Indian PM Modi Wins Big in State-Level Elections – Leader in Strong Position in His Bid for a Third Term Next Year

Indian PM Modi Wins Big in State-Level Elections – Leader in Strong Position in His Bid for a Third Term Next Year


In the last couple of years, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has become a meaningful player in the new multipolar reality of the world.

India became one of the few members of the space club when it landed, for the first time, a probe on the Moon’s south pole.

He flexed his geopolitical muscles both at the BRICS Summit in South Africa, and also as the G20 host.

Read: Over the Moon: Indian PM Narendra Modi Celebrates ‘Fall of Bastille’ With France’s Macron, While Chandrayaan-3 Mission Takes off for Lunar Landing That Can Establish India as a Major Space Power

Then, both Canada and, lately, the US have accused the Indian state of being behind assassination plots against Sikh separatists, that New Delhi considers ‘terrorists’.

Read: BREAKING: India Lands Chandraayan-3 on Lunar South Pole in Major Achievement, Becomes New Space Superpower

As a result, the recent state-level elections were seen as a test of Modi’s leadership.

Elections in Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Telangana, and Chhattisgarh states have frequently been described as the ‘semi-finals’ to the grand finale, which is the 2024 national election.

Read: Modi Versus Xi: BRICS Partners, India and China Try To Negotiate a Peace on Their Contested Himalayan Frontier, Where Armed Clashes Killed Two Dozen in 2020

Modi’s ruling party ended up tightening its grip over India’s populous northern belt.

The New York Times reported:

“The results of voting for the governments of four states, with a cumulative population of more than 240 million people, were another blow to the dwindling fortunes of the main opposition party, the Indian National Congress. The party, which ruled for a majority of India’s history as a republic, has struggled to claw its way back after Mr. Modi rose to national power in 2014.

The Congress party was hoping to use the state elections to build momentum for national elections next spring, but instead lost all three states in which it was pitted against Mr. Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, or B.J.P.”

Read: Trudeau Says There’s ‘Credible Information’ that India Is Behind the Assassination of Sikh Separatist in Canada

Modi’s B.J.P. party re-elected its government in Madhya Pradesh, with an even larger margin, and also toppled Congress Party candidates in Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan.

“’When the Congress goes up against the formidable organizational and electoral machinery of the B.J.P., burnished by Prime Minister Modi’s charisma, it collapses’, Arati Jerath, a New Delhi-based political analyst, said about the opposition’s performance in the north. ‘This is the B.J.P.’s big advantage in 2024’.”

B.J.P. appears to be in a comfortable position ahead of the elections in the spring.

“Mr. Modi already has a big plan for further galvanizing his base of support: the inauguration in January of a massive Hindu temple in Ayodhya, in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, that is being constructed on the site of a destroyed mosque. Demands for the construction of the temple helped turn Hindu nationalism into a major political movement in the 1990s and make the B.J.P. a national power.”

Read: Canada Pulls 41 Diplomats Out of India, as Relations Keep Deteriorating Over the Killing of a Sikh Separatist

Analysts say that ideological clarity and charismatic national leadership helped Modi’s party.

“The B.J.P. stands clearly for Hindu nationalism and its divisive vision for turning India into a Hindu-first state. Mr. Modi, projecting himself as an ambitious champion of development as well as Hindu interests, also has a strong pull with voters across the country. His government has used the resources of the top-heavy and unequal Indian economy for well-targeted welfare schemes, handed out often in his name. In states where local B.J.P. leaders were struggling in the elections, it was Mr. Modi’s face on the posters; the handouts for voters were presented as ‘Modi’s guarantee’.”

Read more:

Indian Diplomat Says Canada’s Probe of Assassination of Sikh Separatist Is ‘Already Tainted’, Demands Ottawa Release Evidence Implicating New Delhi

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How To Join The “Secret Boycott” Patriots Are Using To Crush Woke Corporations

How To Join The “Secret Boycott” Patriots Are Using To Crush Woke Corporations


(Note: Thank you for supporting American businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message below and purchasing through the links which benefits Gateway Pundit. We appreciate your support!)

The fake news outlets and woke corporations that influence our government from the shadows don’t want you to hear about this “secret boycott”…

Unlike most boycotts which do little to secure victory for conservative American values…

This one is making a real impact.

You have no doubt seen the ripple effect caused by this tidal wave.

