The Battle of Big Pharma’s Domination Over Connecticut’s Behavioral Health Begins


Guest post with permission by Joe Hoft at

The Killingly School District case with the Connecticut Board of Education begins. The control over behavioral health is at stake.

The state of Connecticut’s efforts to take over decision-making in regard to behavioral health from the local counties begins. This effort to take power from the counties and push on the to state was reported on previously. Big Pharma sits in the periphery.

Connecticut’s Board of Education Challenging Local Board of Education for Control Over Behavioral Health

On Thursday, November 30, a hearing was held in Connecticut.

Ginny Monk at CTMirror shared the following about the hearing:

An attorney for the state of Connecticut grilled the Killingly School District’s superintendent on Thursday about what immediate actions the local Board of Education took to address students’ mental health needs after a survey revealed that nearly 15% of 7th to 12th graders had considered suicide.

Mike McKeon, director of legal and governmental affairs for the Connecticut State Department of Education, questioned Killingly Superintendent Susan Nash-Ditzel about how students’ mental health needs had been addressed after the local board found out in early 2022 about the “alarming” report from a mental health nonprofit that showed students had self-harmed, considered suicide or felt sad or hopeless.

Most initiatives Nash-Ditzel pointed to weren’t implemented for students until several months after the survey came out, although she said that some of the budgetary decisions to support mental health were discussed earlier.

Deborah Stevenson, the attorney for Killingly, also questioned Nash-Ditzel and laid out the local district’s case to prove that it had fulfilled all state requirements and was meeting student needs to the best of its ability.

Thursday marked the second part of the 10-4b hearing to determine whether the Killingly school board has violated the educational interests of the state by providing insufficient mental health support for students. These types of hearings are uncommon in Connecticut because most complaints are resolved before a hearing occurs.

This case revolves around the state wanting to direct mental health for students across the state.

In April 2023,board members approved a new contract for a school-based health center with a different provider. The new provider, Community Health Resources, requires parental consent before students can get therapy.

Nonprofit provider Generations Family Health Center — the original proposed provider — has said they also ask for parental consent and involvement early in the therapy process. But still, board members said they were concerned.

Some early comments and questions echoed political rhetoric more commonly heard from the right, about issues such as gender identity and abortion. Board members have also said they’re worried about violation of parental rights, an issue that Republicans have raised at the national level.

Mike McKeon, director of legal and governmental affairs for the Connecticut State Department of Education, said the state should move forward because the hearing is not about politics, but about figuring out whether the schools are implementing the state’s educational interests.

After Constitutional rights were taken away from Americans in the COVID crisis, Americans don’t trust the government, and rightly so.

People across the country have concerns about this battle because behavioral health is a multi-billion-dollar Big Pharma enterprise.

Connecticut politicians working with Big Pharma believe that they should own the behavioral health of students across the state.  This is a mental illness and the people in Killingly know it. 

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MMA Champion Conor McGregor Teases Political Ambition with Cryptic Tweet: ‘Ireland, Your President’

MMA Champion Conor McGregor Teases Political Ambition with Cryptic Tweet: ‘Ireland, Your President’


Photo: Conor McGregor/X

On Sunday, Conor McGregor, a former UFC champion and one of Ireland’s most prominent celebrities, stirred speculation with a cryptic message on social media.

In a tweet, the message read, “Ireland, Your President,” accompanied by a shamrock emoji, symbolizing Irish heritage and culture, and a heart emoji.

The tweet also included a photo of McGregor standing confidently while donning a stylish, off-white suit paired with a crisp white shirt and a vibrant green tie.

Ireland, your President. ☘️❤️

— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) December 4, 2023

McGregor did not follow up with any further explanation, leaving fans and political commentators parsing his words for any hidden intention.

The two-time UFC world champion has shown interest in significant social issues in Ireland following a stabbing incident in Ireland involving a migrant. However, he has never openly stated an intention to pursue a political office.

McGregor is being investigated for posts on his social media account, which are connected to a sequence of violent incidents in Dublin involving immigrant perpetrators. This investigation is part of a broader inquiry into the proliferation of online hate speech by the fascist government.

McGregor condemned the riots but also acknowledged the rioters’ concerns.

Conor McGregor wrote on X last month, “Ireland, we are at war.”

“Last nights scenes achieved nothing toward fixing the issues we face. I do understand frustrations however, and I do understand a move must be made to ensure the change we need is ushered in. And fast!” he wrote.

“I am in the process of arranging. Believe me I am way more tactical and I have backing,” he added.

The final statement certainly caught attention, sparking curiosity about whether McGregor might consider following the footsteps of figures like Milei and former U.S. President Donald Trump, transitioning from a celebrity outsider to a populist leader.

“This,” according to McGregor, “is NOT Ireland’s future!”

“If they do not act soon with their plan of action to ensure Ireland’s safety, I will,” he added.

The upcoming Irish presidential election is scheduled for 2025.

Should the present regime not change its course and not prioritize the Irish people, McGregor might become the leading figure for the “Ireland First” movement.

