Leo Hohmann: FBI Tells Newsweek that Trump Supporters are Enemies of the State and Must be Secretly Tracked, Monitored, Investigated

Leo Hohmann: FBI Tells Newsweek that Trump Supporters are Enemies of the State and Must be Secretly Tracked, Monitored, Investigated


This article originally appeared on Leo Hohmann’s Substack and was republished with permission.

Will Trump supporters start to disappear leading up to and following the 2024 election? The FBI appears to be laying a narrative that hints of unprecedented government actions on American soil.

Have you ever voted for Donald J. Trump?

Have you ever posted a comment to any social media platform that was even remotely favorable towards Trump?

If so, you may be on an FBI watchlist.

According to an October 4 report in Newsweek, “the federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbance around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump‘s army of MAGA followers.”

Notice the term “army.” There’s a sinister purpose behind that word. The government, in cooperation with its corporate partners at Newsweek, are trying to paint a picture of an organized military force ready to go to war with Trump as its leader.

As a member of the conservative movement in America, I can tell you that it is the most unorganized, disjointed and fragmented movement in the country. It is not in any way monolithic and as such poses no threat to the government or anyone else.

But this is who our government has targeted for monitoring and tracking.

They’re not worried about the Chinese men of military age pouring over the open border at a rate of 2,000 to 4,000 per month under Biden. They’re not worried about Iranian sleeper cells. NO, they’re worried about American citizens on the Trump team who want to see their candidate in the White House.

Here’s a blurb from the article:

The challenge for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the primary federal agency charged with law enforcement, is to pursue and prevent what it calls domestic terrorism without direct reference to political parties or affiliations—even though the vast majority of its current “anti-government” investigations are of Trump supporters, according to classified data obtained by Newsweek.

“The FBI is in an almost impossible position,” says a current FBI official, who requested anonymity to discuss highly sensitive internal matters.

The official told Newsweek that the FBI is intent on stopping domestic terrorism and any repeat of the January 6, 2021, “attack on the Capitol.”

But the FBI source told Newsweek that the agency must also preserve the Constitutional right of all Americans to campaign, speak freely and protest the government, as if it holds its nose and begrudgingly goes through the motions of “preserving” any of our rights.

This article is a laughing stock. Pure propaganda. But they’re not even good at creating propaganda because nobody with half of a working brain cell still believes the FBI has any respect for the Constitution. This is the same agency that threatened to investigate parents attending school board meetings and traditional Catholics who attend Latin masses. This is the same FBI that breaks down the doors of unarmed senior citizens like Roger Stone (see photo above from 2019), and arrests elderly women praying in front of abortion clinics.

By focusing on Trump and his MAGA supporters, the FBI official said, the Bureau runs the risk of provoking the very anti-government activists that the terrorism agencies hope to counter.

“Especially at a time when the White House is facing Congressional Republican opposition claiming that the Biden administration has ‘weaponized’ the Bureau against the right wing, it has to tread very carefully,” says the official.

Oh, such a poor FBI, crying crocodile tears because it has to at least pretend like it has constitutional boundaries within which it can conduct its Gestapo operations on American soil, violating households under cover of darkness, forcing its victims into black SUVs and hauling them off in handcuffs and leg irons to the American gulag as they await their show trials.

Their crime? These Americans are “anti-government” in their thinking.

Hmm. Unless there is a new category of crime passed by Congress, the thought crime, and I don’t recall such a law being passed, then it is no crime at all to be “anti-government.”

Any government that prosecutes one of its citizens for being “anti-government” is by nature tyrannical, because people living under a legitimate constituional government would have no reason to be anti-government. By even accusing us of being guilty of being “anti-government,” our government has admitted to its own crimes against humanity.

This Newsweek article was perhaps the most pathetic psy op disguised as a news article I’ve ever seen. Its purpose was not to inform but to intimidate while presenting a facade of respect for our Constitutional rights.

This is exactly why the FBI should have never been created in the first place. Our founding fathers would have rolled over in their graves at the thought of a national police force. Even if it started out with a mission that focused on legitimate federal crimes such as foreign terrorists who infiltrated America, any freedom-respecting constitutionalist could have predicted with a little common sense that it would one day be weaponized and turned against the domestic political opponents of an empowered elite.

