Sen. DICK Durbin Suffers Memory Loss After Claiming Epstein Flight Logs Inquiry Has “Never Been Raised by Anyone” Despite Requests from Senator Blackburn (VIDEO)

Sen. DICK Durbin Suffers Memory Loss After Claiming Epstein Flight Logs Inquiry Has “Never Been Raised by Anyone” Despite Requests from Senator Blackburn (VIDEO)


Far-left Senate Judiciary Committee Chair, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), found himself at the center of controversy after a recent media encounter where he lied about Epstein flight logs.

Fox reporter Hillary Vaughn questioned the leftist senator on his apparent lack of action concerning the subpoena of Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs.

During an impromptu interview, FOX Business correspondent Hillary Vaughn asked, “Why won’t you subpoena Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs?”

Sen. Durbin responded with uncertainty about the existence of such logs and the issue never being presented to him for consideration.

Despite his claims, it is noted that his Senate colleague, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), had indeed been vocal about submitting a subpoena request for the logs in question that he blocked.

However, despite the gravity of the issue raised by Blackburn, Sen. Durbin rebuffed the notion during his exchange with Vaughn, stating, “Never been raised by anyone.”

Hillary Vaughn: Why won’t you subpoena Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs?

Dick Durbin:I don’t know anything about his flight logs.

Hillary Vaughn: Why won’t you subpoena them? Why don’t you want to know?

Dick Durbin: The issue, I know who Epstein was, but I certainly don’t know anything about the issue.

Hillary Vaughn: Well, he was charged with sex trafficking. So why don’t you want to know who was utilizing his private plane?

Dick Durbin: Never been raised by anyone.

Hillary Vaughn: Senator Blackburn has wanted to subpoena them, and there hasn’t been a vote in.

Dick Durbin:Not a word.

Hillary Vaughn: But aren’t you curious? Like, what high profile or powerful people might be closeted predators and pedophiles? Doesn’t that concern you? So why won’t you subpoena them if you can?

Dick Durbin: It’s the first time anyone has raised it. Thank you.


Fox News’ @hillary__vaughn asks Dick Durbin why he won’t subpoena the Jeffrey Epstein flight logs

“I know who Epstein was but I don’t know anything about the issue.”

He then says “it’s never been raised by anyone” despite @MarshaBlackburn‘s requests in the Senate to subpoena…

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) December 6, 2023

Blackburn, representing Tennessee, has indeed expressed her determination to scrutinize Epstein’s flight records. She recently announced a demand for a subpoena to access flight logs of Epstein’s private aircraft, deeming it crucial to identify individuals who may have been involved in Epstein’s reported trafficking activities.

Despite this, at a Senate Judiciary Committee session, Durbin blocked Blackburn’s request to release Epstein’s flight logs, as well as a separate subpoena regarding Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s staff, igniting backlash from Blackburn.

She condemned the block as a reflection of a two-tier justice system, highlighting Democrats’ purported double standards in their critique of the Supreme Court and Justice Clarence Thomas, while seeming to sidestep allegations involving Justice Sotomayor and Epstein’s human trafficking claims.

“This is a sad day in the history of the prestigious Judiciary Committee and further underscores the Left’s two tiers of justice crusade,” Senator Blackburn said in a statement.

“Senate Democrats have long been trying to undermine the Supreme Court and Justice Clarence Thomas, but want to ignore Justice Sotomayor allegedly using her taxpayer-funded staff to coordinate speaking engagements in exchange for selling and promoting thousands of her books. They also don’t want to have a conversation about the estate of Jeffrey Epstein to find out the names of every person who participated in Jeffrey Epstein’s human trafficking ring,” she added.

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Zelensky Blows Off Congress as Republicans Walk Out of Ukraine Funding Meet: “There Has to be Border Security First”

Zelensky Blows Off Congress as Republicans Walk Out of Ukraine Funding Meet: “There Has to be Border Security First”

 Former Actor Volodymyr Zelensky in “Man of the People”


Several Republican senators walked out of a briefing on Ukraine aid Tuesday as it descended into a row over the border crisis, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky unexpectedly canceled a video link appearance to appeal for more US money.

