Jack Smith’s Latest Trick – Attempts to Sway Court with New Photos Alleging Trump Stored Classified Documents in a “Haphazard Manner” at His Mar-a-Lago Mansion

Jack Smith’s Latest Trick – Attempts to Sway Court with New Photos Alleging Trump Stored Classified Documents in a “Haphazard Manner” at His Mar-a-Lago Mansion

Jack Smith’s Latest Trick – Attempts to Sway Court with New Photos Alleging Trump Stored Classified Documents in a “Haphazard Manner” at His Mar-a-Lago Mansion
June 26, 2024

The Gateway Pundit reported in 2022 that the FBI created a fake crime scene at Mar-a-Lago by adding their own documents to the scene and doctoring the photo they released in their report and to the press.

In its response, the DOJ included a document it claims was taken at Mar-a-Lago during its raid. The photo was all over the news on Wednesday, August 31, the day after it was provided to the court.

The cover sheets in the photo that were red, yellow, and brown were inserted by the FBI.  They were the FBI’s cover sheets.  We know this for various reasons.  The Trump White House did not need these cover sheets in the documents they held because they had their own cover sheets.

aThis documents were inserted.  The FBI inserted these to indicate that the “agency implementing regulations” – i.e. the DOJ – is involved in the maintenance of these records but this is not the case.  The President has the right to documents that are his.  They are his property and an inserted document saying something different is simply not true.

Last month, Jack Smith admitted the FBI messed with the boxes containing “classified” documents they seized from Trump and can’t be sure the order or the placement of the documents.

In a May 1 filing, Walt Nauta’s attorney claimed he had difficulty in cross-referencing materials in classified and unclassified discovery because “certain items in the seized boxes he reviewed were in a different order from where they appear in the scans of the boxes’ contents produced in discovery.”

Then this week, Jack Smith admitted the FBI doctored evidence to produce stunt photos of classified documents during the Mar-a-Lago raid.

This contradicts their statement in August 2022, where the DOJ lied to the Court when it claimed that the red, blue, and yellow sheets shown in the viral photo of the classified documents indicated their classification status.

It turns out they were “slip sheets” the FBI used to replace the so-called classified documents. The FBI admitted they messed with Trump’s documents! The FBI used cover sheets as placeholders for the classified documents.

CONFIRMED: As Gateway Pundit Reported — FBI Doctored Mar-a-Lago Photo, Added Their Own Docs that DON’T MATCH INVENTORY REPORTS

On Monday, federal prosecutors led by special counsel Jack Smith released a new set of photos that they claim show classified documents stored in a "haphazard manner" at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate.

The pictures, some of which had not been previously disclosed, were presented as exhibits in a recent court filing in South Florida.

Below are some of the photos released:

A photo was taken allegedly by Walt Nauta, an aide to Trump, before the FBI raid. (DOJ)
Source: DOJ
Source: DOJ
Source: DOJ
Source: DOJ

The Independent reported:

In photographs attached to a 33-page filing on Monday night, documents marked “secret” and “top secret” or bearing the White House emblem are seen stuffed in cardboard boxes alongside piles of golf shirts, sitting on top of old newspapers, and next to crates of Diet Coke.

One image shows a closet with newspapers and other documents spilling out on the floor from tipped-over boxes.

Smith’s team wrote that Trump “personally chose to keep documents containing some of the nation’s most highly guarded secrets in cardboard boxes along with a collection of other personally chosen keepsakes of various sizes and shapes from his presidency – newspapers, thank you notes, Christmas ornaments, magazines, clothing, and photographs of himself and others.”

After he left the White House in January 2021, Trump took his “cluttered collection of keepsakes” to his Florida home, “where the boxes traveled from one readily accessible location to another — a public ballroom, an office space, a bathroom, and a basement storage room,” according to prosecutors.

The photos were part of a court filing aimed at opposing Trump's motion to dismiss the indictment based on the “spoliation” of evidence.

Recall that Trump’s legal team in February filed several motions to dismiss Jack Smith’s classified documents case. Judge Cannon previously denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the classified docs case on ‘unconstitutional vagueness’ of the Espionage Act, however, a third motion based on selective prosecution is still pending.

