Seattle to Pay Black Lives Matter Rioters $10 Million in Lawsuit Related to George Floyd Riots


The city of Seattle will pay Black Lives Matter rioters $10 million in a settlement stemming from a lawsuit related to the George Floyd riots in 2020.

“This decision was the best financial decision for the City considering risk, cost, and insurance,” said City Attorney Davison, according to Fox News. “The case has been a significant drain on the time and resources of the City and would have continued to be so through an estimated three-month trial that was scheduled to begin in May.”

“This settlement resolves the majority of the remaining claims arising out of the 2020 demonstration period and is a big step toward allowing the City to focus on the important work of today, while moving forward from events four years ago,” Davison added.

Excerpt from Fox News:

The city of Seattle has agreed to pay $10 million to 50 Black Lives Matter protesters who sued the police department for claiming they used excessive force during the riots in 2020, in a settlement announced by attorneys from both sides on Wednesday.

According to the city, the complaint involved hundreds of interactions between the protesters and local law enforcement officials, over a million pages of records, over 10,000 videos, hundreds of witness interviews, and extensive court filings. However, the city admitted no wrongdoing in this case.

The Seattle Times reported that the plaintiffs’ attorney stated one of the protesters suffered a heart attack after she was hit by a blast ball fired by the Seattle Police Department, while another plaintiff, a veteran who uses a cane, was allegedly “gassed and tackled because he didn’t retreat fast enough.”

The lawyers also claimed that “dozens of others suffered permanent hearing loss, broken bones, concussion, wounds, bruising and emotional damage” as a result of the police department’s response.

Cities across the nation have paid violent and destructive BLM militants multimillion-dollar settlements.

In September the Denver City Council unanimously approved a $4.7 million settlement for over 300 Black Lives Matter protesters who were arrested by the Denver Police Department during the George Floyd protests in the summer of 2020.

Last July New York City officials agreed to pay $13 million to violent “2020 Summer of Love” protesters and rioters.

Over 1,300 protesters were eligible to be paid nearly $9,950 for police action during their violence, looting, arson, and property destruction at the riots following the death of George Floyd in Minnesota 2020.

Last March Philadelphia agreed to pay BLM rioters a total of $9.25 million to more than 200 people who participated in George Floyd riots.

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Speaker Mike Johnson Endorses Establishment Ohio Congressional Candidate Derek Merrin Running Against Trump-Aligned JR Majewski


House Speaker Mike Johnson has endorsed Ohio District Nine Congressional Candidate State Rep. Derek Merrin, running against JR Majewski, for US Congress in a move that may not surprise many.

I’m honored to have the support of Speaker @MikeJohnson. We will expand the Republican majority with NW Ohio delivering a mandate to uphold the Constitution, Balance the Budget, Secure our Border, Protect the US Dollar from further devaluation & enact congressional term-limits.…

— Derek Merrin (@DerekMerrin) January 25, 2024

Mike Johnson has had numerous other letdowns as speaker of the House:

The Southern border remains wide open.
Legislation to reform FISA Section 702 and stop the FBI’s warrantless spying on innocent Americans was blocked by Johnson.
Johnson announced a $1.590 trillion budget for fiscal year 2024, which funds foreign wars but leaves America’s borders wideo open and was applauded by Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

Politico reports,

Speaker Mike Johnson has endorsed GOP state Rep. Derek Merrin in his bid to oust longtime Democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur from her northwest Ohio seat, taking sides in a contentious Republican primary.

Merrin was a last-minute recruiting win for Republicans left reeling after their initially preferred candidate, Craig Riedel, was caught on tape bashing former President Donald Trump. The other Republican in the race, 2022 nominee J.R. Majewski, lost badly to Kaptur after being accused of misrepresenting his military service record.

After a massive smear campaign by leftist news outlets in 2022 dishonestly targeting Majewski’s military service after he was endorsed by President Trump in 2020, “the National Republican Congressional Committee canceled nearly $1 million in advertising promoting Majewski,” reports Daily Caller. The RINOs hung Majewski out to dry in 2022 based on bogus fake news stories about his service in Afghanistan and caused him to lose the general election.

