Waiting for the Sun: Solar Cells Face the Wrong Direction, Japanese Slim Lander ‘Put to Sleep’ on the Moon – Sunshine From the West May Salvage Mission

Waiting for the Sun: Solar Cells Face the Wrong Direction, Japanese Slim Lander ‘Put to Sleep’ on the Moon – Sunshine From the West May Salvage Mission


The Moon is experiencing a rush of visitors, with many countries sending multiple missions in space missions where, sometimes, success and failure can be found locked in a cosmic embrace, waiting for the Sun.

Take the Japanese Lunar lander SLIM, the ‘moon sniper’ with a technology that allowed it, four months after lifting off from the Japanese Tanegashima Space Centre, to touch down closer to its target landing site than any mission has before – a less than 300 feet radius.

A resounding success that put Japan in the exclusive Lunar Space club with the Soviet Union, the US, China and India.

But not everything went according to plan in SLIM’s arrival. He might have rolled during upon landing, or something else happened, preventing its solar cells from facing the Sun to the east as they were supposed to.

With batteries rapidly draining and solar cells facing west, the spacecraft was ‘put to sleep’ just three hours after its historic lunar touchdown.

That result would mean a partial failure of the mission – but the Japanese space agency thinks it can still salvage it if sunlight just hits it in the right place.

BBC reported:

“‘If sunlight hits the Moon from the west in the future, we believe there’s a possibility of power generation, and we’re currently preparing for restoration’, the Jaxa statement read.

[…] The battery was disconnected according to our procedures with 12% power remaining, in order to avoid a situation where the restart (of the lander) would be hampered’, Jaxa said.”

Before shutdown, mission control gathered technical data from the spacecraft and images from its descent to the lunar surface.

“Moon missions try to land early in the ‘lunar day’, when the Sun comes up over the eastern horizon. This gives a spacecraft about two ‘Earth weeks’ of illumination before the Sun then sets in the west for two weeks of darkness.

It’s currently ‘morning’ at Slim’s landing location on the slopes of Shioli Crater. If, as suspected, the spacecraft’s solar cells are pointing westward, then it may have to wait until the ‘lunar afternoon’ before those cells catch enough light to start charging the battery system.”

SLIM was the second Moon landing attempt in 2024, after the failed US Peregrine spacecraft.

In late February, US company Intuitive Machines will try to become the first commercial company to land a spacecraft on the Moon.

Read more:

Japan’s SLIM Lands on Lunar Surface, but a Problem in the Sun Panels Will Cut the Mission Dramatically Short





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Head of European Border Security Agency Says “Nothing” Can Stop Aliens from Crossing a Border – Says Politicians Should Show “More Openness to Migrants”

Head of European Border Security Agency Says “Nothing” Can Stop Aliens from Crossing a Border – Says Politicians Should Show “More Openness to Migrants”

 Hans Leijtens

Hans Leijtens, the new head of the European border protection agency Frontex, told the Berliner Zeitung recently that nothing can stop aliens from crossing a border.

Leijtens also called on European political leaders for “more openness towards migrants.”

Hans may not be the right person for this job.

NEW – Europe’s top border guard, Frontex chief Hans Leijtens, says “nothing can stop people from crossing a border” and advocates for more “openness towards migrants.” pic.twitter.com/JrsPtyhp4Q

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) January 23, 2024

The Egyptian wall with Gaza seems to work pretty well.
Maybe someone should tell Hans Leijtens.

Berliner Zeitung reported (translated):

Faster deportations and tougher rules – the federal government is currently in the process of tightening its migration course. The new head of the European border protection agency Frontex, Hans Leijtens, is taking a different path: in an interview with Welt am Sonntag, he advocates for more openness towards migrants. His conclusion, surprising for a border guard: “Nothing can stop people from crossing a border, no wall, no fence, no sea, no river.”

Last year more than a million people applied for asylum in the European Union . Most applications were submitted in Germany. Recently, around half of the applications were rejected due to inadmissible application reasons. The exit rate is currently only 20 percent. This is due, among other things, to the fact that countries of origin refuse entry.

