons. The most fundamental hurdles, though, are factual ones.1279 As explained in Volume I, Section III.D.1, supra,( Mueller witness Jerry) Corsi’s accounts of his interactions with Stone on October 7, 2016 are not fully consistent or corroborated. Even if they were, neither (Mueller Witness Jerry) Corsi’s testimony nor other evidence currently available to the Office is sufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Stone knew or believed that the computer intrusions were ongoing at the time he ostensibly encouraged or coordinated the publication of the Podesta emails. 

Stone’s actions would thus be consistent with (among other things) a belief that he was aiding in the dissemination of the fruits of an already completed hacking operation perpetrated by a third party, which would be a level of knowledge insufficient to establish conspiracy liability. See State v. Phillips, 82 S.E.2d 762, 766 (N.C. 1954) (“In the very nature of things, persons cannot retroactively conspire to commit a previously consummated crime.”) (quoted in Model Penal Code and Commentaries § 5.03, at 442 (1985).”

“Regardless, success would also depend upon evidence of WikiLeaks’ and Stone’s knowledge of ongoing or contemplated future computer intrusions—the proof that is currently lacking.” Are you shocked that neither The Washington PostThe New York Times, or The Wall Street Journal ever reported this shocking admission that I had, in fact, done nothing wrong? Are you surprised that MSNBC and The Atlantic omitted this from their reporting? I’m not.

Only BuzzFeedThe Gateway Pundit, and Zero Hedge reported this stunning DOJ press release put out at midnight on Election Day  the busiest media day of the year  to guarantee scant media coverage. Strangely, the Zero Hedge story is no longer online but the Wayback Machine locates it. Judge Jackson also withheld this exculpatory portion of Mueller’s Report from my defense attorneys at trial. In fact, when my defense lawyers requested Mueller’s full un-redacted Report in preparation for my legal defense, Judge Jackson ruled that she would review Mueller’s Report in chambers and decide if any specific section of the Report pertained to me. Curiously, she never gave my attorneys the exculpatory section cited above.

The other canard that must be addressed is the claim by the four prosecutors involved in my prosecution, that Trump Attorney General William Barr had pressured the prosecutors into recommending a more lenient sentence for me. While all four prosecutors resigned from my case in protest, only one of them, Aaron Zelinsky, testified under oath before the House Judiciary Committee, claiming that his specific DOJ superiors had ordered him to “go easy on Stone because he was a friend of the President.” It is worth noting that the Washington Post reported that a subsequent investigation into this claim by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz included sworn denials of this assertion by Zelinsky. So, in other words, Zelinsky lied to Congress under oath—the very charge brought against me!

The other often recycled assertion that Russian collusion with the Trump campaign is proven in the Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Russian Collusion. Although that Committee was indeed bipartisan, all of the Republicans on the panel were Trump opponents. The final Report is more of a compendium of false media claims cut and pasted into a baseless document. I can honestly say that every reference to me in their Report is false.

I am, of course, only alive on this fifth anniversary of my arrest because this entire ordeal motivated me to renew my faith in Jesus Christ and because President Donald J. Trump saw through my politically motivated prosecution. President Trump recognized that I had done nothing wrong and commuted my sentence forty-eight hours before I had been ordered to turn myself in at a dank federal correctional center in Georgia, later issuing a full and unconditional pardon shortly before Christmas of 2020. While the report of the commutation is easy to find on the internet, the fact that I was pardoned has been aggressively suppressed and virtually every major news outlet fails to mention it whenever reporting on me or my activities. How curious?

I wish I could say that the hysterical attacks of those in the Democrat Party and their allies in the fake news media have subsided, but sadly that is not the case. Only ten days ago, Mediaite, among the most biased and disingenuous of left-wing media outlets, posted an entirely AI-generated audio that they claimed they had gotten from an anonymous source, in which they said that, four years ago, I had been recorded threatening to kill two Democrat members of Congress. Simple forensic analysis of the audio Mediaite posted using two different technologies prove, beyond a doubt, that this manipulated audio was fabricated with the purpose of smearing me yet again.

The other result of the two-year effort to destroy me and my family are the 11 remaining civil lawsuits filed against me and my wife by Soros-backed front organizations, left-wing gadflies, nutjobs, and other assorted Trump-hating lunatics. Despite the fact that these lawsuits are baseless, meritless, and groundless, they must still be defended against. It is similar to the lawfare President Donald Trump is being subjected to. The purpose is to drain our personal finances and drag my name through the mud once again.

