Trump Lawyers File Motion for Discovery in Jack Smith Case Demanding Documents Regarding Informants and Undercover Agents Related to Jan 6

Trump Lawyers File Motion for Discovery in Jack Smith Case Demanding Documents Regarding Informants and Undercover Agents Related to Jan 6


Trump’s attorneys filed a motion for discovery in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s case demanding documents regarding informants and undercover agents related to January 6.

“Please provide all documents regarding informants, cooperators, undercover agents, representatives, or anyone acting in a similar capacity on behalf of or at the behest of the Department of Justice or any law enforcement agency…who was present at or within five miles of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021,” Trump’s lawyers wrote in the 9-page discovery letter.

Trump’s trial date for Jack Smith’s January 6 case is currently scheduled for March 4, 2024 (election interference).

Whoo boy–last week, Trump’s lawyers in J6 case filed a 9-page discovery letter seeking lots of records from Special Counsel and DOJ related to 2020 election and Jan 6.

Some highlights:

— Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) November 27, 2023

Jack Smith’s indictment of Trump could backfire if Trump’s team gets some of the documents in its discovery request.

Trump’s attorneys said in last week’s motion: “We have found many redacted documents in the discovery production.”

I’ve said Smith’s indictment could backfire on Dems/Biden in a big way. If Trump’s team gets even some of this discovery, that’s exactly what will happen–not just related to 2020 election but J6 in general:

— Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) November 27, 2023

The Gateway Pundit has reported numerous times on suspected federal agents (Ray Epps?) who infiltrated the January 6 crowd.

Michael Waller, a senior analyst for strategy at the Center for Security Policy specializing in propaganda, political warfare, psychological warfare, and subversion, said he was at the Capitol on January 6 and witnessed:

Plainclothes militants. Militant, aggressive men in Donald Trump and MAGA gear at a front police line at the base of the temporary presidential inaugural platform;
Agents-provocateurs. Scattered groups of men exhorting the marchers to gather closely and tightly toward the center of the outside of the Capitol building and prevent them from leaving;
Fake Trump protesters. A few young men wearing Trump or MAGA hats backward and who did not fit in with the rest of the crowd in terms of their actions and demeanor, whom I presumed to be Antifa or other leftist agitators; and
Disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. A column of organized, disciplined men, wearing similar but not identical camouflage uniforms and black gear, some with helmets and GoPro cameras or wearing subdued Punisher skull patches.

Antifa terrorists also infiltrated the Capitol protest.

Trump supporters were blamed for all of the violence and chaos at the Capitol on January 6, but according to a former FBI agent, Antifa terrorists infiltrated the Trump rally.

Via investigative reporter Paul Sperry: Former FBI agent on the ground at the U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed that at least 1 “busload” of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops

BREAKING: Former FBI agent on the ground at U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed that at least 1 “bus load” of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) January 6, 2021

Over the summer Tucker Carlson said he interviewed the Chief of Police who was at the Capitol on January 6 and in charge of security that day.

“I interviewed the Chief of the Capitol Police, Steven Sund, in an interview that was never aired on FOX by the way, I was fired before it could air. I’m gonna interview him again,” Tucker said. “But Steven Sund was the totally non-political, worked for Nancy Pelosi.”

“I mean this was not some right-wing activist – he was the Chief of the Capitol Police on January 6, and he said, ‘Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that crowd was filled with federal agents…’”

Tucker continued, “As time passed, it became more and more obvious that the core claims they made about January 6 were lies.”


Tucker Carlson BLOWS The Doors Off January 6th LIES.

Reveals Fox News REFUSED To Air His J6 Interview Of Capitol Chief Of Police PROVING “The US Capitol Was FILLED With Federal Agents”

Tucker Describes Fox Execs Attacking him For J6 Report: “F**k You!”

Narrative Collapse. Wow

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 7, 2023

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Eric Swalwell Blabbering on Alternate Reality with Trump in Office: “Can You Imagine What the Scenario Would be in the Middle East?!” (VIDEO)

Eric Swalwell Blabbering on Alternate Reality with Trump in Office: “Can You Imagine What the Scenario Would be in the Middle East?!” (VIDEO)


Representative Eric Swalwell has once again sparked conversations following his recent remarks about the alternate reality of Trump being in office and its potential impact on the Middle East conflict.

During an MSNBC interview, Swalwell was asked if the United States should be doing more to pressure Prime Minister Netanyahu to take steps to reduce civilian casualties amid the ongoing tensions. Swalwell affirmed Joe Biden’s efforts before steering the conversation towards a hypothetical scenario where Donald Trump was still president.

“Yes. Well, First President Biden has done that. And I also like to step back when I see some of the heat President Biden is taking and think, what would the alternative be if Donald Trump was reelected or if Donald Trump was president at this time? Can you imagine what the scenario would be in the Middle East?” Swalwell hypothesized a drastic scene, implying a “World War II-like scenario” involving the US, Israel, Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas.

Swalwell commended Biden for not sending “a single American into the conflict.” Yet, the Biden regime deployed over 17,200 military personnel to the Middle East amid rising tensions.

Biden Regime Deploys Over 17,200 Military Personnel to Middle East Amid Rising Tensions

Swalwell also highlights the extraction of American hostages from the region, albeit with only one confirmed success. The only case disclosed was the release of one American with dual citizenship by Hamas. Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby revealed the unclear situation of the American hostages.

