“Permanent Majority”

“Permanent Majority”

“The scenes of mass invasion we’re repeatedly seeing at the border and election interference operations against Donald Trump are not isolated events. The regime is rapidly importing a massive permanent underclass, who are unmoored from fidelity to the country, its traditions, and the Constitution. This underclass will be ideologically and financially beholden to the regime — who would, after legalizing them and destroying all meaningful political opposition, govern with entrenched single-party rule. The people in this video are the regime’s New Americans. Their new US soldiers, their new foundation for a reimagined America — their new permanent majority. In order for the plan to establish permanent power to succeed, Donald Trump and any meaningful political opposition must be destroyed.”  via Western Lensman on X: https://twitter.com/WesternLensman/status/1738267319988609036

SLASH AND BURN: Javier Milei Cuts Almost a Dozen Government Ministries on His First Day in Office

SLASH AND BURN: Javier Milei Cuts Almost a Dozen Government Ministries on His First Day in Office


Argentina’s new President Javier Milei promised the people of his country that if elected, he would slash the size of their government and so far, he is delivering.

On his first day in office, he cut the number of government ministries from 21 to 9 and he is probably not even finished yet.

The departments he cut are largely the ones based on progressive ideas like social justice. He is clearly serious about radical reform for Argentina.

RedState reports:

Javier Milei Takes Office in Argentina, and His First Move Immediately Triggers All the Right People

For the first time in decades, Argentina is no longer ruled by socialists. Libertarian-leaning President Javier Milei was officially sworn in on Sunday, marking a major turning point in the country’s battle against hyperinflation and economic decline.

In November, Argentina reached 183 percent inflation for 2023, impoverishing around 40 percent of the country, a reality that helped sweep Milei into power. Now, he’s taking action, with his first move in office being an executive order that slashes the number of government ministries from 21 to nine. Among those put on the chopping block was the ministry of “women, genders, and diversity,” a move he recently telegraphed in his criticisms of “social justice.”

It didn’t take long for the hand-wringing to begin in the press. PBS News published an article dripping with sanctimony, claiming that Milei’s ideas are “outlandish” and “radical.” What makes that so ironic is that the very same article admits that Argentina is in dire straits.

On his 1st day in office, President Milei signs an executive order, reducing government from 21 ministries to 9

Interior, exterior, economy, justice, infrastructure, foreign affairs, security & defense all stay

Education, healthcare, culture, women’s rights etc out (Afuera!) pic.twitter.com/12Cqq9ZUu6

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) December 11, 2023

REMARKABLE! In his first act, newly sworn President of Argentina, Javier Milei, signs an executive order reducing the Argentine government from 21 Departments to 9. A major reduction of bureaucracy and overhead. Impressive. pic.twitter.com/F08Z0E0Feu

— Fernando Amandi Sr. (@FernandoAmandi) December 10, 2023

Can we do this here in America?

What federal departments would you like to see eradicated by Trump his first week in office? https://t.co/KuZTCoQ7rF

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 11, 2023

This should be a preview of January 2025 https://t.co/zYD4CPfjgl

— Jason Robertson (@JRobFromMN) December 11, 2023

Trump should be paying close attention to this.

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BREAKING: Jack Smith to Use Trump’s Phone Data at January 6 Trial in DC

BREAKING: Jack Smith to Use Trump’s Phone Data at January 6 Trial in DC


Special Counsel Jack Smith will use Trump’s phone data at his January 6 trial in DC according to a new court filing reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.

In September Trump was hit with 4 counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case up in DC: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

According to the court filing, Jack Smith will call in an expert to testify on Trump’s phone data and location on January 6, 2021.

The expert witness has reportedly “extracted and processed data” from Trump’s phones and “one other individual.”

“Expert 1 has knowledge, skill, experience, training, and education beyond the ordinary lay person regarding the interpretation and visual representation of geographic location data. The Government expects that Expert 1 will testify about his/her use of ArcGIS (Geographic Information Systems) software to create a map of the Google location history data produced in response to a search warrant,” Jack Smith’s prosecutor Molly Gaston wrote in the filing reviewed by this reporter.

“Specifically, Expert 1 plotted the location history data for Google accounts and devices associated with individuals who moved, on January 6, 2021, from an area at or near the Ellipse to an area encompassing the United States Capitol building. His/her testimony will describe and explain the resulting graphical representations of that data, and it will aid the jury in understanding the movements of individuals toward the Capitol area during and after the defendant’s speech at the Ellipse,” the federal prosecutor wrote.

The expert witness will also determine when and where Trump was when he used Twitter at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

“Expert 3 has knowledge, skill, experience, training, and education beyond the ordinary lay person regarding the analysis of cellular phone data, including the use of Twitter and other applications on cell phones. The Government expects that Expert 3 will testify that he/she: (1) extracted and processed data from the White House cell phones used by the defendant and one other individual (Individual 1); (2) reviewed and analyzed data on the defendant’s phone and on Individual 1’s phone, including analyzing images found on the phones and websites visited; (3) determined the usage of these phones throughout the post-election period, including on and around January 6, 2021; and (4) specifically identified the periods of time during which the defendant’s phone was unlocked and the Twitter application was open on January 6,” the prosecutor wrote.

Additionally, Jack Smith on Monday asked the US Supreme Court to weigh in on Trump’s immunity claims.