Patriots who want to HELP ME fight this scourge can Donate Here:

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UPDATE: 25 States Now Stand with Texas Governor Greg Abbott – Sign Letter Supporting Texas’ Constitutional Right to Self-Defense

 Photo: Getty Images

In a significant escalation of tensions over the U.S.-Mexico border policies, several Republican governors are uniting in support of Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s challenge against the Biden regime.

This move comes in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision allowing the removal of razor wire installed by Texas at the border.

Governor Abbott deployed approximately 30 miles of razor wire near Eagle Pass, Texas, as a barrier against illegal immigration.

However, this move was challenged in court, leading to a complex legal battle. Despite setbacks in lower courts, the state’s efforts were momentarily buoyed by a decision from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, which was overturned by the Supreme Court’s 5-4 vote.

Conservative justices Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett (Trump appointee) sided with the liberals and granted the Biden Regime’s emergency request. This is the 9th time that the Supreme Court has sided with the Biden regime out of 14 emergency applications.

Despite the Supreme Court’s decision, Texas officials, including Governor Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton, have expressed their intent to continue measures to reinforce the border. Texas National Guard members began installing more razor wire in Eagle Pass.

“The Supreme Court’s temporary order allows Biden to continue his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America,” Attorney General Paxton said.

“The destruction of Texas’s border barriers will not help enforce the law or keep American citizens safe. This fight is not over, and I look forward to defending our state’s sovereignty,” he added.

Governor Abbott, in a fiery statement, lambasted Joe Biden for failing to enforce immigration laws and thereby violating his oath of office. He then declared an “invasion” under Article I, § 10, Clause 3, asserting Texas’s right to self-defense.

The Texas response has drawn backing from several other Republican-led states, fueling a growing standoff between state and federal authorities. Governors from red states have publicly declared their support for Texas’s right to self-defense against the lawless Biden regime.

As reported earlier, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis expressed his stance, emphasizing constitutional principles and pledging ongoing assistance to Texas.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem also praised Texas’s actions and criticized the Biden regime for creating a national security crisis.

There are now 25 states standing in solidarity with Texas in protecting its international border from invasion.

Here are the 25 Republican governors who have signed on to support Governor Greg Abbott.

Benny Johnson posted the map.

25 Republican governors signed on to a joint statement in support of Governor Abbott.
The list includes.

Wyoming – Gov. Mark Gordon
Iowa – Gov. Kim Reynolds
Arkansas – Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Montana – Gov. Greg Gianforte
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis
Idaho – Gov. Brad Little
North Dakota – Gov. Doug Burgum
Nebraska – Gov. Jim Pillen
West Virginia – Gov. Jim Justice
Alabama – Gov. Kay Ivey
Tennessee – Gov. Bill Lee
Louisiana – Gov. Jeff Landry
Georgia Gov. – Brian Kemp
Utah – Gov. Spencer Cox
Virginia – Gov. Glenn Youngkin
South Dakota – Gov. Kristi Noem
Oklahoma – Gov. Kevin Stitt
Alaska – Gov. Mike Dunleavy
Indiana – Gov. Eric Holcomb
Mississippi – Gov. Tate Reeves
Missouri – Gov. Mike Parson
Nevada – Gov. Joe Lombardo
New Hampshire – Gov. Chris Sununu
Ohio – Gov. Mike DeWine
South Carolina – Gov. Henry McMaster

Here is a copy of the statement.

“President Biden and his Administration have left Americans and our country completely vulnerable to unprecedented illegal immigration pouring across the Southern border. Instead of upholding the rule of law and securing the border, the Biden Administration has attacked and sued Texas for stepping up to protect American citizens from historic levels of illegal immigrants, deadly drugs like fentanyl, and terrorists entering our country.

“We stand in solidarity with our fellow Governor, Greg Abbott, and the State of Texas in utilizing every tool and strategy, including razor wire fences, to secure the border. We do it in part because the Biden Administration is refusing to enforce immigration laws already on the books and is illegally allowing mass parole across America of migrants who entered our country illegally.

“The authors of the U.S. Constitution made clear that in times like this, states have a right of self-defense, under Article 4, Section 4 and Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution. Because the Biden Administration has abdicated its constitutional compact duties to the states, Texas has every legal justification to protect the sovereignty of our states and our nation.”

