BREAKING: Obama Judge Sentences Trump Aide Peter Navarro to Four Months in Prison For Defying Subpoena From Liz Cheney’s Sham J6 Committee


Please consider contributing to Peter Navarro’s GiveSendGo to help with his legal defense fund.

In September former Trump advisor Dr. Peter Navarro, 74, was convicted of criminal contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena in Liz Cheney’s January 6 investigation.

Navarro did not comply with the subpoena because he said Trump told him to assert executive privilege.

The jury previously convicted Navarro on two counts of contempt after deliberating for four hours.

Biden’s corrupt DOJ sought a six-month prison term for Navarro. On Thursday, Obama-appointed judge Amit Mehta sentenced Peter Navarro to 4 months in prison and ordered him to pay a $9,500 fine.

Dr. Navarro on Thursday appeared in federal court for his sentencing hearing after he briefly delivered remarks.


Heading into his sentencing today, Peter Navarro stops to do what MAGA does – beg other people for money. It’s part of the brand.

— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) January 25, 2024

“When I received that congressional subpoena, the second, I had an honest belief that the privilege had been invoked, and I was torn. Nobody in my position should be put in conflict between the legislative branch and the executive branch. Is that the lesson of this entire proceeding? Get a letter and a lawyer? I think in a way it is,” Navarro said as he spoke in his own defense. “I am disappointed with a process where a jury convicted me, and I was unable to provide a defense, one of the most important elements of our justice system.”

Judge Mehta barred Navarro from making the executive privilege argument after DOJ prosecutors accused the former Trump aide of ‘hiding behind executive privilege claims.’

Navarro’s attorneys filed an appeal of his conviction on two counts of criminal contempt of Congress on Thursday.

Peter Navarro has filed an appeal of his conviction on two counts of criminal contempt of Congress, minutes after receiving a four month prison sentence.

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) January 25, 2024

Recall that a federal grand jury in June 2022 indicted Peter Navarro for contempt of Congress after he refused to cooperate with Liz Cheney’s unconstitutional January 6 Committee.

Navarro faced two contempt counts: one for his failure to produce documents demanded by the committee and the other for failing to show up for subpoenaed testimony before House investigators.

According to Navarro, the feds put him in leg irons and threw him in a cell last year.

“They intercepted me gettin’ on the plane and then they put me in handcuffs, they bring me here. They put me in leg irons. They stick me in a cell,” Navarro said to reporters after his arrest last summer.

The two-tiered justice system is alive and well in the US. The rules only apply to Trump and his supporters/aides.

Earlier this month Hunter Biden defied Congress and refused to sit for a deposition.

Hunter then openly mocked Republican lawmakers and later walked into a committee hearing and sat down in the front row to assert his power over the weak Republican lawmakers.

Hunter Biden sits inside House Committee contempt hearing mocking the GOP members and their weakness.

Hunter is a free man today. His attorneys now say he will testify in the coming weeks.

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Doomsday Clock Update – The Globalists Keep Warning Us that an Emergency is Imminent


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On the heels of the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting of the globalist power players, where we were treated to news of a possible pandemic with a fatality rate 20 times that of COVID-19, the globalists are giving us a fresh warning.

The Doomsday Clock, first created in 1947 as a way to gauge global threats such as nuclear war, pandemics and emerging technologies, gave its yearly update. This year, the Doomsday Clock is 90 seconds from midnight, marking the closest it has ever been to global destruction.

The Globalists are Making it Clear that a Global Disaster is Near

Every freedom loving American should be worried about the latest predictions of global chaos coming from the globalists. They use the “predictions” as the reason to support a raft of horrifying “precautions” including mass vaccinations, world government and the eradication of basic freedoms.

What is Disease X and Why are the Globalists Warning Us About it

Science Alert described Disease X as, “With a fatality rate 20 times that of COVID-19, and no vaccine, Disease X could swiftly bring humanity to its knees. Few would be left untouched by the pathogen were it to gain hold, causing healthcare systems to crumble and economies to collapse as the world once again tried to contain a force of nature.”

According to a recent World Economic Forum (WEF) conference, world leaders share a growing concern for a new disease that may prove 20x more deadly than COVID-19. A disease the WEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) have dubbed Disease X.

In the face of such uncertainty, you need a solution that will protect your health, both now and in the future.

It’s clear the WHO, the WEF and the entire globalist establishment is preparing us for the worst. And they’ve openly admitted they are clueless about the potential pathogen:

Disease X represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease…”

Whatever this pathogen ends up becoming, this mystery illness could easily send the world into the next global pandemic.

Over the last few years, we’ve seen our healthcare system crack under the pressure of trying to respond to local outbreaks. From hospital corruption to medication restrictions, more people realize they can’t depend on the system to save them.

Remember how overrun the hospitals were? People were forced to wait days or weeks to receive care. Big Pharma kept pumping out unsafe vaccines, regardless of the link to sudden and fatal aftereffects.