On Monday, Jack Smith skipped over the appellate court and went straight to the US Supreme Court on Trump’s immunity claims:

Whether a former President is absolutely immune
from federal prosecution for crimes committed while in
office or is constitutionally protected from federal prosecution when he has been impeached but not convicted
before the criminal proceedings begin.

“This case presents a fundamental question at the heart of our democracy: whether a former President is absolutely immune from federal prosecution for crimes committed while in office,” Smith wrote in the Monday filing.

The post BREAKING: Jack Smith to Use Trump’s Phone Data at January 6 Trial in DC appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


NYC Mayor Adams Takes Another Trip to DC to Plead for Help on Migrant Crisis: “Help is Not on its Way”

NYC Mayor Adams Takes Another Trip to DC to Plead for Help on Migrant Crisis: “Help is Not on its Way”


The sanctuary city of New York has been experiencing some of what border communities have faced for years as a result of Joe Biden’s broken border policy.

On Thursday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams went to Washington, DC, for the 10th time, to plead for help from Biden but admitted, “help is not on its way.”

“I did not leave with optimism,” Adams said to reporters on Friday.

“I left with the cold reality that help is not on the way in the immediate future. It is going to be, at this moment, it’s going to be up to New Yorkers and this administration to continue to navigate this challenge that we’re facing.”

In the past, slammed Biden’s border policy indirectly by claiming that the migrant crisis is ‘destroying’ the city.

After his most recent fruitless plea for help, Adams once again hinted that the blame should lay at Joe Biden’s feet.

We did not ask for this national crisis and we will do our part to help resolve it — but we can’t do it alone.

— Mayor Eric Adams (@NYCMayor) December 8, 2023

The New York Post reported that the White House has assigned just a single staff member to coordinate the federal response with City Hall—a move that local officials have derided as grossly inadequate.

And the crisis continues to mount.

Tonight I met two migrants, both told me they are from Venezuela, seeking a warm place to sleep as our shelters are full. Now we have more homeless in our streets & subways. #NYC & Eric Adams pretend like they have this crisis under control, but this migrant crisis is worsening pic.twitter.com/I3zLI0HSLJ

— Curtis Sliwa (@CurtisSliwa) December 6, 2023

The medical system is straining under the weight of the constant flow of illegals.

The City is reportedly spending five million dollars a day on the feeding and housing of illegal immigrants.

This despicable behavior is taking a toll on businesses in NYC, which are seeing loss of a loss of customers and revenue.  Area businesses have been forced to cut shifts, and some employees will lose their jobs in the coming weeks and months.

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Finally! Deadspin ‘Corrects’ its Slam Against Little Football Fan

Finally! Deadspin ‘Corrects’ its Slam Against Little Football Fan

 During Sunday’s NFL game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Las Vegas Raiders, a young Chiefs fan became the center of controversy for his alleged “blackface.” But that wasn’t the whole story, as his face was painted both black and red, and now his mother is speaking out to shed more light on the matter. (Real Kansas City Chiefs Fans / Facebook screen shot)

This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

Accused red-and-black-painted Chiefs fan of ‘blackface’

Deadspin, the publication that slammed a young Kansas City Chiefs fan as racist for wearing a headdress – he is Native American – and “blackface” – he had painted his face Chiefs colors of black and red – finally is getting around to a “correction.”

A report at Outkick explained, “Deadspin finally updated its story that originally falsely accused a young Chiefs fan of wearing blackface at an NFL event. Sometime Thursday, the outlet added an editor’s note to Carron J. Phillips’ hit piece.”

That note claimed Deadspin’s “opinion piece” was based “upon the available photo” showing “what appeared to be black face paint.”

“Unfortunately the article drew attention to the fan, though our intended focus was on the NFL and its checkered history on race, an issue which our writer has covered extensively for Deadspin,” it said.

“We regret any suggestion that we were attacking the fan. To that end, our story was updated on Dec. 7 to remove any photos, tweets, links, or otherwise identifying information about the fan. We have also revised the headline to better reflect the substance of the story.”

The Outkick report explained the article was changed several ways, including to remove “the opening line that said the fan ‘hated black people and Native Americans.’”

The action follows warnings from the fan’s parents, Shannon and Raul Armenta, that they could sue over the injury.

“This week, the family hired Clare Locke LLP to demand a retraction with the following letter,” the report said.

The report charged, “The lawsuit obviously frightened Deadspin and Phillips. They had several chances to correct the article before the family had to take legal action but didn’t.”

Earlier, Phillips had “doubled down on his accusation,” the report said. And it pointed out that the images “available” of the fan showed the black and red painting, so “the editor’s note that reads ‘based upon the available photo, what appeared to be black face paint’ is inaccurate.”

New photo of the person @Deadspin accused of being a vile racist who wore blackface at a football game.

(They tried to ruin this kid’s life)https://t.co/MEhDaQIIlS pic.twitter.com/5dvud08npf

— Bobby Burack (@burackbobby_) November 27, 2023

The Gateway Pundit had pointed out earlier that what was used in the original report was a “deceptive photo.”

Phillips had claimed, “It takes a lot to disrespect two groups of people at once. But on Sunday afternoon in Las Vegas, a Kansas City Chiefs fan found a way to hate black people and the native americans at the same time.”

That report confirmed, “It turns out Holden Armenta is Native American.”

Copyright 2023 WND News Center

The post Finally! Deadspin ‘Corrects’ its Slam Against Little Football Fan appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.