In his unsealed motion to dismiss, Trump highlighted how others, such as James Comey, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, and Bill and Hillary Clinton, all illegally possessed classified documents, yet they were never prosecuted.

Trump’s lawyers argued that Joe Biden stored boxes of classified documents in his garage, Penn Biden Center and Chinatown… all locations remained accessible to people without security clearances. Biden was never charged for stealing SCIF-designated documents and storing them in dilapidated boxes in his garage.

President Trump’s lawyers argued that former President Bill Clinton stored classified tapes in his sock drawer, yet he was never prosecuted.

Mike Pence disclosed to NARA that “a small number of documents bearing classified markings” were stored at his home in Indiana, yet he was never prosecuted.

Trump also slammed Hillary Clinton.

“Hillary Clinton and her colleagues deleted 31,830 emails and destroyed data on numerous electronic devices, including after a congressional preservation order,” Trump’s attorney Todd Blanche wrote referring to Hillary’s criminal email deletion and use of BleachBit to destroy emails under subpoena. Hillary also took a hammer to her BlackBerrys.

Trump's defense also argues that FBI agents who executed the search warrant failed to maintain the order of the documents as they were found. They also claim that no photos were taken to show the sequence of records in each box containing them, according to CBS.

Trump's legal team contends that this mismanagement of the documents' sequence not only violated his due process rights but also undermines the claim that Trump was aware of the classified nature of the documents mixed with personal items.

CBS reported:

Smith's team, though, argued in his latest filing that there is no basis for throwing out the charges against Trump because of a disruption of the precise order of documents seized from Mar-a-Lago.

"Trump personally chose to keep documents containing some of the nation's most highly guarded secrets in cardboard boxes along with a collection of other personally chosen keepsakes of various sizes and shapes from his presidency," prosecutors on the special counsel's team said.

They accused the former president of maintaining the boxes containing sensitive material in a "haphazard manner" and said the FBI agents who conducted the search "did so professionally, thoroughly, and carefully under challenging circumstances." Smith is separately seeking to bar Trump from making public statements that endanger law enforcement officers involved in the case. U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, who is presiding over proceedings, did not seem receptive to prosecutors' arguments to modify the conditions of his release during a hearing on the matter Monday.

It should be noted that the FBI turned off security cameras at Mar-a-Lago out of “concern for agent safety.”

“At approximately 9:55 am, the CCTV servers were turned off to prevent recording, at the request of the FBI, out of concern for agent safety,” Jack Smith’s prosecutors wrote. “At approximately 10:20 am, recording resumed at the request of Trump attorneys.”

The post Jack Smith’s Latest Trick – Attempts to Sway Court with New Photos Alleging Trump Stored Classified Documents in a “Haphazard Manner” at His Mar-a-Lago Mansion appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

BREAKING: Big News for Steve Bannon! — Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group Votes that J6 Committee Was ILLEGITIMATE — House to File Amicus Brief with Supreme Court [VIDEO]

BREAKING: Big News for Steve Bannon! — Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group Votes that J6 Committee Was ILLEGITIMATE — House to File Amicus Brief with Supreme Court [VIDEO]

BREAKING: Big News for Steve Bannon! — Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group Votes that J6 Committee Was ILLEGITIMATE — House to File Amicus Brief with Supreme Court [VIDEO]
June 26, 2024

Late in the evening on Tuesday, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson announced that the House would file an amicus brief in support of Steve Bannon’s appeal against his contempt of Congress conviction related to the J6 investigation by the illegitimate January 6th Committee.

Screenshot – Speaker Mike Johnson

The Citizen Press tweeted about the “Big news” for Steve Bannon Tuesday night:

1) The Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG) voted tonight 3-2, confirming the official legal position of the House is that the J6 committee was illegitimate, and all subpoenas issued by the committee were also illegitimate.

2) BLAG has now directed the House Office of General Counsel to file an Amicus Brief in support of Steve Bannon with Justice Roberts.

3) Matt Gaetz explains how the BLAG process works in the video.

4) I spoke with Bannon in the last hour and he is optimistic.

The Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG) is a standing body of the U.S. House of Representatives, established in 1993. It is composed of the Speaker of the House and the majority and minority leaderships. BLAG directs the activities of the House’s Office of General Counsel, providing guidance and oversight on legal issues and decisions that involve the House of Representatives.

Speaker Johnson appeared on Fox News tonight with Sean Hannity to share the hopeful news.

Sean Hannity asked Speaker Johnson to update his viewers on the latest actions by the US House: “Mr. Speaker, I understand that might be a change in position regarding the House and their stance on the January 6 Committee, and it might be regarding Steve Bannon, and it may have a big impact on his contempt case. Tell me what’s going on…”

Speaker Johnson responded, “Yeah, we’re working on filing an amicus brief on his appellate work there in his case because the January 6 committee was, we think, wrongly wrongfully constituted. We think the work was tainted. We think that they may have very well-covered up evidence and maybe even more nefarious activities. We’ve been investigating the committee itself. We disagree with how Speaker Pelosi put all that together. We think it violated House rules. And so we will be expressing that to the court, and I think it will help Steve Bannon in his appeal.”


This decision by the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG) that declared the January 6th Committee illegitimate also declared its subpoenas, including the subpoena served to Steve Bannon that he ignored, allowing the J6 Witch Hunt Committee to charge him with contempt of court.

Speaker Mike Johnson also appeared on CNN to discuss the decision by the House to a disappointed Kaitlin Collins.

Last week, Steve Bannon lost his appeal to delay the July 1 start of his criminal contempt-of-Congress prison sentence starting in July.

The far-left US DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Bannon. Bannon, the former Chief Strategist to former President Donald Trump, will likely seek the intervention of the Supreme Court.

Rep. Byron Daniels was asked about the vote today by the House. Rep. Daniels (R-FL) responded with this tweet:

“If Steve Bannon & Peter Navarro are the standard for DOJ prosecution, then why is AG Garland an exception?

Garland decided his opinion matters more than the elected representatives of the American people.

He thinks he’s above the law.
Congress must act.”

On Friday morning, Jeff Clark, the Former US DOJ Double Assistant AG, posted this on Twitter. Steve Bannon has only nine days left until he will be sent to prison for the four months leading up to the 2024 election – the most important election in the last 150 years!

On Friday, Clark warned that there were only 9 days left to keep Bannon out of federal prison.

It appears as though members of the House have thrown the unjustly accused and sentenced Steve Bannon a lifeboat! Pray for Steve Bannon, for the brave House members fighting to save an innocent man from the clutches of Democrats who use lawfare to punish their political enemies, and for Chief Justice John Roberts to clearly see this sick and demented scheme by the Democrats for what it is and that he will do the right thing.

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Author: Patty McMurray

Watch Young Voters Explain Why They’re Walking Away From Joe Biden and the Democrats (VIDEO)

Watch Young Voters Explain Why They’re Walking Away From Joe Biden and the Democrats (VIDEO)

Watch Young Voters Explain Why They’re Walking Away From Joe Biden and the Democrats (VIDEO)
June 26, 2024

One of the most interesting aspects of the 2024 election has been the fact that so many young voters are breaking with Biden and the Democrat party to support Donald Trump.

It makes perfect sense. Biden’s economic policies are making it near to impossible for millions of young people to buy homes and start families.

FOX News recently spoke to a couple of these young voters about what drove their decisions to change.

RedState has details:

Two young voters, Grace Guentzel and Becky Oliveira, told Fox News host Lawrence Jones that they will not vote for President Joe Biden in November. Some of the reasons they gave were the open borders and cashless bail.

Oliveira lives in New York City and gave an interesting perspective on why she became a Democrat in the first place:

I grew up in the social media culture that was very dominated by left-wing propaganda, for lack of a better word, that was pushed to me through the algorithms, and I accepted it. I accepted it wholeheartedly. I loved it. I was very into it, until I started to come out of it and realized that a lot of what I believed was very emotional and not really based in logic or fact…

So, once I started to have that realization, it really all came to a head around 2020, when I started to see how Democratic policies were playing out in my city. Cashless bail, for one. The riots after the killing of George Floyd. Madison Avenue being completely decimated by these roving bands of rioters.