This is why I am of the belief that the FBI should be totally defunded and permanently disbanded. If allowed to exist at all, it should be disarmed. You do not need to be armed in order to be a strictly investigative agency. Do your investigations and then turn the information over to state or local law enforcement, which could then make the decisions about whether to make any arrests.

Anyone who is a regular reader of mine knows I am no fan of Donald Trump. I turned against him when he rolled out a militarized vaccine program with an injection that wasn’t even a vaccine, using mRNA technology to tinker with human genetics. He’s also now gone soft on abortion, saying Republicans need to moderate their pro-life position. You’re either pro life or you’re not, Donald. You can’t have it both ways. So I am done with Trump. I think he could even be a plant who is working for the other globalists, a type of Emmanuel Goldstein character from Orwell’s 1984. In short, controlled opposition.

But to say that Trump’s followers comprise the main threat to stability in the United States is utter nonsense and the FBI knows it. In fact, I would say that the FBI is a much bigger threat to American stability than the followers of Trump, Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., or any other political candidate.

For the record, I am not anti-government. I believe wholeheartedly in the need for government, but it must be legitimate government that exercises powers clearly delineated in the U.S. Constitution. Any powers not specifically enumerated to the federal government in that document rest with the states. That’s just a fact. Those at the top of the U.S. Justice Department and FBI know this. Don’t believe their lies. Don’t bite on their fake corporate “news.” The truth is that the FBI is an enforcer for what’s become a one-party state with the Democrats as the lead organ of oppression and the Republicans playing the role of fake opposition. They speak of an uprising because that’s what they want, the more violent the better. Don’t take the bait.

To receive new posts and support Leo Hohmann’s work, consider becoming a paid subscriber if you aren’t yet at leohohmann.substack.com

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IDIOTS: GOP Rep Announces Retirement Leaving Republicans with Only +3 Majority After They Ousted Conservative George Santos from Congress

IDIOTS: GOP Rep Announces Retirement Leaving Republicans with Only +3 Majority After They Ousted Conservative George Santos from Congress


RINO Republicans vote to remove conservative George Santos from Congress on Friday 12-1.


On Friday 105 RINO-Uniparty Republicans made the historic move to expel conservative Republican George Santos from Congress. Santos was the most conservative freshman member of Congress. He was vocal, a fighter, and supported Trump.  He needed to be dealt with. There were immediately rumblings that the Kevin McCarthy faction, of course, led the efforts to remove Santos and make it easier for Democrats to continue to destroy the country.

On Saturday morning, Steve Bannon called out Kevin McCarthy for being behind this unprecedented and dangerous move by the RINO establishment.

McCarthy recently said publicly that his faction will target Matt Gaetz next.

It takes 218 members to make a voting majority in the US House of Representatives.

Republicans are now down to 221 voting members.

Thanks to the RINOs on Friday, Republicans only hold a three person majority.

These same Republicans cannot impeach Alejandro Mayorkas, who is leading an invasion of millions into the US through the open southern border.

These same Republicans are unwilling to line up a vote to start impeachment hearings against Joe Biden.

But they removed George Santos, a staunch Republican voter, from Congress.

GOP voters need to WAKE UP!  These frauds DO NOT represent you!

Representative Bill Johnson, (R-OH) announced last week his retirement from the House. He’s taking a new job as president of Youngstown State University.

Now we have a 3 seat Republican majority without George Santos.

Bill Johnson is leaving next month to go take another job.

We’ll have a two seat majority.

Better hope everyone stays healthy or we’re about to flip the House to Democrats without an election.

Bunch of idiots.

— Joey Mannarino (@JoeyMannarinoUS) December 1, 2023

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Woman Charged With Fraudulently Obtaining U.S. Citizenship by Failing to Disclose Alleged Role in Abuse of Bosnian Serb Prisoners

Woman Charged With Fraudulently Obtaining U.S. Citizenship by Failing to Disclose Alleged Role in Abuse of Bosnian Serb Prisoners


A woman from Bosnia and Herzegovina has been arrested in West Virginia on charges that she failed to disclose her role in abusing Bosnian Serb prisoners to obtain U.S. citizenship.

