“They’re Going to Go Through Her Record in South Carolina and NOT Just Her Political Record” – Steve Bannon Warns Haley What’s Coming Next

“They’re Going to Go Through Her Record in South Carolina and NOT Just Her Political Record” – Steve Bannon Warns Haley What’s Coming Next


Steve Bannon went off on Nikki Haley following her disgusting attacks on President Trump following her bitter loss in New Hampshire last night.

President Trump handily won the New Hampshire primary. The race was called within minutes of the polls closing.

Following her defeat Nikki vowed to continue her fight to damage President Trump in the general election. 70% of her votes last night were from non-Republicans! That tells you everything.

Bannon warned Neocon Nikki what’s coming next.

Steve Bannon: The sovereignty of her citizen, sovereignty of her territory, the territorial integrity, no, that’s about the southern border of the United States of America. That’s what we care about. And right now because a couple of things are happening and so after New Hampshire, after a crushing defeat, Nikki Haley goes up, gives this phony victory speech and mocks President Trump.

And I hope for the people around President Trump and there are many that have been pushing birdbrain as VP. I hate to say it once again, Steve Bannon’s right and you are wrong, and you can see it in her full glory.

The nastiness of what she came after. President Trump with, everything President Trump’s been through, everything he’s been through, to attack him like that shows you how no class she is. And you want to know how no class she is? Well, she wants South Carolina and trust me, they’re going to go through her record in South Carolina and not just her political record.

Via Midnight Rider.

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Texas AG Ken Paxton Explains How Democrats Stole the 2020 Election – Look for The Gateway Pundit to Release More on This Democrat Plot in the Coming Days

Texas AG Ken Paxton Explains How Democrats Stole the 2020 Election – Look for The Gateway Pundit to Release More on This Democrat Plot in the Coming Days

 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton

In September 2023 Tucker Carlson sat down with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. This was after the liberals like Karl Rove attempted to remove Paxton from office and turn the Lone Star State over to the Democrat horde and their election fraud operation.

Thankfully, Ken Paxton had just been acquitted of wrongdoing following a Senate trial on all Articles of Impeachment.

Texas RINOs, including Bush and Rove allies, wanted Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton gone so they made up some accusations against him without evidence in an attempt to impeach him.

Attorney General Ken Paxton is the one man who has stood up against the Democrat-Marxist onslaught in the great state of Texas. Democrats and Secret Sleeper Republicans hate him for this.

A clip from Paxton’s interview with Tucker Carlson is presently making the rounds on social media.  During the interview, AG Paxton explained to Tucker Carlson how Democrats cheated and stole the 2020 election.

Ken Paxton had this to say:

Tucker Carlson: They stopped counting votes on election night.

Ken Paxton: Because what they needed to figure out was how many real votes there were so they could figure out how many mail in ballots to apply to the election. That’s what they would have done in Texas, I’m convinced.

Tucker Carlson: So you think that was fraud, right?

Ken Paxton: I have no doubt, having been through that whole process.

Tucker Carlson: It wasn’t just a water leak.

Ken Paxton: It was definitely planned. I mean, it would have happened in Texas, I promise.

Tucker Carlson: But can you just stop counting ballots on election night whenever you’re watching tv? Oh, I know.

Ken Paxton: Have you ever seen that before? Ever? For three?

Tucker Carlson: Well, you tell me. You’re the one…

Ken Paxton: I’ve never seen it before in my life. I was like, I knew it when they stopped and Trump is leading in all these states. I knew exactly what they were doing. Because there’s no way to know where those mail in ballots came. Anybody could have filled them out. Anybody. There’s no way to know where those ballots came from.

Tucker Carlson: That’s not a dangerous conspiracy theory.

Ken Paxton: I watched it happen.

Via Collin Rugg:

On Election night in November 2020 President Trump was soundly defeating Joe Biden. The election was won by Trump when Americans went to bed.

Then something took place that Americans had never experienced in over 200 years of its existence. News broke that the battleground states were going to quit counting votes for the night. This had NEVER taken place in US history.

AMUSE reposted this video compilation on Sunday.

Overnight, Democrats dumped hundreds of thousands of mysterious votes for Joe Biden into the battleground states. There was collusion. Four days later even Pennsylvania, where they locked the doors on the counting rooms and prevented Republican observers from entering, had gone to Joe Biden. Trump was ahead in the state by nearly 800,000 votes on Election night!

Flashback: On Election Night Chris Wallace Said Election Workers in MI, PA, WI, NC, GA and NV Had to Stop Counting Because They’re “Normal People” Who “Need to Sleep”

This was classic election fraud. The entire country knew it then and knows it now. The pretenders in the fake news immediately started pushing the notion that Joe Biden, who never held an honest rally the entire election season, had captured 81 million votes. It was the greatest crime in US history.

Today we are starting to understand Attorney General Bill Barr‘s role in this historic criminal act.

