Biden Trashes Trump, Incoherently Rambles About His Dumpster Fire Economy During Remarks at United Auto Workers Conference (VIDEO)

Biden Trashes Trump, Incoherently Rambles About His Dumpster Fire Economy During Remarks at United Auto Workers Conference (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Wednesday delivered remarks at the United Auto Workers conference at the Marriott Marquis in DC.

The United Auto Workers Union endorsed Joe Biden for president on Wednesday.

“If our endorsement must be earned, then Joe Biden has earned it!” UAW President Shawn Fain said before he introduced Joe Biden.

Fain also trashed Trump even though he has the support of many auto union workers.

“Donald Trump is a scab!” Shawn Fain said. “Donald Trump is a billionaire and that’s who he represents!”

Here’s Joe Biden in 2019 going nuclear and telling an auto worker he’s “full of shit!”


Today, Biden will address the United Auto Workers in a desperate attempt to shore up his hemorrhaging support.

Hopefully he doesn’t threaten them, like he did in 2019 when he told an auto worker he was “full of sh-t.”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 24, 2024

Biden falsely claimed thousands of auto jobs were lost because of Trump after Democrat politicians forcefully closed down businesses during the Covid pandemic.

“Tens of thousands of auto jobs were lost nationwide through Trump’s presidency,” Biden said. “During my presidency, we’ve opened 20 auto factories and more to come. We’ve created more than 250,000 auto jobs all across America.”

This is a brazen lie.

Biden began shouting out of nowhere about building products in America. There is no manufacturing boom underway because of Joe Biden.

Biden randomly starts screaming about building products in America.

Except Politico notes Biden’s manufacturing push has “yet to generate” the promised employment.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 24, 2024

Biden incoherently rambled about his dumpster fire economy.

“I’m a little worried! Some of the major economists in American history are now giving me credit as I go, ‘God, what’s going on?’” Biden said.


BIDEN (mumbling): “I’m a little worried! Some of the major economists in American history are now giving me credit as I go, ‘God, what’s going on?'”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 24, 2024

“We’re fundamentally changing the economy of this country and everybody’s getting a little worried about it,” Biden said.


BIDEN: “We’re fundamentally changing the economy of this country and everybody’s getting a little worried about it”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 24, 2024

This is Joe Biden’s only public event for the day. He will shuffle back into the White House and hide for the remainder of the day.

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Terror Threat Made
 Are Terrorists Being Let in??! Where Are They Now? (Video)

Terror Threat Made
 Are Terrorists Being Let in??! Where Are They Now? (Video)


Video has surfaced of a man making threats against the United States. The video was taken along the open southern border of the United States. The man in the video appears to be an Islamist chastising independent journalists on the ground for being, “Not smart enough to know who I am, but soon you will know who I am.”

That sounds like a threat. The question is where is Samadov now?

There are reports that the man is a known Islamist “Samadov” although this has been confirmed by several experts:

On January 20th, 2011, Samadov was charged with “preparing a crime” (Art. 28 ACC), “preparing terrorism committed on preliminary arrangement by group of persons, by organized group or criminal community (criminal organization)” (Art. 214.2.1 ACC), “preparing terrorism committed with application of fire-arms or subjects used as a weapon” (Art. 214.2.3 ACC), “illegally purchasing, transferring, selling, storing, transporting, and carrying firearms, accessories, supplies, and explosives committed by organized group” (Art. 228.3 ACC), and “actions directed on violent capture power or violent deduction power” (Art. 278 ACC). He served 12 years in prison for those crimes. One year ago he was released from prison and now it seems he is free to roam about the U.S.

When the man in the video says, “Soon you will know who I am,” one can only wonder, what does he mean? My assumption is it is not good. May God Bless this nation that is under siege thanks to Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats.

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 Are Terrorists Being Let in??! Where Are They Now? (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Inferiority Complex? Kamala Harris Says She Complains to Her Staff About Reports She Is Only 5 Feet Two Inches Tall: “I’m 5’4″ and a Quarter
With Heels
I’m5’7 and a Half, Thank You Very Much”

Inferiority Complex? Kamala Harris Says She Complains to Her Staff About Reports She Is Only 5 Feet Two Inches Tall: “I’m 5’4″ and a Quarter
With Heels
I’m5’7 and a Half, Thank You Very Much”


Kamala Harris said in an interview with Katie Couric posted Wednesday that she complains to her staff about online reports she is only 5’2″ tall, when she claims to be 5’4″ and a quarter and 5’7 and a half” in heal–which she says she always wears. Couric told Harris her height, 5’3″ and three quarters is also misreported as 5’1″. Harris replied, “It’s like laterally they just want to makes us smaller in every way.”

