Baltimore Mayor Announces millions in Black-Only Arts Funding, includes Black Leaders Wax Museum, Comptroller says City is Broke

Baltimore Mayor Announces millions in Black-Only Arts Funding, includes Black Leaders Wax Museum, Comptroller says City is Broke


Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott says too much money goes to white-run arts groups, so instead he is giving $3.6 million in city-directed funds to blacks-only arts groups.

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott (D)

“For too long, public dollars have simply just gone to the big names and the big players in town,” Mayor Scott said. “And dare I say, I know my staff is going to hate this, the big names and big players in town that just happen to be White-ran organizations in Baltimore.”

Not only is the Baltimore mayor clearly giving away funds in an illegal way, discriminating against all other races in how he gives out taxpayer money, but he’s also wrong about there being white-run arts museums in his own city, including for art museums he sits on the board for.

Scott is awarding the “Diversity in Arts” grants funded by federal COVID-19 relief dollars. Capital grant recipients include the The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum and the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History and Culture.

The National Great Blacks Wax Museum has a wide array of statues from all stages of black history, and is receiving $250,000 in taxpayer funds. It received $2 million in federal funds last year. It reports having 150,000 annual visitors.

The Lewis museum claims to have over 10,000 items in its collection. It reported 15,000 general admission visitors in its 2023 annual report.

The art museums that did not receive the Mayor’s funding, include the three most prominent museums in the Charm City such as the Baltimore Museum of Art and the Walters Art Museum and the American Visionaries Art Museum.

But none of those three appear to be hostile to black art, black leadership, or are especially white-run, in contrast to the Mayor’s statements.

The Baltimore Museum of Art’s Director is Asma Naeem, who is Pakistani as noted in the press release announcing her appointment.

Baltimore Museum of Art Director Asma Naeem

The Mayor’s comments about Baltimore’s art museums being white-run as it relates to the Walters Art Museum are even more out-of-touch with reality though. Oddly, Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott sits as a trustee on the Walters Art Museum’s leadership board. As well, the Chair of the Board is Guy Flynn, is black.

Baltimore attorney and Chair of the Walters Art Museum, Guy Flynn

The third traditional Baltimore art museum, the American Visionary Art Museum was, until very recently, similarly led by a black woman, Jenenne Whitfield. Whitfield was the director of the museum from March 2022 through September 21, 2023, because of unstated creative differences with the organization’s board of directors. The museum’s co-founder Rebecca Alban Hoffberger is currently serving as an interim until they can find a permanent replacement.

Jenenne Whitfield, former director of the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore

So the motivation as stated by the Mayor to fund all-black art outlets at the expense of the more traditional art museums in Baltimore because they were all white-run, appears to be wholly false.

National Public Radio has previously said that criticism of the Baltimore Mayor was racist, no matter the terms used.

Mayor Scott is in a tough Democrat primary, for a primary election being held on May 14th. There are four leading challengers for the nomination, and while Scott is the favorite there are strong contenders.

Whomever prevails faces a tough budget because of the prior spending priorities, such as spending millions of dollars on art projects. Because of increased education payments, the City’s Comptroller Bill Henry says that the 2025 Fiscal Year budget may prove impossible to draft, pass, and reconcile.

“We’re now paying almost twice what we were paying several years ago in terms of local contribution to the school system, which is good for the schools. And it’s not like the kids don’t need the additional resources. It’s just that that puts an incredible challenge on local government to continue to provide all of the other services that people expect from city government,” Henry said.

Baltimore is the largest city in Maryland, with an estimated 575,000 citizens. The city’s annual budget is $3.47 billion. The racial demographics of the city are roughly 62% black, and 32% white.

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New York Home Depot Hires Guard Dogs to Protect Customers From Migrant Grifters

New York Home Depot Hires Guard Dogs to Protect Customers From Migrant Grifters


A New York Home Depot has gone to extreme lengths to protect its customers from the state’s increased problem with lawlessness.

According to The New York Post, the store in Rochelle, New York has employed a guard dog and private security to try and solve the issue, which continues to grow worse as the Biden regime continues to allow millions of people cross into the country every year.

The Post reports:

Two men wearing MSA Security caps and bulletproof vests with a German Shepherd in tow patrolled the Home Depot in New Rochelle on Tuesday.

“It’s more about omnipresence,” one guard said, explaining that the company was contracted a few weeks ago. “It’s not like we let them go bite anyone or anything.”

The guarded New Rochelle lot was quiet and no migrants loitered there when The Post visited this week, however, seven miles away in Throggs Neck, The Bronx, at least 30 male migrants hovered at the doors of Home Depot.

Some were day laborers simply trying to “shape” for work with local contractors. But many others aggressively confronted shoppers, trying to sell them phony Apple Airpods or soliciting tips for lifting items from shopping carts into cars — even when uninvited.

The Post also spoke to some of the customers and wokrers who have to deal with the unwelcome attention:

“You come out and you’re a woman by yourself, they literally leech onto your wagon, and you’re like ‘No, I don’t need any help,’” one worker said. “And when they’re following you to your car, it’s unnerving.”

She said a female supervisor saw one of the men washing his privates with a water bottle in the lot, and that several women have called customer service to complain that migrants robbed them of purses or phones. She’s seen the number of grifters in the lot swell as the migrant population in New York City explodes.

Customers frequently complain about the crush of migrants, said LaurieAnn Masciocco, who works in the store’s customer service department.