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Venezuelan Reveals How Mexican Immigration Officials Operate as a Cartel, Give Illegal Aliens GPS Coordinates and Charge Them to Cross Rio Grande Into US (VIDEO)

Venezuelan Reveals How Mexican Immigration Officials Operate as a Cartel, Give Illegal Aliens GPS Coordinates and Charge Them to Cross Rio Grande Into US (VIDEO)


As The Gateway Pundit reported last week, Mexican officials are now providing GPS coordinates to illegal alien caravans marching to the US border.

Border Hawk correspondent Efraín González is embedded with a massive caravan of illegals making their way through Piedras Negras, Mexico, to the Rio Grande and he learned Mexican authorities are giving the illegals GPS coordinates for mass crossings into the United States.

“We accompanied this caravan that walked for an hour in the darkest to reach the crossing point. The migrant said they were angry Mexican authorities sent them to cross into this dangerous area of the river at night,” González said.

“Most of these people do not know how to get to the river. However, through GPS they obtain the exact location where forklift tractors raised the razor wire last October,” he said.

“We have GPS and it guides us,” one illegal told Gonzalez in Spanish.

“These GPS-guided mass crossings into Eagle Pass have become much more frequent this November,” Gonzalez said.

A Venezuelan migrant in Piedras Negras, Mexico revealed how Mexican immigration officials are operating as a cartel giving the illegal aliens GPS coordinates and charging them to cross the Rio Grande into the United States.

Hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants from all over the world are traveling through the Darien Gap en route to the United States every month.

Once the illegals reach Mexico, they are usually bused up to the United States border. Some of the illegals hop on trains after they reach central Mexico en route to the US. The GPS coordinates provided by Mexican authorities then guide the illegals to the Rio Grande.

According to a Venezuelan illegal who was interviewed outside the NGO in Del Rio, Texas, Mexican immigration officials are operating well-organized pathways for ‘asylum-seekers’ to reach the Rio Grande.

“You constantly hear how cartels are behind human smuggling and making a lot of money. The reality in Coahuila is that it’s government officials at the local, state, and federal level working collaboratively to move these large groups and operate as a cartel,” citizen journalist Auden Cabello said.

The Venezuelan told Auden Cabello: “We were walking after they got us off the train, some men arrived and they identified themselves as Mexican Immigration and then they gave us GPS coordinates on how to arrive to the shelter.”

“Meanwhile, they took us…. all the way to the river. Some people who supposedly were from immigration, they had lanyards and everything…they would charge us 100 pesos, 500 pesos, depending what they saw on people they would take it.”

The Venezuelan explained that if the illegals don’t have cash, the Mexican officials would take items of value such as cell phones, shoes, necklaces or watches.

The Mexican officials ushering the illegals across the Rio Grande identified as “immigration agents.”


Piedras Negras, MX: The state of Coahuila has a new governor as of Friday, December 1st. Will anything change with Mexican officials facilitating migrants with GPS coordinates to arrive to the shelter and then be guided to a specific crossing point into Eagle Pass, TX?

Anibal is…

— Auden B. Cabello (@CabelloAuden) December 2, 2023

Instead of impeaching DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas and Joe Biden for allowing millions of illegal aliens to invade the US, Congress is busy expelling GOP Rep. George Santos.

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2A Victory: Judge Rules Federal Ban on Handgun Sales to 18- to 20-Year-Olds Unconstitutional

2A Victory: Judge Rules Federal Ban on Handgun Sales to 18- to 20-Year-Olds Unconstitutional


A federal judge on Friday struck down the Biden administration’s effort to ban adults between the ages of 18 and 20 from buying handguns.

Judge Thomas Kleeh, an appointee of former President Donald Trump and Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia, ruled in the case of Steven Robert Brown and Benjamin Weekley, who were banned from buying guns under the administration’s edict, according to Breitbart.

The ruling said that “Plaintiffs’ conduct — the purchase of handguns — ‘fall[s] [within] the Second Amendment’s ‘unqualified command’ and the challenged statutes and regulations are not ‘consistent with the Nation’s historic tradition of firearm regulation,’” and that a rule barring Brown and Weekley from buying handguns was “facially unconstitutional and as applied to Plaintiffs.”

The decision relied heavily on the standard set by the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association Inc. vs. Bruen that required any gun control law to have its roots in the historical tradition of firearms regulation.

Kleeh noted that under Bruen, ‘‘To justify its regulation, the government may not simply posit that the regulation promotes an important interest.”

He added that ‘‘the government must demonstrate that the regulation is consistent with the Nation’s historic tradition of firearm regulation. Only if a firearm regulation is consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition may a court conclude that the individual’s conduct falls outside the Second Amendment’s ‘unqualified command.’”

The judge rejected the federal government’s argument that the parents of the two plaintiffs could buy guns for them to use.

“Defendants generally miss the point and Plaintiffs’ injury is clear. Plaintiffs do not dispute that 18-to-20-year-olds who are law-abiding adults and not otherwise banned from firearm possession are not prohibited from possessing handguns. Brown and Weekley’s injury prompting the filing of this suit is that they cannot purchase handguns and handgun ammunition from FFLs as a result of the age-based ban,” the judge wrote.

