Actor Jamie Foxx in First Speech Since Mysterious Hospitalization, Says “I’m Not A Clone” Later Describes Vision of Hell

Actor Jamie Foxx in First Speech Since Mysterious Hospitalization, Says “I’m Not A Clone” Later Describes Vision of Hell


Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx spoke for the first since his mysterious hospitalization placed him inside a hospital and rehabilitation center for several months.

Foxx spoke at the Critics Choice Association’s Celebration of Cinema & Television and delivered an emotional speech about his recent health crisis.

During one part of his speech, Foxx touched on the rumors of him being cloned.

The award-winning actor stated, “I’m not a clone, I’m not a clone. I know a lot of people saying that I was cloned out there.”

Previously, rumors spread online that Foxx had a clone after his body double was spotted publicly and mistaken for Foxx.

Cameron Diaz films with Jamie Foxx body double as he remains hospitalized

— Page Six (@PageSix) April 18, 2023

Later in the speech, Foxx described what sounded like a vision in hell.

“I saw the tunnel. I didn’t see the light! It was hot in that tunnel, so I didn’t know where I was going. Was I going to the right place? I saw the devil.”


Jamie Foxx makes a surprise emotional appearance at the Critics Choice Celebration of Cinema & Television. @iamjamiefoxx #jamiefoxx #criticschoice #cccelebration

— Critics Choice Awards (@CriticsChoice) December 5, 2023

Not many details have been shared regarding what caused Foxx to be in a near-paralyzed state for many months, but back in May, Foxx’s close friend Mike Tyson slipped up in an interview and revealed Foxx had a stroke.

Hollywood journalist A.J. Benza, who received details from a source close to the  Foxx family, said the actor is allegedly suffering from partial paralysis, blindness, and a plethora of other complications after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.


Report: Jamie Foxx Allegedly Paralyzed and Blinded Due to ‘Blood Clot in His Brain’ Following COVID-19 Shot, Veteran Hollywood Journalist Claims (VIDEO)

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Library Freaks Out on Conservatives, Closes Down Their Paid Event

Library Freaks Out on Conservatives, Closes Down Their Paid Event


This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

Public officials cannot shut down speech they don’t like’

Staff members at the Yolo County Public Library in California attacked the free speech of the local Moms for Liberty organization, and now are facing a First Amendment lawsuit over their censorship scheming and actions.

It is the Institute for Free Speech that said it, along with the ADF, filed action in a federal court on behalf of the parents’ organization “challenging the unconstitutional actions of Yolo County Public Library officials.”

They are charged with having policies and practices that violate the First Amendment because they have acted in ways that revealed their absolute intolerance for viewpoints with which they disagree.

“The government censoring Americans for voicing their opinions is a clear violation of First Amendment rights. Yet, that’s what the staff of the Yolo County Public Library did at an event organized by the local chapter of Moms for Liberty,” the institute reported.

“The case stems from a ‘Forum on Fair and Safe Sports for Girls’ event organized by M4L in August to discuss the issue of biological males competing in female sports. M4L paid to reserve public space in the library for the event. However, Library Regional Manager Scott Love invited disruptive protesters to the event and then shut down the forum almost immediately after it began,” the institute reported.

The legal action seeks injunctions against the library’s “unconstitutional policies and practices.”

The legal teams explained Love shut down the forum claiming that participants were “misgendering” people.

He demanded that all others adopt his belief that referring to “transgender females” as “males,” which they are, or stating that “men” are participating in women’s sports would cause him to shut down the event, the institute reported.

“After participants continued using his disfavored terms and persisted in discussing their view that men are, in fact, competing in women’s sports, Love made good on his threat to shut down the forum,” the report said.

The library and its staff also are accused of actively organizing opposition to plaintiffs’ events, directing protesters to attend and disrupt, and calling police to “urge action against speakers.”

“Americans have the right to speak on matters of public concern without fear that government employees will censor them for doing so,” said Institute for Free Speech Vice President for Litigation Alan Gura.

“Yolo County officials encouraged their ideological allies to disrupt speakers whose opinions they reject, and they actively censor speech that doesn’t match their own views. We expect this case will reaffirm every American’s First Amendment right to freely share ideas in public spaces.”

“Public officials cannot shut down speech they don’t like,” noted Tyson Langhofer, senior counsel and director of the Center for Academic Freedom with Alliance Defending Freedom. “The organizers of this event have every right to express their concern regarding men in women’s sports, and library staff wrongly shut down the event. We urge the court to uphold the constitutionally protected freedoms of our clients.”

