Nikki Haley’s PAC Is Using Money from Epstein Buddy Reid Hoffman to Target MSBNC and CNN Democrat Voters for New Hampshire Primary

Nikki Haley’s PAC Is Using Money from Epstein Buddy Reid Hoffman to Target MSBNC and CNN Democrat Voters for New Hampshire Primary


A pro-Nikki Haley PAC is using money they got from Jeffrey Epstein pal Reid Hoffman to target Democrat voters in New Hampshire, encouraging them to go out and vote for her. This is despite the fact that the deadline for legal registration expired on October 6th.

SFA Fund Inc. is a Republican pro-Nikki Haley PAC. According to the lead strategist for the SFA Fund is Mark Harris, a Republican political consultant… SFA Fund had paid more than $23 million to run TV and digital ads, according to data from AdImpact, a service that tracks political advertising and spending.

Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn and an acquaintance of Jeffrey Epstein, donated to the SFA PAC supporting Nikki Haley. Hoffman donated $250,000 to the pro-Haley SFA PAC in December.

SFA Fund is spending tens of thousands to help Haley in the New Hampshire primary.

The ads will run on CNN and MSNBC.


It looks like Nikki is trying to capture the Democrat vote in the state – like she did in Iowa earlier this week

Independents and Democrats make up half of Nikki Haley’s support base.

Haley was able to win one of the 99 Iowa counties by capturing Democrat voters in the Iowa City area!

NOW YOU KNOW: The One County Out of 99 that Trump Lost in Iowa Ran Out of Party-Switch Forms on Caucus Night (VIDEO)

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LEAKED PLAN: Michelle Obama to REPLACE Biden in 2024 Election? | Elijah Schaffer’s Top 5 (VIDEO)

LEAKED PLAN: Michelle Obama to REPLACE Biden in 2024 Election? | Elijah Schaffer’s Top 5 (VIDEO)


Welcome to The Gateway Pundit’s Week-in-Review with Elijah Schaffer where he covers the top 5 stories throughout the week in under 10 minutes.

STORY 1: Report: Michelle Obama Angling to Replace Joe Biden for President

STORY 2: ‘I Saw That the Book Was Not Selling’ – E. Jean Carroll Makes Stunning Admission About Her Trump Media Tour

STORY 3:  Barack Obama Celebrates Michelle’s 60th Birthday with Vacation Pic – Conservative Social Media Users Respond

STORY 4:  Lloyd Austin’s Secret 911 Call Revealed (AUDIO)

STORY 5:  NBC Edits “Jesus” from Texan Player CJ Stroud’s Post Game Interview (Video)

Please leave your opinions / comments on these stories below as Elijah reads every single one and appreciates your perspective.

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Are The Globalists Preparing Us for Another Lab Leak?

Are The Globalists Preparing Us for Another Lab Leak?


(Note: Thank you for supporting businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message below and ordering through the links below, which benefits Gateway Pundit. We appreciate your support!)

“Disease X” has gotten a lot of attention the last few months, and with the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, “Disease X” is getting more attention – and more global dollars.

As the globalists start to plan for “Disease X” many of the trusted voices in the medical community are starting to ask out loud – “are they conditioning us for another lab leak?”

Replaying the COVID-19 Playbook

In 2019, the voices that are warning us about “Disease X” warned us that we could see a global pandemic in the near future. In fact, they even identified the Coronavirus as the most likely culprit for a global pandemic.

Almost like clockwork, the predictions of a possibly global pandemic in 2019 became a reality in 2020.

Indeed, experts have pointed out that it is highly unlikely that the warnings about a possible pandemic followed so close in time to an actual pandemic outbreak was nothing more than a coincidence.

In fact, according to John Leake, writing in Dr. Peter McCullough’s substack, asserts:

The timeline and the documentary evidence clearly indicate that SARS-CoV-2 leaked or was deliberately released from a lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology sometime in 2019. 

