WOW! Joe Biden Looks Scared and Lost as Nurse Jill Claims Her Husband’s “Strength is Unshakeable” (VIDEO)

WOW! Joe Biden Looks Scared and Lost as Nurse Jill Claims Her Husband’s “Strength is Unshakeable” (VIDEO)

WOW! Joe Biden Looks Scared and Lost as Nurse Jill Claims Her Husband’s “Strength is Unshakeable” (VIDEO)
June 28, 2024

Joe Biden on Friday held a campaign rally in North Carolina after he absolutely bombed at Thursday night’s debate against President Trump.

81-Year-old Joe Biden completely fell apart Thursday night. He glitched, froze up, stumbled through his words and had to be led off the stage by nurse Jill.

He was in bad shape again on Friday.

Nurse Jill stepped in again and ran cover for Joe Biden.

Biden looked completely lost and scared as Jill Biden boasted that his strength is unshakeable.

Why was Biden standing like that?

This is elder abuse!


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Author: Cristina Laila

Trump Responds Over Rumors Biden Will Be Replaced

Trump Responds Over Rumors Biden Will Be Replaced

Trump Responds Over Rumors Biden Will Be Replaced
June 28, 2024

In response to the Democratic Party going into panic mode and calling for Biden to be replaced after his abysmal debate performance, President Trump revealed he believes ‘Biden will still be the nominee.’

Trump made the comments in an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital.

The 45th President further stated, “It was a great honor to be on stage representing the people of our country.”

In response to Biden’s debate performance, Trump’s campaign manager, Chris LaCivita, shared, “Despite taking a week-long vacation at Camp David to prepare for the debate, Biden was unable to defend his disastrous record on the economy and the border.”

Here’s what Fox News reported:

Former President Trump said he believes that President Biden “will be the nominee” for the Democratic Party, despite the president’s debate performance Thursday night that prompted calls from those on the left for him to withdraw from the 2024 race.

Trump and Biden faced off in the first presidential debate in Atlanta on Thursday night.

“It was a great honor to be on stage representing the people of our country,” Trump told Fox News Digital in an exclusive interview Friday morning.

The Trump campaign declared victory shortly after the showdown ended, saying the former president and presumptive Republican nominee had “delivered the greatest debate performance and victory in history to the largest voter audience in history, making clear exactly how he will improve the lives of every American.”

“Joe Biden on the other hand showed exactly why he deserves to be fired,” Trump campaign co-chairs Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles said in a statement Thursday night. “Despite taking a week-long vacation at Camp David to prepare for the debate, Biden was unable to defend his disastrous record on the economy and the border.”

Minutes after Trump and Biden’s debate concluded, CNN went into full panic mode.


CNN Reporter Says Top Democrats Are Right Now Plotting to Replace Biden (VIDEO)

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Author: Anthony Scott

One of Justice Coney Barrett’s 4 Clerks Tied to Newsguard, Key Parts of Biden Censorship Complex, MURTHY DECISION CONFLICT OF INTEREST

One of Justice Coney Barrett’s 4 Clerks Tied to Newsguard, Key Parts of Biden Censorship Complex, MURTHY DECISION CONFLICT OF INTEREST

One of Justice Coney Barrett’s 4 Clerks Tied to Newsguard, Key Parts of Biden Censorship Complex, MURTHY DECISION CONFLICT OF INTEREST
June 28, 2024

The Biden industrial censorship complex had a major victory this week handed to them by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a Trump appointee who has betrayed both the First Amendment and the supporters of the President who nominated her in upholding the Biden administration’s ongoing suppression of free speech. Justice Barrett wrote the Murthy v. Missouri decision, which allowed the Biden Administration to continue censoring conservative publications online through coercive demands to social media companies.

The vast system used by the federal government to coerce social media companies to comply is without precedent in history. Justice Alito, in dissent, called Murthy one of “the most important free speech cases to reach this Court in years.”

The Murthy decision, authored by Justice Barrett, was influenced behind the scenes by a law clerk whose wife is connected to the Biden industrial censorship complex.

The petty topics that became unspeakable because of White House officials demanding takedowns include: Hunter Biden’s crime laptop, COVID lockdowns, the effectiveness of masks, the effectiveness of viruses, voter fraud and election integrity, among other topics.

The White House and Supreme Court majority agree: you are not allowed to criticize the obviously fraudulent 2020 election and express that opinion online. The government cannot be stopped from demanding the deletion of your political opinions online while the Missouri v. Biden case progresses.

