ABLECHILD: Ohio Whistleblower Says Schools Hiring Professionals to Push Big Pharma Drugs on Children

ABLECHILD: Ohio Whistleblower Says Schools Hiring Professionals to Push Big Pharma Drugs on Children


This article originally appeared on AbleChild and and was republished with permission.

Photo: UNC – CFC – USFK

An Ohio school teacher reached out anonymously to describe the increase in professionals and social workers in schools used to push Big Pharma drugs on children.  

The following is from an Ohio teacher who wants to remain anonymous.

I have been a middle school teacher for the last 24 years. I have watched young people, more often boys, be affected by the pushing of drugs for ADHD. I, myself have filled out the paperwork a thousand times sent by doctors that ask the most ridiculous questions to attempt to determine if a child should be medicated to change the chemical compounds of their brain. These children are already going through chemical changes in their bodies as they are typically of pre-pubescent/ pubescent age.

One big problem that I have noticed in the schools lately is that they have not only been adding more and more psychologists/psychiatrists to the districts but they are adding social workers to schools at all levels (elementaries to high schools). They are even giving degrees and incentivizing teachers to get added degrees in social work to bring more social workers into districts. This is such a mistake. They are trying to add an element of parental trust by using social workers because they believe these people will get parents to do what they want in terms of signing IEPs, listening to drs, starting them on meds, building trust, etc.

I sat in an IEP meeting just last week with a parent and five other school professionals (psychologist, occupational therapist, intervention specialist, speech therapist, behavioral health specialist) where the professionals were concerned that the student wasn’t able to sit in his seat and not disrupt classes. The other professionals wanted the parent to consider medications that would keep the student from fidgeting so much and would have him be less “hyper” throughout the day.

The parent was very clear that they had tried medications before and that those medications had changed who their son was and that their son was happy and sweet and they did not want to make any changes to their son’s personality. He doesn’t cause problems, he doesn’t act out or get violent, all he does is take laps around the rooms or step out to get drinks of water or walk around. The parent was clear that he was not interested in medication. These professionals would not let up and continued to push the parent that high school would not be as accommodating as elementary and middle school has been.

They were trying to intimidate and scare him into considering the medication. He was very clear that he was not interested but if they keep it up over the next few years, it will be hard for him to continue to fight that kind of push. I have seen it time and time again over the years, these professionals will continue to push this parent.

They will continue to send emails and progress reports detailing the distractions that this child causes in the classrooms. They will continue to tell the parents that their child is causing other students to miss out in their educational opportunities because of his behavior. This will become overwhelming and I fear the parents will give in because they trust the professionals.

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Airline Passenger Cooks Shrimp and Mashed Potatoes in Plane Bathroom Sink (VIDEO)

Airline Passenger Cooks Shrimp and Mashed Potatoes in Plane Bathroom Sink (VIDEO)

 Screenshot: barfly7777/TikTok

Passengers on a Delta flight were left in shock as a fellow traveler turned the airplane bathroom into an impromptu kitchen to cook a meal of shrimp and mashed potatoes.

The passenger, an American content creator known as Barfly, documented the unorthodox cooking show on social media, stirring up alarm and hygiene concerns among the flying public.

During a recent Delta flight, Barfly, who has garnered a sizeable following for his ‘makeshift meal prep’ videos on TikTok, decided to cook raw shrimp and powdered mashed potatoes using rudimentary equipment in the aircraft’s lavatory.

“Well, I got a terrible idea,” TikTok user Barfly7777 said in his video. “It’s a terrible idea! I’m a little nervous. The stuff I got packed definitely looks like a bomb.”

“With 2 6v batteries wired in series to an immersion beverage heater, one is able to get water scalding hot quickly. Raw shrimp will only need a few minutes. Adding instant mash to the shrimp water adds some extra flavor. Garlic butter makes everything go better,” he wrote.

Equipped with two six-volt batteries brought onto the airplane, Barfly ingeniously (or recklessly) rigged an immersion beverage heater to get the water in the plane’s sink to “scalding” temperatures.

The mobile chef’s disgusting recipe included seasoning the shrimp, cooking it in the heated water before laying it out on paper towels, and then preparing the mashed potatoes using the same water for added flavor. He concluded the preparation by mixing both ingredients in an airsickness bag.

