REPORT: White House Aides Worried About Biden’s ‘Psychological Torment’ Over Hunter Trial

REPORT: White House Aides Worried About Biden’s ‘Psychological Torment’ Over Hunter Trial


The liberal outlet Politico is reporting that Biden aides are worried about the president suffering ‘psychological torment’ over his son Hunter’s trial.

The media is truly beyond parody.

Can you imagine any media outlet reporting something like this about the Trump family and his trials? It would never happen.

From Politico:

Biden aides worry about psychological torment as Hunter heads for trial

President Joe Biden will soon have to watch and wait as 12 jurors in his home state decide whether his son is guilty of felony gun charges — a case brought by his own Justice Department.

For the White House, the scenario of Hunter Biden’s first criminal trial, all but assured to start June 3, is an unprecedented event in American political history that they hoped never to face.

While aides insist that the White House will have no involvement in the case, brought by special counsel David Weiss, some fear it could dramatically impact the president himself, more psychologically than politically.

Three advisers granted anonymity to speak about private deliberations said they, and members of the First Family, are worried about the weight Hunter Biden’s trial will place on the president at an already difficult time for him politically. Biden has expressed fears to them about the possibility that his son will serve time in prison.

“He worries about Hunter every single day, from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to sleep,” said one of the three advisers. “That will only pick up during a trial.”

People reacted on Twitter/X:

Excuse me, Politico?

— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) May 15, 2024

Hunter Biden is a 50 year old man.

— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) May 15, 2024

He worries Hunter will slip up and admit that Joe knew everything all along.

— Greg Schwartz (@Schwartzman88) May 15, 2024

I guess the president should’ve thought of that before he used his cracked out son as his international bag man.

— Brother Seamus (@WaynePelota) May 15, 2024

The vast majority of our media is nothing more than Democrat propaganda.

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LAUGHABLE: MSNBC’s Morning Joe Accuses New York Times Polling of Pro-Trump Bias (VIDEO)

LAUGHABLE: MSNBC’s Morning Joe Accuses New York Times Polling of Pro-Trump Bias (VIDEO)


A recent New York Times poll was full of good news for Donald Trump and MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ host Joe Scarborough just can’t deal.

This week, he actually accused the New York Times polling of pro-Trump bias. Does anyone believe that’s true?

Scarborough’s rant was just theater. He knows Joe Biden watches the show, so he is making arguments that he knows Biden wants to hear.

NewsBusters provides a transcript:

HEILEMANN: I’m not saying it’s not close. I’m not going to carry water for the New York Times or the methodology of this poll. I would keep going back to the thing that I try to say every time we talk about these things. Which is, that I’m really interested in — and I know you know this. What are the polls showing us directionally about the race?

SCARBOROUGH: I understand. There’s a difference, though, with the New York Times/ Siena poll, and you know this. It’s given disproportionate impact. This year, this cycle, it is skewed wildly in Donald Trump’s direction. [Heilemann tries to speak.]

Hold on. And the New York Times feasts on it with clickbait stories, like, a dozen at a time.

HEILEMANN: And I, what I’m trying to focus on is what I think people should pay attention to [tries to continue]–

SCARBOROUGH: — [Interrupting] But what I’m trying to focus on is, the New York Times right now is actively shaping the election cycles, where this poll comes out on a Sunday, and on Monday, people go, oh — and I heard it! And I’m sitting there going, don’t be so stupid.

That’s why we’re doing this. [Heilemann tries to respond. Scarborough shouts.]

Watch the video:

Joe Scarborough melting down over NYT poll showing Trump up +11 in NV.
Joe accuses the NYT of bias towards Donald Trump , a claim even John Heilemann had to debate him on.

I watch for the unintentional comedy but people actually watch MSNBC for news

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) May 15, 2024

Scarborough is just delusional, like most of his MSNBC colleagues.

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WATCH: Unhinged Democrat Rep. Gerald Connolly Declares ‘the Ukrainian-Russian Border Is OUR Border’

WATCH: Unhinged Democrat Rep. Gerald Connolly Declares ‘the Ukrainian-Russian Border Is OUR Border’


Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly, a Democrat, declared on the House floor that “the Ukrainian-Russian border is OUR border” during an unhinged speech.

Connolly was raging at Republicans opposing the aid package to Ukraine before Saturday’s vote.

“Some say, well, we have to deal with our border first,” Connolly claimed. “The Ukrainian-Russian border is our border! It’s the border between depraved autocracy and freedom-loving people seeking our democratic way of life! Do we have a stake in that outcome? Yes. Undeniably, yes.”

The melodramatic pontificating continues with Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA). “Some say, well, we have to deal with our border first,” bellows Connolly. “The Ukrainian Russian border is OUR border!”

Who knew?!? It’s basically like the border between Virginia and Maryland

— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) April 20, 2024

Connolly echoed the sentiment in a post on X, writing, “The border between Russia and Ukraine is the border between depravity and democracy. Between autocracy and freedom. We undeniably have a stake in that outcome of that fight.”

The border between Russia and Ukraine is the border between depravity and democracy. Between autocracy and freedom.

We undeniably have a stake in that outcome of that fight.

Today, we must stand shoulder to shoulder with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters.