Nada Radovan Tomanic, 51, was arrested in Morgantown on Thursday.

According to the indictment, Tomanic served with the Zulfikar Special Unit of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the armed conflict there in the 1990s.

The Department of Justice said, “Along with other Zulfikar Special Unit soldiers, Tomanic allegedly participated in the physical and mental abuse of Bosnian Serb prisoners targeted on the basis of their ethnicity, religion, and membership in a particular social group. The indictment alleges that, when applying for naturalization, Tomanic falsely represented that she had not persecuted anyone because of their religion, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion and had never committed a crime for which she had not been arrested.”

According to the Houston Holocaust Museum, “Starting in April 1992, Serbia set out to ‘ethnically cleanse’ Bosnian territory by systematically removing all Bosnian Muslims, known as Bosniaks. Serbia, together with ethnic Bosnian Serbs, attacked Bosniaks with former Yugoslavian military equipment and surrounded Sarajevo, the capital city. Many Bosniaks were driven into concentration camps, where women and girls were systematically gang-raped and other civilians were tortured, starved and murdered.”

The International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY) at The Hague has charged more than 160 people since the end of the conflict. Charges have included genocide and crimes against humanity.

“Nada Tomanic has enjoyed the privileges of U.S. citizenship for more than 10 years – privileges she allegedly obtained by lying to cover up human rights abuses she committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “The Justice Department will vigorously enforce our nation’s immigration laws to ensure that the United States does not serve as a safe haven for persecutors.”

Tomanic has been charged with two counts of unlawful procurement of naturalization. She faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison on each count and automatic revocation of U.S. citizenship if convicted.

“It is alleged that this defendant shielded her past abuse of human rights and repeatedly lied during the immigration and citizenship processes to gain entry into this country and become a U.S. citizen,” said U.S. Attorney Vanessa Roberts Avery for the District of Connecticut. “I thank our investigative partners both here and in Bosnia and Herzegovina for ignoring the passage of time to ensure that justice is done.”

According to a press release from the DOJ, the FBI is investigating the case, with coordination provided by the Department of Homeland Security’s Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ Office of Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS), along with the FBI’s International Human Rights Unit.

The Justice Department thanked the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia, and the United Nations International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, which they said “were instrumental in furthering the investigation.”

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Kamala Harris Attacks Israel Over Hamas War: “Too Many Innocent Palestinians Have Been Killed”

Kamala Harris Attacks Israel Over Hamas War: “Too Many Innocent Palestinians Have Been Killed”


Kamala Harris attacked Israel over its conduct of the war with Hamas in Gaza in remarks made Saturday at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, saying, “too many innocent Palestinians have been killed.”

The criticism comes as the Biden administration is facing enormous political pressure by the Hamas wing of the Democratic Party with reports of Arab Muslims and progressives in swing states including Michigan saying they will not vote for Biden-Harris in the 2024 election because of the administration’s support for Israel. Biden went through a struggle session with Arab Muslims at the White House on October 26 in which he criticized himself for doubting the high number of Palestinian casualties in Gaza claimed by the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry: “I’m sorry. I’m disappointed in myself,” he told the group, according to two people familiar with the meeting. “I will do better.” (via the Washington Post)

Harris began her remarks with a recitation of the horrors of the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas and support for Israel’s right to defend itself, noting that Americans were killed and are still being held hostage. Harris praised the release of about half the hostages held by Hamas that was facilitated by the now ended ceasefire agreement. Harris went on to differentiate the Palestinians in Gaza from Hamas and then blasted Israel for its conduct of the war.

“Let me be also very clear as I have said before. We cannot conflate Hamas with the Palestinian people. Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization. Hamas has vowed to repeat October 7 until Israel is annihilated. No nation could possible live with such danger, which is why we support Israel’s legitimate military objectives to eliminate the threat of Hamas. President Biden and I have also been clear with the Israeli government in public and in private many times: As Israel defends itself, it matters how. The United States is unequivocal: International humanitarian law must be respected. Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. Frankly, the scale of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming from Gaza are devastating. I have spoken with members of the Palestinian, Arab and Muslim communities of America, including those who have lost loved ones in Gaza and American citizens who were injured and evacuated from Gaza. It is truly heartbreaking. As Israel pursues its military objectives in Gaza, we believe Israel must do more to protect innocent civilians.”