The ADF reported that the library shut down the event over the speech of Sophia Lorey, the outreach director for California Family Council and a former collegiate athlete.

Copyright 2023 WND News Center

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Dementia Joe Biden Casts Doubt on His Own Candidacy:  “If Trump Wasn’t Running, I’m Not Sure I’d Be Running”

Dementia Joe Biden Casts Doubt on His Own Candidacy: “If Trump Wasn’t Running, I’m Not Sure I’d Be Running”


81-year-old Joe Biden cast doubt on his own candidacy for the 2024 presidential election in remarks at a fundraiser on Tuesday, according to a pool report, saying, “If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running. But we cannot let him win.” Biden was speaking at a fundraiser at a private home near Boston as part of a fundraising blitz that will see three fundraisers in Boston Tuesday and a total of seven by next Monday.

Screen image from debate, September 29, 2020.

Axios reporter Alex Thompson observed Biden’s comment is a common refrain in Biden world, “Biden at a fundraiser says what some of his aides and friends have also said: “If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running. But we cannot let him win.””

Biden at a fundraiser says what some of his aides and friends have also said:

“If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running. But we cannot let him win.”

— Alex Thompson (@AlexThomp) December 5, 2023

Biden has said he was motivated to try take Trump out in 2020 by the Charlottesville riot of 2017. Biden has a deep seated hatred of Trump, once saying he wanted to “beat the hell” out of him: “They asked me would I like to debate this gentleman, and I said no. I said, ‘If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.’”

Biden is one of the most unpopular presidents to run for a second term, yet unlike Democrat Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter, Biden has not drawn a strong Democratic primary challenger (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. left the Democratic Party earlier this year to run against Biden as an independent.)

Biden’s age, dementia and frailty have left a majority of Americans (and Democrats) in polls wishing he was not running. His disastrous policies on the economy, border, pandemic and wars in Afghanistan, Ukraine and now Israel–as well as his corruption and abuse of power–have kept his approval ratings mired in the low-40s to mid-30s for over two years with no sign of Biden changing course like former President Bill Clinton did when he reversed similar bad polling in 1995 to win reelection in 1996by “triangulating” between far left Democrats and conservative Republicans.

President Trump has been beating Biden in nearly all election polls this fall, with some having Trump’s support over 50 percent–a big change from their 2020 match where Trump was routinely behind Biden in polling and never got above 50 percent.

Interactive Polls reported a Messenger/Harris poll released Tuesday has Trump leading Biden 53 percent to 47 percent:

🇺🇲 NATIONAL POLL: @Harris_X_

Trump: 53% (+6)
Biden: 47%

Trump: 55% (+10)
Biden: 45%

Trump: 75% (+50)
DeSantis: 25%

Trump: 79% (+58)
Haley: 21%

2,018 RV | 767 GOP RVs | 11/27-12/1

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) December 5, 2023

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“They Swept it Under the Rug and That is Wrong!” – Senator Marsha Blackburn Confronts Chris Wray Over the FBI Not Releasing Jeffrey Epstein’s Flight Logs and Refusing to Help His Victims (VIDEO)

“They Swept it Under the Rug and That is Wrong!” – Senator Marsha Blackburn Confronts Chris Wray Over the FBI Not Releasing Jeffrey Epstein’s Flight Logs and Refusing to Help His Victims (VIDEO)

 Credit: @ultrafrog

The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing Tuesday at 10 AM to discuss the potential renewal of the constitutionally questionable surveillance powers granted to the FBI under a section of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

As Fox News reported, corrupt FBI Director Chris Wray argued during the hearing that the renewal of these powers under Section 702 was necessary due to heightened overseas threats. Of course, the FBI has consistently abused these powers to harass peaceful J6 protesters, pro-life advocates, churches, and more.

The FBI also has refused to provide answers for the victims of sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein and refused to release his flight logs. Back in November, Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) filed a subpoena to obtain Epstein’s flight logs.

JUST IN – U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn has filed a subpoena to obtain Jeffrey Epstein’s flight

— (@disclosetv) November 9, 2023

As Jim Hoft reported last week, leftist Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) blocked Blackburn’s request to release Epstein’s flight logs, leading many to wonder what Congress was hiding.

She used her questioning in the hearing to grill Wray regarding the FBI covering for Epstein and asked pointed questions about whether he would commit to giving the American people full transparency.

Wray’s answers to Blackburn’s questions were not promising.

