Just Like A Dictatorship: Florida Democrats Announce Only Joe Biden Will be on the Primary Ballot — And No Write In Candidates Allowed!

Just Like A Dictatorship: Florida Democrats Announce Only Joe Biden Will be on the Primary Ballot — And No Write In Candidates Allowed!


Photo: Getty Images/AFP

The true threat to the demise of our democracy lies with the Democrats, not Donald Trump.

The Florida Democratic Executive Committee has announced that in the upcoming primary elections, the ballot will singularly feature the name of Joe Biden, effectively excluding any potential challengers within the party.

This decision has led to an uproar among certain Democrat factions and civil liberty advocates who argue that the action stifles democratic principles.

The primary, which typically serves as a platform for party members to choose their preferred candidate for the general election, will not accommodate write-in candidates either, a departure from traditional election practices. This means that voters disenchanted with Biden’s performance will be without a recourse to express their dissent in the primary voting process.

Washington Post reported:

With presidential primaries looming, there is only one name on the official list of Democratic presidential candidates in Florida — President Biden — a move that angered the incumbent’s long-shot challengers, who say they’re being unfairly left out.

The decision is the latest setback for Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) and Marianne Williamson, both of whom trail Biden in public polling and fundraising.

Under Florida rules, the state’s party votes on who will appear on primary ballots. Florida’s Democratic Party said in a statement Friday that the executive committee voted unanimously late last month to name Biden, and only Biden, to its list of candidates.

If a presidential primary has a single candidate, state election law says that the uncontested race will not appear on the state’s primary ballot.

It appears that this communist situation may extend beyond just Florida.

In September, The Gateway Pundit reported that the DNC was cheating with Robert Kennedy, Jr. in primaries to favor Biden. Bobby feels that the DNC is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy, so an independent run is the only way to go.

In an interview on “Forbes Newsroom” with Diane Brady, 2024 Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. accused the Democratic National Committee (DNC) of undermining the democratic process by enacting rules aimed at preventing a fair primary election. According to Kennedy, the DNC’s moves make it impossible for any candidate, including himself, to challenge Joe Biden.

Kennedy highlighted that the DNC had shifted the Iowa primary and had instituted rules that penalize candidates who campaign in certain states.

“If any candidate sets foot in the state of Iowa or New Hampshire, none of the votes that are cast for that candidate will be tallied,” Kennedy said. He added that the DNC is considering rules that would also nullify votes cast for him in states like Georgia if he campaigns in New Hampshire.

“They’ve made rules that if any candidate sets foot in the state of Iowa or sets foot in the state of New Hampshire, then none of the votes that are cast for that candidate will be tallied. In other words, any delegate that I win in New Hampshire or Iowa would go instead to the President. And now they’re trying to change it so that if I campaign in New Hampshire that none of the votes cast for me in Georgia will count. That’s significant because it’s hard to win the nomination without Georgia,” RFK Jr. said.

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FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Worried About Safety, Learning To Survive Behind Bars – Convicted Billionaire Thought About Paying for Protection, According To Former Inmate at MDC

FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Worried About Safety, Learning To Survive Behind Bars – Convicted Billionaire Thought About Paying for Protection, According To Former Inmate at MDC


2023 turned things around – for bad – for former Billionaire FTX CEO, Sam Bankman-Fried.

In January, Bankman-Fried was arrested in the Bahamas. In August remanded to jail by Judge Lewis Kaplan for witness tampering. In November, he was found guilty of all 7 counts of fraud and conspiracy.

But his story hasn’t ended: as he awaits sentencing in March – and of course, the appeal from his lawyers, SBF is learning to survive in prison – which can be tricky.

It now arises that he was ‘reportedly worried for his safety’ during his pretrial detention time at the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), and even considered paying another inmate for ‘protection’.

The revelations come from former New York mob ‘enforcer’ Gene Borrello.

I got a chance to interview Gene Borrello, a former mob enforcer who was in jail with Sam Bankman-Fried. Gene tells me SBF was on suicide watch, was extorted & did not eat or shower for several days. We also discuss how Sam spends his time in jail, bullying, sentencing & more. pic.twitter.com/nszTXVUrSQ

— Tiffany Fong (@TiffanyFong_) November 30, 2023

Borrello told crypto blogger Tiffany Fong that he spent time with Bankman-Fried in the lead-up to his criminal trial.