The documentary evidence further reveals that certain key players were aware that a SARS coronavirus, highly contagious to humans, was detected spreading in Wuhan in the fall of 2019.


When Prediction is Really Pretext

The reality is that all of the warnings about a potential pandemic before 2020 were big business for big pharma and the entire pharmaceutical industrial complex. Billions of dollars were spent preparing for a pandemic and many of those dollars were spent on dangerous experiments all in the name of pandemic preparedness. Of course, now we know that those same dangerous experiments, funded in the name of preparing us for a pandemic, are the experiments actually responsible for the pandemic itself.

As Leake points out in Dr. McCullough’s Substack,

That the entire prediction endeavor is based on a false pretext has done nothing to hinder the growth of a huge infectious disease prediction industry, with hundreds of millions of grant money thrown at it. 

Prediction is the pretext for performing dangerous gain-of-function work on animal viruses that are deemed the most likely to make the evolutionary jump from animal hosts to humans.

They Won’t Close the Dangerous Bio Labs

The same dangerous labs responsible for the leak or the deliberate release of COVID-19 remain open for business today despite the urging of experts:

Dr. Peter McCullough and I urge all prudent adults of the world to join together in demanding the closure of dangerous bio-labs. We cannot wait for the “hypothetical, unknown pathogen” that is now called Disease X to escape or be deliberately released from one of these labs. If this happen again, there will be grave consequences for the responsible parties.

If World Leaders Won’t Shut Down the Dangerous Bio Labs, How do we Stay Safe?

So if world leaders won’t act to shut down these dangerous bio labs, what can the average person do to stay safe? The solution is to be prepared. That’s where The Wellness Company comes in.

The Wellness Company and its great doctors – like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Drew, Dr. Harvey Risch, and Dr. Jim Thorp – are regularly in the media fighting against the broken medical establishment.

Dr. Thorp, one of the nation’s leading critics of corrupt Big Pharma, believes that now – more than ever – people should be prepared for the next pandemic:

 “I’ve strongly recommended “stockpiling” critical medications including antibiotics since the turn of the century. This has been an incredible investment as many friends, family, and patients have benefited. Now, in the winter of 2023, this recommendation is even more crucial.”

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Note: The information provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or used as a substitute for professional healthcare guidance. It is your responsibility to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding the purchase, possession, and use of prescription medications.

The post Are The Globalists Preparing Us for Another Lab Leak? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Megyn Kelly Roasts Biden for 12-Second Campaign Video He Struggled to Even Get Through

Megyn Kelly Roasts Biden for 12-Second Campaign Video He Struggled to Even Get Through


President Joe Biden released a new campaign video — if you can call it that — and Megyn Kelly and Michael Knowles have some questions.

Kelly had The Daily Caller’s Knowles as a guest on her podcast, “The Megyn Kelly Show,” and they watched the clip together. In fact, it was so good — and by “good,” I mean “bad” — that they watched it twice.

Biden released the 12-second clip on X, under the heading, “Iowa’s over, and there’s still only one person who’s ever defeated Donald Trump.”

Iowa’s over, and there’s still only one person who’s ever defeated Donald Trump.

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 16, 2024

Now, I’m certain that after watching that, readers of The Western Journal being the astute observers that they are, you have some questions.

And as I said, so did Kelly and Knowles.

“So, I have a couple of questions for you,” Kelly told Knowles after watching the video once through. “First of all, why is he sitting at the kiddie table?”

She then crouched down behind her desk. “He looks like he’s down here, he’s down here, with his little hands … doesn’t he?”

“I’m a little confused,” Knowles replied. “I need to know which photographers and cinematographers the Biden White House hires. Because, you remember there was that picture with [former President and first lady] Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, where Joe Biden looked like the Incredible Hulk, like he was going to put Jimmy Carter in his pocket?

“And now it looks like he’s an ant or something,” he continued, as Kelly laughed. “There’s obviously a perspective problem.”