Signatories include: Governor Kay Ivey (AL), Governor Mike Dunleavy (AK), Governor Sarah Sanders (AR), Governor Ron DeSantis (FL), Governor Brian Kemp (GA), Governor Brad Little (ID), Governor Eric Holcomb (IN), Governor Kim Reynolds (IA), Governor Jeff Landry (LA), Governor Tate Reeves (MS), Governor Mike Parson (MO), Governor Greg Gianforte (MT), Governor Jim Pillen (NE), Governor Joe Lombardo (NV), Governor Chris Sununu (NH), Governor Doug Burgum (ND), Governor Mike DeWine (OH), Governor Kevin Stitt (OK), Governor Henry McMaster (SC), Governor Kristi Noem (SD), Governor Bill Lee (TN), Governor Spencer Cox (UT), Governor Glenn Youngkin (VA), Governor Jim Justice (WV), and Governor Mark Gordon (WY).

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SMOKING GUN: Fani Willis’ DA Office Received 2 Letters From Biden White House Counsel Amid Trump Witch Hunt (VIDEO)


The Fulton County District Attorney’s office on Thursday admitted it received two letters from Joe Biden’s White House Counsel amid its Trump witch hunt.

This is clear evidence that Joe Biden’s White House is coordinating with Fani Willis’s office.

The admission was made during a hearing for former DOJ official Jeffrey Clark.

Jeffrey Clark served as the Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General under Trump and was under consideration to be Trump’s Attorney General.

In August Fani Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election.

Fani Willis criminalized the First Amendment and brave state lawmakers did their best to fight back and oust her from office.

Jeffrey Clark was indicted by a Fulton County grand jury on two counts: 1 (RICO) and 22 (Criminal Attempt to Commit False Statements and Writings).

Jeffrey Clark

During a hearing for Jeffrey Clark on Thursday, the Fulton County DA’s office admitted it received two letters from Biden’s White House Counsel.

“We did get a letter from the White House counsel’s office, your honor,” Fulton County prosecutor Alex Bernick said. “It was about logistics and procedures…”

Under further questioning Bernick admitted the DA’s office actually received two letters from Biden’s White House Counsel.

According to legal reporter Julie Kelly, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee wants both letters filed under seal for en camera (private) review in his chambers.

“As indicated I’ll take a second pass as to how these two issues fit into Brady,” Judge McAfee said referring to a law requiring the government to hand over exculpatory evidence.

“And on the second issue we’ll start with an in camera review,” McAfee said adding he wants to privately review the letters in his chambers. “If you can have that to me, if you can compile it, and I will review it, and I will issue an order accordingly.”

Judge McAffee pointed out that Jeffrey Clark can use the White House correspondence as part of selective prosecution defense.

“You would agree that a selective prosecution is a viable claim? There are a lot of hurdles. They haven’t cleared any of them,” Judge McAfee said to Bernick.

“I would agree it’s a viable defense,” Bernick replied.


NEW: During a hearing today for Jeff Clark in Fani Willis’ RICO case, DA office admitted it received 2 letters from Biden White House counsel.

Judge wants both letters filed under seal for en camera review in his chambers.

— Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) January 25, 2024

Recall, that Jeffrey Clark was also raided by the FBI in 2022.

After the FBI raided Jeffrey Clark’s home, left-wing media attacked him for being a ‘promoter of The Gateway Pundit.’

In August 2022, Jeffrey Clark appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox to talk about the FBI raid on his Northern Virginia home. Clark said the agents made him go outside in his pajamas while they searched his house. Clark said twelve FBI agents, two Fairfax County police officers and an ‘electronic sniffer dog’ searched his house for over three hours. All his electronic devices were seized.


House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan last summer launched an investigation into whether Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis coordinated with federal officials during her years-long probe into Trump and his associates.

“Ms. Willis’s indictment and prosecution implicate substantial federal interests, and the circumstances surrounding her actions raise serious concerns about whether such actions are politically motivated,” Jim Jordan wrote.

Willis began her investigation into Trump in February 2021 yet she waited until the 2024 election season was in full swing to charge the former president and current leading GOP candidate.

She originally set Trump’s trial date for March 4, 2024, the day before Super Tuesday and a week before the Georgia presidential primary.

