RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Urges Nikki Haley to Quit Race; Says Message From Voters is the Party Needs to “Unite Around Our Eventual Nominee” Donald Trump

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Urges Nikki Haley to Quit Race; Says Message From Voters is the Party Needs to “Unite Around Our Eventual Nominee” Donald Trump


While not explicitly saying she should drop out, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel urged former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley to drop out of the Republican presidential race Tuesday night, saying she sees ‘no math and path’ for Haley to win the GOP nomination over President Donald Trump and that she should “reflect” on her candidacy. McDaniel made her remarks in an interview on Fox News, saying the message from voters is the party needs to “unite around our eventual nominee which is gonna be Donald Trump.”

Haley suffered her second straight double digit loss to Trump in New Hampshire Tuesday night. Last week Haley placed a distant third to Trump in the Iowa caucus.

Haley vowed Tuesday night to remain in the race.

The next GOP votes that award delegates are the Nevada caucus on February 8 in which Haley is not on the ballot and the South Carolina primary on February 24 where Haley is trailing Trump by 40 points in a recent poll pf the state conducted by Trump pollster Tony Fabrizio.

2024 South Carolina Republican Primary (Shift since 11/14):

Trump 64% (+11)
Haley 25% (+1)
DeSantis 8% (-3)
Trump 68% (+4)
Haley 28% (-3)

.@Fabrizio_Lee/@MAGAIncWarRoom (Pro Trump), 600 LV, 1/17-18 https://t.co/ZhdeEVkEuL

— Political Polls (@Politics_Polls) January 21, 2024

Haley has 15 fundraisers scheduled over the next month.

McDaniel, “I’m looking at the map and the path going forward and I don’t see it for Nikki Haley. I think she’s run a great campaign. But I do think there is a message that’s coming out from the voters which is very clear: ‘We need to unite around our eventual nominee which is gonna be Donald Trump.’ And we need to make sure we beat Joe Biden…”

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel urges Haley to get out of the race pic.twitter.com/hrTL4FikuH

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 24, 2024

Complete interview:

Watch the latest video at foxnews.com

When asked if Trump should consider Haley for vice president, without saying yes or no McDaniel said the party needs to appeal beyond its Republican base, mentioning independents in New Hampshire, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio, but added that the veep pick should be someone who can be president and someone the president can trust.

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Alan Dershowitz Joins Rose Unplugged: Hamas Could be Coming to a Theatre Near You (AUDIO)

Alan Dershowitz Joins Rose Unplugged: Hamas Could be Coming to a Theatre Near You (AUDIO)


Alan Dershowitz, author of “War Against the Jews: How to End Hamas Barbarism” joined Rose Unplugged to discuss the threat of Hamas terrorists.

Dershowitz weighed in on the idea of a Two State Solution: Who really wants it? No one is calling for a 2 state solution.

“If Hamas succeeds in Israel Beware: it is coming to a theatre near you…..” Dershowitz said.


Please follow Rose Unplugged on Rumble here.

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MUST READ: Endless Nights Behind Bars – J6er’s Harrowing Tale of Sleepless Nights in the ‘DC Gulag’

 Taylor James Johnatakis with his wife, Marie, and their five kids.

Taylor Johnatakis describes the relentless challenges and lack of rest faced by inmates, underscoring the harsh realities of life in detention.

J6 political prisoner Taylor James Johnatakis is a father of 5 and the sole breadwinner for his family. He went to the Capital on January 6th  “to get content for experiential storytelling, to see a major moment in history, win or lose.”

On November 21, Taylor was found guilty on seven charges, three of them felonies.  He is awaiting sentencing.

Taylor’s wife Marie shared her love for her husband in a statement on his fundraising page, “At this point, we have no idea how long it will be until we see him again (sentencing hasn’t been scheduled…maybe three to four months out for that). Taylor is a passionate guy and has always been one to ‘walk the walk’, that’s one of the things I have admired about him.  He went to the rally on January 6th to do just that.”

“He is everything to me and my five kids. We are not extremists, we are your friendly neighbor. We are involved in BSA Scouting, sports leagues, swim teams, home school groups, and lots of other things. Tay has always worked hard for our family and found his niche in working with people and the dirt, installing septic systems. He has always supported us in every way a father should. It’s devastating to have him gone.”

Taylor James Johnatakis

Taylor James Johnatakis wrote to The Gateway Pundit to share his story with all of you.

