Today’s Democrat Party: Watch Numerous Oakland Residents Defend Hamas Jew Killers at This Week’s City Council Meeting – VIDEO

Today’s Democrat Party: Watch Numerous Oakland Residents Defend Hamas Jew Killers at This Week’s City Council Meeting – VIDEO


Hamas slaughtered 1,400 Israeli civilians, service members and foreigners in an October 7, 2023, surprise attack in southern Israel.

The terror group also took at least 240 Jews and foreigners hostage.

Israel released photos of dozens of young beautiful women who went missing following the historic Hamas attack on Israel.

Hamas reportedly launched over 5,000 missiles into southern and central Israel. Over 1,300 Israelis were killed, and over 1,000 were hospitalized following the massive assault inside Israel.

Hundreds of Israelis were attending a dance party, also described as a peace party, in the desert near the border when Hamas launched its attack.

Chaos erupted after Hamas reportedly opened fire on the gathering. Hundreds of Israelis ran into the desert to hide.

Several of the women who attended the party are still missing after they were taken to Gaza.

40 young women are pictured as missing.

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In the past week Hamas has released 59 hostages including 36 Israeli hostages and 12 Thai hostages.

Earlier this week the Oakland City Council voted on a resolution to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

An Oakland city council member tried to insert language condemning Hamas.

This did not go over well.

Several leftists, one after another, took turns going to the lecturn and defending the Hamas mass murderers.

Via Yashar Ali.

Last night the Oakland City Council voted on a resolution to call for a ceasefire.

A city council member tried to insert language condemning Hamas.

This was the reaction…

— Yashar Ali (@yashar) November 28, 2023

For those of you who missed this earlier – The Gateway Pundit documented the wicked mass murder of the Hamas barbarians.

THIS is what the people of Oakland are defending.

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Just in Time for Election: ‘Charlatan’ Dr. Peter Hotez Now Claims that Experts Are Predicting ‘Disease X’ is Coming Which Will Be ’20 Times’ Worse than COVID-19

Just in Time for Election: ‘Charlatan’ Dr. Peter Hotez Now Claims that Experts Are Predicting ‘Disease X’ is Coming Which Will Be ’20 Times’ Worse than COVID-19

 Dr. Peter Hotez at his Baylor office in Houston on Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021. (Texas Children’s Global Health)

Vaccine promoter Dr. Peter Hotez made headlines last June for refusing to debate author, activist, presidential candidate, and attorney Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Rather than accept the challenge, Hotez lashed out at both Robert Kennedy Jr. and Joe Rogan, who invited the two to debate the facts on his show.

Hotez refused and smeared Robert Kennedy, Jr. instead. Hotez actually said, “Science is not something that is typically debated.”  What a fraud.

Now, the ‘charlatan’ doctor claimed that ‘Disease X’ is coming, which will be worse than COVID-19.

“So I am very worried that we as a nation, haven’t made that commitment to really fully protect the American people,” Hotez told FOX 26.

“We have a likelihood that new pandemic threats that people call them disease x are going to be rising on a regular basis.”

“COVID-19 is just the warm-up act. The next pandemic may not be as severe, but it could be much more severe,” he added.


Dr. Peter Hotez Says Experts Are Predicting ‘Disease X’ is Coming Which Will Be Worse Than COVID-19

“We have a likelihood that new pandemic threats that people call ‘Disease X’ are going to be arising on a regular basis…I wrote for the Houston Chronicle a couple of months…

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) November 29, 2023

“Disease X” is a placeholder name that was adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in February 2018 on their shortlist of blueprint priority diseases to represent a hypothetical, unknown pathogen that could cause a future epidemic. It is a potential disease that could cause a global pandemic, and scientists are working to identify and prepare for it.

The WHO does not know what Disease X is, or what it could look like, but they are concerned that it could arise at any time.

Livemint reported:

Health experts are sounding the alarm about “Disease X,” a term coined by the World Health Organization. They warn that this potential new pandemic has the capacity to result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus. The COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020 and has tragically claimed the lives of over 2.5 million people worldwide.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Kate Bingham, who served as the chair of the UK’s Vaccine Taskforce from May to December 2020, expressed her belief that Disease X is expected to be considerably more perilous than COVID-19.

up to 50 million fatalities. “Let me put it this way: the 1918-19 flu pandemic killed at least 50 million people worldwide, twice as many as were killed in World War I. Today, we could expect a similar death toll from one of the many viruses that already exist,” she told the Daily Mail.