That censorship system is vast and complex. “Fact-checking” organizations “rate” news stories for accuracy, always deeming conservative news and views as fake and illegitimate and always rating left-wing lies as completely accurate and true. Then those ratings are aggregated, and then combined with other slipshod and dishonest “analysis” by NewsGuard for an overall outlet “rating.” That overall rating is then used by far-left pressure groups and governments to officially suppress and demonetize and otherwise make economic war against conservative media outlets, to ensure they go bankrupt or become unprofitable.

A key link in that chain of entities is NewsGuard, cofounded in 2018 by Gordon Crovitz and Steven Brill. NewsGuard has been hostile to the Gateway Pundit, and to conservative journalism in general, since its inception. House Republicans have investigated the way in which NewsGuard has suppressed conservative news and views earlier this month, noting that the entity seems designed to suppress speech, and partners with the military for much of its funding.

Another key individual in this infrastructure is Mark Oppenheimer, who used to be a Professor at Yale, where he was the head of the Yale Journalism Initiative. This past May, Oppenheimer moved to St. Louis to work at Washington University for the John C. Danforth Institute for Religion and Politics. John C. Danforth, a former Missouri Senator and Missouri Attorney General, personally represents Freeman and Moss in their ongoing defamation lawsuit against the Gateway Pundit relating to claims Freeman and Moss were defamed as part of the Gateway Pundit’s reporting on 2020 voter fraud.

Mark Oppenheimer

Another key link to the Biden censorship industrial complex is the Stanford Internet Observatory, founded in 2019 and funded with money by billionaire founder Craig Newmark. Newmark also lavishly funds ‘disinformation’ and censorship efforts at Yale, among other colleges. Craig Newmark also annually funds the Yale Media Freedom of Information Access Clinic at Yale Law. Newmark’s site,, was threatened in 2018 by the federal government for having facilitated human trafficking and sex trafficking in 2018. In response, Newmark deleted all personals and ads for hookers, many of which were alleged to have been underage.

That same year, Craig Newmark became a key private-money funder of much of the censorship complex, alongside other prominent funders such as George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation, alongside Google, Facebook, among others.

A ‘small donation’ for Newmark in this area of speech suppression and censorship is in the $50,000-100,000 range. You can see that in this email:

Steven Brill is a self-described journalist. He founded CourtTV in 1991, and set up a series of failed businesses. He wrote a series of unremarkable books, and then founded NewsGuard in 2018. He has been a professor of journalism at Yale since 2001. NewsGuard has been, by far, his most successful endeavor. NewsGuard is partnered with Big Tech and various agents of the Deep State, including former NSA Director Michael Hayden who is a part of NewsGuard. Hayden has famously called whistleblower Edward Snowden a ‘traitor’ and to WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange as an “information terrorist.” Brill is at the intersection of the Deep State, the Biden industrial censorship complex, elite mainstream journalism, and Yale University.

Brill, Oppenheimer, and Yale are also connected with one of Coney Barrett’s law clerks, Connor Mui.

Law Clerks typically work for a year in the federal judiciary, and assist Judges with research, drafting, and writing. Experts differ on the extent of their involvement, but it is well-known that many judges rely on their Clerks to research and write their entire opinions.

Justice Barrett’s law clerk Mui is a graduate of Yale Law School, along with his now-wife, Raleigh Cavero. Both Mui and Cavero are graduates of Yale Law School.

Amy Coney Barrett law clerk, Connor Philip Mui


Gibson Dunn attorney Raleigh Carolyn Cavero, wife of Connor Mui, connected to the Biden censorship industrial complex through Steven Brill, NewsGuard, and Mark Oppenheimer

Mui and Cavero were married in December.

Yale is one of the epicenters of anti-free speech work in the country, funded and propelled by Soros‘ and Newmark’s billions.

Newmark helps fund NewsGuard. NewsGuard also receives money from the U.S. State Department and the U.S. military, ostensibly to “help fight disinformation.”

NewsGuard is funded with millions by the Deep State and Biden’s government, to aid in the operation of the Biden censorship industrial complex.

The guy who wrote Coney Barrett’s insane judicial opinion, one of the likely law clerk authors of the decision that let Joe Biden, NewsGuard, Yale, Steven Brill, Mark Oppenheimer, off of the hook for liability and lets them continue earning millions from Soros and Craig Newmark, is married to an attorney with significant connections to that censorship cabal, who prominently features both Brill and Oppenheimer on her resume carelessly left online.

Yale Law school’s MFIA Clinic, the Media Freedom of Information Access Clinic, rejoiced when the Gateway Pundit was sued for defamation.

