Trump Says He’s ‘Honored’ to Have Black Lives Matter Leader’s Endorsement

Trump Says He’s ‘Honored’ to Have Black Lives Matter Leader’s Endorsement


Former President Donald Trump has responded to Black Lives Matter Rhode Island leader Mark Fisher saying that he has endorsed him because the “Democratic Party is not for us.”

Fisher appeared on Fox & Friends on Tuesday to discuss why he has chosen to support Trump over President Joe Biden.

NEW: Black Lives Matter Rhode Island co-founder Mark Fisher is supporting Donald Trump for the 2024 election because Democrats are “not for us.”

Didn’t see that one coming

“We’re not stupid. The brothers are not stupid. We understand when someone’s for us and when someone…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 28, 2023

“This is my favorite story of the day because it identifies what I have seen in the barbershop. All the brothers, for some reason right now are turning tides right now. I just wonder what is the big reason?” Fox & Friends co-host Lawrence Jones asked.

Fisher replied, “I think personally it’s the duplicity of the Democrats, the hypocrisy. We are not stupid. The brothers are not stupid. We understand when someone is for us and when someone is not. It’s obvious that the Democratic Party is not for us. Their policies actually strike at the heart of the black family and nuclear family.”

“A lot of people are misinformed,” Fisher continued. “They don’t understand because they don’t educate themselves on Donald Trump as a person and his history. But, if they do that and it’s going to take, you know, leaders, educating leaders to get the word out there. I think it will happen on its own. It will be organic because personally, I love the man. How could you as like a real man, how could you not relate to someone like that?”

Trump responded to Fisher’s interview in a post on Truth Social Wednesday.

“Spoke with Mark Fisher yesterday, a great guy, very honored to have his and BLM’s support,” Trump wrote. “I have done more for Black people than any other President (Lincoln?), including 10 year funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, where they had none, Opportunity Zones, Criminal Justice Reform, and much more. Thank you to Mark!”

The national umbrella Black Lives Matter organization has not endorsed Trump.

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Joe Rogan Calls Out Democrats for ‘Banana Republic’ Tactics of Going After Trump in 2024: ‘They Have No Cards’ (VIDEO)

Joe Rogan Calls Out Democrats for ‘Banana Republic’ Tactics of Going After Trump in 2024: ‘They Have No Cards’ (VIDEO)


During a recent episode of his podcast, Joe Rogan called out the Democrats for using lawfare to attack Trump heading into the 2024 election.

Rogan correctly says that the Democrats have no cards and that they’re relying on nothing more than this and hoping for voter turnout.

The clip begins with him criticizing the city of San Francisco for cleaning up for Chinese dictator Xi.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

JOE ROGAN: I think at this point they kind of have to run [Biden] unless he dies. We have one year now, we’re in late November, we have less than on year. What are they going to do? If Biden died tomorrow, what do they do with Kamala Harris? Put her on the moon? What are they going to do, she’s the vice president. If he dies, she becomes the president, which is fucking wild when you hear that lady talk…

I think they have no cards and they’re looking at this game and I think they’re depending upon party loyalty and they’re depending upon Trump getting convicted and arrested and imprisoned. I don’t know if that’s going to happen. I don’t think it is. It just seems like it’s a bunch of trumped-up charges, no pun intended…

It does make sense if you want to look at banana republic tactics, when you’re imprisoning and trying to convict your political opponents. The problem with that is, even if you think Donald Trump is a crook and should be arrested, this set a precedent for future president…

Watch the video below. Heads up – Lots of four-letter words:

Joe Rogan goes off on Democrats ahead of 2024: “They have no cards. They’re depending upon party loyalty and Trump getting convicted and imprisoned. It does make sense if you want to look at Banana Republic tactics.”

— TheBlaze (@theblaze) November 29, 2023

Democrats don’t care. They’ve made it very clear that they’ll do anything to cling to power.

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Keith Olbermann Quits Twitter in a Rage – Comes Back Less Than 24 Hours Later

Keith Olbermann Quits Twitter in a Rage – Comes Back Less Than 24 Hours Later


Former MSNBC host and current deranged podcaster Keith Olbermann rage-quit Twitter this week and lasted less than 24 hours before coming back.