Craig Riedel isn’t the only candidate in the race with a questionable background.

The Gateway Pundit reported on Craig Riedel’s demise as a candidate when he outed himself as a never-Trumper.

Riedel said in a recorded phone call, “I don’t like the way [Trump] communicates… I don’t like the way he calls people names,” a typical butthurt leftist and RINO talking point. “I like Ron,” Riedel added.

“I Don’t Like the Way he Calls People Names… I Like Ron” – Anti-Trump Candidate Craig Riedel Trashes Trump in Recorded Phone Call with Donor THEN Flips and Endorses Trump With Dishonest Statement After Getting Exposed

Johnson-endorsed Derek Merrin has also had his fair share of embarrassment due to his ties and a photo with former Ohio State Senator Wes Goodman, who was outed as a closeted gay adulterer.

NBC reported in 2017,

As Wes Goodman built a political career around values including “committed natural marriage,” the 33-year-old Republican was secretly engaging in sexual encounters with men online, via cellphone and, on one significant occasion, in his state office.

The office encounter was the final straw that last week ended his political rise as a self-proclaimed Christian conservative, which had taken Goodman from congressional campaign worker to Capitol Hill aide to a seat in the Ohio House.

It also opened the floodgates on details of Goodman’s secret gay life, which turned out not to have been a secret to several conservative groups, House Republicans or their campaign operation.

Wes Goodman (right) rubs sunscreen Derek Merrin (left)

There has been speculation by many, apparently including Republican peers, that Merrin was Goodman’s lover at one point.

It is further rumored that Merrin has hired Axiom Strategies, founded by Ron DeSantis backer Jeff Roe, for campaign consulting.

Alan Jacoby, host of America First LIVE on LFATV and CEO/Founder of The Patriot Cigar Company, published a video of X, where Merrin was confronted by an independent journalist on the potential of having a relationship with Goodman. Jacoby also called Merrin a “Trump & MAGA Hating adulterer.”

Conservative podcast host Joey Mannarino shared similar sentiments, commenting,

Establishment leaders would rather run a candidate accused by his peers of having an adulterous affair instead of supporting the candidate chosen by the people… whose military record they helped tarnish.

Establishment leaders would rather run a candidate accused by his peers of having an adulterous affair instead of supporting the candidate chosen by the people… whose military record they helped tarnish.

I stand with @JRMajewski!

— Joey Mannarino (@JoeyMannarinoUS) January 25, 2024

Meanwhile, JR Majewski has been endorsed by Trump Department of Defense Chief of Staff/Deputy Director of National Intelligence Kash Patel, Trump Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell, Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL), Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL), Senator JD Vance (R-OH), Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ), and Rep. Bob Good (R-VA).

Majewski discussed his race and uphill battle against the RINOs in an exclusive interview with The Gateway Pundit earlier this month.

When Merrin, Riedel, and Majewski were asked at a recent candidate forum who they would align with most in Congress, Majewski was the only candidate to say he would align with Trump.

Riedel said “Jim Jordan,” Derek Merrin said “the Constitution,” and Majewski said “DONALD TRUMP.”

“He’s the guy that’s going to bring the country back to what it was before the election was stolen,” Majewski added.

Watch below:

Tonight at an #OH09 candidates forum the GOP candidates were asked a distinct question: Who would we align with as freshman members of Congress?

Our answers are telling.
(I sped up the video because they’re boring establishment talking points)

— JR Majewski (@JRMajewski) January 25, 2024

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South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem: “If Greg Abbott Needs More Razor Wire, I’ll Load It into a Pickup, Myself” (VIDEO)


Governor Kristi Noem joined FOX News to discuss the Texas Governor’s battle with the Biden regime to protect the people of Texas.

The Biden regime on Thursday warned Greg Abbott and Texas lawmakers that they have until Thursday to take down their razor wire and allow their state to be invaded by millions of illegal aliens.

This is the Democrat position.

On Thursday, Kristi Noem told FOX News host Martha MacCallum, “If Greg Abbott needs more razor wire, I’ll load it into a pickup, myself!”

Via X.

