Tucker Carlson Criticizes Canada’s Assisted-Suicide Program During Calgary Event, Calls it “Genocide” (VIDEO)

 Screenshot: Chief Nerd/X

On Wednesday, in a packed conference hall at the Telus Convention Center, American political commentator Tucker Carlson took the stage alongside Alberta Premier Danielle Smith in a highly anticipated event that was attended by a diverse group of local businessmen, political figures, and supporters.

Carlson, known for his candid and often controversial commentary, did not shy away from addressing issues he sees as critical. Among the topics was Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program, which Carlson referred to as “genocide.”

According to Canadian government:

Medical assistance in dying (MAID) is a process that allows someone who is found eligible to be able to receive assistance from a medical practitioner in ending their life. The federal Criminal Code of Canada permits this to take place only under very specific circumstances and rules. Anyone requesting this service must meet specific eligibility criteria to receive medical assistance in dying. Any medical practitioner who administers an assisted death to someone must satisfy certain safeguards first.

There are 2 methods of medical assistance in dying available in Canada.

Method 1: a physician or nurse practitioner directly administers a substance that causes death, such as an injection of a drug. This is sometimes called clinician-administered medical assistance in dying.

Method 2: a physician or nurse practitioner provides or prescribes a drug that the eligible person takes themselves, in order to bring about their own death. This is sometimes called self-administered medical assistance in dying.

To be eligible for medical assistance in dying, you must meet all the following criteria. You must:

be eligible for health services funded by a province or territory, or the federal government

You may also be eligible if you meet your province or territory’s minimum period of residence or waiting period.

be at least 18 years old and mentally competent

This means being capable of making health care decisions for yourself.

have a grievous and irremediable medical condition
make a voluntary request for medical assistance in dying

The request cannot be the result of outside pressure or influence.

give informed consent to receive medical assistance in dying

During his speech, Carlson’s remarks about Canada’s assisted suicide policy were particularly striking. He labeled the practice as a form of genocide, expressing deep concern over the non-terminal individuals who opt for the program out of sadness rather than medical necessity.

“If you’re killing 50,000 of your citizens, and the government is doing that through the maid program, and a lot of them are not actually terminal, they’re just sad. And the government is encouraging them to submit to being killed by the government. And then won’t release the recent statistics. Like, what is that? What is that? Yeah, genocide,” Carlson argued.

He also raised questions about the demographic affected by the program, suggesting a lack of diversity among its participants and implying a potential bias against long-term Canadian citizens.

“It’s killing large groups of people. And who are those people, by the way? We don’t know. We don’t know because your government hasn’t released the stat. What percentage of those were born in Canada? I bet right around 100%.”

“How people who arrived in Canada in the last ten years have opted into the MAID program? I don’t know the answer. I bet around zero.”

“It’s all people are from here. Another government brags, “Oh, we’re saving money because they died.” That’s the darkest thing I can imagine. I bet there’s zero conversation about that in this country. Because I know this country, I know what it’s like. It’s too horrible. No one wants to talk about it. You should.”

His speech went further to discuss broader issues of civil liberties and public safety in Canada, highlighting concerns about freedom of speech, self-defense, and the impact of high immigration rates on the voting power and cultural identity of Canadian citizens.

Watch via Chief Nerd:

Tucker Has Questions About Canada’s Assisted-Suicide Program

“If you’re k*lling 50,000 of your citizens, and the government is doing that through the MAID program, and a lot of them are not actually terminally ill, they’re just sad. And the government is encouraging them to… pic.twitter.com/NTow7GUzIT

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) January 24, 2024

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SAVAGE: Tucker Carlson Tells Canadian Dictator Justin Trudeau to “Go Back to Cuba” (VIDEO)

 Screenshot: @Greenies1st/X

In what could be dubbed the roast of the year, Tucker Carlson has once again trolled Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau – this time insinuating he might be the illegitimate son of the former Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro.

It can be recalled that Carlson recorded himself making a phone call to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s media line, announcing his intentions to “liberate” Canada.

He made the call ahead of his scheduled visit to Calgary, Alberta.

The video shows Carlson leaving a voice message, saying, “Yes, hi, I couldn’t understand the French part, but it’s Tucker Carlson calling from the United States, and I’d be grateful if you pass a message on to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. We are coming to Liberate Canada. We are coming to liberate Canada, and we’ll be there soon. Merci.”

On Wednesday, Carlson did not hold back in his latest jab at the Canadian dictator.

During his speech, Carlson delivered a striking line that provoked a strong reaction from the audience.

“He will collapse under the weight of his own ludicrousness and return to Cuba…” he quipped. This statement elicited a wave of laughter from those present. Carlson followed up with a remark, “I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it’s just too great to check.”

“If I ever meet him, I’m going to demand a 23andMe, like, right away,” Carlson continued, drawing on the popular DNA testing service to emphasize his point.