This happens frequently on the left. Progressives can’t stand the fact that they no longer control Twitter, yet they can’t live without it.

When Olbermann returned, he even insisted that he never quit.

The Daily Caller reports:

The Dark Lord Returns: Olbermann Back On Twitter 24 Hours After He Quit ‘Antisemitic’ Platform

He’s back.

In an incredible, wildly unpredictable event (kidding, I predicted it just this morning), Keith Olbermann has returned to Twitter after making a grand proclamation that he’d stop posting on the platform.

Citing the apparently “antisemitic” Elon Musk’s flirtation with the Pizzagate conspiracy, Olbermann walked out in disgust, claiming, “I won’t be posting here anymore,” shortly after 1 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. But by 11 a.m. Wednesday morning the dark lord had returned, unable to resist for even one moment the opportunity to suck all of the air out of the room.

This particular time the hall-of-fame-level liberal bloviator just had to shoot a response to Republican Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert and her farewell message to him.

Here’s Keith announcing his departure from Twitter:

After Musk’s endorsement of the QAnon Pizzagate conspiracy theory, I won’t be posting here any more. There are a couple of prescheduled promos for the Podcast, the last runs ~10PM I’m on the other socials under my name or some variation of Countdown With KO/Keith Olbermann.

— Keith Olbermann’s X Ghost⌚️ (@KeithOlbermann) November 28, 2023

And here he is less than 24 hours later:

Get a grip on yourself @laurenboebert

Or, on some random stranger in the theater

— Keith Olbermann’s X Ghost⌚️ (@KeithOlbermann) November 29, 2023

Also, I’m sorry you can’t read but I never said I was leaving Twitter. I wrote I was no longer posting new material here except for dogs in need.

I never said anything about replies. Especially not to half-witted congresswomen who can’t…handle themselves in public.

— Keith Olbermann’s X Ghost⌚️ (@KeithOlbermann) November 29, 2023


— Damin Toell (@damintoell) November 29, 2023

Someone REALLY needs those 22 podcast views he gets from Twitter.

— Fuzzy Chimp (@fuzzychimpcom) November 29, 2023

You have to give Olbermann credit for one thing. He is the only person who ended up being too crazy for MSNBC.

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MIRACULOUS RESCUE: When All Machines Fail, Indian ‘Rat Miners’ Dig Non-Stop for 26 Hours WITH HAND TOOLS To Free 41 Workers Trapped in a Collapsed Tunnel

MIRACULOUS RESCUE: When All Machines Fail, Indian ‘Rat Miners’ Dig Non-Stop for 26 Hours WITH HAND TOOLS To Free 41 Workers Trapped in a Collapsed Tunnel


If you need a story to rekindle your love for our fellow human beings, you got one here.

I diligently avoided this story for days on end, I felt it was too horrific: 41 workers were trapped in a collapsed mountain tunnel in India, while frantic efforts were made to free them.

It is true that they had oxygen, and at some point even food was delivered to them. But the days went on and the attempts to free them failed, you ask yourself: how long can they last?

Finally, 17 days in, it arose that they were sending human diggers, called ‘rat hole miners’ to do the job. They are specialists in dealing with digging in perilous circumstances.

To everyone’s glad surprise and relief, the ‘rat miners’ came through, and saved every one of the 41 trapped workers.

So, now – of course – it’s my favorite story in the whole wide world.

The “rat hole” miners have said that the operation involved 26 hours of digging by hand (tools).

The Guardian reported:

“Munna Qureshi, 33, was the first of the 12-man team to break through a wall of rubble and lay eyes on the 41 workers who had been trapped in the collapsed tunnel in the Himalayan mountains since 12 November. It was his expertise in the method of rat hole mining, which involves making narrow tunnels underground in often high-risk settings, that had led to him and his team being called on for the rescue after a drill broke down.

‘It was a larger-than-life situation and we were driven by the passion to save the lives of people who work like us’, Qureshi said. ‘It became our mission to bring them back alive. We took this as a rare chance to get our work recognized. I feel that the purpose of my life has been fulfilled’.”

Rescued workers welcomed.

That’s what it means to RISE to the occasion. Qureshi said he hoped that the work laborers, hailed as heroes by the politicians, would lead to greater awareness about their value and the risks of their work.