Screen images from the discussion show a sisterly bond of sympathy about their claimed misreporting on their height with Harris raising her hands in frustration:

Couric blamed Wikipedia for the controversy, however, Harris said she does not know where it started. It was a New York Times report dated February 6, 2023 on Harris’ struggles as vice president that quoted a former staffer about having to buy smaller chairs for the vice president’s office to accommodate Harris’s size that appears to be the source of her angst (excerpt):

Harris finds herself navigating the unique dynamics of being a woman of color in a job previously filled only by men. In planning meetings before she travels abroad, officials from foreign governments have proposed meetings or public appearances with the first lady of the country Harris is visiting. Her staff rebuffs those proposals, saying the vice president is not visiting as a spouse but as the second-ranking official of the United States, according to current and former White House officials.

There are more mundane hiccups, as well. Jamal Simmons, who recently stepped down as communications director for the vice president, said he learned that the desk chairs in her office needed to be changed to suit Harris — who stands about 5-foot-2 — instead of the “average male height” of her predecessors. “She forces us to recalibrate our assumptions,” Simmons said.

That tidbit from the Times was picked up by Business Insider with the blaring headline (excerpt):

Kamala Harris’ aides needed to buy her new desk chairs because they weren’t the right size for a 5-foot-2-inch woman

Kamala Harris’ aides had to replace the chairs in her office because they were too big for her.

The chairs had been the right size for her predecessors, all men of average height, the New York Times reported.

Harris, the first female Vice President, stands at just 5-feet-2-inches tall.

The conversation about height is at the start of the interview:

Excerpt from YouTube transcript (uncorrected):

hi everyone hello I recognize that voice and there you are how are you so nice to
see you vice president Harris how are you nice to see you thank you so much
for doing this of course I’m glad to be with you yeah and it’s a snow day I know and it’s beautiful in Washington can I
say the city looks so spectacular meanwhile I why did I think you were much taller I recently learned you’re
only 5’2 is that is absolutely incorrect okay I am 54 and A4 sometimes 54 and a
half and with heels which I always wear I’m 57 and a half thank you very much okay Wikipedia you’re wrong and we need
to correct that WR I’ve said this to my team like what I don’t know where it came from I’ve I was 5’2 when I was 12
they say I’m 51 on my Wikipedia page are you 53 and 3/4 right and shrinking it’s
like literally you they just want to just make a smaller in every way but I but I was excited cuz I’m short and I
was like oh Kam short I am not I am not just trying to take two and a half
inches off my you know we stand corrected yes make sure yes good all
right everyone okay here we go first of all thank you so much for being here for

The post Inferiority Complex? Kamala Harris Says She Complains to Her Staff About Reports She Is Only 5 Feet Two Inches Tall: “I’m 5’4″ and a Quarter
With Heels
I’m5’7 and a Half, Thank You Very Much” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


SHOWDOWN: Governor Abbott Holds the Line, Invokes Texas’ Constitutional Authority to Defend Itself Against Lawless Biden Regime

SHOWDOWN: Governor Abbott Holds the Line, Invokes Texas’ Constitutional Authority to Defend Itself Against Lawless Biden Regime


Governor Greg Abbott (R) invoked Texas’ Constitutional authority to defend itself against the lawless Biden Regime.

Abbott escalated his fight against Joe Biden on Wednesday after the US Supreme Court sided with the Biden Regime and allowed Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire installed on the Texas-Mexico border.

Full statement from Abbott:

“The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now,” reads the statement. “President Biden has instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal immigrants. The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, § 4 has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right of self-defense. For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary.”

My statement on Texas’ constitutional right to self-defense.

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) January 24, 2024

The Texas National Guard on Tuesday responded to the Supreme Court’s order allowing the Biden Regime to cut/remove razor wire installed along the southern border by installing more razor wire.

Gov. Greg Abbott (R) previously installed about 30 miles of razor wire at the Texas-Mexico border near Eagle Pass to stop the flood of illegal aliens being let in by the Biden administration.

In October Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against the Biden Regime regarding their cutting razor wire at the border.

The lawsuit made its way to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals after a federal judge sided with Biden. The appeals court last month said agents could NOT cut the razor wire.

In a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court granted Biden’s emergency request Monday afternoon.

Conservative justices Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett (Trump appointee) sided with the liberals and granted the Biden Regime’s emergency request.

This is the 9th time that the Supreme Court has sided with the Biden Regime out of 14 emergency applications.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton on Monday evening vowed to defy the Supreme Court’s ruling on razor wire at the southern border.

“The Supreme Court’s temporary order allows Biden to continue his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America. The destruction of Texas’s border barriers will not help enforce the law or keep American citizens safe. This fight is not over, and I look forward to defending our state’s sovereignty.” Ken Paxton said.

The Supreme Court’s temporary order allows Biden to continue his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America. The destruction of Texas’s border barriers will not help enforce the law or keep American citizens safe. This fight is not over, and I look forward to defending

— Attorney General Ken Paxton (@KenPaxtonTX) January 22, 2024

Texas National Guard members responded to the US Supreme Court’s order by installing more razor wire in Eagle Pass.


Today, Texas National Guard is busy putting up more razor wire and barriers at Shelby Park in Eagle Pass Texas.

— Charlotte Cuthbertson (@charlottecuthbo) January 23, 2024

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