Transcribed by TGP.

Harris followed with the Biden administration’s “five principles for post-conflict Gaza”, mostly focused on Israel: “No forcible displacement, no re-occupation, no siege or blockade, no reduction in territory and no use of Gaza as a platform for terrorism.”

Harris also called for the international community to fund the reconstruction of Gaza and for the Palestinian Authority to assume security for Gaza and to eventually govern Gaza and the West Bank.

Harris said that when the conflict ends Hamas must not control Gaza and Israel must be secure.

Video of Harris’ remarks:

Happening Now: I am giving remarks on the conflict between Israel and Hamas. https://t.co/SZRMRCwcvx

— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) December 2, 2023

Israel has for years worked to minimize civilian casualties in Gaza by giving evacuation warnings of targeted buildings and in this conflict by posting and airdropping warnings with maps of safe passages and territories. on December 1 after Hamas broke the ceasefire, The Israel Defense Forces dropped leaflets on Gaza and posted an interactive map for residents of Gaza:

IDF drops leaflets urging residents in the Khan Yunis area to move south to Rafah. pic.twitter.com/Dc1yTSoheb

— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) December 1, 2023

The IDF has published an interactive map splitting the Gaza Strip into hundreds of small zones, which it will use to notify Palestinian civilians of active combat zones.https://t.co/rAJdkMRcze pic.twitter.com/rmhAj50sYH

— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) December 1, 2023

IDF statement on the map posted December 1 (translated):

Dear residents of Gaza

Please pay attention and check this map. Anyone who sees the block number in which he lives or is near it must track and follow the instructions of the IDF through various media outlets and obey them.

Residents of Gaza! It is a safe way to preserve your safety, your lives, and the lives of your families.

Since the beginning of the war in Gaza against the Hamas terrorist organization, it has been using the residents of the Gaza Strip as human shields, planting its headquarters and military infrastructure in their residential areas, hospitals, mosques, and schools, converting civilian sites to military targets, in violation of the international law on the rules of war, which explicitly stipulates that civilians should not be used as human shields. The IDF takes all possible precautions to avoid causing loss of civilian life or injury, adopting all available means. Therefore, it always sends messages to the residents of Gaza by asking them to evacuate the targeted areas that constitute the target of the army’s activities, and directing them in all possible ways, including; Publish a map that includes a list of blocks with their numbers as a means of knowledge that the residents of Gaza rely on as information and news to avoid harm and preserve their lives.
In the published map, the numbers of the blocks in Gaza appear, with a clear call to dear residents of Gaza! Please pay attention and check this map. Anyone who sees the block number in which he lives or is near it must track and follow the instructions of the IDF through various media outlets and obey them.

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Christian Family Forcibly Removed from Home at Gun Point, Handcuffed and Locked in Van After FBI Allegedly “Goaded” 15-Year-Old Son into Posting Controversial Memes

Christian Family Forcibly Removed from Home at Gun Point, Handcuffed and Locked in Van After FBI Allegedly “Goaded” 15-Year-Old Son into Posting Controversial Memes


Rufini Family/GiveSendGo

The Rufini family’s peaceful life was shattered when a late-night FBI operation saw them hauled at gunpoint from their home and detained in a van while agents combed their house for evidence of what was presumed to be a potential violent plot by their 15-year-old son, who was a volunteer firefighter and an altar boy, American Greatness reported.

Jeremiah Rufini, the father, detailed their plight in a now-unavailable GiveSendGo fundraising page, illustrating the profound impact of this investigation on their family life and finances.

According to the unpublished fundraising page, the Rufinis had been grappling with unexpected legal fees resulting from an “aggressive investigation” into their son, who was convicted on a minor misdemeanor and placed on juvenile probation for breach of peace.

Rufini wrote:

“Our family has unexpectedly incurred very substantial (for us) legal expenses as the result of an aggressive investigation against our fifteen year-old son for posting offensive memes in a private group chat.