In other words: India, PLEASE value your heroes.

Qureshi and his team usually lay sewers and pipes using the rat hole technique.

Sometimes the pay is just 500 rupees (£5) for 12 hours of work – potentially deprived of oxygen.

“The rescue operation was one of the largest in India’s history, involving multiple government agencies and the army, and it was closely followed by millions of people. A large drill managed to penetrate about 50 metres of the rubble and debris blocking the Silkyara tunnel entrance, and it was the efforts of Qureshi and his team using small hand drills and shovels that led to breaking through the final 12 metres of blockage.”

‘People pinned their hopes on to us and we could not let them down’, Qureshi said. ‘We faced many challenges: we had to cut through metal bars, drill through huge rocks, and we kept pushing further til we reached the end. When we saw the workers on the other side, they were overwhelmed. There was happiness on both sides. On the other side, the workers embraced us and showered us with love for saving their lives. We told them it was not us but God who wanted them to live’.”

The rescued workers were taken to a hospital in the state of Uttarakhand. They were in good spirits after 400 hours in the cut-off tunnel.

Arnold Dix at the Makeshift temple.

Hindustan Times reported:

“International tunneling expert Arnold Dix who was roped in for the Uttarkashi rescue operation on Wednesday said the mission witnessed a miracle and he would go to the temple as he had promised to say ‘thank you’ at the temple when the operation was going on. Hours later, Dix was seen offering his prayers at the temple of local deity Baba Bokh Naag ji.

Arnold Dix heads the Geneva-based International Tunnelling Underground Space Association and is also a geologist, an engineer and a lawyer. ‘It has been my honor as a parent to help out all parents in getting their children back home. Remember, I said in the beginning that 41 people would go home unhurt by Christmas. Christmas is coming early’, Dix said.

[…] Arnold Dix was seen praying at the makeshift temple at the rescue site on Tuesday when the breakthrough was just a matter of time with the rat miners manually digging the way out. The photo created a stir on social media with commentary on faith. ‘When science and technology meet faith. International tunnelling expert Arnold Dix joins a priest in praying for the safe evacuation of 41 workers trapped inside the Silkyara tunnel, in Uttarakhand’, BJP’s Amit Malviya wrote sharing the photo.”

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Biden Says That Prices Are Still Too High so Companies Should Just Lower Them

Biden Says That Prices Are Still Too High so Companies Should Just Lower Them


Joe Biden has apparently noticed that the price of everything is much higher on his watch than a few years ago. He is now asking sellers to just lower their prices.

As a viral commercial once said. That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

Companies don’t lower prices just because inflation is politically inconvenient for the president and his party.

Biden says prices ‘too high,’ asks sellers to lower them after 18% inflation

— New York Post (@nypost) November 27, 2023

From the New York Post:

Biden admits prices ‘too high’ but blames sellers for 18% inflation

President Biden acknowledged Monday that prices are still “too high” and argued that companies should lower them after an 18% jump in consumer costs since he took office.

“We know that prices are still too high for too many things — that times are still too tough for too many families,” the 81-year-old said near the White House.

“We’ve made progress, but we have more work to do,” Biden added. “Let me be clear to any corporation has not brought their prices back down, even as inflation has come down, even supply chains have been rebuilt: It’s time to stop the price gouging and give the American consumer a break.”

The prices of some goods, such as food products, are expected to decline in the coming months, but periods of general deflation are rare in US history.

Biden previously used his bully pulpit to try to pressure oil companies to take action to lower gas prices last year.

Is it too late for Biden to take a basic economics course?

Joe thinks businesses should just
willingly take losses on sales to offset the impact of inflation he helped create?

This, after he just spent his Thanksgiving holiday at his billionaire donor’s coastal mansion? Must be nice!

— Kelkat (@Tweetytweeter63) November 27, 2023

Just last week, he was bragging about lowering prices.

Folks, no matter where you’re headed this holiday season, you’ll be heading there for less.

Gas prices are down $1.70 from their peak, airfares are down 13%, and car rental prices are down about 10%.

And we’re not done taking action to get those prices down even more.

— President Biden (@POTUS) November 22, 2023

Nothing about this administration makes sense.

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