The Gateway Pundit wrote about this earlier in the week.

In the coming days The Gateway Pundit will release more evidence on how it was possible for Democrats to pull off this heist.


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Trump Destroys Democrat Plan to Back NeoCon Nikki Winning More Votes then He Received in 2020


The numbers from the New Hampshire primary tell the story. Here is my prediction from Friday:

Nikki Haley is likely to make a strong showing in New Hampshire because it is an open primary. That means that Democrats and Independents who will vote for Joe Biden can cross over and vote for her. That is likely to happen. Keep in mind these numbers. In the 2020 Primary Trump secured 129,734 votes, which represented 84% of the vote. In 2015 Trump won 34% of Republican voters with 100,406 ballots cast for him.

With 84% of the votes counted, Trump is on track to rack up 174,000 votes. That is almost 45,000 more then he garnered in 2020, when he was still President. As I predicted, Nikki Haley received a slew of votes from Democrats who crossed over intent on embarrassing Trump. That’s a big fail. A vast majority of Republicans and Independents cannot stomach Haley. Much of the mainstream media is pushing the meme that Trump is more unpopular. Nope. Just the opposite. At least in New Hampshire, Trump is more popular now than in 2020 or 2016.

The plot to use lawfare and the media to attack Trump and weaken his support is backfiring. A growing number of Americans are repulsed by the incessant verbal assaults on Trump. Until the Covid ambush, most Americans thrived and prospered under the Trump Presidency.

Democrats are in a real bind. Barring a heart attack or a stroke, Joe Biden is running for a second term with a record that makes Jimmy Carter’s time in office look great by comparison. With wars raging in Ukraine and Gaza, the United States and the United Kingdom in a standoff with the Houthis who are blocking Israel’s use of the Red Sea, and growing tensions with Iran, Biden’s prospects of running on a platform of keeping America out of foreign wars is nil. Then there is growing bipartisan concern about the flood of illegals crossing the southern border and the mayhem they are causing in major U.S. cities. Fear and uncertainty about the domestic situation in the United States is going to influence more voters than the continued efforts to encourage hatred of Trump.

The United States is in uncharted waters. The Republican establishment hates Trump but they love being in power more. Than means most will hold their nose and get on the Trump train. Trump’s opponents from 2016 — Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz — already have voiced their support for Trump. I suspect Trump privately hopes Nikki Haley stays on the campaign trail at least through the South Carolina and Nevada primaries because it gives him a chance to savage the establishment and rally, not just his base, but the other Americans disgusted with the antics and failed policies of Dementia Joe Biden.

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Pray for Brazilian Journalist William Ferreira to be Released After 11 Months in Prison for Crime of Journalism

Pray for Brazilian Journalist William Ferreira to be Released After 11 Months in Prison for Crime of Journalism

 William Ferreira with his daughter and granddaughter


The Brazilian Supreme Court  has ordered the release of journalist William Ferreira, who has been imprisoned for 11 months without charges or trial, after he was rushed to the Astir Hospital Jan. 18. The President of the Rondônia bar association Human Rights Commission had called Ferreira’s imprisonment “illegal”.

Journalist William Ferreira da Silva, 59, had been held at the Military Police Correction Center – Special Prison Unit in Porto Velho, Brazil, since February 3, 2023 for the crime of journalism on January 8 in Brasilia.

According to Rondoniaovivo, the Brazilian Supreme Court yesterday granted provisional release to William Ferreira da Silva. Gazeta do Povo reported Brazil’s dictatorial Supreme Court justice Alexander de Moraes signed the release papers Tuesday, Jan. 23, stating his lawyer Hélio Junior had confirmed the report.

William is still hospitalized in the Tiradentes Association of the Military Police in Porto Velho, where he has been for a week after suffering a medical emergency, Rondoniaovivo reports. He is believed to have prostate cancer and a lung edema, Gazeta do Povo reports.

He has been hospitalized since Thursday due to infections, and today he will undergo a biopsy for cancer confirmation. His family and friends have started a campaign to pay his lawyer, who charges 15,000 Brazilian reais.

William will presumably be required to wear an electronic ankle bracelet and suffer restrictive measures when he is released. He will also be prohibited from using social media, typical for Brazil’s autocratic Marxist regime.

Ferreira was in the capital of Brasilia on January 8, 2023, visiting the Army Club with his family, when he heard of the protests outside the Brazilian Three Powers square, where protestors entered the Parliament, Presidential Palace and Suprfeme Court buildings. He asked his wife Naiane to give a him ride to the site of the demonstrations to cover the events as a journalist.

Less than a month later, at his home, he was arrested at home by the Federal Police and has been in prison since then. The government has also seized his bank account without justification.