The ‘crypto bro’ was ‘out of his element’ in jail, worried for his safety. A prisoner attempted to make SBF fearful, in order to extort him for ‘protection’ money.

Read: BREAKING: Sam Bankman-Fried Convicted of All 7 Counts – Sentence Could Be as High as 115 Years in Prison

Coin Telegraph reported:

“However, Bankman-Fried was housed in a unit of the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center that separated the wealthy and government cooperators from the general prison population, said Borello. ‘I kept saying: It’s not dangerous in here. You don’t need protection. Don’t worry about it. You ain’t got to pay nobody nothing. Don’t listen to these fucking kids’.”

Borrello confronted the other prisoner, leading to a fight.

“Borrello recalled speaking to Bankman-Fried, saying, ‘When he talks to you, he puts his head down. He’s very timid. He talks very nervous’. He also said he asked the former billionaire what he spent his money on.

‘I said, ‘What are you doing with the money? What kind of watch did you have?’ He said, ‘I had an Apple Watch’, Borrello recounted. ’I said, ‘What kind of car were you driving?’ He said, ‘A 2020 Toyota Camry’. Me and my friends go, ‘So, what the fuck did you steal the money for? You wanna look at it?’’”

Borello can’t go into ‘gen-pop’ due to his perceived wealth, because other inmates would again try to extort him.

“’He just didn’t understand how much trouble he was in’, Borrello said. ‘We were trying to explain to him that this is the feds, you’re accused of stealing billions of dollars. […] He just didn’t understand how screwed was until we started breaking it down to him’.”

Bankman-Fried was more nervous about jail than about his case – and held the belief that he’d only spend 20 years in prison.

“’We looked at him like he was crazy. I kept trying to explain to him, you’re never going to see the outside again’.”

A month ago, Bankman-Fried was found guilty of seven counts of money laundering, fraud and conspiracy, facing a maximum sentence – according to guidelines – of 115 years in jail.

Borello also alerted him that New York Judge Lewis Kaplan, overseeing his case, is the ‘strictest judge in the Southern District’.

Read: Joe Bankman and Barbara Fried Facing Potential Civil and Criminal Exposure Due to Alleged Involvement With FTX Fraud

“In most cases, judges go with the prosecution’s sentencing recommendation — yet to be filed in Bankman-Fried’s case — ‘which could be something out of this world’, said Borrello.”

Read more:

Sam Bankman-Fried Trading ‘Macks’ in Prison – Crypto Fraudster Used Fish To Get a Haircut – Housed Near Former Honduran President, Gives Crypto Tips to Guards

The post FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Worried About Safety, Learning To Survive Behind Bars – Convicted Billionaire Thought About Paying for Protection, According To Former Inmate at MDC appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


One Dead, Two Injured in Paris Terror Attack – Islamist Was Shouting “Allahu Akbar” During Attack Near Eiffel Tower

One Dead, Two Injured in Paris Terror Attack – Islamist Was Shouting “Allahu Akbar” During Attack Near Eiffel Tower


An Islamist murdered one man and injured at least two others in a knife and hammer terrorist attack Saturday in Paris.

“A knife and hammer attack in the Quai de Grenelle area, in Paris (15th), left one dead and one injured this Saturday evening. The alleged perpetrator of the tragedy was arrested. He shouted “Allah Akbar” during the attack, a police source told AFP.” https://t.co/si3aY3mWGd

— Alberto Miguel Fernandez (@AlbertoMiguelF5) December 2, 2023

The attacker was screaming “Allahu Akbar!” during the attack.


1 killed and 2 wounded in suspected terror attack in Paris.

Witnesses say the attacker shouted “Allahu Ahkbar” and started stabbing people at random on the street.


— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) December 2, 2023

The attack took place near the Bir-Hakiem bridge.

The killer was arrested. He attacked innocent pedestrians at random.

⚠️ attaque au couteau à Paris aux cris d’Allah Akbar

1 mort et 2 blessés.

Vers le pont de #Bir-Hakeim, côté 15/16eme arrondissement.
L’assaillant a été interpellé, il était armé d’un couteau et d’un marteau.
Il attaquait les passants au hasard.