There is no enforceable code of conduct for Supreme Court Justices to recuse themselves from a case, it is self-directed. Justices are supposed to recuse themselves when their impartiality might come into question. The far-left has been trying to force a recusal by Justice Clarence Thomas for things that his outspoken and courageous wife Ginny Thomas has done in her private capacity. The mainstream media regularly beats up on Justice Thomas for imaginary conflicts of interest.

More recently, the far-left has tried to force Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself because he flew the flag of distress outside of his house around the time of the election. The New York Times even took the time to write about Justice Alito flying the “Appeal to Heaven” flag and why that might cause him to recuse himself in future cases because it was supposedly associated with January 6th protesters and Christianity.

Notably in 1950 when Soviet spy Alger Hiss appealed his perjury conviction to the Supreme Court, three justices recused themselves because of past close association with Hiss, including Hiss mentor Justice Felix Frankfurter, Hiss’ former boss at the Department of Justice Justice Stanley Reed, in addition to Justice Tom C. Clark.

Canon 3F(1) of the Code of Conduct for the Judiciary advises judicial employees, including law clerks, to avoid conflicts of interest for themselves and their spouses.

The Code states, in relevant part,

“Conflicts arise when you—or your spouse or other close relative—might be so personally or financially affected by a matter that a reasonable person would question your impartiality. The considerations that apply to a spouse also apply to a person with whom the clerk lives in an intimate relationship.”

Calls and emails to Raleigh Cavero, and the Public Information Office of the Supreme Court went unreturned and unanswered.

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Author: Benjamin Wetmore

WATCH LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia After Kicking Biden’s Ass in Debate

WATCH LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia After Kicking Biden’s Ass in Debate

WATCH LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia After Kicking Biden’s Ass in Debate
June 28, 2024

President Trump will deliver remarks in Virginia today where he is expected to comment on the total ass-kicking he gave Joe Biden last night.

Trump is expected to speak at 3 pm ET.

A massive crowd was lined up this morning for Trump’s first post-debate rally:


The debate was a nightmare for the Democrats!

As The Gateway Pundit reported, The Biden campaign put word out to reporters midway through Thursday night’s presidential debate in Atlanta that Joe Biden has been sick with a cold for the past several days. Biden started the debate looking dazed, with his voice shot and telling an inexplicable blatant lie that no U.S. troops died around the world during his presidency. Biden’s voice sounded like death as he began the debate and it never recovered.

Less than 15 minutes into the program, Biden glitched out and froze.

BIDEN GLITCHES OUT! Stops Making Sense! He’s Completely Lost (VIDEO)

Biden lied and slurred and stumbled through the entire debate.

Even CNN anchors commentating on the debate were admitting that Biden's performance was a disaster, and the Democrats are now looking for a replacement on the 2024 ticket.

The left may attempt to steal another election with this confused serial liar, but the American public will no longer be fooled or threatened into silence.

This will be an exciting speech from President Trump.

Watch live below via Right Side Broadcasting Network:

Join RSBN for full coverage of President Donald J. Trump's remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia. He is expected to speak at 3 p.m. ET on Friday, June 28, 2024.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 9:00 a.m. ET on Friday. Please note the start time is subject to change.

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Author: Jordan Conradson

Sad Ending: Jill Biden Helps Dementia Joe Off Stage After Debate (Video)

Sad Ending: Jill Biden Helps Dementia Joe Off Stage After Debate (Video)

Sad Ending: Jill Biden Helps Dementia Joe Off Stage After Debate (Video)
June 28, 2024

This was the saddest moment of the evening: Jill Biden came over to husband Joe at the end of the debate. As President Trump walked away unaided, Jill took Joe by the hand and slowly led him as he stiffly took the few steps from the podium to the edge of the stage where she then helped Joe down the four or five stairs in front so he could talk with the CNN debate moderators, Dana Bash and Jake Tapper.

Update: Image posted by the Trump campaign’s Jason Miller:

Video clips posted by Greg Price.

Close up version shows Joe Biden clearly having trouble taking the first step. He swings a stiff leg down as Jill holds tight:

The Biden campaign told reporters midway through the debate that Joe had been suffering from a cold the past few days. It was reported that while he was secluded the past week for debate prep at Camp David that Joe went through sessions where he stood for ninety-minutes to get him in shape for the debate.

Thursday morning, the Trump campaign posted a video warning that Joe’s frail condition could lead to Kamala Harris succeeding him in office:

Former Biden White House press secretary Jen Psaki told MSNBC after the debate that a winning campaign does not send the vice president out to do spin right after the debate:

Harris also did debate cleanup on CNN, “It was a slow start.”

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Author: Kristinn Taylor