“The timing of this prosecution reinforces concerns about your motivation. In February 2021, news outlets reported that you directed your office to open an investigation into President Trump. Indeed, sometime on or around February 11, 2021, your office purportedly sent a letter to several Republican officials in Georgia, requesting that they preserve documents relating to a “matter . . . of high priority” that your office was investigating. Yet, you did not bring charges until two-and-a-half years later, at a time when the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination is in full swing,” Jordan wrote in the letter obtained by The Gateway Pundit.

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Audio of RINO Mich. Repub. Leader Matt Hall’s Domestic Violence Released, Colleagues Demand Resignation


Michigan Republican Leader Matt Hall has been caught lying to the media and his colleagues about police reports from 2019 where he was caught committing domestic violence, interfering in a 911 phone call, and possibly kidnapping while he was frantically speeding down the highway en route to place cash bets at a casino. Hall’s excuse was that his crazy girlfriend was having a ‘mental episode’ and he was courageously trying to help her work through it.

Hall’s colleagues privately worry to the Gateway Pundit that these incidents, and many other rumored incidents like it including other serious accusations of assault, were used to compromise Hall’s investigation of the 2020 voter fraud in Michigan. Hall as Chair of the House Oversight Committee sent out subpoenas in December 2020 to investigate voter fraud across Michigan. The evidence collected was never reviewed, it was parked with an outside law firm, Warner Norcross, and never reviewed. Hall was the lynchpin in covering up the evidence collected of the 2020 voter fraud in Michigan.

House Oversight Committee chair Matt Hall, on Dec. 2, 2020. Hall oversaw the disastrous committee hearing trying to investigate 2020 voter fraud in Michigan.

In police reports and now in released audio recordings, you can tell that Hall’s entire explanation about this incident was a lie designed to protect the RINO leader of the Michigan Republicans at a critical time when control of the State House hinges on one vote. Hall has fought to keep these facts about his prior record secret to protect his political career.


Girlfriend: Just take me home. Take me back home. You’re not going to talk to me like that again.
Rep. Hall: I don’t have time to take you back home.
Girlfriend: I don’t care. Maybe you shouldn’t gamble so much. You’re not going to tell me to fuck off… and to shut the fuck up. Thank you.
Rep. Hall: [Unintelligible]
Girlfriend: Well guess what you’re going to take me home.
Rep. Hall: I don’t have time. I don’t have time. I don’t have time.
Girlfriend: You should go to …
Rep. Hall: I don’t have time.
Girlfriend: Maybe you shouldn’t gamble.
Rep. Hall: I don’t. Stop. Stop it. Shut up.
Girlfriend: Maybe you shouldn’t gamble so much.
Rep. Hall: Shut up.
Girlfriend: No, you’re not going to talk to me like that. Then take me home.
Rep. Hall: I don’t have time to take you home.
Girlfriend: Take me home. Because you’re gambling is more important?
Rep. Hall: Yes.
Girlfriend: Because… Why?
Rep. Hall: Because it’s more important.
Girlfriend: Than me?
Rep. Hall: Yes.
Girlfriend: Okay. Get. Take me. Take me home.
Rep. Hall: No, I don’t have time.
Girlfriend: Now, take me home.
Rep. Hall: Stop fucking with this.
Girlfriend: Take me home now.
Rep. Hall: I don’t have time.
Girlfriend: Take me home now.
Rep. Hall: Megan, I do not have time.
Girlfriend: Take me home now. Take me home now.
Rep. Hall: You… did not have to come.
Girlfriend: Take me home now. Take me home now.
Rep. Hall: Stop fucking with that. Every second, I listen to this!
Girlfriend: Take me home now.
Rep. Hall: I don’t have time to take you home.
Girlfriend: Take me home.
Rep. Hall: I do not have time. I want to take you home. I do not have time.
Girlfriend: I’m sorry your gambling is so important.
It is. Do not fuck with this. Don’t…
Girlfriend: You are not going to talk to me like that! Take me home now.
Rep. Hall: [Unintelligible] long time.
Girlfriend: Now. Apologize now! Matt! You fucking broke my phone!

Rep. Matt Hall is the RINO Leader in the Michigan State House who, in 2020, Chaired the Oversight Committee that was looking into voter fraud in Michigan. This is the committee that Rudy Giuliani appeared before, bringing key witnesses Jessy Jacob and Mellissa Carone, among others, to show massive and systemic irregularities in the November 2020 election, especially in the way that absentee ballots were processed and screened, and how the data was managed.