Many people know how long a dark night of the soil can be, wrapped in anxiety, loss of personal control over any given situation can rob a person of his rest. In the quiet of the night, one’s thoughts of deals can drive one deeper into the mental darkness.

The “federal contract” that jails like the “DC Gulag” have, I believe, contains a requirement that inmates receive 6 hours of undisturbed time for sleep. Yet in this facility that is rarely possible, let me describe a typical night for an inmate at the “DC Gulag”.

The ‘Pod’ has essentially acoustic dampening, voices, clanging keys, radio beeps, telephones ringing, guards talking to other staff on the phone (or occasionally a girlfriend), pod doors slamming as errands get run in and out of the pod, TV volumes, etc all echo and reverberate to a degree that unless you are ” locked in the box” of the cell is hard to appreciate.

On a typical night, with detail on cleaning duty till close to midnight, there is little chance of real sleep till then, often detail wraps hip at 11:30pm or thereabouts and the new on duty guard comes on duty each shift the guard yells “shift change!”

Allow me to describe the events of the endless nights along with challenges of the cell.

In the “DC Gulag” we have steel bunk beds, probably 28-30″ inches wide, with a 3 inch cot pad. There are two flat sheets provided which the typical inmate learns to knot onto the pad. The pad has a plastic liner so it sweats, it’s cold in the winter, hot in the summer.

Pillows are contraband, so MOST inmates use extra clothing to improvise a pillow. The blankets are a wool/synthetic fiber mix (we joke, but are half serious that the ‘synthetic fiber’ is dryer lint), in fairness to the DC DOC, most new pads have an elevated area for the head.

The pads are thin enough all the inmates complain with a single pad, their butts, hips, and sometimes shoulders push through to the metal cookie sheet tray we lay on top of. The length of the bed is 6’3″ (an estimate) our 6’4″ and 6’5″ inmates complain that they hang off because their feet climb the concrete wall. Getting comfortable except for the easiest sleepers is a challenge.

Every 1/2 hour the guards make their rounds, walk to the end of each hall with some contraption that they tap on a steel plate on the wall, it chirps loud enough to hear in EVERY cell. There are 6 chirps, for the 3 walls they touch, once on the lower tier, once on the higher tier.

There is never total darkness in the pod, and each door has 1/2 length window 4″ inches wide that keeps the cell fairly well lit. As the guard walks by once every 1/2 hour he casts a shadow into your cell. Often they linger, peering into the cell at night with a flashlight, they will tug on the door.

The steel doors have some play in them, they do this to get you to “stir” so they can see signs of life. On cold nights the outer concrete wall which our beds back up to is not insulated. It can get to be frigid to the touch and create a down draft of cold air across one side of your body.

On super cold nights, a strategy to stay warm is to hang a extra sheet, blanket or even all your shirts, pants and underwear across the open end of the bunk, to catch and hold what heat you can. If you do this, at some point it is likely a guard will unlock your cell, come in and pull the ‘drapes’aside and put a flashlight directly in your eyes.

Usually this is on their first or second round at 12:00am or 12:30am, but I have seen it happen at 3am. The guards also have a ‘night light’ switch outside the cell, the sound of the heavy switch clunks in the cell, and illuminates the cell pretty well.

Guards will regularly forget to turn them off when they use them. Last night, the inmate I share a wall with had the guard unlock the door (all this makes a lot of noise, waking me and myneighbor up) walk in and put a flashlight in his face. This was at 2am!

Then he forgot to turn the ‘nightlight’ off when he left. My neighbor waited 1/2 hour for the guard to come around at his window (he didn’t want to wake others banging on his door).

When the guard walked by at 2:30amwalked by so fast, he had to bang his door anyways, to get the guards attention, the guard came back and loudly and accusatively asked “what do you want?!” to which my neighbor replied “turn off the light!” Clunk, off went the light.

Many times a “white shirt” or other guard will come in during the night, the pod entrance doors can’t help but slam, you can literally feel this sound when laying in your bunk.

They don’t seem to possess volume control and greet the guard and carry on loud conversations, I often wonder if they know we can all hear them as if we were out there with them!

Sometimes the guards watch TV and turn the volume up, these are usually substitute guards, someone will inevitably bang a door and yell for the guard to turn the volume off.