The Frontex boss considers politicians’ choice of words to be “exaggerated”

The European Parliament recently passed a reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). Migrants should in future go through asylum procedures directly at the external border, and rejected applicants should be deported immediately. Another problem is securing the external borders. Stricter controls and an increased police presence are necessary to reduce illegal migration.

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Democrat Senator Bob Menendez Claims FBI Illegally Raided His Residence to ‘Get Back’ at Him For Defeating Prior Prosecution

Democrat Senator Bob Menendez Claims FBI Illegally Raided His Residence to ‘Get Back’ at Him For Defeating Prior Prosecution


Embattled Democrat Senator Bob Menendez (NJ) this week accused the FBI of ‘running roughshod over his Fourth Amendment rights’ when they seized gold bars and cash from his home last year.

Lawyers for Menendez asked a New York judge to throw out some of the evidence used to indict the senator. They accused the federal government of ‘getting back’ at Menendez after he defeated its 2017 prosecution on charges of influence peddling.

ABC News reported:

New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez wants a New York judge to toss out much of the evidence in the bribery prosecution against him, saying investigators illegally searched his residence as revenge because the Democrat defeated a prior prosecution in his home state.

His arguments, delivered by his lawyers, were contained in papers filed late Monday in Manhattan federal court, where Menendez faces a May trial.

In 2017, a federal jury in New Jersey deadlocked on 18 criminal charges against Menendez and a wealthy Florida eye doctor accused of buying his influence with luxury vacations and campaign contributions. Prosecutors then dropped the case.

“The government’s apparent zeal to ‘get back’ at Senator Menendez for defeating its prior prosecution has overwhelmed its sound judgment,” his lawyers said. “The FBI ran roughshod over the Senator’s Fourth Amendment rights, and all evidence collected from those searches must therefore be suppressed.”

In October Embattled Democrat Senator Bob Menendez was charged with acting as a foreign agent in a superseding indictment.

The new indictment filed by a federal grand jury in Manhattan claims Menendez “provided sensitive U.S. Government information and took other steps that secretly aided the Government of Egypt.”

Last month federal prosecutors announced that Democrat U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, and his wife, have been indicted on charges of bribery and corruption.

Federal prosecutors out of the Southern District of New York obtained a 3-count indictment against Bob Menendez and his wife Nadine Menendez.

Fred Daibes, a real estate developer, New Jersey businessman Wael Hana and Joseph Uribe were also charged.

“The Senator and his wife accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes….. cash, gold, home mortgage payments, jobs, cars, and other things of value” in exchange for “using his power and influence to protect and enrich [New Jersey] businessmen and to benefit the government of Egypt,” US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams said.

Nadine Menendez was given a “no-show” or “low-show” job, a Mercedes Benz and other things of value, Damian Williams said.

Special agents discovered $500,000 of cash stuffed into envelopes in closets. “Some of the cash was stuffed in the Senator’s jacket pockets. Some of the envelopes of cash contained Daibes’ fingerprints and Daibes’ DNA,” Williams said at a press conference last month.

evidence photos show cash, Mercedes and gold bars

Menendez previously used the race card after he was indicted.

“It is not lost on me how quickly some are rushing to judge a Latino and push him out of his seat. I am not going anywhere,” Menendez said.

Earlier this month Bob Menendez was hit with a second superseding indictment for praising Qatar in exchange for luxury watches.

“Menendez provided Daibes with these statements so that Daibes could share them with the Qatari Investor and a Qatari government official associated with the Qatari Investment Company,” the indictment said, according to NBC News.

Despite being under federal indictment for acting as a foreign agent, Menendez is still attending classified briefings.