Utah Senator Mitt Romney and Nebraska Sen Deb Fischer walker out of the classified briefing early, the AP reported, saying that Republicans were angry they heard nothing on the migrant crisis at the US-Mexico border.

“The briefers were saying things we’ve all known, we can read about in any newspaper, had been said publicly,” Romney told reporters according to AP. “There’s nothing new in what they’re describing, and Republicans are saying that there’s support for Ukraine, but there has to be security of our border.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was supposed to try and cajole Congress to approve an emergency aid package of more than $60 billion for Kyiv Wednesday.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Zelensky had been prevented from taking part by a “last minute” hiccup, but pressed ahead with the briefing anyway — only for the proceedings to turn into a war of words, AP reports.

Senate Republicans are making their support for extra Ukraine funding contingent on reforms of the fake “asylum” scam and restored border security — measures the Democrats have already rejected.

“Republicans are just walking out of the briefing because the people there are not willing to actually discuss what it takes to get a deal done,” Romney said, according to AP.

“We’ve had it,” Nebraska Senator Deb Fischer, who sits on the Armed Services and Appropriations committees, said. “When you have Deb Fischer who’s upset about this, they better be worried. Because I have backed everything” on Ukraine, Fischer siad.

Former Vice-President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (81) called Republican calls for border security “just wrong.” Mr. Biden is considered by some to be the 46th U.S. President of the United States.

“The failure to support Ukraine is just absolutely crazy. It’s against US interests,” Mr. Biden said.

The new Ukrainian Minister of Defence  Rustem Umierov, told FoxNews  Zelensky was not able to speak because of the war and the constantly changing situation.

“It’s a war, so the situation can change. But, I think, President Zelenskyy would appreciate [it] and do it whenever it would be possible next time.”

Zelensky will instead try his luck with the leaders of the G7 at a video summit later Wednesday, the G7 chair Japan said.

Zelensky is currently locked in a power struggle with Commander in Chief Gen. Vitali Zaluzhny, as Gateway Pundit reported.  Ukrainian government spin doctors are now trying to portray the Zelensky-Zaluzhny rift as “Russian disinformation”.

The head of the Ukrainian anti-corruption prosecutor’s office, Oleksandr Klymenko, acknowledged massive corruption investigations in Ukraine ranging from “10 to 100 million Euros,” but refrained from divulging specifics, Kyiv Post reported.

“There are several proceedings related to arms procurement,” Klymenko said. “It is necessary to investigate and establish specific facts: whether it happened or not.”

The United States has so far allocated $113.4 billion for Ukraine, according to USAFacts.







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REVEALED: Joe Biden Used a Fake Name to Exchange Over 50 PRIVATE Emails With Key Hunter Business Associate – HUNDREDS of Total Communications Between the Pair

REVEALED: Joe Biden Used a Fake Name to Exchange Over 50 PRIVATE Emails With Key Hunter Business Associate – HUNDREDS of Total Communications Between the Pair


The walls continue to close in on Joe Biden despite him pulling out all the stops, including hiding his identity.

The House Ways and Means Committee released a never-before-seen email search showing that Biden sent 54 private emails to Hunter Biden’s close business associate and accountant, Eric Schwerin, using the pseudonym Robert Ware.

Biden has consistently denied he does not know about Hunter’s business dealings. This provides even more proof of his outrageous lies.

Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) notes Scherwin was deeply embedded in the Biden Crime Family, even helping the White House spin Hunter’s ties to Burisma.

As his business partner, Schwerin was involved in the Biden family affairs & even gave the White House talking points about Hunter Biden’s ties to Burisma.

Suspiciously, this data shows 54 e-mails were exchanged solely between Schwerin and Vice President Biden.

— Rep. Jason Smith (@RepJasonSmith) December 6, 2023

The Daily Caller notes the committee acquired the email data from IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler. He testified Tuesday behind closed doors alongside fellow IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley.

Here is the email exhibit released by the committee:

Joe Biden Emails Schwerin by James Lynch

Smith notes that email activity between Scherwin and Biden skyrocketed while the then-vice president took taxpayer-funded trips to Ukraine in 2014.

For example, Biden emailed Scherwin five times in three days leading up to a June 2014 Ukraine trip. After Biden returned to the States, he and Hunter’s business partner emailed 27 times before his November return trip.