In response to Disease X, Bingham asserted, “the world will have to prepare for mass vaccination drives and deliver the doses in record time.”

She disclosed that while scientists have identified 25 virus families encompassing thousands of individual viruses, she holds the view that there are millions of viruses yet to be discovered, and these have the potential to evolve into pandemics.

Meanwhile, an unexplained pneumonia-like sickness is reportedly swiftly spreading through schools in China, leading to a surge of hospitalizations of children.

Over the past few weeks, numerous schools in China, predominantly in Beijing and Liaoning province, have reported a rapid increase in children presenting with severe symptoms. These symptoms, including high fever and lung inflammation, are eerily similar to those of pneumonia, Daily Mail reported.

However, what sets this illness apart is the lack of common respiratory symptoms like coughing. This unique symptom profile has led health professionals to label this as an “undiagnosed pneumonia.”

Note that this peculiar symptomatology has reportedly baffled health professionals, who are struggling to categorize and understand this new illness.

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it has requested information from China regarding the increase in cases of respiratory diseases and clusters of pneumonia among children.

How convenient. Just in time for the election.

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What Supreme Court Ruling? Joe Biden Emails 800,000 Borrowers About Student Loan Debt Relief to Buy Their Votes Next Year

What Supreme Court Ruling? Joe Biden Emails 800,000 Borrowers About Student Loan Debt Relief to Buy Their Votes Next Year


The Biden regime is not letting the Constitution get in the way of buying off young voters who have soured on him.

Axios reported that Joe Biden sent an email Tuesday afternoon informing more than 800,000 student loan borrowers about student loan debt relief. This means the so-called president has forgiven $127 billion in student loan debt for 3.5 million borrowers so far.

As the Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila previously reported, Biden had unilaterally canceled over $400 billion in student loans, which turns out to be up to $10,000 in student debt for borrowers who earn $125,000 a year or less and up to $20,000 for recipients of Pell Grants. His scheme was rejected by the Supreme Court.

According to Axios, here is what the email states:

I hope this relief gives you a little more breathing room.

I’ve heard from countless people who have told me that relieving the burden of student loan debt will allow them to support themselves and their families, or move forward with life plans they’ve put on hold.

I’m proud that we were able to give borrowers like you the relief you earned. I promise you that as long as I am President, I will never stop fighting for hardworking American families.”

A White House spokesperson said Tuesday following the announcement: “The president is committed to fighting for hardworking American families, making sure we get them a little more breathing room, and allowing them to support themselves and their families.”

Biden’s email also requests that recipients share how the bailout will impact them. He then blames “errors and administrative failures” for the shortcomings of the student loan forgiveness process.

Axios notes the students who received this email were those who were not credited for student loan payments that should have given them forgiveness or people placed into forbearance by loan servicers who violated Department of Education policies. Laila reported back in October that the Department of Education withheld $7.2 million from the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority over billing statement errors that affected 800,000 borrowers.

Suppose this action by Biden is not stopped; what will prevent him from pursuing even more damaging political activities, such as declaring a “climate emergency” to shut down oil and gas drilling across America?

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Biden So Disliked Even the Least Popular American Governor Polls Better Than Him

Biden So Disliked Even the Least Popular American Governor Polls Better Than Him


President Joe Biden — the establishment’s installed puppet — has presided over a comical, catastrophic and tyrannical administration. And people have noticed.

According to The Hill, Monday’s Morning Consult poll showed Biden with approval numbers substantially lower than those of the least popular state governor.

Republican Gov. Tate Reeves of Mississippi earned a 45 percent approval rating. By contrast, Biden checked in at a dismal 38 percent approval.

On the negative side, too, Biden crushed the competition. The president’s 55 percent disapproval rating easily outpaced Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds of Iowa, who scored identical approval and disapproval ratings of 48 percent.

Earlier this month, Reynolds endorsed Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida for the party’s presidential nomination. As recently as 2022, rumors swirled that perhaps former President Donald Trump would select Reynolds as his 2024 running mate.

In at least one respect, the Morning Consult poll should strike us as depressing. It shows, for instance, that when it comes to evaluating state governors, party affiliation makes a big difference.

How else could we explain the fact that Democratic Gov. Josh Green of deep-blue Hawaii was rated as the nation’s 3rd-most popular governor at 66 percent approval? In the wake of government failures at all levels during and after the Aug. 8 Maui wildfire, that approval rating seems almost impossible.