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“The Reason You Don’t See This in the Mainstream Media Is Because It Is Extremely Damaging” – Emerald Robinson and Ivory Hecker Discuss Explosive Report on How You Can Change Results on Voting Machines (VIDEO)

“The Reason You Don’t See This in the Mainstream Media Is Because It Is Extremely Damaging” – Emerald Robinson and Ivory Hecker Discuss Explosive Report on How You Can Change Results on Voting Machines (VIDEO)

 Ivory Hecker and Emerald Robinson on Gateway: Beyond the Headlines.

On Friday, in a Federal Court In Atlanta, Georgia, University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science and Engineering J. Alex Halderman testified in front of Judge Amy Totenberg’s courtroom in the Culling vs. Raffensperger lawsuit on the insecure Dominion voting machines used in Georgia elections since 2020.

As reported earlier, during his testimony, Halderman was able to HACK A DOMINION VOTING MACHINE and change the tabulations in front of U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and the entire courtroom!


His testimony was part of a long-running lawsuit by election integrity activists set as a bench trial.

On Monday Emerald Robinson joined Ivory Hecker on Gateway: Beyond the Headlines to discuss how you can use a pen change results on a Dominion voting machine as was demonstrated last week in Fulton County court.

Emerald is following this story for her show on Frank Speech.

Emerald Robinson: Thanks, Ivory. It’s great to see you. It’s a huge story. I’m so glad the gateway pundits did an excellent job covering it. In fact, it was a gateway pundit coverage that I cited on my own show today, the absolute. So kudos on you all for covering. Look, the reason you don’t see it in the mainstream media is because it’s extremely damning to the narrative that there was nothing wrong with the 2020 election. These machines are perfectly safe. They’re not vulnerable at all. And then you get this left wing authority, really, he’s an authority on cybersecurity and voting machines in particular.

And if you’ll recall, he used to testify before the House following the 2016 election when they were saying there was Russian hackers to talk about. That’s one of their witnesses they would use to talk about voting machine vulnerabilities. So the media cannot cover this because it obliterates their whole narrative. Remember, their tagline they constantly use when they talk about Donald Trump and his supporters and their unbased, or their unsubstantiated claims of election fraud in 2020.

Watch the rest below.

The post “The Reason You Don’t See This in the Mainstream Media Is Because It Is Extremely Damaging” – Emerald Robinson and Ivory Hecker Discuss Explosive Report on How You Can Change Results on Voting Machines (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Democrat Operative Caught on Hot Mic After Secret Service Agents Swarm Joe Biden as Pro-Hamas Protestors Interrupt Campaign Event (VIDEO)

Democrat Operative Caught on Hot Mic After Secret Service Agents Swarm Joe Biden as Pro-Hamas Protestors Interrupt Campaign Event (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Tuesday participated in a campaign event at the Hylton Performing Arts Center in Manassas, Virginia.

Dr. Jill and Kamala Harris joined Biden Tuesday evening.

Pro-Hamas protestors interrupted Biden’s campaign event more than a dozen times. His campaign event was a total dumpster fire.

Biden looked around lost as protestors shouted “Genocide Joe!”


Pro-Hamas members of the Democrat Party repeatedly interrupt Biden’s campaign event in Virginia: “GENOCIDE JOE!” pic.twitter.com/zpGzrcxmzW

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 23, 2024

Secret Service agents swarmed Joe Biden after he wrapped up his rambling speech.


Secret Service swarms Biden as he wraps up his remarks — which were interrupted by pro-Hamas protesters at least 13 times pic.twitter.com/lEoS5LFldS

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 23, 2024

A campaign operative was caught on a hot mic talking about a breach in security after Secret Service agents surrounded Biden on stage.

“Well, that was interesting. I guess that’s the way it’s gonna be. That’s gonna happen constantly. Gonna have to have a lot more security laid out around the place. They learned today,” an individual said on a hot mic.

What a mess.


Unknown individual on a hot mic after Biden’s speech was interrupted ~15 times by protesters:

“Well that was interesting. I guess that’s the way it’s gonna be. That’s gonna happen constantly. Gonna have to have a lot more security laid out around the place. They learned today.” pic.twitter.com/K5WzjaF4Ct

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 23, 2024

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