Delta Airlines told the Daily Mail that their team is aware of the incident captured in the video and is conducting further investigations into the matter.


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“Alex Jones Predicted 9/11” – Tucker Carlson Announces Huge Interview With Alex Jones

“Alex Jones Predicted 9/11” – Tucker Carlson Announces Huge Interview With Alex Jones


Tucker Carlson took to X and announced he would interview Info Wars Host Alex Jones.

Carlosn’s interview with Jones, who has been considered one of the most banned men on the planet for speaking out against sinister plots of the globalists, will be released on Thursday.

In Tucker’s announcement, he wrote, “Alex Jones predicted 9-11, in detail and on camera, months before it happened. How did he do that?”

He continued, “And why did the government decide to destroy him after he did? The full interview on Thursday.”

Carlson also posted a video of Alex Jones predicting the 9-11 attacks in great detail.

In a video recording months before 9/11 during his live show, Jones stated, “We Know the Joint Chief of Staffs wanted to blow up airliners, or if you let some terrorist group do it like the World Trade Center, we know who to blame and if there was an outside threat like a Bin Laden who is a known CIA asset from the 80s, he’s the boogeyman they need.”


Alex Jones predicted 9-11, in detail and on camera, months before it happened. How did he do that? And why did the government decide to destroy him after he did? The full interview Thursday.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 6, 2023

In recent years, Alex Jones has been facing opposition from almost every sector of society, including the U.S. Court System, Big Tech companies, the banking industry, and much more.

Jones and Tucker have been friends throughout the last decade, and Tucker previously appeared on Info Wars in 2014.


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Ukraine’s Zelensky Running out of Time While Russia Motors On

Ukraine’s Zelensky Running out of Time While Russia Motors On


The news out of Ukraine late today is dire for Volodomyr Zelenksy. General Zaluzhny reportedly gave him the Clint Eastwood threat, “Go ahead punk; make my day. According to a Ukrainian Telegram channel:

Zelensky demanded that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Zaluzhny, resign of his own free will or due to health problems, etc. (to leave for any personal reason in order to avert suspicions that the commander-in-chief is being leaked personally by ZeErmak).

Zaluzhny refused to leave himself, believing that he brought many victories to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, saved many lives of ordinary soldiers and did/will do a lot more good. According to the source, Zaluzhny said directly in army style: “I myself will not leave, if you are personally dissatisfied with me – “fire”, but this will be your personal decision for which you will have to answer.”

Start your countdown clock. If this report is true then Zaluzhny has taken the first step in launching a coup to oust Zelensky (the Penis Piano Player). When you’re in the military and you refuse an order like the one reported above you are in a state of rebellion. You either win or you die/are defeated. As I have written previously, when it comes to a coup I always bet on the guy with the guns. In this case, Zaluzhny has more guns than Zelensky and he and his team have better fire discipline.

All of this is taking place against the back drop of the Republicans growing a spine and refusing to approve Biden’s funding request for Ukraine until that cranky, old man ponies up a solid border protection program. In short, Ukraine will be out of U.S. tax payer dollars to steal in a few weeks and there is no hope of new funding in sight.

Meanwhile, Russia does not know there is a war on. It is discussed on some popular radio shows and the TV, but I have not seen any protests, any signs or any graffiti. I did see one soldier strolling across Red Square and he appeared relaxed, just taking in the sights.

Speaking of sights, Red Square in Moscow is phenomenal. It is a major winter party and the five inches of snow that fell on Sunday simply adds to the festive atmosphere.

I am standing in the middle of Red Square. Lenin’s tomb is to the right of me as you look at the picture. That is St. Basil’s Church over my shoulder. Guess what? No homeless. No one defecating on the cobblestones. No maurading muggers. Just a bunch of people keen on celebrating Christmas.

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CNN’s Jake Tapper Surprised by Biden’s ‘Stunning Admission’ About His 2024 Campaign

CNN’s Jake Tapper Surprised by Biden’s ‘Stunning Admission’ About His 2024 Campaign


Joe Biden is even shaking up his cronies at CNN.

The 46th president’s statement to Democrat donors on Tuesday that he might not even be seeking re-election if former President Donald Trump took over the country’s political conversation as soon as the words were out of his mouth.