Combien de temps encore allons…

— Alice Cordier (@CordierAlice2) December 2, 2023

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DC Police Tell Residents to Buy AirTags For Canada Goose Coats as Thieves are Targeting Them

DC Police Tell Residents to Buy AirTags For Canada Goose Coats as Thieves are Targeting Them


Police in Washington, D.C., are urging residents who own high-end Canada Goose coats to purchase AirTags as thieves are targeting them.

The department has also recommended AirTags for vehicles to combat rising car thefts in the city.

Crime in the city is so out of control that last month, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced a program to provide free tags for residents in certain neighborhoods to put on their vehicles.

Now, it isn’t just cars. It’s clothing.

According to a new report from Fox 5:

Police said three suspects hopped out of a car, pointed guns, and demanded a victim’s Canada Goose jacket just a few blocks from Dupont Circle on Tuesday night.

It has happened in the area before. Last winter, George Washington University sent out an alert about a string of jacket robberies near the school’s Foggy Bottom campus. At the time, police said they weren’t sure why the thefts were happening, but one thing that is known – the jackets aren’t cheap, with some costing upwards of $1,500.

When asked by Fox 5 if he had any advice for people to protect their coats, DC Police Commander Sylvan Altieri replied, “AirTags.”

“I’ve seen people use them on tool kits, suitcases, I think that’s probably the best thing you can do as far as if it gets taken, because it’s a nice way to track it,” Altieri added.

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Biden’s Climate Czar John Kerry Announces Global Push for Coal Phase-Out: ‘First Step is Stop Building New Unabated Coal Power Plants’

Biden’s Climate Czar John Kerry Announces Global Push for Coal Phase-Out: ‘First Step is Stop Building New Unabated Coal Power Plants’


Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, has proclaimed its commitment to phase out coal power plants. This move aligns the U.S. with 56 other nations in the Powering Past Coal Alliance.

“At the UN Climate Summit COP28 today, new members and partners, including the United States, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Iceland, Kosovo and Norway joined the Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA), the coalition of national and subnational governments, businesses and organisations working to advance the transition from unabated coal power generation to clean energy,” according to the press release.

“These seven countries commit to not developing new unabated coal power plants and phasing out existing unabated coal plants to keep the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C (34.7 F) within reach. The move underscores a rapid shift towards a coal-free future in many countries despite the energy crisis. The Global Stocktake at COP28 must be a turning point for international action on coal phase-out,” it added.

“The science is clear: to keep the 1.5°C goal within reach, countries need to immediately end the construction of new coal power plants and phase out existing plants by 2030 in the OECD and EU, and by 2040 elsewhere,” PPCA said.

Behind only China and India, the United States allegedly holds the third-largest capacity of operational coal plants globally.

According to the PPCA, the US has not built a new coal plant in over a decade and it is on course to shut down over half of its peak unabated coal capacity in the upcoming years.

Ambitiously, the Biden regime has set a target: a carbon-neutral power sector by 2035—a stark contrast against a backdrop where international agencies like the UN and global entities have exerted negligible influence over China’s coal policies.

Biden’s climate czar John Kerry attended the COP28 Summit in Dubai aboard a gasoline-fueled airplane.

On Saturday, Biden’s climate czar, John Kerry, declared that the United States will be joining the Powering Past Coal Alliance.

This commitment by the Biden regime involves a pledge to cease the construction of new coal plants and to reportedly phase out existing ones.

“To meet our goal of 100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035, we need to phase out unabated coal, and we urge the world to join us in doing so, while working to grow good-paying clean energy jobs,” said Kerry.

“Together with the Powering Past Coal Alliance, we will be working to accelerate unabated coal phase-out across the world, building stronger economies and more resilient communities. The first step is to stop making the problem worse: stop building new unabated coal power plants,” he added.

According to S&P Global:

In 2022 coal-fired plants generated 36% of global electricity, outstripping all other sources. Over half of this output was in China, with the next three largest contributors – India, the US and Japan, accounting for around 25% of the total.

Of the 8 billion mt of coal produced globally in 2022, China consumed 4.5 billion mt, while India’s consumption rose to nearly 900 million mt.

In terms of domestic share of generation, South Africa is most reliant on coal power (85%), followed by India (74%), Poland (70%), Indonesia (62%) and China (61%).

The IEA’s Net Zero Roadmap shows coal power must end in advanced economies by 2030 and worldwide by 2040. Yet even in Europe, where coal phase outs are taking place in several countries, Germany and Poland are failing to align with these goals, while India and China continue to build new coal stations.”

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