Marsha Blackburn confronts FBI Director Wray on the FBI’s failure to release Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs in full: “I want to know what awareness you have of the FBI’s failure to investigate these claims. I tried to get the subpoena on the flight logs. People need to know who…

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) December 5, 2023

Blackburn: I want to know what awareness you have of the FBI’s failure to investigate these claims, and I want to get you on the record since numerous survivors said the FBI did not show up to help them.

What specifically has the FBI to investigate these claims?

Wray: Uh, first of all, I recall very well that you have a very specific and longstanding interest not just in child exploitation but in human trafficking…As to the Epstein case, it’s been a while since I’ve looked at that case. We worked to bring charges before he uh…

Blackburn: I understand that. But what we need from you is a complete investigation of why the FBI did not take this up and getting to the bottom of what is appearing to be an enormous sex trafficking ring.

As I’ve said, I tried to get the subpoena on the flight logs. People need to know who was on those planes and how often they were on those planes…

As we go through this, should those logs be made public? They’ve been heavily redacted.

Wray: As I’ve said before, it’s been a while since I’ve looked at the specifics. I can tell you we’ve been increasing year over year the number of agents focused on these types of cases…

Let me get with my team and figure out if there is more information.

Blackburn: That would be great…We never got to the bottom of this.

They swept it under the rug, and that is wrong, and you need to right that wrong!

Blackburn went on X after the hearing and said Wray’s inexcusable dodging on whether Epstein’s flight logs should be released “tells you everything you need to.”

Christopher Wray refused to answer whether he thinks Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs should be made public.

Tells you everything you need to know.

— Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) December 5, 2023

The FBI will not do one thing to reveal the whole truth to the American people and deliver justice for Epstein’s victims. It may take Trump returning to office and destroying the Deep State for this to happen.

The post “They Swept it Under the Rug and That is Wrong!” – Senator Marsha Blackburn Confronts Chris Wray Over the FBI Not Releasing Jeffrey Epstein’s Flight Logs and Refusing to Help His Victims (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Rep. Andy Biggs Introduces FISA Overhaul Bill as Section 702 Renewal Approaches – Will Prevent FBI From Unconstitutionally Spying on Americans

Rep. Andy Biggs Introduces FISA Overhaul Bill as Section 702 Renewal Approaches – Will Prevent FBI From Unconstitutionally Spying on Americans

 Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, left, questions FBI Director Christopher Wray during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday. (Townhall / YouTube)

Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) on Monday introduced the bipartisan Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act (PLEWSA) to overhaul Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). 

The new legislation will protect our Fourth Amendment rights by limiting the FBI’s ability to surveil Americans and ending the current practice of collecting and spying on Americans’ communications without a warrant.

Section 702, a law intended to authorize intelligence agencies to surveil foreign threats, is set to expire at the end of the year, and Congress is considering reauthorization. While it purports to keep us safe from threats, this law also gives federal agencies the power to spy on innocent Americans and access their stored communications data without a warrant, according to a news release from Congressman Biggs.

The House Judiciary Committee will consider this legislation in a markup session on Wednesday.

The issue of warrantless searches under FISA 702 was also highlighted in a recent op-ed by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), published on The Gateway Pundit. Read more about why Congressman Gosar opposes reauthorizing Section 702 here:

REP. PAUL GOSAR: Congress Should Not Reauthorize Section 702 of FISA (OP-ED)

Congressman Biggs outlined the key points of his overhaul legislation on X yesterday,

I just introduced major legislation that ends the warrantless surveillance of Americans.

The Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act overhauls Section 702 of FISA.

You’re going to need a warrant for ALL U.S. person searches.


— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) December 4, 2023

Washington Times reports:

The House Judiciary Committee released new legislation Monday to overhaul the government’s main electronic spying law, proposing new limits on who can access the trove of communications and demanding the FBI get a warrant if it wants to run Americans’ identities through the database.

The bill would mark a significant rewrite of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which authorizes the intelligence community to collect email and other electronic communications of non-Americans living abroad.

Lawmakers said the law currently allows the government to snare Americans’ communications and to run queries on it.

The new bill is an attempt to fix that. Foremost, it would require a warrant whenever the government wanted to use a U.S. person’s identity for a search of the data. It also would limit who in the FBI can do the searches, and it would give new oversight tools to the secret court that keeps tabs on the law.

Joe Biden and FBI Director Chris Wray have reportedly “opposed the idea of a warrant requirement.”

Full press release from Congressman Andy Biggs’ webpage:

Congressman Biggs Introduces Major Legislation to End Warrantless Surveillance of Americans

December 4, 2023

Today, Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) introduced the Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act (PLEWSA)—legislation that ends the warrantless surveillance of Americans and combats the weaponization of the federal government.