Watch the video:

There are many other young people who feel the same way and will vote accordingly in November.

Biden has been awful for all Americans, including young people.

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Author: Mike LaChance

Almost a Year After Disastrous Fire, Residents of Lahaina in Hawaii Are Still Fighting for Chance to Rebuild (VIDEO)

Almost a Year After Disastrous Fire, Residents of Lahaina in Hawaii Are Still Fighting for Chance to Rebuild (VIDEO)

Almost a Year After Disastrous Fire, Residents of Lahaina in Hawaii Are Still Fighting for Chance to Rebuild (VIDEO)
June 26, 2024

Black fencing erected in Lahaina, Maui, in August 2023 to block the public’s view of ground zero of the Hawaiian fires (Video screenshot)

The fire that destroyed Lahaina on the island of Maui in the state of Hawaii was almost a year ago and yet residents of the community are still struggling to rebuild.

While Biden and congress rush to pass more spending for Ukraine on a regular basis, American citizens in Hawaii are still dealing with this. When was the last time you heard anyone in government even talk about Lahaina?

The Twitter/X post below reads:

UPDATE On The Lahaina Maui Fire Victims

NEW: “Aloha from Lahaina, Maui. June 22nd update. As you can see, you still can’t get into Lahaina. Access is still restricted. Nobody’s rebuilding yet still 10 months into the fires”

“To get a building permit, you have to go to the county. They now have a review board. You have to fill out this this paperwork. It’s just endless, and it takes forever. It’s a building permit process review board. Just everything’s just being slowed down and dragging on, and you wonder why.

And, um, so the army of engineers have said they cleaned out 1200 lots, residential lots of debris, ashes, toxic.

I don’t know what I still don’t know. I’m not an expert. What’s toxic?

They’re now slowly doing commercial lots. Like, 40 commercial lots have been cleared. They said they cleaned out 2,000 burned vehicles. I think it’s all moving slow, but, you know, people say, well, here, we’re on an island. But, anyway, you have to wonder why…

Crazy. So these are the little tiny container homes in Kahului for fire victims, but, you know, so many people have left the island. They’ve given up. It’s sad.“

Watch the video:

Have these people been forgotten and abandoned? Why are they not getting more attention and help from our leaders in DC?

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Author: Mike LaChance

Biden’s Surgeon General Declares Gun Violence in America a ‘Public Health Crisis’ (VIDEO)

Biden’s Surgeon General Declares Gun Violence in America a ‘Public Health Crisis’ (VIDEO)

Biden’s Surgeon General Declares Gun Violence in America a ‘Public Health Crisis’ (VIDEO)
June 26, 2024

Joe Biden’s Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has declared gun violence in America to be a ‘public health crisis.’

Democrats have been desperate to pass more gun control measures and critics of this move by Murthy are calling it an end-run around the Constitution.

This is typical for the left. When they can’t get what they want through the normal legislative process, they look for other means.

FOX News reports:

Surgeon general declares firearm violence in America a public health crisis

The United States surgeon general is declaring gun violence a national public health crisis.

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy issued an advisory on Tuesday stating that firearm-related violence and its immediate psychological ramifications on victims and bystanders has severely compromised public health.

“Today, for the first time in the history of our office, I am issuing a Surgeon General’s Advisory on firearm violence,” Murthy said in a video announcement. “It outlines the urgent threat firearm violence poses to the health and well-being of our country.”

“As a doctor, I’ve seen the consequences of firearm violence up close and the lives of the patients that cared for over the years,” the surgeon general continued. “These are moms and dads, sons and daughters, all of whom were robbed of their physical and mental health by senseless acts of violence.”

The advisory states that 54% of adults in America have experienced a firearm-related incident. These experiences with firearm violence include individuals who have been threatened with a gun (21%), lost a family member in a gun-related death (19%), witnessed a shooting (17%), and been wounded by a firearm (4%).

See the video below:

People are right to be skeptical. The timing of this move is very interesting.

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Author: Mike LaChance