“While the investigation resulted in juvenile probation and a minor misdemeanor conviction for breach of peace, our home was raided by the FBI and we were forced to come up with thousands of dollars in non-refundable bail money and legal fees. We are a working class family that lives paycheck-to-paycheck and bankruptcy is a near certainty. It will be a struggle to keep our home without help.”

According to Rufini, the family’s challenges began when their home-schooled son was left to care for his cancer-stricken grandfather. During this period, the boy, lacking a cell phone or unrestricted internet access until then, was given a phone for communication purposes.

The boy’s interest in history and theology led him to online group chats, and he was “recruited” into chat groups “targeting teenage traditionalist Catholics with extreme political content.”

Unknown to the Rufinis, these group chats were under close surveillance by the FBI, part of a broader investigation into Traditional Catholics triggered by the events of January 6th.

“None of our children, including my son, had been raised with cell phones or unrestricted internet access. It became necessary for him to have a phone so we could communicate while he was alone at my father’s house caring for my grandmother, and so we reluctantly allowed him to have a cell phone. He spent a lot of time alone with nothing to do but wait and think and the cell phone became a welcome distraction.

“His interests in history and theology led him down a rabbit hole where he was recruited into group chats targeting teenage traditionalist Catholics with extreme political content. We later learned that these chats were being closely monitored, and possibly operated by, FBI agents as part of an effort to investigate Traditional Catholics that was downstream of a broader domestic investigation spurred by the events of January 6th.”

As Gateway Pundit reported in April, Chris Wray’s FBI is now infiltrating Catholic parishes. The FBI agents are engaging in outreach to Catholic leaders to spy on Americans practicing their Christian faith.

Chris Wray’s FBI sent out a memo warning agents of the dangerous ‘radical traditionalist Catholic ideology’ that was gaining popularity in the country. The memo was posted at UncoverDC.com by former FBI special agent Kyle Seraphin.

#BREAKING: We now know the FBI, relying on information derived from at least one employee, sought to use local religious organizations as “new avenues for tripwire and source development.” pic.twitter.com/97veIGtvq4

— Weaponization Committee (@Weaponization) April 10, 2023

According to Rufini, his son’s online interactions spiraled into a scenario where the FBI suspected him of preparing for a violent act – a suspicion that ultimately yielded no evidence.

This suspected preparation allegedly included being encouraged by chat group members to photograph firearms legally owned by a family member and adopt other provocative behaviors.

When the teenager ceased his social media activity abruptly, the FBI interpreted this as a sign of a move towards executing a violent plot.

“My son is very stoic so we had no idea any of this was occurring. He dutifully assisted my father during the day and went home in the evening while I took over at my father’s house. Unbeknownst to us, he was being drawn deeper and deeper into these chat groups and goaded into doing things like take pictures of himself in public wearing ski masks and to print out memes and leave them on picnic tables.

“They would ask him if he had access to guns (he would go target shooting under the supervision of my brother, who lived in an in-law apartment at our home and owned firearms) and encourage him to sneak photographs of the guns and post them. Ironically, our legal troubles began when he had an attack of conscience and abruptly deleted all of his chat apps. He later told us that he felt using social media was a coping mechanism and it had been affecting his mood and ability to sleep.

“The FBI panicked and made the assumption that he must have connected to a terror cell in real life and “gone dark” ahead of some potential violent act.

“There was no such plan and they had no evidence of one, but it didn’t stop them from spending two weeks fabricating a legal pretense for a search warrant of our home.”

As described by his father, aggressive tactics deployed by the FBI escalated to a harrowing night in which the family was extracted from their home at gunpoint, handcuffed, and locked in a van. Despite extensive searches and interrogations, no evidence supporting the feared violent conspiracy surfaced.

However, this operation, based on unproven suspicions, resulted in the confiscation of firearms and the son’s hospitalization under mental health pretenses. Given his active and charitable lifestyle, Jeremiah laments the disproportionate response to his son’s misjudgment.

At 10:00pm on a Sunday evening we were dragged out of our home at gunpoint, handcuffed and locked in a van while they searched our home for evidence of this imagined plot. Having found no such evidence, they seized my brother’s firearms and had my son hospitalized on mental health pretenses.