“It’s come to the point where they’re invading personal space, touching people’s belongings, just harassing,” she said. “I get it, you’re trying to make a buck. But when it becomes aggressive and harassing there’s a major issue.”

“While we can’t go into specifics about our security measures, it’s not unusual for us to use third-party security at various stores across the country,” a spokesperson for Home Depot said.

Such unpleasant experiences are now part and parcel of living in New York, where Democratic authorities continue to pay for the lifestyles of illegal aliens and provide them “sanctuary” from deportation.

New York City Mayor has repeatedly warned that the issue of mass immigration will “destroy” New York City, although continues to endorse the open-border policies of the Biden regime.


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University of Texas Forced to Lay Off 60 DEI Employees as State Law Takes Effect

University of Texas Forced to Lay Off 60 DEI Employees as State Law Takes Effect

 Credit: Getty

The University of Texas at Austin has been forced to lay off 60 employees focused on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) following the passage of Senate Bill 17 earlier this year.

The Austin American-Statesman reports that after State Sen. Brandon Creighton warned Texas universities about the state’s expectations for higher education institutions to comply with the new law, the University of Texas has made a brutal series of layoffs:

UT has not confirmed to the American-Statesman the number of staff positions that have been eliminated or how many employees will be laid off, but on Tuesday afternoon, a person with knowledge of the terminations said at least 60 people have lost their jobs, 40 of them in the Division of Campus and Community Engagement alone. The layoffs are effective in 90 days or more, people familiar with the terminations told the Statesman. UT did not respond to a Statesman request for comment.

UT is also closing the Division of Campus and Community Engagement, previously known as the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement. President Jay Hartzell said in an email to the UT community on Tuesday afternoon, which was obtained by the Statesman, that though the school made changes before Jan. 1 to comply with SB 17, “we knew that more work would be required to utilize our talent and resources most effectively in support of our teaching and research missions, and ultimately, our students.”

In his email, Hartzell said that the university would be using its additional resources to improve its teaching and research.

“The new law has changed the scope of some programs on campus, making them broader and creating duplication with long-standing existing programs supporting students, faculty, and staff,” Hartzell said.

“Following those reviews, we have concluded that additional measures are necessary to reduce overlaps, streamline student-facing portfolios, and optimize and redirect resources into our fundamental activities of teaching and research,” he continued.

This simply devastating news comes as conservatives and Republican-controlled around the country attempt to crack down on DEI initiatives, which are effectively designed to promote minorities to positions of power and influence at the expense of white people.

At a summit on Monday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said he was still concerned at the attempted indoctrination of young people across the state’s schools and universities.

“We are concerned about the ideology that is being hammered into our kids when they go to our schools and our colleges,” Abbott said.

“Our kids are not learning the core elements that will ensure they (will) be better qualified to compete against their peers across the country or across the globe,” he continued. “Instead, they’re being indoctrinated with ideologies from far-left, socialistic-based professors at our universities.”

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Victor Reacts: Biden Continues to Target Pro-Life Christians (VIDEO)

Victor Reacts: Biden Continues to Target Pro-Life Christians (VIDEO)


Joe Biden’s squad of enforcers are continuing their efforts to target nonviolent pro-life Christians.

The Gateway Pundit reports,

Joe Biden’s DOJ/FBI is hunting down pro-life, conservative grandmas while ignoring Antifa and BLM militants.

Four pro-life Christians were convicted of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act following a peaceful protest at a Tennessee abortion facility.

The individuals, Eva Edl, Eva Zastrow, James Zastrow, and Paul Place, now face potential penalties of a year in prison and thousands of dollars in fines, with sentencing scheduled for July 30.

Defense lawyers criticized the prosecution as an excessive use of federal power, particularly pointing to the Biden regime’s aggressive stance against individuals expressing their beliefs in a non-violent manner.

They argued that their clients were simply engaging in prayer and worship in hopes of dissuading women from terminating their pregnancies.

The charges stemmed from an incident on March 5, 2021, when the defendants participated in a pro-life demonstration at the Carafem abortion facility in Mt Juliet, Tennessee.

The group, which included the four convicted, had gathered in the office building’s second-floor hallway outside Carafem, engaging in prayer, hymn singing, and attempting to dissuade women from proceeding with abortions.

Pro-life pregnancy resources centers have been consistently attacked, firebombed, and vandalized following the Dobbs decision yet the FBI has shown little to no interest in prosecuting those violent attackers.

BLM and Antifa militants have murdered and assaulted people, burned buildings, robbed small business owners, and ransacked entire communities. Yet again, the feds show little to no interest in prosecuting those violent attackers.

Only enemies of the regime are prosecuted with this level of vigor. Biden has made it clear that if you oppose him, he will drop the full weight of the deep state on you. This seems to be especially true if you happen to be a peaceful Christian grandmother who wants to sing praise and worship to persuade people not to kill their children.


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SHOCKING: Reporter Arrested After Exposing the “Largest Money Laundering Scheme in the History of the Country”

SHOCKING: Reporter Arrested After Exposing the “Largest Money Laundering Scheme in the History of the Country”


James O’Keefe of OMG Media Group recently uncovered a BOMBSHELL discovery in election campaign fund fraud in Wisconsin – and you won’t believe the details and extent of this absolutely MASSIVE case. Elijah Schaffer takes us through all the specifics in today’s episode of Beyond the Headlines.


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