Smith noted in a statement there were HUNDREDS of total emails between the pair.


One document alone provides data on hundreds of emails showing that Joe Biden used aliases to communicate one-on-one directly with Hunter Biden’s business partner who set up the Biden shell companies and that the White House communicated directly with Hunter Biden while he was out selling the Biden brand around the world.

Exhibit 606 provides only a small window into Joe Biden’s use of private email addresses and aliases. But, the data here is very interesting. The file reveals 327 emails.


All messages from Biden came from alias emails, including Robin Ware, JRB Ware, and Robert L. Peters.

The documents show that Joe Biden aliases, such as Robin Ware, JRB Ware, and Robert L. Peters, also formed the basis of email addresses.

Surprisingly, these documents show 38 examples of the White House emailing a Joe Biden alias and copying Hunter Biden’s business email account

— Rep. Jason Smith (@RepJasonSmith) December 6, 2023

At this point, what topics were covered in most of the emails and who else was made aware of the messages are still being determined.

The Gateway Pundit reported in August that House Oversight Committee James Comer dropped a list of pseudonyms Biden used as Vice-president and formally requested the National Archives to hand over all un-redacted records of Biden using them.

Biden used the email address “[email protected]” while Barack Obama’s sidekick and his aide John Flynn cc’d Hunter on ten emails containing Joe’s schedule between May 18 and June 15, 2016.

He also used “Robin Ware” and “JRB Ware” while “working” as vice president.

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European Parliament Rejects Landmark Legislation in the EU’s Agriculture Reforms – Climate Alarmism Is Losing Ground as Economic Situation Deteriorates

European Parliament Rejects Landmark Legislation in the EU’s Agriculture Reforms – Climate Alarmism Is Losing Ground as Economic Situation Deteriorates


The European Green Deal is under attack.

As we continue to follow the relentless news cycle coming from Europe, we can identify two major trends that are in play both inside the countries and also in Pan-European terms.

The first, of course, is the rejection of unchecked mass migration. And the second, equally as urgent, is the pushback against the European climate alarmist policies.

Read: Despite All the Climate Alarmism Over ‘Global Warming’ at the COP28, the Northern Hemisphere Suffers Through Blistering Cold Temperatures at the Onset of Winter

It came to a point where the European Green Deal, that was once a point of political convergence, has now become a source of discord within the EU.

Euronews reported:

“The European Commission’s flagship project is under increasing attack, with the Nature Restoration Law called into question, the use of herbicide glyphosate extended for another ten years, the pesticide regulation being rejected and the EU’s chemical strategy postponed.”

Read: Rishi Sunak Rolls Back Multiple Environmental Policies in ‘Pragmatic’ Move That Leaves Climate Alarmists Fuming – British PM Worries About Financial Impact on Families

The EU has eagerly adopted multiple questionable laws, such as those favoring ‘renewable energy sources’, ‘energy efficiency’, a ‘carbon border tax’ and the delusional ‘end of the combustion engine’.

“Twelve out of 13 pieces of legislation have been adopted to meet the 2030 target of reducing CO2 emissions by 55%. But the effort is not over, and the political terrain now seems favorable to a more right-wing approach.

‘Sometimes we have overdone it or the majority in the Parliament has overdone it. Not giving people the choice, but making very prescriptive decisions from the European level which is never a good idea’, Peter Liese, a German MEP from the centre-right EPP Group told Euronews.

‘When we do everything that the Greens want, we will either not achieve our climate targets or we will lose a lot of jobs and competitiveness. And both are not good. We should prioritize. We should not overdo it and we should take people along’, he added.”

Read: Climate Alarmism Fail: Justin Trudeau’s Signature ‘Carbon Tax’ Is Rejected by Majority of Voters, as Canadian Families Struggle Financially

For some industrial sectors and businesses, as well as the farming community, complying with the European environmental regulations entails an additional burden.

Washington Examiner reported:

“Nearly 300 votes against, only 207 in favor: Those were the final results of a vote in the European Parliament on the ‘Sustainable Use of Pesticides’ directive, the landmark legislation of the European Union’s agriculture reforms. The plans would have cut back on pesticide and fertilizer use, as well as shifted a major part of Europe’s farmland use to organic. Now, the plans are all but dead, the architect of the European Green Deal has resigned, and next year’s EU elections are announcing a shift away from environmentalist ideas.”