With Disease X, the University of Oxford in collaboration with the UK has stated their scientists may be able to create new vaccines adapted from the COVID-19 vaccine in as little as 100 days.

What do they know, and what are they hiding from the public?

Richard Hatchett, CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), warns, “It might sound like science fiction, but Disease X is something we must prepare for”.

The last pandemic swept the nation in a matter of weeks. Whether the next one ends up being another ‘lab accident’ or full-blown bioweapon, you can’t afford to be caught off guard like before.

A New Threat, Requires a New Solution

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 The WHO and Big Pharma know what’s coming down the pike. It’s only a matter of time before the next pandemic hits the world… Will you be ready?


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The post Doomsday Clock Update – The Globalists Keep Warning Us that an Emergency is Imminent appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


California Homeless People Found Living in Massive, Filthy Caves 20 Feet Below Ground – Drugs and Weapons Reportedly Discovered (VIDEO)

 Credit: KXTV

The homeless crisis in California is so awful that people are undertaking extreme and unusual measures to obtain shelter thanks to the state’s Democrats and Biden’s garbage economy.

As CBS News Sacramento reported Wednesday, multiple filthy homeless caves tucked along the Tuolumne were discovered and cleared out by volunteer groups and the Modesto Police Department last weekend. The caves were found across the street from Crater Avenue, roughly 20 feet below street level and are accessible via makeshift stairs built into the hillside.

The Modesto Police released a statement on Facebook revealing that 7,600 pounds of trash were removed. The area has been ridden with illegal camps for a while.

Over the weekend, the Modesto Police Department collaborated with 9.2.99, a local community volunteer group, to conduct a joint clean-up operation in the vicinity of the Tuloumne River, specifically in the Crater Avenue and Dallas Street area.

This particular area has been plagued by vagrancy and illegal camps, which have raised concerns due to the fact that these camps were actually caves dug into the riverbanks.

During the operation on Saturday, a total of 7,600 lbs of trash, as well as two truckloads and a trailer of garbage, were successfully removed from the area.

Tracy Rojas, who lives near the craters, took a CBS News Sacramento reporter on a precarious walk to see the makeshift homes. She detailed to the reporter just how dangerous the living conditions are.

If one of these were to collapse, it would be devastating. This whole thing would come down and go into the water.


CBS News Sacramento notes one of the caves they went to used to be fully furnished with bedding, food, drugs, and weapons.

Here are some photos obtained by the outlet showing the utter filth these homeless folks have been living in.

Credit: CBS News Sacramento
Credit: CBS News Sacramento
Credit: CBS News Sacramento

Chris Guptill, a coordinator for Operation 9-2-99, told CBS News Sacramento he was puzzled how people got so many items into the caves and was out of ideas on a solution.

We had a hard time figuring out how they got so much stuff down in there, considering how hard it was to get it up the hill and out. We really don’t have a known solution on how to deal with it.

Guptill said his organization cleared out eight caves but he believes the residents will return because he has moved them out before.

Police told CBS News Sacramento Police they are working with local services to remove the homeless people from the caves and into actual housing.

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RPG Disovered By Officers During Search of Minneapolis Home, National Guard and Bomb Squad Called to the Scene


Hennepin County Sheriff deputies made a shocking discovery while conducting a search warrant at a Minneapolis home.

The Hennepin County Sheriff’s office announced they discovered an RPG, two handguns, and a large quantity of fentanyl while exercising a search warrant at a Minneapolis residence.

The Minnesota National Guard, along with the Minneapolis Police Department Bomb Squad, were both called to the scene to investigate the RPG.

Upon further investigation, authorities determined the RPG was not active.

Two men were arrested as a result of the search, and authorities revealed both men have a criminal background of making terroristic threats.


1/4 We have recovered many illegal weapons over the years, but an RPG is a first!
A fugitive & firearms investigation recently led to the recovery of a suspected RPG-7 (rocket-propelled grenade) round, as well as two handguns, one that was modified with an auto-sear (switch)…

— Hennepin Sheriff (@HennepinSheriff) January 22, 2024

Per CBS:

Authorities say officers experienced a first when they recovered a suspected rocket-propelled grenade while executing a search warrant in a Minneapolis residence after a tip from a confidential informant.

Court documents show there was a search warrant executed last Thursday at an apartment on 29th Street and Fremont Avenue.

The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office says a fugitive and firearms investigation led to the discovery of the RPG, in addition to two handguns, one of which was modified with an extended magazine to make it fully automatic, and “a quantity of fentanyl powder.”

After further investigation, HCSO says the RPG-7 round was found to not be an active explosive.

Two men were arrested as a result of the search. Both the men have criminal records, including convictions for making terroristic threats among other crimes, court documents show.

RPG discovered during search warrant in Minneapolis, sheriff says

— WCCO | CBS News Minnesota (@WCCO) January 23, 2024

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