After our next election at which time #TrudeauMustGo what will he do? Return to Cuba of course! @TuckerCarlson is on fire. #Alberta pic.twitter.com/3csbvDV6cG

— ($15) (@Greenies1st) January 25, 2024

The insinuation that Trudeau has a connection to Cuba is presumably a reference to the historical relationship between the Trudeau family and former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, who turned Cuba into a one-party, socialist state under Communist Party rule.

According to “rumors,” Trudeau might be the illegitimate son of the former Cuban leader, Fidel Castro, based on perceived physical resemblance and the historical fact that Trudeau’s parents, Pierre and Margaret Trudeau, had a friendly relationship with Castro.

Carlson didn’t stop there. In another video, he doubled down on his Trudeau trolling, stating, “Your creepy Prime Minister can put on the costumes of other cultures, but he doesn’t understand them.”


TUCKER ON TRUDEAU: “Your creepy Prime Minister can put on the costumes of other cultures but he doesn’t understand them”


— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 25, 2024

This savage burn refers to Trudeau’s infamous costume when he dressed as Aladdin in 2001 at an “Arabian Nights-themed” party.

Source: The Time

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KJP Gets Snarky with Peter Doocy After He Presses Her on Biden’s Election Denialism: ‘He was Just Making a Joke’


During a rare public appearance on Tuesday, Joe Biden sounded a lot like an election denier, but White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted that it’s all fun and games.

“Hello Virginia — and the real governor, Terry McAuliffe,” Biden shouted as he gestured toward the state’s former chief executive who was in the audience at a pro-abortion rally in Manassas.

McAuliffe, however, lost fair and square to Republican businessman Glenn Youngkin in the November 2021 gubernatorial election.

Even on a good day, most would agree that Biden is not particularly lucid when he is out in public.

On X, Youngkin shared the video along with a playful quip.

“Mr. President, I’m right here,” the very real governor wrote on his social media message.

Mr. President, I’m right here. https://t.co/wSpbqmLX9w

— Glenn Youngkin (@GlennYoungkin) January 23, 2024

Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy, who is perhaps the only reporter who poses tough questions in the White House press room, subsequently asked Jean-Pierre if “election denying is a joke now.”

The subtext here is that according to Democrats from Biden on down, so-called election denying is a grave threat to democracy — perhaps something metaphorically as bad or even worse than waterboarding.

With some degree of snark, Karine Jean-Pierre initially tried to deflect by dismissing Doocy’s inquiry as a “random statement” that lacked context.

When Doocy explained that he was specifically referring to Biden’s Manassas, Virginia, remarks, Jean-Pierre responded four times that Biden was making a joke “about McAuliffe’s previous term as governor.”

Doocy then followed up asking, “How are you guys gonna convince people, though, that this idea of denying election results is very bad if President Biden is going out and making jokes about this?”

The White House spokeswoman, who has earned a reputation for gaslighting and obfuscating, denied that Biden was election denying and added that her boss was quick “out of the gate, really, truly” in congratulating Youngkin when the latter won the statewide election in purple Virginia.

She also asserted that the Biden administration and the Youngkin team have worked together on a bipartisan basis on some issues.

Most likely speaking for thousands or perhaps millions of voters, especially given former President Trump’s legal woes, the GunsnGolf X account called out the double standard:

“Rules for thee but not for me! If Trump would’ve made the same type of remark he’d have a new indictment today.”

The Democrats, moreover, have a long, documented history of election denying (Stacey Abrams being one of their more recent and prominent standard-bearers in this regard) and mounting various election challenges in the courts, as suggested by this widely shared compilation:

Here are 24 STRAIGHT MINUTES of Democrats denying election resultspic.twitter.com/gDnNqfruWD

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 2, 2023

When Trump and other Republicans bring a focus on election integrity, however, especially about mail-in ballots with no chain of custody or signature checks, it’s considered by Democrats, the establishment media, and the RINOs as next-level perfidy.

As an side, the abortion issue is apparently going to be one of the divisive agenda items that Democrats plan to exploit in this election cycle while they try to avoid talking about the cost-of-living crisis or the ongoing catastrophe at the wide-open U.S. southern border.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Kamala Harris Says We Could “Lose This Democracy” if We Elect a President Who Would Weaponize the DOJ and “Go After Their Political Enemies” (VIDEO)


Kamala Harris sat down for a one-on-one interview with Katie Couric to discuss Joe Biden, Donald Trump and the 2024 election.

As expected, it was a softball interview between two friends.

Katie Couric and Kamala Harris exchanged pleasantries and even complained about online reports describing them as shorter than they are.

“It’s like literally, they just want to make us smaller,” Harris said complaining Wikipedia describes her as standing at 5’2″.

Harris claimed she’s 5’7″ with heels.

At one point Kamala Harris actually claimed we will “lose this democracy” if we elect a president who would weaponize the Justice Department and “go after their political enemies.”

