Republican Senator Rand Paul on Trump Verdict: “I Worry About 50 Percent of the Public Believing That the Court System Will be Used Against Them” (VIDEO)

Republican Senator Rand Paul on Trump Verdict: “I Worry About 50 Percent of the Public Believing That the Court System Will be Used Against Them” (VIDEO)


Republican Senator Rand Paul was on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday to discuss the Trump verdict and what it means for America.

“What is your reaction to the conviction?” Maria Bartiromo asked.

“You know, a sad day in America. And what I worry about is something even bigger than Donald Trump. I worry about strife. I worry about war in the streets. I worry about 50 percent of the public believing that the court system will be used against them,” Senator Rand Paul said.

“I worry when half the country thinks they won’t be treated fairly, what happens and how people react,” Senator Paul continued.

Senator Paul also pointed out the inconsistencies of how Hillary Clinton was treated in the past as compared to President Trump.

“If you look at records violations and you look at Hillary Clinton, $8 million expense, and they slapped her on the wrist cause she got an $8 thousand fine,” Senator Paul continued.

“I think Donald Trump is the only person ever prosecuted for this particular crime,” Senator Paul said.


Today, exclusively on @SundayFutures with @MariaBartiromo, Senator @RandPaul spoke about the verdict delivered in former President Trump’s trial in New York.@FoxNews

— SundayMorningFutures (@SundayFutures) June 2, 2024

President Trump was found “guilty” on May 30th in only what can be described as a sham trial in a kangaroo court, with one of the most corrupt judges in the entire country presiding over it, Juan Merchan.

Trump will win this on appeal.

This trial has been a complete and total mockery of the rule of law; due process; the constitution; and the criminal justice system.

Absolutely disgraceful!

— Paul Ingrassia (@PaulIngrassia) May 30, 2024

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Fauci Admits He Made Up Tyrannical COVID Guidelines Including Child Masking and Social Distancing — Were Based on Mere Assumptions, Not Science

Fauci Admits He Made Up Tyrannical COVID Guidelines Including Child Masking and Social Distancing — Were Based on Mere Assumptions, Not Science


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has admitted that some of the most stringent COVID-19 guidelines, including social distancing and child masking, were not rooted in concrete scientific evidence.

This admission came during a comprehensive interview with the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic earlier this year, details of which were released ahead of Dr. Fauci’s scheduled testimony on Monday.


— Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (@COVIDSelect) June 2, 2024

According to a transcript released by Republicans, during the January interviews, Dr. Fauci disclosed that the widely enforced “6 feet apart” social distancing guideline “sort of just appeared” and was not based on any data.

This guideline had significant repercussions, leading to the closure of schools and small businesses nationwide. Ironically, however, Fauci permitted the George Floyd protests and riots to wreak havoc across the country.

Below is Dr. Fauci’s transcribed interview via the COVID Select Subcommittee:

SOCIAL DISTANCING: The “6 feet apart” social distancing recommendation forced on Americans by federal health officials was arbitrary and not based on science.

Majority Counsel:Do you recall when discussions regarding, kind of, the at least a 6 foot threshold began?
Dr. Fauci: “The 6 foot in the school?”
Majority Counsel: “Six foot overall.  I mean, 6-foot was applied at businesses—”
Dr. Fauci: “Yeah.”
Majority Counsel:—it was applied in schools, it was applied here.  At least how the messaging was applied was that 6-foot distancing was the distance that needed to be—
Dr. Fauci:You know, I don’t recall.  It sort of just appeared.  I don’t recall, like, a discussion of whether it should be 5 or 6 or whatever.  It was just that 6 foot is—
Majority Counsel:Did you see any studies that supported 6 feet?
Dr. Fauci:I was not aware of studies that in fact, that would be a very difficult study to do.

Francis Collins, the former director of the National Insitute of Health, admitted in a closed-door interview earlier this year that he did not see any scientific evidence that social distancing was a proven method of containing the virus.