The PLEWSA overhauls Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and requires a warrant for all U.S. person searches. FISA 702 authorizes the federal government to intercept electric communications of non-U.S. persons who are located outside of the United States. But, the communications of Americans are often swept up when monitoring foreign persons, are kept by the intelligence agencies, and can be later accessed without a warrant. This type of backdoor surveillance has been going on for decades and allows for rampant abuse of the FISA authorities.

The legislation additionally reforms the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and closes loopholes that allow the federal government to purchase Americans’ data from Big Tech companies without a warrant.

Cosponsors of the legislation are: Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH), Rep. Sara Jacobs (D-CA), and Rep. Russell Fry (R-SC).

“America’s intelligence community continues to conduct a warrantless, mass surveillance campaign on innocent citizens. In 2021 alone, the FBI misused FISA 278,000 times to spy on American citizens – including a U.S. congressman and political donors. Our civil liberties are at stake. Without serious reforms to FISA 702, our Fourth Amendment rights will be all but gone. My legislation addresses numerous loopholes in federal law to end this unconstitutional practice and to ensure rogue agents are held accountable. I am grateful for the bipartisan, bicameral effort to overhaul the FISA 702 spying authority. I call on my colleagues to pass this legislation into law,” said Congressman Biggs.

“Substantial reforms to FISA are long overdue, and we commend Chairman Biggs for his steadfast commitment to reining in unchecked surveillance of Americans. The House has never been in a better position to pass sweeping and much-needed reforms, and we look forward to the Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act’s consideration in the Judiciary Committee,”  said Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH), House Judiciary Committee Chairman.

“The Fourth Amendment is clear and non-negotiable — government surveillance of Americans requires a warrant, a mandate that remains as relevant online as it does offline. I’m grateful to Congressman Biggs and Chairman Jordan for their steadfast commitment to ensuring that the House Judiciary bill includes a warrant requirement consistent with the Fourth Amendment, increases penalties for illegal searches of Americans’ communications, and enacts substantive reforms to the FISA Court,”  said Senator Mike Lee (R-UT).

“There is broad bipartisan support for Ben Franklin’s notion that you can protect Americans’ security and liberty at the same time. This legislation includes important commonsense protections that are in the legislation Senator Lee and I authored, with Reps. Davidson and Lofgren, while also reauthorizing an important government surveillance authority. I applaud Rep. Biggs and Rep. Nadler for their work,”  said Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR).

“The Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act is a  significant step forward to restoring the right to privacy. This legislation prohibits the government from purchasing Americans’ data from big tech companies without a search warrant and adds needed warrant requirements to Section 702 of FISA. Our constitution is not for sale and the right to privacy must be protected,”  said Congressman Warren Davidson (R-OH).

“The House Judiciary Committee has unveiled the most important government surveillance reform measure since the creation of FISA in 1979. This bill addresses a growing crisis. Our government, with the FBI in the lead, has come to treat Section 702 – enacted by Congress for the surveillance of foreigners on foreign soil – as a domestic surveillance program of Americans. “The government used this authority to conduct over 200,000 ‘backdoor searches’ of Americans in 2022. Section 702 has been used to search the communications of sitting House and Senate Members, protesters across the ideological spectrum, 19,000 donors to a congressional campaign, journalists, and a state court judge. The American people can see that Section 702 has morphed into something that Congress never intended. The House Judiciary Committee – with the leadership of Chairman Jim Jordan, Ranking Member Jerry Nadler, and Rep. Andy Biggs – has now crafted a bill that restores the rule of law. This bill allows Section 702 to continue to protect Americans by conducting surveillance of foreign spies and terrorists. But it does so in a way that respects the Fourth Amendment. By achieving this balance, the Judiciary Committee’s bill promises to rebuild the trust of the American people in the law, strengthening both our society and our national security,”  said Bob Goodlatte, former House Judiciary Committee Chairman and the Project for Privacy and Surveillance Accountability Senior Policy Advisor.

“Millions of Americans are demanding serious reforms of the government’s warrantless surveillance powers and real accountability for agencies’ widespread violations of our privacy. This fight is crucial given the upcoming expiration of Section 702. The Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act promises to deliver on several key priorities, paving a critical path forward and cementing the Judiciary Committee’s leadership in defending the Fourth Amendment,”  said Adam Brandon, President of FreedomWorks.

“The Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act includes many of the substantial solutions we have advocated for, such as a warrant requirement and closing the data broker loophole. The proposal by Representative’s Biggs and Nadler exemplifies a commitment to balancing national security with the protection of individual privacy. We look forward to working with the committee to secure these critical and necessary reforms to prevent future abuses of this powerful spying authority,”  said James Czerniawski, Senior Policy Analyst for Americans for Prosperity.