Of course, this is precisely what Joe Biden is doing.


Kamala Harris says we could “lose this democracy” if we elect a president who would “weaponize the Department of Justice” and “go after their political enemies” — which is exactly what Biden is doing pic.twitter.com/6PLhYaEEAH

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 25, 2024

Joe Biden unleashed the might of the federal government to lock up his main political rival Donald Trump.

Biden’s DOJ appointed Special Counsel Jack Smith as a hired gun to go after Trump just one day after Trump announced his 2024 presidential bid in November 2022.

Jack Smith indicted Trump on more than 40 federal charges in two separate venues and is fiercely working to convict Trump before the 2024 election.

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Italian PM Meloni’s Plan to Send Migrants to Albania for Asylum Processing Approved in Lower Parliament Chamber, Expected to Also Clear Senate Vote

 Albanian PM Rama, and Italian PM Meloni.

The burden of dealing with unchecked mass migration has become a top priority all over Europe, as many societies are on the brink economically, culturally and even in terms of security.

For those conservative European leaders, the issue is even more dire, as their failure so far to tackle the issue is reflecting very poorly on their polling numbers ahead of this year’s elections for the European Parliament.

Every country is scrambling to find its own way of dealing with the scourge – and the solution found by Italian Prime Minister is not much different from British PM Rishi Sunak’s struggling ‘Rwanda plan’.

Back in November, Albania agreed to give temporary shelter to some of the thousands of migrants who reach Italian shores while their asylum bids are being processed, offering its neighbor across the Adriatic Sea some relief in managing some of the arrivals.

According to Reuters, “Italy will pay for the construction of two centers in Albania which can hold up to 3,000 migrants at a time, under the deal. Children and pregnant women will be excluded from the plan. If Italy rejects the asylum bids, Albania would deport the migrants. Albania would also provide external security for the two centers, which would be under Italian jurisdiction, Meloni told reporters.

Meloni said if asylum applications are swiftly processed, as many as 36,000 migrants could be sent for processing on Albanian territory annually. That could help relieve chronic overcrowding at initial asylum processing centers in Italy, where over the last years, hundreds of thousands of migrants have set foot after making risky sea voyages across the Mediterranean from Libya, Tunisia, Turkey and other countries.”

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama shows solidarity to Meloni in a pact that benefits both parties.

Meloni called Albania ‘not only a friend of Italy, but also a friend of the European Union’, as Italy is a major supporter of Albania’s bid to join the European Union.

Rishi Sunak and Giorgia Meloni are trying similar policies to dal with mass migration.

While in the UK Sunak’s ‘Rwanda Plan’ seems to have hit a snag in the House of Lords, in Italy, Meloni’s plan appears to be sailing smoothly.

ABC News reported:

“Italy’s lower chamber of parliament on Wednesday approved a novel government deal with Albania to house migrants during the processing of their asylum requests, a cornerstone of Premier Giorgia Meloni’s efforts to share the migration burden with the rest of Europe.

The proposal, which passed 155-115 with two abstentions in the Chamber of Deputies, now goes to the Senate, where Meloni’s right-wing forces also have a comfortable majority.”

Even über globalist European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has endorsed the deal. She described it the necessary ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking to address the mass migration issue.

But, as you would expect, human rights groups, as well as the leftist opposition, have expressed concern.

For parliamentarian Laura Boldrini, former spokeswoman for the U.N. refugee agency in Italy, the deal is ‘a public relations campaign by the Meloni government’. The goal, as she sees it, is to trick voters into believing that migrants aren’t arriving anymore.

“She criticized in particular the preliminary screening that the migrants would undergo at sea aboard Italian vessels to determine who among them are considered ‘vulnerable’, including unaccompanied minors, pregnant women but also victims of trafficking and rape. Those people could be brought to Italy to have their asylum cases processed here, rather than remotely from the Albanian centers.

‘They say, because it is not written anywhere, that no trafficking victims, women victims of rape, of torture will be sent (to Albania)’, Boldrini said. ‘But how will they determine and screen them? It’s not like it’s written on their faces’.”

At best, 36,000 migrants a year can be sent to Albania, a number that is dwarfed by the 160,000 migrants that arrived in Italy via boat in 2023, most departing from Tunisia or Libya.

Italy says that ‘this would enable Italy’s migrant processing centers to work better and faster to screen candidates for possible asylum, without getting overwhelmed’.

What they are not saying but it’s also likely is that the plan will act as a deterrent, forcing migrants to go elsewhere, rather than face going to the Albanian camps.

Read more:

Italy’s Giorgia Meloni and U.K.’s Rishi Sunak Join Forces to Tackle Mass Migration to Europe


The post Italian PM Meloni’s Plan to Send Migrants to Albania for Asylum Processing Approved in Lower Parliament Chamber, Expected to Also Clear Senate Vote appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.