Woke companies like Target, Ben & Jerry’s and Kohl’s are down billions as patriots move their spending elsewhere.

One family-owned business is responsible for a lot of that shift.

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Since everyone gets personal attention, they will take requests in the order in which they come in. So if you are ready, ask for your invite now or you might be far down on the list. They have a great team, but they can only do so much and they’ll work on a first-come, first-served basis.

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The post How To Join The “Secret Boycott” Patriots Are Using To Crush Woke Corporations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


NEW: More Than 10,000 Illegal Aliens Flood Into U.S. Over Last 24 Hours on Joe Biden’s Open Border Invitation

NEW: More Than 10,000 Illegal Aliens Flood Into U.S. Over Last 24 Hours on Joe Biden’s Open Border Invitation


Biden’s border crisis is getting worse by the day.

Over 10,000 illegal aliens from all over the world flooded over the southern border in the last 24 hours. Of those, there were 8,400 that were caught by the border patrol after illegally crossing the border.

There were also over 1,700 illegals encountered at Border Patrol ports of entry. There was also a shocking 20,000 illegals in custody with the Border Patrol as of Monday morning.

NEW: Per CBP sources, there were over 10,000 migrant encounters at the southern border in last 24 hours, including 8,400+ apprehended by Border Patrol after crossing illegally, & another 1,700+ encountered at CBP ports of entry. More than 20,000 in CBP custody as of this morning.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 4, 2023

Last month The Gateway Pundit reported of over 9,400 illegals encountered at the border in 24 hours.

According to Fox News reporter Bill Melugin, there were over 9,400 encounters with illegal aliens at the US southern border in a 24-hour period in late November.

NEW: Per CBP source, 9,400+ migrant encounters at the southern border in last 24 hours, w/ 5,800+ migrants released into the US w/ future court dates. Border Patrol apprehended 7,700+ illegal immigrants, led by Tucson sector w/ almost 3,000.
1,600+ more at CBP ports of entry.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) November 30, 2023

Last month TGP also reported on an open car train from Mexico heading to the U.S border.


All aboard!

Here comes another train load. @CBP and @CityEaglePassTx might as well close both bridges.

Spotted leaving central Mexico and making its way to the US/MX border.

— Auden B. Cabello (@CabelloAuden) November 27, 2023

The cartels, smugglers and the Mexican Government know that there will be no consequences. TGP recently reported on a smuggler who was taunting Border Patrol agents while getting illegals across the border.


AZ: Smugglers over in Mexico roll up in an SUV—One jumps out pretending he has a long gun pointed right at BORTAC and Border Patrol agents—The first shot is my video zoomed so you can see his gesture—The shot that follows is the same but zoomed out so you can see the agents jump…

— Ali Bradley (@AliBradleyTV) December 1, 2023

Over 10 million illegals have crossed the border since January of 2021 TGP had reported earlier.

US Border Patrol apprehended 3.2 million illegal aliens in fiscal year 2023 (Oct 1-Sept 30). Since Joe Biden was installed in January 2021, the number is estimated at 10 million illegal border crossers. That number equals about the population of 41 individual states. Let that one sink in.

The post NEW: More Than 10,000 Illegal Aliens Flood Into U.S. Over Last 24 Hours on Joe Biden’s Open Border Invitation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Felony Charges Dropped: Virginia Election Official Accused of Altering Election Results in 2020 Election to Stand Trial in January on Single Misdemeanor

Felony Charges Dropped: Virginia Election Official Accused of Altering Election Results in 2020 Election to Stand Trial in January on Single Misdemeanor


Former Prince William County registrar Michele White courtesy of

The former general registrar of Prince William County, Virginia, Michele White, was arrested in September 2022 on two felonies and a misdemeanor relating to the 2020 election:  election officer neglect duty (24.2-10001), Election officer corrupt conduct (24.2-1001) and False statement on required form (24.2-1016).

In a “surprising twist”, however, both felony counts were dropped, leaving only the misdemeanor count of “neglect of duty by an election officer.”

On Friday, Assistant Attorney General James Herring filed the request for dismissal of the felony counts after a key witness, Sean Mulligan, changed his testimony. reports:

“In preparation for the scheduled jury trial, the Commonwealth interviewed Sean Mulligan, a key witness for the prosecution who had been previously interviewed by investigators of the Office of the Attorney General,” Herring wrote in the court motion. “During the interview … Mulligan conveniently and quite surprisingly provided a different version of events from that which he had previously provided to investigators.”