— Rep. Gerry Connolly (@GerryConnolly) April 20, 2024

“Today, we must stand shoulder to shoulder with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters,” the lawmaker continued in the post, which also included a video of his speech.

The House ultimately passed the bill, which includes $61 billion in aid for Ukraine.

Meanwhile, our own border is currently being invaded.

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Two Dead, 14 Wounded, shot at Memphis “Block Party”, part of America’s Lawless Leftist Cities

Two Dead, 14 Wounded, shot at Memphis “Block Party”, part of America’s Lawless Leftist Cities


Yesterday evening, at a Memphis, Tennessee ‘block party’, two were killed and at least 14 injured in a shooting spree at what some are calling a ‘420 celebration’ involving weed.

More than 300 shots were fired, causing participants to flee.

JUST IN: Memphis police in Tennessee are responding to a mass shooting reported in Orange Mound at a “block party.”

According to the Memphis Police Department who spoke with ABC24, at least two people are dead and others were rushed to the hospital.

“Two people were pronounced…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) April 21, 2024

The shooting happened in Memphis at the corner of Carnes Avenue and Grand Street, which is right next to Orange Mound Park in central Memphis.

Some participants were reportedly openly carrying rifles and weapons.

Online, some have already claimed that the media will not report on this incident because many of the rally participants appear to be African Americans. The political left typically complains about the way language is used related to racial crime stories, and the political right sometimes complains about how the mainstream media suppresses the race of criminal defendants or in the presentation of crime statistics to hide the frequency of offenses by specific racial groups.

The motive of the shooters is not known at this time, and the Memphis Police report that they are still investigating the crimes involved.

Memphis Mayor Paul Young, who was elected in the past year, is faced with a city of 621,000 and one of the highest crime rates in the country.

The prior Mayor blamed the District Attorney and court system for its weak-on-crime policies, releasing violent criminals from prison, and low bond policies, as causing the rise in Memphis’ crime problems.

Then-Mayor Strickland said in 2023:

“…ask the District Attorney’s and the judges and the judicial commissioners and the people who run our state prisons. Why are they letting these people out so quickly? That’s the problem. You oughta talk to the court system, what are they doing about crime?” Strickland said. “I’ll tell you what they’re doing, they’re letting criminals out on the street violent criminals back out on the street, low bonds.”

Memphis had its highest crime rate in history in 2023. With 2022 data, Memphis had the highest violent crime rate in the country, which included 397 murders.

Memphis radically changed its bail system in August 2022. The changes included revising the way in which bail was set by a judge. Bail is the insurance provided by a defendant to show up for future court dates. Without a financial penalty, many choose to simply ignore court subpoenas. The normal ‘failure to appear’ rate for criminal defendants in normal courts is around three percent. In areas that have enacted left-wing bail reform, the ‘failure to appear’ usually hovers around 50 percent. The American Civil Liberties Union “ACLU”, which was originally founded to help Communists resist the World War 1 draft, praised the Memphis bail reform decision.

Many in New York State are convinced that left-wing ‘bail reform’ there caused violent crime to skyrocket throughout the state, especially in the major cities.

Crime has substantially increased throughout America since the disputed 2020 election. Conservatives typically blame “soft on crime” policies such as releasing violent criminals from prison, low/no bond arrangements where criminals aren’t motivated to even show up to court once released from jail, among other policies. Liberals have typically blamed poverty as the cause of crime, either because a defendant needs money or because they haven’t been able to get an education to become too educated to commit crime.

And of course the political left will also use word play and statistics abuse in order to gaslight America that violent crime is going down, such as when National Public Radio said as much earlier this year, “In cities big and small, from both coasts, violence has dropped.”

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WATCH: Bishop Says Biden Doesn’t Understand Catholicism — ‘I’m Not Angry at Him, He’s Just Stupid’

WATCH: Bishop Says Biden Doesn’t Understand Catholicism — ‘I’m Not Angry at Him, He’s Just Stupid’


A Catholic bishop in Michigan has said that Joe Biden does not understand Catholicism.

Biden has long claimed to be a devout Catholic despite his policies being deeply contrary to the church’s teachings.

Michigan Bishop Robert Gruss of the Diocese of Saginaw lectured at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption on April 5 and discussed Biden.

Fox News reports, “Asking the faithful to interrogate their own hatreds and resentments, the bishop pointed out that destructive lack of forgiveness does not apply only to individuals they know, but also public figures and institutions.”

“If you’re harboring bad, negative, resentful feelings towards our president, you’re not free,” Gruss said. “Otherwise, you’re letting him control you and your thoughts and your words and your actions. And I guarantee that if he is a problem for you, then those thoughts, words, and actions are negative — they’re gonna come out and then we commit sin. That’s what sin is.”

“How many times have you confessed your anger towards the president?” the bishop asked, making the crowd laugh. “I’m serious, I’m not kidding. If you have it, you should be confessing it. Otherwise, you’re not free.”

Gruss said that as far as his opinion of Biden, he pities him.

“I don’t have any anger towards the president. I feel sorry for him. I’m not angry at him, he’s just stupid,” Gruss said.

The congregation laughed again, prompting Gruss to clarify, “It’s not stupidity in the derogatory way, it’s stupidity in the sense of […] he doesn’t understand the Catholic faith.”


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