We didn’t learn until that night the scope of the investigation or the amount of time and resources expended on my son. We know him to be a kind and conscientious boy who is active in his community and church. He is a volunteer firefighter and altar boy. He said some things we aren’t very happy with and showed a severe lack of judgement in his associations but the response seemed very disproportionate.

It soon became clear that there was no grand conspiracy or imminent danger, and the FBI’s interest waned. However, the family remained mired in the aftermath. A Department of Children and Families (DCF) investigation ensued, leading to months of daily appointments. The state brought criminal charges against the son, which were eventually dropped, but not before a prolonged and costly legal battle.

“When his charges were disposed of, my brother and I were charged for allowing my son to target shoot based on the assumption that we must have somehow known that he was involved in political extremism online. It seems unlikely to amount to much but has cost us over $20,000 we don’t have so far.

“I have been reluctant to seek help but the threat of losing our home has become very real. I work with the homeless for a faith-based non-profit organization, and my brother manages a family owned butcher shop. My wife stays at home and home schools our younger children while managing a small homestead. We are paying legal bills by not paying other bills.

“Our credit is extended as far as it can go so our kids can have Christmas. The mortgage is a few weeks behind and we have zero breathing room for any unexpected expenses at this point. Our son is racked with guilt and believes himself to be at fault for our dire financial straits. While it is very humbling for me as someone who has always provided for others to ask for help, I know it is sometimes necessary and for us that time has come.”

The Rufini family had already raised over $ 29,872 after setting a goal of $22,000 before it went unpublished.

The family’s turn to the community for support, however, has been met with skepticism, fueled by previous convictions of the father, Jeremiah Rufini.

Rod Dreher published excerpts from Jeremiah’s arrest warrant on his Substack to raise questions about the family’s plea. The arrest warrant details reveal an accusation against Jeremiah for enabling firearm access to his son.

“I’m going to make public most of the arrest warrant for the kid’s father, [Jeremiah] Rufini, which is not under seal. The FBI and the Connecticut State Police charged the father, a convicted felon, with having firearms in the house where his son could get to them. That seems like an aggressive move, and I don’t necessarily endorse it. I am posting these details below, though, because they detail what the boy (unnamed) is accused of having done,” Dreher wrote.

According to page 3 of the 5-page affidavit, “FBI New Haven determined that Juvenile #1 also resides at the above address with Jeremiah Michael Rufini, W/ M DoB: 03/08/81. Jeremiah Rufini has convictions in the State of Connecticut for multiple felonies including Kidnapping, Robbery and Burglary. That based on Jeremiah Rufini’s felony convictions, he is prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition. Jeremiah was assessed by the FBI to be the father of Juvenile #1. Also determined to live at the residence with Juvenile #1 and Jeremiah is another possible relative, Jesse Rufini W/M DoB: 09/05/82. Jesse has no criminal history and is a licensed Connecticut Pistol Permit holder. A review of Jesse’s firearms registry shows that he has two (2) registered long guns, as well as six (6) recent firearms purchases including additional long guns and an “other” firearm. Jesse Rufini was assessed by the FBI to be the uncle of Juvenile #1.”

Below are the excerpts from the arrest warrant obtained by Dreher:

Screenshot: Rod Dreher
Screenshot: Rod Dreher
Screenshot: Rod Dreher
Screenshot: Rod Dreher
Screenshot: Rod Dreher
Screenshot: Rod Dreher
Screenshot: Rod Dreher

According to Catholic Vote, this situation is not an isolated incident. There have been previous instances where the FBI has been accused of “grooming” a teenage boy to engage in radical activities, only to arrest him later.

In June, 18-year-old Mateo Ventura was arrested “on charges he allegedly ran a gift-card reselling scheme aimed at raising money for the foreign terrorist organization ISIS,” Boston 25 News (a FOX affiliate) reported.

However, one week later, the left-wing news source The Intercept revealed that “according to the government’s own criminal complaint,” the Massachusetts teen “had never actually funded any terrorist group.”

Screenshot: The Intercept

The post Christian Family Forcibly Removed from Home at Gun Point, Handcuffed and Locked in Van After FBI Allegedly “Goaded” 15-Year-Old Son into Posting Controversial Memes appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.