The controversy extends beyond social distancing. During the pandemic, Americans were subjected to strict mask mandates, with penalties imposed on those who did not comply. These mandates covered everyone – from adults entering businesses to children in schools. Now, it appears these directives were also issued without a solid foundation in science.

When questioned about the evidence supporting the masking of children, Dr. Fauci’s memory was unclear.

Below is Dr. Fauci’s transcribed interview via the COVID Select Subcommittee:

MASKING: Dr. Fauci testified that he did not recall any supporting evidence for masking children. Concerningly, mask-wearing has been associated with learning loss and severe speech development issues in America’s children.

Majority Counsel:Do you recall reviewing any studies or data supporting masking for children?
Dr. Fauci:You know, I might have, Mitch, but I don’t recall specifically that I did. I might have.
Majority Counsel:Since the — there’s been a lot of studies that have come out since the pandemic started, but specifically on this there have been significant on kind of like the learning loss and speech and development issues that have been associated with particularly young children wearing masks while they’re growing up. They can’t see their teacher talk and can’t learn how to form words. Have you followed any of those studies?
Dr. Fauci:No. But I believe that there are a lot of conflicting studies too, that there are those that say, yes, there is an impact, and there are those that say there’s not. I still think that’s up in the air.

You can read the key takeaways in the new memo here.

So there you have it. Time and time again, those of us, including The Gateway Pundit, who questioned every aspect of the COVID pandemic, from the lockdown regimes and mask mandates all the way through to vaccines and potential treatments, have been proven correct.

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, joined Maria Bartiromo to discuss Fauci’s upcoming hearing on Monday.

Earlier this month, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) finally admitted to funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the site of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This admission directly contradicts previous statements made under oath by Dr. Anthony Fauci,

“Fauci lied. He committed a felony. It’s clear there was a massive cover-up from the beginning,” Sen. Paul wrote.


I joined @MariaBartiromo on @SundayFutures to discuss Fauci’s upcoming hearing. Fauci lied. He committed a felony. It’s clear there was a massive cover-up from the beginning.

— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) June 2, 2024

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Biden Campaign Spokesman: Donald Trump is a Threat Joe Biden Will End “Once and For All” (VIDEO)

Biden Campaign Spokesman: Donald Trump is a Threat Joe Biden Will End “Once and For All” (VIDEO)

 Credit: FOX News

A member of Joe Biden’s campaign team went on television today and made an unhinged statement that could be construed as a nasty threat against President Trump.

As Gateway Pundit readers know, a rigged New York City jury convicted Trump on ALL 34 COUNTS in Alvin Bragg and corrupt Judge Juan Merchan’s lawfare case Thursday afternoon.

This outrageous travesty of justice was made possible by the Biden regime. They sicced Michael Colangelo, who previously worked in the Justice Department, to NYC to collude with Bragg to convict Trump on non-existent crimes.

The Biden campaign then openly celebrated the verdict and released a statement begging for donations following the success of their sinister operation.

Junior Biden campaign spokesman Michael Tyler appeared on Fox News’s MediaBuzz to discuss the garbage Trump verdict and his boss’s reaction to it. After whining that the 2024 Presidential Election was not a normal one because of Trump’s supposed threat to democracy, he stated that Joe Biden will end the threat of Donald Trump “once and for all.”

While some will say Tyler was speaking from a political standpoint, Trump supporters might draw a different conclusion.


COMPLETELY UNHINGED: As Biden tries to JAIL his leading opponent, junior Biden campaign spokesman Michael Tyler says President Trump is a “threat” that Biden will “end … once and for all.”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 2, 2024

TYLER: This is not a normal election, Donald Trump has already demonstrated he is not a normal candidate. He is a fundamental, persistent, and growing threat to our democracy.

And is Joe Biden is running to make sure we end that threat once and for all.

Imagine if a Trump campaign spokesperson had said something similar. Not only would the corporate press have raked that person over the coals, but the FBI would also likely get involved.

Veiled threats against Trump and his supporters, however, are not only tolerated but celebrated.

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