Breakfast can be really early, it’s “room service” but can range from 5am to 8am, pray it’s later, but often isn’t. Some guys are so exhausted by the time breakfast comes they are finally sound asleep, I am always woken by the unlocking series of doors leading up to mine, I meet breakfast at the door. Little secret, breakfast isn’t usually EVER worth eating and inmates head right back to bed.

The guards have radios that chirp and have radio chatter literally all night long, and the phone can ring at any moment.

We have a couple large fans that create enough white noise that we leave on all night, this will usually make it so we can’t understand “what” the radio says, but we still hear it.

There had been multiple nights I wondered if I ever actually fell asleep, rather just dozed off over and over again as the noise made me stir. Some nights you pray and become almost desperate to lose yourself to sleep, only to have your mind return to thoughts of home as the guards’ heavy footsteps and clanking keys make their rounds.

Even though in theory there is plenty of time to sleep, few if any inmates ever feel the rejuvenation of real rest. It’s easy, at night alone with your thoughts, to sink into despair of the hopelessness of the full weight of the federal government bearing down on you, longing for home, feeling forgotten trapped in these walls.

We pray all night every night we won’t be forgotten trapped inside these walls. We pray all night every night we won’t be forgotten by history and our story ends well. It’s you “The People” who must end the endless nights.

-Taylor Johnatakis

Read more at www.PeasantsPerspective.com and help out at www.givesendgo.com/JohnatakisFamilyHelp

Taylor’s main thoughts on sleepless nights leave him wondering how his wife and five children, all at home, will carry on without him as their sole income earner. The Johnatakis have homeschooled their children for 17 years. His children’s ages are 17, 14, 11, 6 and 5.

The post MUST READ: Endless Nights Behind Bars – J6er’s Harrowing Tale of Sleepless Nights in the ‘DC Gulag’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


SHOCKING VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit Reporter Cara Castronuova ASSAULTED By Government Agent While Questioning Cowardly DOJ Prosecutor (VIDEO)

SHOCKING VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit Reporter Cara Castronuova ASSAULTED By Government Agent While Questioning Cowardly DOJ Prosecutor (VIDEO)


After violent J6 cop Lila Morris testified in court yesterday at J6 defendant Luke Coffee’s trial, we waited outside to catch her on her way out of the courthouse. The second Morris left the courtroom she was flanked by a group of what appeared to be approximately five federal agents and attorneys. 

Officer Lila Morris is famous for beating an unconscious Rosanne Boyland repeatedly with a police stick until is broke while Rosanne lay dying on the Capitol steps on January 6, 2021. Cara Castronuova was the first reporter to identify Lia Morris as the abusive cop who beat the dying woman without cause.

The Gateway Pundit waited outside to interview her about her alleged assault of Trump supporter Rosanne Boyland, but Officer Morris literally vanished without a trace.

The Gateway Pundit reporter Cara Castronuova is assaulted by federal agent outside courtroom where abusive officer Lila Morris testified.

Our only interview options left were the feds and the swamp creature DOJ prosecutors that had just portrayed Officer Morris as a victim on January 6th…when Morris was the one seen violently beating peaceful protester Rosanne Boyland before she died. These heartless prosecutors are also attempting to convict Mr. Coffee for a crime they know he did not commit.

*The prosecutor’s names are Tigne Beach (above), Mindy Deranek and Raymond Woo.

Only in Biden’s America does a cop that many believe may have killed a Trump supporter gets treated like royalty. Morris was whisked away like a celebrity, completely evading the press. The group literally acted as her security detail and seemed fixated on hiding her from journalists.

When we realized the Feds had deceived the media by sneaking Morris out and robbed us of our First Amendment right to question a police officer that was seen brutalizing a peaceful protester, we decided to question the suspicious group of characters as they left the courthouse.

During Cara’s polite questioning of the far-left DOJ attorney outside the courtroom, a federal agent, possibly with the Department of Justice, assaulted Cara on the sidewalk.

The agent, who we are working to identify, rammed into Cara Castronuova. The agent blindsided Cara and pushed her back down the sidewalk. This stunned Cara and she was unable to continue her questioning of the DOJ attorney.

See the assault caught on video HERE:

The Gateway Pundit legal team is looking into this incident. We will update our readers as this story develops.

The post SHOCKING VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit Reporter Cara Castronuova ASSAULTED By Government Agent While Questioning Cowardly DOJ Prosecutor (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.