BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s Business Entity Owasco Made DIRECT Monthly Payments to Joe Biden

BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s Business Entity Owasco Made DIRECT Monthly Payments to Joe Biden


House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Monday released subpoenaed bank records revealing Joe Biden received direct monthly payments from Hunter Biden’s business entity, Owasco PC.

Hunter Biden is currently under federal investigation for using Owasco PC for tax evasion and other crimes.

Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed he never took a dime from China and was never involved with his son Hunter’s overseas business dealings.

Biden, in a ‘catch me if you can’ moment, taunted reporters in October inquiring about his family’s corruption and asked, “Where’s the money?”


FLASHBACK TO JUNE: “Where’s the money?”

Today, we learned Biden received $200K from his brother — a business partner of Hunter — directly into his personal bank account.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 20, 2023

Hunter Biden’s investment vehicle Owasco made DIRECT payments (screenshots below) to Joe Biden, according to newly obtained bank records.

“Payments from Hunter’s business entity are now a part of a pattern revealing Joe Biden knew about, participated in, and benefitted from his family’s influence-peddling schemes,” Chairman Comer said.



Hunter Biden’s business entity, Owasco P.C., made DIRECT monthly payments to Joe Biden.
@RepJamesComer explains

— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) December 4, 2023

Millions of dollars from China were funneled to Hunter Biden’s investment vehicle Owasco.

In one instance, Hunter and Joe Biden threatened a Chinese business associate – pay up or else!

“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my directions. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

A few weeks later Hunter Biden received a $5 million wire from a Chinese firm.

On August 8, 2017, $5 million was wired from a CEFC-affiliated investment vehicle (Northern International) to the bank account for Hudson West III, which spent the next year transferring $4,790,375 million directly to Hunter Biden’s firm, Owasco.

A money laundering investigator in 2018 said no obvious services were rendered related to the millions of dollars being funneled to investment vehicles connected to Hunter Biden.

“Since the initial funding of $5,000,000.00 from Northern International Capital Holdings (HK) Limited on 08/08/17 as a business loan, it was noted that there was no loan agreement document submitted,” the bank investigator wrote. “These payments were indicated as management fees and reimbursements.”

“We find it unusual that approximately 58% of the funds were transferred to the law firm in a few months and the frequency of payments appear erratic,” the investigator wrote. “It was also previously indicated that HUDSON WEST III LLC does not currently have any investment projects at this time, which raises further concerns as millions in fees are being paid but does not appear to have any services rendered by Owasco PC.”

Evidence of Joe Biden’s international money laundering and influence-peddling operation keeps piling up yet House Republicans have yet to hold a formal impeachment vote.

Last month House Oversight Chairman Jim Comer identified how Joe Biden received $40,000 in laundered China money.

Photo: Oversight Committee

What did Joe Biden do with all of this cash?

Joe Biden purchased his luxury $2.75 million Rehoboth Beach, Delaware home with all cash after Hunter Biden threatened his Chinese business partner in a $5 million shakedown.

A few weeks before this desperate shakedown, Joe Biden plopped down nearly $2.75 million in cash for his Rehoboth Beach home. No wonder why he was so desperate to get this cash from Hunter’s business partner. He was counting on it to cover his new real estate transaction.

“Property records show Joe’s six-bedroom second property was purchased on June 8, 2017 for $2,744,001 – just seven weeks before his son’s shakedown messages.” The Daily Mail reported.

There was no record of a mortgage lien against the Rehoboth property until Joe and Jill Biden opened a $250,000 HELOC (home equity line of credit) against the property last December.

Biden document obtained by Fox News

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Seattle Public School Teacher Encourages Students to Write Hate Letters to Moms for Liberty

Seattle Public School Teacher Encourages Students to Write Hate Letters to Moms for Liberty


Hate mail received by Moms for Liberty/Image: @Moms4Liberty/X

A public school teacher in Seattle encouraged students to write hate letters to the parent advocacy group Moms for Liberty.