“He’s a little kid at the big table,” Kelly suggested. “Why didn’t somebody say, ‘We don’t want him to look like a little person. We want to look big. If anything, we want him to look, you know, larger than life?’”

Then she asked her second question — one that was perhaps more cutting when it comes to Biden’s purported ability to continue to serve as the leader of the free world.

“How many takes do you think that took, and is there any way the original script was only 12 seconds?” she asked.

“Zero chance,” she answered herself, and Knowles agreed, repeating, “Zero chance.”

“He’s not a one-take wonder, that’s for sure,” Knowles added. “And the sad thing is: We know that that was the best take. They obviously used the best take.”

You can watch the segment below. (It’s over five minutes long, but you can skip the last 1.3 minutes or so, which are just ads — just don’t tell Kelly I told you that was OK.)

At that point, Kelly showed the video again, laughing over the last few seconds of it.

Kelly suggested, based on her own extensive experience in media, that the editing of the video seemed to show that Biden couldn’t even get through a 12-second speech.

“He couldn’t even get through even that short bit one time, so they had to use the up-close from the second take,” she said. “This is terrifying.”

“I guess what he’s really saying is, ‘I don’t even need to run, man, we’ve got such a lock on the system, I don’t even need to run,” Knowles said, calling the clip “audacious.”

“This is the most vibrant, vigorous Biden we are going to get [during the 2024 campaign], he went on to predict. “Can you even imagine what the man is going to look like in October of 2024?”

Questions, like I said. Kelly and Knowles have questions. And after the release of this video, I can only assume that more Americans will want some answers, too.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Elon Musk Praises Argentina’s Milei Pro-Capitalism Speech in Davos, Posts Erotic Meme in Celebration

Elon Musk Praises Argentina’s Milei Pro-Capitalism Speech in Davos, Posts Erotic Meme in Celebration


New President for Argentina, Javier Milei made his first official trip abroad to Davos, Switzerland, to participate in the World Economic Forum meeting.

His fiery anti-socialism, pro capitalism speech is still resonating with conservatives all over the world.

On the X social media platform, billionaire Elon Musk made a point of praising Milei president with a ‘racy meme’.

Musk posted a image showing a naked couple in the motions of having sex — the man looking at a laptop screen while the woman sits on top.

The screen on his chest shows a shot of Argentine President Javier Milei’s instant-classic speech.

“’So hot [right now]’, Musk wrote in the caption.

New York Post reported:

“The meme is meant to convey the idea that Milei’s speech was stimulating to the point where it can act as an aphrodisiac.”

In his barn-burning remarks, Milei called on the Western world to embrace capitalism.

“’Today, I’m here to tell you that the Western world is in danger’, Milei said Wednesday in a special address in the Swiss resort town. ‘And it is in danger because those who are supposed to have to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism, and thereby to poverty’.”

Milei criticized ‘collectivist experiments’, the ‘root cause’ of the problems afflicting much of the world.

“’Socialism is a phenomenon that creates poverty’, he said, adding that ‘free enterprise capitalism is the only tool we have to end hunger and poverty’.

Musk, the owner of the [X] site formerly known as Twitter, called the speech a ‘good explanation of what makes countries more or less prosperous’.”

The libertarian leader explained how no country can exemplify this danger like Argentina.

Milei is facing Argentina’s worst economic crisis in decades, with an austerity package to tame annual inflation above 200%, build up foreign currency reserves and attract foreign investment.

“While he has moderated after a brash election campaign where he often wielded a chainsaw to reflect his plans to slash the size of the state, Milei has stood by some of his more extreme pledges including plans to eventually shut the central bank.”

So hot rn

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 18, 2024

Read more:

“Long Live Freedom” — Argentinian President Javier Milei Trashes Socialism and Calls Out Elites at WEF (VIDEO)

The post Elon Musk Praises Argentina’s Milei Pro-Capitalism Speech in Davos, Posts Erotic Meme in Celebration appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.