Kristi Noem joined 24 fellow Republican governors to stand with Texas Governor Abbott against the invasion.

UPDATE: 25 States Now Stand with Texas Governor Greg Abbott – Sign Letter Supporting Texas’ Constitutional Right to Self-Defense

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Letter From Former Homeland Security Officials Warns of Terror Attacks in America Because of Biden’s Open Border


Former national security experts and federal law enforcement officials sent a letter to Congress this month warning of possible terrorist attacks in the United States due to Joe Biden’s open border.

This is a point that has been made by many people, especially since the terror attacks in Israel on October 7th.

There could be terrorist sleeper cells in the U.S. right now made up of people who walked right across our border. How would we even know?

Townhall reports:

Chilling Letter Warns of 10/7-Style Attack by Illegal Immigrants Inside the United States

In a chilling letter to congressional leaders dated January 17, former federal law enforcement and national security officials spell out the danger of Biden’s open border that “arises from the nature of the threat itself.”

“Wars and espionage and bombings and riots are sadly familiar delivery systems of instability, intimidation and insecurity,” write the former senior FBI executives. “The country has faced these and more throughout its history and has held together, though not without struggle. The threat we call out today is new and unfamiliar,” the veterans of federal law enforcement explain. “In its modern history the U.S. has never suffered an invasion of the homeland and, yet, one is unfolding now.”

“Military aged men from across the globe, many from countries or regions not friendly to the United States, are landing in waves on our soil by the thousands — not by splashing ashore from a ship or parachuting from a plane by rather by foot across a border that has been accurately advertised around the world as largely unprotected with ready access granted,” the letter states of this new threat…

“It would be difficult to overstate the danger represented by the presence inside our borders of what is comparatively a multi-division army of young single adult males from hostile nations and regions whose background, intent, or allegiance is completely unknown,” the former FBI officials emphasize in their letter.

Senator Ron Johnson mentioned this on Twitter/X:

This sobering letter from former FBI, Homeland Security, and other law enforcement officials describes the chilling reality of why @POTUS’s open border is a clear and present danger to America.

— Senator Ron Johnson (@SenRonJohnson) January 25, 2024

The Biden administration knows all of this is true. They are putting the power of the Democrat party above national security.

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BIDEN’S AMERICA: Study Finds Half of Renters in the U.S. Can’t Afford Housing


A new study has found that half of renters in America cannot afford housing. Of course, that’s assuming that they can find housing, the country is experiencing a shortage, due in part to Biden’s border crisis.

The data from the study is from 2022, but not much has changed since then in terms of the economy or the amount of available housing.

If anything has changed, it’s that rents have gone up considerably.

Breitbart News reports:

Study: Housing Unaffordable for Record Half of Renters in President Joe Biden’s America

Researchers say that in 2022, a record half of people in the United States renting a place to live used a massive chunk of their income for rent and utilities.

In its article, published Thursday, NPR cited a recent report from the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University regarding the desperate situation that is hurting people across the nation.

The center’s report found that in 2022, “as rents spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic, a record half of U.S. renters paid more than 30% of their income for rent and utilities. Nearly half of those people were severely cost-burdened, paying more than 50% of their income,” the NPR article continued:

“We actually saw increases across every single income category that we look at, which sort of surprised us,” says Whitney Airgood-Obrycki, a senior research associate with the center and the report’s lead author.

Since 2019, the biggest jump in unaffordability was for households making $30,000 to $74,999 a year. Even among those working full time, a third of all renters were still cost-burdened.

It’s a simple matter of math.

Guess what happens if you let 10 million fake refugees into your country?

Rent prices goes up for everyone at the bottom and wages go down because there is plenty of unskilled labor.


— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) January 26, 2024

#New: Average 1BR rent in:

New York: $4,040/mo
Jersey City: $3,220
Boston: $3,000
San Francisco: $2,950
Miami: $2,690
San Jose: $2,450
Los Angeles: $2,390
San Diego: $2,330
Wash, DC. $2,290

Source: @Zumper

— scott budman (@scottbudman) January 24, 2024

America needs more housing and a secure border if we want to turn this problem around.

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