Moms for Liberty has led the charge against hyper-sexualized content in schools and, for daring to protect our children, has been labeled an “antigovernment extremist entity” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Jane Addams Middle School social studies teacher Ann Christianson, who is also coordinator of the Gay-Straight Alliance, wrote, “Dear Moms for Liberty, Please read the enclosed cards from concerned middle school students in Seattle.”

The note was accompanied by letters apparently written by students with phrases such as “LGBTQ rights are human rights,” and “Gay is slay, stop being a rat.”

The package’s return address included the John Sanford Center for Educational Excellence, the headquarters of Seattle Public Schools.

The letters also accuse the organization of  “bullying and excluding LGBTQ youth and families.”

Seattle Public Schools are spending class time indoctrinating and weaponizing your children.

The building of the Red Guard in America.

— Moms for Liberty (@Moms4Liberty) November 26, 2023

Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice told The Daily Signal, “Public school administrators should put our public taxpayer dollars towards fixing the abysmal reading scores in the U.S., rather than writing hate letters. Taxpayers spend over $18,000 per student every year on public education in the Seattle Public Schools. There is no world in which activism in schools is more important than the basic skills of reading and writing.”

The Daily Signal:

“The materials in question were sent last spring as an independent activity and not part of the school curriculum,” Seattle Public Schools told The Daily Signal. The district did not clarify whether the teacher had faced any punishment for sending the hate mail, although it did go on to express support for “LGBTQIA+ students.”

“Seattle Public Schools is dedicated to fostering welcoming, inclusive, and identity-safe environments for all our students,” the district added. “We firmly uphold the rights of our students, staff, and families to express their authentic selves. We take great pride in our unwavering support for LGBTQIA+ students, staff, and families, which is reflected in our policies and everyday practices.”

Scarlett Johnson, chair of the Ozaukee Moms for Liberty in Wisconsin, added on X, “Class time spent radicalizing your kids. Imagine if a teacher had organized a letter writing campaign to President Biden, encouraging him to stop making changes that would allow boys to go into girls bathrooms, locker rooms and compete on all female teams?”

Class time spent radicalizing your kids.
Imagine if a teacher had organized a letter writing campaign to President Biden, encouraging him to stop making changes that would allow boys to go into girls bathrooms, locker rooms and compete on all female teams?

— Scarlett Johnson (@scarlett4kids) November 26, 2023

I emailed the school, district & teacher to ask about why they were spending time on this given how abysmal the scores are

The teacher’s email sent an auto-reply: “I am currently on a leave of absence and not checking email.”

Was it because of this project?@Moms4Liberty

— Ari Hoffman (@thehoffather) November 26, 2023

Recent test results for Seattle Public Schools suggest that perhaps teachers should spend more time on academics and less time on activism.

Meanwhile, here are the most recent test results that @SeaPubSchools reported to the state. These are Seattle’s numbers, so you know this is the best they could make the numbers look. You have to invert the numbers to fully understand how bad it is: *36.3% of students FAILED to meet the grade level standard in English, *46.5% FAILED to meet the grade level standard in Math, *51.7% FAILED to meet the grade level standard in Science.”

Meanwhile, here are the most recent test results that @SeaPubSchools reported to the state. These are Seattle’s numbers, so you know this is the best they could make the numbers look.

You have to invert the numbers to fully understand how bad it is:
*36.3% of students FAILED to…

— Andrew Gustafson (@AndrewGustafson) November 26, 2023

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Leftist Politicians Demand Catholic School Teach Transgender Ideology

Leftist Politicians Demand Catholic School Teach Transgender Ideology


This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

Church goes to appeals court to stop takeover by politicians

A Catholic school in Michigan is asking an appeals court for help in stopping a takeover of the institution by leftist politicians who want it to promote their sex ideologies.