And at the Democratic bastion of CNN, the effect might not have been what Biden and his re-election team were hoping for.

“If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running. But we cannot let him win,” Biden said at a Boston fundraiser, according to the New York Post.

To be clear, taking Biden at his word is always hazardous. “Joey Baby” lies about as easily as he breathes when it comes to public speaking, whether it’s because he’s got a deliberate goal in mind or because his addled brains can no longer separate fact from fiction.

In this case, Biden might have been trying to recreate a “Corn Pop” moment for his followers, where the hero of the story is the only one able to take down the Threat to Democracy. Weary old Cincinnatus would just love to go back to his farm, but duty calls.

It was the kind of self-mythologizing Biden has built a career on.

But at CNN anyway, the words had the opposite effect, with longtime host Jake Tapper calling it a “stunning admission” from the president and a panel of Tapper’s guests coming about as close as a CNN guest can to mocking the man in the Oval Office.

“Is this the kind of admission a candidate should be making?” Tapper asked on Tuesday’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper.”

For David Chalian, CNN’s political director, the line — which Tapper called an “incredibly candid admission” — was poorly thought out at best.

While Biden might truly believe he is the best Democrat to beat Trump, Chalian said, the former president hasn’t even sewn up the Republican nomination yet.

“What if Donald Trump is not the Republican nominee? Does that mean President Biden is going to reconsider his re-election effort if that is the key rationale for his running?” he asked.

In the Democratic-progressive-media complex, of course, a different Republican leaders would mean little — leftists would start targeting Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis or former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley with same malevolent ease that Orwell’s omnipotent state decided that “Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”

But even CNN apparently sees the possibility that normal American voters might notice something like that.

Meanwhile, Michael LaRosa, a former special assistant in the Biden White House, all but called his old boss a liar outright.

“The guy has been trying to run for president his entire life. I don’t believe he’d be … willingly … um … giving up the presidency on his own if it were not Donald Trump.“

But it was Kristen Holmes, CNN national correspondent, who made the most solid — and damning point.

Biden had confirmed in one sentence what Trump has publicly been declaring about Democrats: That their real goal is destroying him personally — and they’re using all the machinery available to corrupt government at the federal and state level to do it.

“This really is part of his argument overall, is that Biden is personally out to get him,” she said.

“That they are, quote-unquote, ‘targeting’ him, with these indictments.

“And that is going to be part of this.”

Trump’s legal prosecutions in New York and Georgia and in federal courts in Florida and Washington will fit as part of the pattern, she said.

“It’s the same argument that he’s been saying for months, which is that Joe Biden is against democracy because he is, quote-unquote, ‘coming after’ him,” Holmes said.

“If these four indictments are Joe Biden using the Justice Department against Donald Trump, his political opponent … I do want to be very clear, when I talk to his supporters at these rallies, they believe it. When he made this speech, they were cheering.”

Yeah, well it doesn’t take a Trump supporter to believe that what’s happening under the Biden Justice Department is the prosecution of a political opponent that would make a banana republic blush. Having a decent pair of eyes, the ability to read English, and an honest, functioning brain will do the trick even without political sympathies.

The propaganda war against the Trump presidency waged by the establishment media and the Democratic Party doesn’t have an equal in American history.

From the time the lies of the Steele dossier started warping the Trump administration’s image even before the swearing-in to the ludicrous first impeachment effort (sparked by Biden corruption), from the eternally tarnished 2020 election itself to the ludicrous second impeachment effort when Trump was out of office, to today, the target has always been Trump the man.

He personifies a movement of Americans enraged and disgusted at the government they have today — and supporters and opponents both know it.

Biden, meanwhile, personifies exactly the government Trump supporters loathe. A man who’s spent his entire life spending other people’s money in the form of taxes, who exercised power without responsibility for decades in the 100-member Senate, and who rode Barack Obama’s coattails to eight years of influence on the world stage that presented his family with only greater grifting opportunities, he is quite possibly the biggest nonentity to ever warp the office.

If Joe Biden — a man whose corruption is becoming clearer by the day — wants Americans to believe Trump is the reason he is fighting for the White House, he’s free to make the pitch.

But as the reaction on CNN showed Tuesday, it’s not the winning message Biden thinks.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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