“The Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act proves that the House Judiciary Committee, unlike the Intelligence Committees, takes seriously the need to enact major protections for Americans’ privacy given the government’s continuous, severe abuse of warrantless spying powers. We are heartened to see Chairman Jordan and Ranking Member Nadler agree with the urgent concerns of their constituents and colleagues, from Representatives Biggs, Davidson, and Massie on the right to Representatives Chu, Jayapal, and Lofgren on the left. Together, they have created a path forward for ending Section 702’s dangerous backdoor search loophole, for closing the Data Broker Loophole that agencies secretly exploit to buy our sensitive information from data brokers, for accountability and oversight, and more. The Judiciary Committee has created a critical opportunity for members of Congress to consider real surveillance reform,”  said Sean Vitka, Policy Director of Demand Progress.

“The Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act (PLEWSA), unlike the proposals from the Senate and House Intelligence Committees, is what responsible, meaningful reform looks like. This bill builds on the bipartisan consensus—among members of Congress and the American public—that significant reform to the government’s warrantless surveillance authorities is the only path to reauthorizing Section 702. This bill encompasses key reforms, including prohibiting warrantless backdoor searches, closing the data broker loophole, and enacting a host of other vital reforms. While there is still work to be done, EPIC applauds the House Judiciary Committee for rising to this moment to address many of the most pressing harms of the government’s warrantless surveillance ecosystem,”  said Jeramie Scott, Senior Counsel and Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center’s (EPIC) Project on Surveillance Oversight.

“The Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act would ensure the protection of Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights and finally address the countless abuses of Section 702 that we have seen from the government.  This legislation would ban warrantless backdoor searches of Section 702 databases for Americans’ communications and it would prohibit law enforcement from circumventing core constitutional protections by purchasing Americans’ data that they would otherwise need a warrant to obtain.  We urge every member of the House Judiciary Committee to vote in favor of this legislation, and it should be quickly followed by a vote from the full House of Representatives,”  said Kia Hamadanchy, Senior Policy Counsel at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

“Our scandal-ridden intelligence agencies have been caught harassing and stalking the American people one too many times. For years, they have been treating giving money to a cause, protesting, and questioning the government as grounds for reasonable suspicion, instead of as the lawful and appropriate activities of a free people. They’ve been trawling through millions of Americans’ communications without a warrant, and if they can’t get a warrant, they’ve been just buying their way around one by getting our personal information from data brokers. It’s time for a restraining order, and this bill, PLEWSA, does the job. This is a strong, responsible bill, that protects U. S. persons’ security and privacy. It doesn’t bar the intelligence agencies from collecting relevant information; it simply requires them, as the Founders intended, to get a warrant by default for queries involving a U. S. person. Thanks to the dedicated work of experts in the field, the bill offers well-thought-out exceptions for emergencies and for situations where they have explicit consent. Unlike the empty gestures at reform of the Senate Intelligence Committee,  this bill would force the agencies to grow up and start respecting the citizens they are sworn to protect, instead of delving into our communications whenever they see fit,”  said Alex Marthews, National Chair of Restore The Fourth.

“The Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act is a strong reform bill that would both close the backdoor search loophole and tackle other ways in which the government is gaining warrantless access to Americans’ private information, including purchasing it from data brokers. The bill also includes robust provisions to make the FISA Court more effective in its oversight. We are pleased to see these House Judiciary Committee leaders standing up for Americans’ civil liberties and offering a clear, powerful, and bipartisan alternative to the window dressing favored by the House and Senate intelligence committees,”  said Elizabeth Goitein, Senior Director of the Liberty & National Security Program of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law.

“The Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act is a critical step in defending the civil liberties and civil rights of Asian Americans and all Americans. We appreciate the bipartisan support from members of the House Judiciary Committee in taking seriously the need for substantial protection against the government’s abuse of warrantless spying powers. Together, they’re addressing the flaws in surveillance, closing Section 702’s backdoor search loophole, and eliminating the Data Broker Loophole that disproportionately threatens communities of color. This legislation also brings much-needed accountability and oversight, standing in stark contrast to the House and Senate Intelligence committees’ attempts to not only sidestep real privacy protections, but actually expand warrantless surveillance,”  said Cynthia Choi, Co-Founder of Stop AAPI Hate.

The legislation may be read here.

The post Rep. Andy Biggs Introduces FISA Overhaul Bill as Section 702 Renewal Approaches – Will Prevent FBI From Unconstitutionally Spying on Americans appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.