It is the St. Joseph Parish, in a lawsuit against Attorney General Dana Nessel and other state officials, that is asking the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals to “protect its ability to guide its church and school community” without following the political and ideological demands of state officials.

At issue is a new state demand that that makes it illegal for St. Joseph “to hire staff who agree to uphold its religious beliefs and bars it from maintaining a church and school environment that reflects its faith,” according to a report from Becket, a specialized legal team that fights for Americans’ religious rights.

The lawsuit had been dismissed earlier by a lower court, so St. Joseph is asking the appellate judges to reinstate the action, and let “St. Joseph run its parish and school activities consistent with its Catholic beliefs about human sexuality and marriage.”

“For over a century, St. Joseph has existed to serve its local community and help its parish and school grow deeper in the faith,” said William Haun, senior counsel at Becket. “St. Joseph must have the freedom to foster an environment that is faithful to its Catholic identity to continue that mission.”

In fact, Becket reported, St. Joseph Catholic Church has since 1857 served the local Catholic community of St. Johns, Michigan.

It started its school in 1924 to give Catholic families “a Catholic education rooted in the teachings of the church.”

As most religious schools, it hires teachers and staff to support and advance the Catholic beliefs.

And it asks them to be practicing Catholics and to uphold the faith.

It also treats children as boys and girls, and provides separate locker rooms and bathrooms, which in today’s world is an offense to the transgender ideology that Joe Biden has been promoting from the White House.

But the state changed its civil rights law specifically to provide special protections for “sexual orientation and gender identity” and deliberately left out any protections for religious organizations.

That led Nessel to describe Michigan residents of faith as “bigots.”

The state has, in fact, admitted that its agenda penalizes the Catholic school just for exercising its religion. It has ordered the school to ask for state permission if it wants to live by its faith.

“Constitutional rights don’t come with permission slips. Michigan cannot tell St. Joseph and every other religious organization in the state that they are breaking the law by staying true to their religious beliefs,” said Haun. “We are asking the court to step in and ensure that religious groups across the state can live out their faith and not be sued simply because they open their doors to everyone.”

The appellate court filing explains the state’s goal was to “penalize religious objectors who could not endorse same-sex marriage or gender transitions.”

The fact that the district court failed to recognize and act on the state’s violation of St. Joseph’s constitutional rights is reversible error, the filing charges.

“St. Joseph is engaged in core religious exercise: worshipping and handing on the faith,” the filing explains. And the document notes that the Constitution allows the school to “uphold its Catholic identity.”

The state adopted a novel “reinterpretation” of the law and then prosecuted those religious individuals and organizations that failed to follow that leftist ideology, the filing explains.

Nessel officially attacked those of faith, saying they are not religious heroes, but “bigots.”

When the law was considered in the legislature, state Sen. Jeremy Moss said government must prevent “religion” from discriminating “against someone because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.”

That ideology, in fact, conflicts with recent Supreme Court precedent on the same issue.

Copyright 2023 WND News Center

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“This Is a War Criminal Who Did More to Destroy the Country” – Steve Bannon Goes Off on Liz Cheney and Her Daddy the War Criminal (VIDEO)

“This Is a War Criminal Who Did More to Destroy the Country” – Steve Bannon Goes Off on Liz Cheney and Her Daddy the War Criminal (VIDEO)


It’s Monday!
Steve Bannon opened his War Room show on Monday taking a jab at the Cheney family after they took another jab at Trump supporters.

Steve did not hesitate to call on Daddy Dick, the war criminal, for sending America’s brave and brightest into Middle East wars to drain the US Treasury and enrich the military industrial complex.

Liz ought to be very useful for the Democrats these next 12 months.

Steve Bannon: Liz Cheney came out – released her second excerpt from her book. I’ve got it up on Gettr. She says her dad, her dad told her right before January 6, “Darling, protect the republic.”