As for Biden, the Morning Consult poll hardly qualified as an outlier. According to the RealClearPolitics average of polls for the period between Nov. 1 and Nov. 27, the president has earned a 55.3 percent disapproval rating compared to only 40.7 percent approval.

Meanwhile, in the 2024 presidential race, recent polls have shown Biden trailing Trump both nationwide and in presumed battleground states.

On the whole, though Biden’s popularity has clearly diminished over time, one hardly knows what to make of these polls.

After all, the Biden administration has no precedent in U.S. history.

On one hand, no president has ever exhibited such obvious cognitive decline coupled with inability to perform basic tasks. Biden has often struggled, for instance, with climbing stairs, forming coherent sentences and finding his way off stage. In any other role besides that of a corrupt and ineffectual world leader, he would command sympathy rather than mockery.

On the other hand, no president has presided over anything comparable to the disastrous 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal. Nor has any administration orchestrated a more brazen money-laundering operation than the Ukraine War. Even with that operation seemingly winding down for the moment, World War III has never seemed likelier than it does now under Biden.

And, of course, no U.S. president has ever attempted to throw his leading rival in prison. Nor has any administration ever treated its political opponents as domestic terrorists.

Indeed, Biden has managed to combine the seemingly irreconcilable qualities of dictator and buffoon. His approval rating should be near zero.

Alas, 40 percent of poll respondents seem not to have noticed. Or, those respondents have noticed and, in fact, have approved of both the incompetence and the tyranny.

Happily, 55 percent have noticed and do not approve, so hope remains.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Biden So Disliked Even the Least Popular American Governor Polls Better Than Him appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Judge Rules on Transgender Lawmaker’s Suit Against State House

Judge Rules on Transgender Lawmaker’s Suit Against State House

 Rep. Zooey Zephyr
Credit: Montana Freedom Caucus

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

Activists had called for representatives to ‘see blood on your hands’

A judge has ruled the Montana state House of Representatives has the right to discipline members as it chooses.

And he’s thrown out a lawsuit by Zooey Zephyr, a transgender Democrat who sued over a House decision to punish him.

A report in the Washington Times revealed Montana District Court Judge Mike Menahan has granted the state’s request to dismiss the lawsuit Zephyr filed accusing the House of violating his rights.

Menahan, a Democrat and former member of the House, said in his 10-page order, “Article V, Section 10 of the Montana Constitution provides the Legislature the authority to discipline its members.”

Zephyr was censured last April for violating House rules and decorum “after holding up a disconnected microphone on the House floor in support of gallery protesters,” the report said.

Demonstrators were arrested at the time.

The judge said, “The censure limited Zephyr to voting remotely on pending legislation for the remainder of the legislative session.”

In the House at the time was legislation that would protect children from gender-transition drugs and surgeries that can leave them mutilated, and sterile, for life.

Zephyer, a male who “transitioned” to female in 2018, scolded other representatives with, “If you vote yes on this bill and yes on these amendments, I hope the next time there’s an invocation, when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands.”

The judge also noted that the lawsuit became moot when the legislature adjourned May 2.

“The court cannot grant effective relief in this matter because there is no longer a ‘live’ controversy. Because of the fact specific nature of plaintiffs’ claims, no mootness exception applies. Without a justiciable issue, this court may not hear plaintiffs’ case.”

WND reported when Menahan ruled months ago that the legislature’s decision would stand.

Zephyr, whose original name was Zachary Raasch, had launched a verbal attack against Republican lawmakers as they were voting on one LGBT agenda point.

His privilege to be on the floor of House, and speak, was suspended by a House vote then, and later, after appearing to lead an “insurrection” by his supporters in the House chamber, he sued.

The House censure vote found Zephyr had “violated the rules, collective rights, safety, dignity, integrity, or decorum of the House of Representatives.”

The Republican Party of Montana is refusing to allow me—a transgender Representative—to speak on any bill. This is fundamentally undemocratic.

My light is on, and I am ready to speak on behalf of the constituents who elected me to do so.

— Rep. Zooey Zephyr (@ZoAndBehold) April 20, 2023

Rep Zooey Zephyr of Missoula said the following when debating SB99 Amendments.

“The only thing I will say is if you vote yes on this bill and yes on these amendments I hope the next time there’s an invocation when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands.”

— Montana Freedom Caucus (@MTFreedomCaucus) April 18, 2023

The post Judge Rules on Transgender Lawmaker’s Suit Against State House appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.