“On Sunday, January 8, we left the house of my husband’s daughter, Wila, a little after 10 a.m. and went to the Army Club, which is on Lake Paranoá. Around 2 p.m., we noticed a helicopter flying overhead and hear explosions. My husband went to the pool with Maitê, our daughter, and there he began to have a view of the Senate and was curious to know what was happening at the seat of government. He is a reporter, so he asked me to take him. We went by car and left him on a street in front of the Federal Supreme Court (STF),” Naiane Portugal said.

“William’s situation is serious, because there are other cases of cancer in the family. His brother, José Roberto Soares da Silva, died on October 29, 2023 of cancer. This makes the result of William’s MRI exam, done at the end of the year, alarming. He may die due to lack of medical treatment, which he will not get  in prison. The chance of him having a prostate neoplasm is very high,” his lawyer Hélio Júnior had warned.

William has been a member of the Military Police reserves since 2012, while working as a journalist and on social media. He had 130,000 followers on Facebook, plus Instagram and YouTube.

The president of the Human Rights Commission of the Rondônia bar association, Dr. Luiz Carlos Teodoro, called Ferreira’s 11-month imprisonment illegal: “As a military reservist,  William Ferreira has dedicated his life as a journalist to the most needy. In February, it will be a year he has been held in pre-trial detention, more than enough time to prepare any charges, but the investigation is not moving. Article 321 of the Code of Criminal Procedure says that if the requirements of preventive detention are absent, the person must be released. That’s the case for William. There are no charges against him,” Dr. Teodoro said.

Last year, Gateway Pundit and its readers helped secure the release of indigenous Chief and Pastor Sererê Xavante, as the only international medium that covered his case. None of the so-called international “human rights” groups care about the fate of Chief Sererê and the Brazilian opposition.

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Pelosi, AOC, Other House Dems Hit with Ethics Complaint – Accused of ‘Repeatedly’ Misusing Funds

Pelosi, AOC, Other House Dems Hit with Ethics Complaint – Accused of ‘Repeatedly’ Misusing Funds


An ethics watchdog has filed an ethics complaint against 10 Democratic lawmakers, claiming that they are using public resources for partisan political purposes.

The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust said the Democrats “repeatedly” used official resources for political gain, according to a news release on its website, naming Democratic Reps. Nancy Pelosi of California, Cori Bush of Missouri, Jamaal Bowman of New York, Sean Casten of Illinois, Greg Casar of Texas, Maxwell Alejandro Frost of Florida, Ted Lieu of California, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, and Ritchie Torres of New York.

Although Democratic Rep. Ayanna Presley of Massachusetts was not mentioned in the release, exhibits of her allegedly using official resources for political gain were included in the examples filed with the complaint.

“The law at issue is simple,” the release said, noting that government resources cannot be used for “campaign or political purposes.”

The release said that “official House photographs and video, government buildings, a Member’s official website and social media accounts, and anything created by government employees” are considered off-limits.

“The rules additionally reiterate that campaign social media accounts cannot contain any official content or resources and cannot re-post official social media posts,” the release said.

However, FACT said the Democrats regularly use official resources or content on social media, honing in on X, formerly known as Twitter.

To make its point, the complaint attached 91 pages of examples.

One example showed Pelosi using House video on a campaign website. Another showed Omar using C-Span footage on her Instagram account, while another example showed Pressley speaking on the House floor in a post on X.

“These violations are rampant and obvious, and clearly the OCE’s failure to act has encouraged continued violations. This failure has also incentivized these Members to use House proceedings for political campaigning rather than doing what is in the best interest of the country,” Kendra Arnold, Executive Director of FACT, said in the release.

“Likewise, it is also clear why these Members are doing this, it’s for a political advantage and one that is paid for by the taxpayers. The OCE has both the authority and a clear responsibility to ensure each ethics violation is dealt with swiftly. Not doing so both permits clear violations to continue and erodes the public’s trust in the OCE itself,” she said.

“Currently, numerous Members are using official House resources for political purposes and are doing so both repeatedly and publicly,” FACT wrote in a letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics.

“The law quite clearly forbids this, yet a handful of Members continue to do so. The most obvious violations are Members using official government resources to campaign on their political social media accounts or using official government platforms to campaign,” the letter said.

“The failure to address this egregious practice has permitted these Members to continue committing violations to this day with impunity. Though to some it may seem like a simple thing on the surface, the Members choosing to break this law do it for a reason — it advantages them politically,” the letter of complaint said.

The complaint said legislators break the rules because there is no punishment for doing so.

“Not acting upon obvious violations not only permits them to continue but it erodes the public’s trust,” the complaint said.

“In fact, these Members’ campaign social media accounts demonstrate that they consistently use official resources for political purposes and have used numerous different types of taxpayer-funded resources for their political campaigns,” the complaint said.

“For instance, the examples previously provided to the OCE and the attached examples include every type of official resource identified above: use of official House photographs, official House floor and committee proceeding videos, official House work product and press releases, government buildings, and re-posts of official House social media accounts for political purposes,” the letter said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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