“Confronted with significant inconsistent statements made by a key Commonwealth’s witness,” prosecutors are “no longer able to proceed to trial on the two felony charges,” Herring wrote in the motion.

There are no further details provided in court records about what Mulligan was expected to testify to, though Mulligan was employed at the county office of elections during the 2020 election. Judge Carroll Weimer Jr. approved the motion to drop the charges.

Just the News recently obtained documents related to the case alleging that the former registrar “altered election results” during the 2020 election.  The filing claimed that “one Commonwealth allegation is that Ms. White altered the election results within the state reporting system, VERIS, and that her alterations resulted in the false reporting of the election results in Prince William County.”  The election records from 2020, according to the filing, are still held under seal by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the county and have been requested to be released by the defense in the case.

The current registrar, Eric Olsen, was a witness for the Commonwealth after he discovered “anomalies” in the 2020 election paperwork.  As part of the prosecution, he had been asked to perform an “audit of the election records for the purpose of performing a hand count.”  Olsen estimated the audit would cost $103,000, or $0.45 per ballot.  Initially, the defense had motioned that the Court cover the costs, but that motion was denied.

Also in question were three cell phones that the defense sought to access “in order to extract meta data from pictures that are material evidence in the Commonwealth’s prosecution of Ms. White.”  An estimated $11,000 was also requested, and the defense was denied permission to copy and analyze that data.

The affidavit for subpoena references a “Mr. Short” (who is not party to this action) and states that he “has the following in his possession or under his control; electronic communications that were sent from or directed to the Defendant.”

According to the filing, three emails were also set to be introduced by the Commonwealth as evidence against Ms. White.  Those emails are titled “call me please,” “RE CAP MASTER” and “EAC_Data_Summit_Philly,” although there is no reference to the contents of the emails.

It is unclear if the above-mentioned evidence will be used in the pursuance of a misdemeanor conviction.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported on discrepancies in the 2022 election in Prince William County regarding mismatches between the number of physical paper ballots cast versus what was reported by the machine scanner’s tally of ballots.

The discrepancy resulted in a hand count, which was not able to reconcile any of the differences, but was able to determine that it was, of course, “not likely coming from machine malfunctions.”

Ms. White was not the registrar at the time in Prince William County, which houses the CIA’s Headquarters at Quantico within its borders.

The post Felony Charges Dropped: Virginia Election Official Accused of Altering Election Results in 2020 Election to Stand Trial in January on Single Misdemeanor appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Karine Jean-Pierre Brushes Off Questions About Bombshell Bank Records Showing Hunter Biden Payments to Joe Biden, Walks Out of Briefing Room (VIDEO)

Karine Jean-Pierre Brushes Off Questions About Bombshell Bank Records Showing Hunter Biden Payments to Joe Biden, Walks Out of Briefing Room (VIDEO)


White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday walked out of the press briefing room after a reporter asked questions about Hunter Biden’s payments to Joe Biden.

House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Monday released subpoenaed bank records revealing Joe Biden received direct monthly payments from Hunter Biden’s business entity, Owasco PC.

Hunter Biden’s investment vehicle Owasco made DIRECT payments (screenshots below) to Joe Biden, according to newly obtained bank records.

Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed he never took a dime from China and was never involved with his son Hunter’s overseas business dealings.

Real Clear reporter Philip Wegmann asked Karine Jean-Pierre about the new bank records released by Chairman Comer.

“The White House has said repeatedly that the President and his son were never in business together. They’ve said that repeatedly also in this room. According to bank records obtained by the House Oversight Committee, though, one of Hunter Biden’s businesses Owasco PC set up direct payments to the President. Did the President accept payment? And why would there be such an arrangement if they were never business together? Or, if there was a wall of separation, as the President has previously said?” Philip Wegmann asked KJP.

Karine Jean-Pierre dodged the question and walked out of the briefing room.

“So, I have to be clear with you. I have not seen that report, so I would have to refer you to my colleagues over at the White House counsel’s office on that particular question,” KJP said as she closed her binder.


“Did the president accept payment [from Hunter] and why would there be such an arrangement if they were never in business together?”

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: “I have not seen that”

*walks away*

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) December 4, 2023

The post Karine Jean-Pierre Brushes Off Questions About Bombshell Bank Records Showing Hunter Biden Payments to Joe Biden, Walks Out of Briefing Room (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.