“Defendants’ specific arguments are likewise unavailing. First, the suggestion Plaintiffs suffer no injury because a parent or guardian can simply purchase the gun and give it to an 18- to 20-year-old overly minimizes Plaintiffs’ plight,” he wrote.

“Deprivation of a constitutional right is a deprivation and, necessarily, an injury in fact, no matter if an ‘easy’ and lawful work-around exists. Moreover, the Supreme Court of the United States previously rejected the Government’s reasoning in a different context,” he wrote.

Kleeh said that under the current standard, Americans have the right to have guns until the government can prove differently, which it did not in this case.

“If the normal and ordinary meaning of the Second Amendment’s text protects the individual’s proposed course of conduct, which the Court finds to be the case here, then the Amendment ‘presumptively guarantees’ the individual’s right related to firearms, and the burden falls on the Government to justify the challenged regulation. Bruen, 142 S. Ct. at 2135. The Government bears the burden to show that the law is ‘consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation,’” he wrote.

“Defendants have not presented any evidence of age-based restrictions on the purchase or sale of firearms from before or at the Founding or during the Early Republic. Defendants have likewise failed to offer evidence of similar regulation between then and 1791 or in a relevant timeframe thereafter. For that reason alone, Defendants have failed to meet the burden imposed by Bruen,” Kleeh wrote.

“This is a huge victory for Second Amendment rights, especially for young adults,” Adam Kraut, executive director of the Second Amendment Foundation, said on the group’s website.

“The Biden Justice Department argued that people in this age group were not adults, which was patently ludicrous. The government simply could not defend the constitutionality of the handgun prohibition, and Judge Kleeh’s ruling makes that clear,” he said.

“There was never any historical evidence supporting this arbitrary ban on the purchase and ownership of handguns by young adults,” foundation founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb said.

“As we maintained all along, history goes in the opposite direction. At that age historically, young adults were considered mature enough to serve in the militia, the military and take on other responsibilities. We’re delighted with the judge’s ruling.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Vegan Eco-Terrorists Outraged as Meat Lobbyists, Ranchers Descend on COP28 Climate Change Conference to Counter Attack on Meat Consumption

Vegan Eco-Terrorists Outraged as Meat Lobbyists, Ranchers Descend on COP28 Climate Change Conference to Counter Attack on Meat Consumption


A WEF article from 2016 says it all: “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better”

Vegan eco-terrorists are outraged that meat lobbyists descended on the COP28 climate conference in Dubai to counter the attack on meat consumption in first-world countries.

The climate change zealots (Communists) are not only coming for your gas-powered vehicles, they want to destroy the cattle and farming industry under the guise of reducing carbon emissions with a ‘net zero plan.’

The ‘net zero plan’ will lead to famine. Of course, this is the plan and it isn’t the first time junk science will be used to starve millions (or billions) of people. The Soviet Union used Communist pseudo-scientist Trofim Lysenko to starve millions in the 20th century.

The United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) rolled out its food guidance for first-world countries in an effort to reduce carbon emissions.

The message to ‘rich’ countries? Consume less meat.

“Nations that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.” Bloomberg reported.

Meat lobbyists and ranchers are pushing back on the eco-terrorists at COP28.

The Guardian reported:

Big meat companies and lobby groups are planning a large presence at the Cop28 climate conference, equipped with a communications plan to get a pro-meat message heard by policymakers throughout the summit.

Documents seen by the Guardian and DeSmog show that the meat industry is poised to “tell its story and tell it well” at the Dubai conference.

The files show how the world’s largest meat company, JBS, is planning to come out in “full force” at the summit, along with other big industry hitters such as the Global Dairy Platform and the North American Meat Institute.

The documents, which were produced by the industry-funded Global Meat Alliance (GMA), emphasise the industry’s desire to promote “our scientific evidence” at the summit.

Members of the alliance have been asked to stick to key comms messages, which include the idea that meat is beneficial to the environment.

Vegan eco-terrorists are angry that the ranchers are fighting back and compared them to the tobacco industry.

“It’s no surprise that the meat industry — which is as shameless in its insatiable quest for profits as the tobacco industry — is pulling out all the stops in an attempt to dupe decisionmakers,” Delcianna J. Winders, Animal Law and Policy Institute Director at Vermont Law and Graduate School, told Truthout.

“Any credible action to reduce emissions in the food sector will inevitably lead to a reduction in the total volume of meat and dairy products produced,” says Nusa Urbancic, CEO of campaign group the Changing Markets Foundation told The Guardian. “The industry is terrified of that and has been deploying multiple tactics to delay the inevitable.”

The globalists are pushing for commoners to eat bugs, weeds and synthetic ‘meat’ because bugs “consume fewer resources than traditional livestock.”

The World Economic Forum recently promoted the EU’s new plan to use mealworms in food in their bid to reduce meat consumption.

“Livestock around the world is responsible for around 14.5% of all greenhouse gas emissions relating to human activity. The need for land – whether for grazing animals or growing crops to feed animals – is “the single greatest driver of deforestation, with major consequences for biodiversity loss,” the paper says.

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