Steve Bannon: This is a war criminal. This is a war criminal who did more to destroy this country by lying about Iraq, that he knew more than the airhead Bush, that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and looked the American people in the eye and lied.

All those combat deaths, all the PTSD, all the casualties, the $7 trillion as analyzed by Brown University’s group that focuses on that, all of it, on his shoulders. And the doofus that he put in office. Oh, protect the republic. Trump haters from way back.

Darling, protect the republic. Well, look, lady, we’re getting into the J6 stuff. This is one of the things we’re going to get into. Matt Rosendale is going to join us. We’re going to get into the J6 stuff, and we’re going to see how much you and folks in congress protected the republic and why your committee, the “Cover Up Committee,” why you didn’t grill Wray? Why he was never interviewed, all of it. It stinks to high heaven.

And you’re going to get your day. You’re going to get your, as we say in the navy, your turn in the barrel, ma’am.

“Protect the republic, dear.” That’s good – From a guy that’s gone out of his way to destroy it in the 21st century.

Why am I jacked up today? I had warpath coffee.

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NATO’S Stoltenberg About the Ukrainian War: ‘We Should Be Prepared for Bad News’

NATO’S Stoltenberg About the Ukrainian War: ‘We Should Be Prepared for Bad News’


NATO’s chief is preparing the west for the inevitable.

Since the end of the much-hyped but ultimately failed Ukrainian counteroffensive, the MSM began the process of recalibrating the expectations of the western audiences.

The summer campaign, for which Western partners assembled an impressive – if mismatched – weapons and munitions arsenal, ended in minimal territorial gains, and as winter comes, Russian forces have retaken the initiative, and are making advances all over the long frontline.

Read: Ukraine’s Zelensky Is Angry, Feels Betrayed by the West – Aides Say He’s ‘Delusional’ and His Belief Turned ‘Messianic’

So, everywhere, now, there is talk about Russia wining.

Even NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, in the middle of one of his interviews filled with wishful-thinking, warned that all should be ‘ready for bad news from the Ukrainian front’ as Kiev continues to defend against Russia’s all-out invasion.

Politico reported:

“Wars develop in phases,” Stoltenberg said in an interview Saturday with German broadcaster ARD. ‘We have to support Ukraine in both good and bad times, […] We should also be prepared for bad news’, Stoltenberg added, without being more specific.”

The Secretary-General’s comments come as Western allies debate over the lack of ammunition and financial aid for Ukraine.

Read: ’Defender of Democracy’ Zelensky Rules Out Holding Wartime Elections Under Martial Law

He also delved into the usual ‘coping argument’ about ‘big victories’ in the Ukrainian missile attacks on Crimea and rear areas of Russia. Nonsense.

“Stoltenberg called on NATO’s members to ramp up the production of ammunition, bemoaning the fragmented state of Europe’s defense industry.

‘We’re not able to work as closely together as we should’, he said, urging governments to look beyond their national interests and see the big picture.”

Read: Zelensky Cranks His ‘PR Counteroffensive’ Into Overdrive, Calls for the Killing of Putin, Says That Being Targeted for Assassination Is ‘Just Like Covid’

Newsweek reported:

“He added: ‘The one thing we do know is that the more we support Ukraine, the faster this war will end. We must realize that a victory for President Putin would be a tragedy for Ukraine, but it would also be dangerous for us. It is in our own interest to make everything possible for Ukraine to win’.

Stoltenberg reiterated the alliance’s support for Ukraine during a call with transatlantic leaders in October, which included President Joe Biden. According to a press release from NATO, allied members are sharing the burden of supporting Ukraine ‘equitably’, with around half of the military support for Kyiv coming from the United States and the other half being sent from European members and Canada.”

Read more:

MSM Lifts the Veil on the Undeclared Ukrainian Civil War Between President Zelensky and General Zaluzhny


The post NATO’S Stoltenberg About the Ukrainian War: ‘We Should Be Prepared for Bad News’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.