Hall’s committee was the one that issued subpoenas on December 15, 2020 to various governments in Michigan to preserve evidence of voter fraud. Those subpoenas and the subpoena returns, the pile of evidence potentially showing voter fraud, were returned to the Michigan House of Representatives in January 2021, and Hall never bothered to look at the returns. Hall used his power, in conjunction with the then-Republican Speaker Jason Wentworth, to suppress the ability for anyone to review the evidence.

The audio shows that Hall was abusing his girlfriend, combined with the police report it shows that he used physical force enough to break her phone, and that he interfered in a 911 phone call. It also suggests he may have been guilty of kidnapping.

Why are prosecutors covering up for RINO Rep. Matt Hall’s crimes?

The audio shows that Rep. Hall lied to his fellow Republicans and to the police and to the media. It appears that Hall was able to use his status as a legislator to get out of any serious criminal charges.

In the recording, Hall tells his girlfriend that his gambling addiction is more important to him than his girlfriend. He tells his girlfriend, “…don’t f*** with this.”

Courageous pro-Trump conservative Rep. Jim DeSana has already sent out a letter demanding that RINO Hall resign! One reason that they might not, according to another Republican legislator who asked to remain anonymous, was because Hall controls the purse strings for the Republicans. “He’s constantly reminding members that he can fundraise for them, and that he has access to money and donors,” the legislator told the Gateway Pundit. “It’s not exactly said this way, but it’s a kind of bribe. We’re constantly being bribed to stick with Hall, and to rally around leadership, otherwise we lose the funding, donors, and the money.”

Another legislator identifies the two warring groups within the Republican caucus as, on the pro-Hall side: Rep. Andrew Beeler, Rep. Ken Borton, Rep. Jaime Greene, Rep. Angela Rigas, Rep. Mike Harris, Rep. Joe Aragona, Rep. Donnie Steele, and Rep. Mark Tisdel. Opposing Hall is the group of: Rep. Jim DeSana, Rep. Bryan Posthumus, Rep. Sarah Lightner, Rep. Ann Bollin, Rep. Tom Kuhn, Rep. Brad Paquette, Rep. Curt Vanderwall, Rep. Matt Maddock. Most of the 54 Republicans in the State House are otherwise described as being in the “mushy middle” waiting to back whomever wins in the power struggle this incident has caused.

Already Hall has brought his girlfriend before the entire Republican caucus and cried, explaining that this was all the girlfriend’s fault because of her mental illness. Hall has encouraged the girlfriend to explain that she was the aggressor and that he only accidentally broke the girlfriend’s cell phone.

Hall’s excuses to his fellow legislators was laid out in a private message using deleting-messages on WhatsApp to evade FOIA and disclosures, telling his fellow Republicans:

Hall says it’s all a partisan hit job by the Democrats, blaming the Daily Beast article. Hall also blames his girlfriend, and says it’s due to her life trauma of her son having been in a serious car accident.

Rep. Matt Hall is a chronic liar according to his fellow Republican legislators.

Hall is trying to say this is because he’s pro-Trump, but Hall hasn’t even endorsed Trump for re-election even though Trump is the surefire nominee after dominating New Hampshire this week.

Insiders say it was only a matter of time before reckless Hall’s antics were his downfall, and they say there are many more revelations to come. Hall’s father was a defense contractor Vice President, making millions off of U.S. defense spending, millions that Hall is set to inherit. Hall is an attorney.

In a statement shared exclusively with the Gateway Pundit, Rep. DeSana told the other 53 Republicans in his caucus the following:

Rep. DeSana sent the following letter to Hall demanding his immediate resignation:

DeSana notes that under the Republican House caucus rules, only 14 need to sign a petition for a new election of a leader, and if such a vote happens, 28 to support a new leader can replace RINO Hall. “His whole story has been a lie. He’s been found to be a repeated liar. Just because he can get the police and prosecutors to cover up his crimes doesn’t mean that Republicans should: we have to be better than this and we have to replace Matt Hall.”

Rumors around the legislature is that Democrats are preparing to begin investigation hearings into Hall to create maximum political effect upon the entire Republican caucus. Chairman Erin Byrnes is going to hold hearings to determine if Rep. Hall used his position, status, and power as a legislator and as Republican leader to get out of the criminal charges plainly stated by the police report.

Fellow Republicans are worried that Hall will simply keep a low profile and survive the storm.

The post Audio of RINO Mich. Repub. Leader Matt Hall’s Domestic Violence Released, Colleagues Demand Resignation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.