Read: Covid-Skeptic, Anti-climate Alarmism, Against Mass Migration and Ukraine Military Help: a New Face For Germany’s Left, or Copycat of the Right?

The European Green Deal promises cuts in greenhouse gas emissions and ‘healthier lifestyles for consumers’.

It does not do that – instead, it adds considerable expenses to citizens.

“In the majority of models presented in the assessment, it is anticipated that GDP will contract. This contraction is closely linked to the decline in employment, consumption, and exports. The impact on countries heavily dependent on export industries will be especially severe, as these industries employ people who have limited options for reemployment. While service sectors such as the financial industry will experience less impact, this will result in a widening disparity of opportunities within the labor market.

Another weight on existing inequalities will be rising energy prices for consumers. As the German energy shift has shown already, a quick change to renewable energy sources, arrived through subsidization programs, sharply increases consumer energy prices. Prices of energy, housing, and water are all projected to rise. Some energy sources could see price rises of over 70%. Employment in key energy sectors, including gas and coal, could drop by more than 15%, affecting hundreds of thousands of jobs.”

Read more:

‘No, Scholz, You Can’t Use Leftover Pandemic Money in Your Climate Alarmist Policies’: German Constitutional Court


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Lunatic Fatima Graves, Wife of Tyrannical US Attorney Matt Graves, Wants Women to “Lose Gracefully” to Biological Men in Sports (VIDEO)

Lunatic Fatima Graves, Wife of Tyrannical US Attorney Matt Graves, Wants Women to “Lose Gracefully” to Biological Men in Sports (VIDEO)


In June 2022, several CBS employees who work for Colbert’s late-night show were arrested in the US Capitol, trespassing after hours, and HARASSING GOP lawmakers.

The US Capitol was closed at the time. Colbert’s crew was trespassing in the US Capitol.

It was not a surprise to learn that serial liar Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) let the insurrectionists in the building.

Colbert’s goons were not only harassing Republican lawmakers after hours but they also went and harassed and mocked the families of the January 6 prisoners held in prison for over a year without a trial.

But days later it was revealed Stephen Colbert’s crew was cleared of “unlawful entry” charges after they were caught inside a House Office Building after hours without permission.

It gets worse…
Matthew Graves, the Biden-appointed US Attorney who dropped the charges on Colbert’s goons is also the prosecutor investigating January 6. Graves is the Biden henchman behind the unprecedented criminal charges against Trump protesters on January 6, 2021. Over 1,200 Trump supporters have been targeted, stalked, and arrested, and charged for walking inside the open doors on the US Capitol in January 2021. This is happening at the same time far-left protesters can run wild in the Capitol, shut down committee hearings, block hallways, harass lawmakers, and terrorize lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Apparently only Trump supporters have to rot in prison for ‘unlawfully’ entering the US Capitol.

Matthew Graves works for US Attorney General Merrick Garland.

National Women’s Law Center President Fatima Goss Graves wants women to compete with biological men in sports.

So it should come as no surprise that the wife of Matthew Graves is an unhinged leftist who believes women should “lose gracefully” to biological men in women’s sports.

Fatima Goss Graves, President of the Women’s Law Center, believes women need to be more gracious to men in sports. She said as much in her testimony on Tuesday before the House Title IX hearing.

Fatima Goss Graves: And success in school sports depends on a whole range of factors, including how how hard you work. And coaching and access to really good resources and facilities. And trans students participate in sports for the same reason as their kids because it is fun, because it creates belonging and community, because it teaches so much about persistence and leadership and discipline. Unless they learn to lose gracefully, hopefully, and often they learn to win with dignity, hopefully they learn to do the sort of work that means you have higher grades and stay connected to school. I want every kid to have that chance to have the chance to play.

This is the wife of @USAO_DC Matthew Graves

In addition to prosecuting January 6 defendants and letting carjackers back into the streets of DC, this couple wants your girls crushed by boys

— NOVA Campaigns (@NoVA_Campaigns) December 5, 2023


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