John Kirby Admits Biden Regime Has Limited Information on the Condition of American Hostages Held by Hamas Terrorists: “We Don’t Have a Whole Lot of Information About Them” (VIDEO)


SWALWELL: “If Donald Trump was re-elected, or if Donald Trump was President at this time, can you imagine what the scenario would be in the Middle East?!”

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) November 26, 2023

Such speculations from Swalwell overlook the significant accomplishments of President Trump’s foreign policy, which arguably brought stability and new dynamics to the Middle East. Under Trump’s leadership, the United States witnessed several foreign policy milestones:

Withdrawal from the TPP: President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership was framed as a move to protect American jobs and manufacturing, shifting away from agreements perceived as unfavorable to U.S. interests.
NAFTA to USMCA: Trump successfully renegotiated the North American Free Trade Agreement into the USMCA, aiming to create a more balanced trade situation favorable to American workers and businesses.
NATO Contributions: His administration was notable for pressuring NATO allies to increase their defense spending, ensuring a more equitable cost distribution within the alliance.
Middle East Peace Agreements: Perhaps the most significant achievement was brokering peace agreements between Israel and Arab states, such as the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. These were the first such agreements in over two decades, representing a major stride towards peace and stability in the region.

In contrast to Swalwell’s apprehensions, Trump’s foreign policy, particularly in the Middle East, was characterized by decisive actions that sought to strengthen American interests and promote peace.

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Free Speech Group Sends Letter to GOP Senators to Prevent Government Funding for Newsguard Group that Blacklists and Smears Conservative Media Outlets

Free Speech Group Sends Letter to GOP Senators to Prevent Government Funding for Newsguard Group that Blacklists and Smears Conservative Media Outlets


Newsguard claims to be a non-partisan fact-checking organization.
But a quick glance at its operations and related social media accounts shows the group is an unhinged group of committed Trump-haters.

Newsguard is a media “fact-checking” company that was started in 2018.  They claim to rate websites for reliability.  Basically, they’re in the business of deciding who is fake news and who is not.  And they HATE pro-Trump publishers and citizen journalists.  They also hate the truth. The company is supported by Trump-haters, elites and media giants – AND earlier this year we discovered the US government was also financially supporting this far-left blacklisting group.

There is ample proof the activists behind Newsguard are unhinged leftists and anti-Trumpers.

Our friends at the conservative website 100percentfedup previously shared information with The Gateway Pundit that exposes the Newsguard liberal activists.

As we reported earlier — ALL of the top activists at the Newsguard organization are virulent Trump-haters.

And their mission is to DESTROY pro-Trump and conservative websites. reported on this organization and their goal to demonetize opposing voices online.

Financial Blacklisting: NewsGuard Advises Advertisers to Avoid Pro-Trump Media

NewsGuard, the news-filtering browser extension recently partnered with Microsoft and run by neoconservatives, Obama-Clinton alumni, and other assorted Trump haters, has advised advertisers to withdraw their business from websites on its blacklist of “unreliable” news websites — a list that includes Breitbart News, The Drudge Report, and the Daily Mail…

…The effect isn’t merely to silence pro-Trump media. It also ensures advertisers don’t market their products to Trump voters, causing them to rely less and less on consumers in the heartland, and more on progressive consumers who read establishment news sources.

In 2019 there was a report by La Corte News that revealed conservative sites are twice as likely to be rated unreliable as liberal publishers.

In March we found out the United States Department of Defense was using taxpayer dollars to censor conservatives and independent media online.

The DOD awarded $749,387 to Newsguard in September 2021.

From Matt Taibbi: “Some NGOs, like the GEC-funded Global Disinformation Index or the DOD-funded Newsguard, not only seek content moderation but apply subjective “risk” or “reliability” scores to media outlets, which can result in reduction in revenue. Do we want government in this role?”

BREAKING: Twitter and Stanford accused of running a disinformation campaign to hide the truth about vaccines

Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi): “We found just yesterday a tweet from the Virality Project from @Stanford, which is partnered with a number of government agencies and @twitter,…

— Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) March 9, 2023

Newsguard has consistently attacked The Gateway Pundit on COVID, the Hunter Biden laptop, and vaccines that have all been proven to be accurate.

Newsquard has NEVER criticized the mainstream media for lying about Trump-Russia collusion, the Hunter Biden laptop, COVID and vaccines.

So why is the federal government funding this radical censorship outfit?

Last week the Free Speech Alliance sent a letter to Senator Mitch McConnell and Republican senators to include language in the National Defense Authorization Act that prohibits funding for blacklisting news sources based on political views. This is also a right guaranteed by the US Constitution.

Here is the letter.

It should be noted that The Gateway Pundit is currently the lead plaintiff in the Missouri-Louisian v. Biden Administration lawsuit on their illegal censorship of American voices.

That case is expected to reach the US Supreme Court in the months ahead.


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Spending Spree: German Coalition Led by Scholz Proposes New Budget Suspending ‘Debt Brake’ AGAIN

Spending Spree: German Coalition Led by Scholz Proposes New Budget Suspending ‘Debt Brake’ AGAIN


Leave it to the Germans to turn a good thing into a bad one.

While there’s no denying that fiscal balance is a key component of a working state structure, the Germanic obsession with the theme – and with imposing it on Europe as a whole – is nothing short of legendary.

They went so far as to enshrine the ‘debt brake’ into their constitution – only to bypass it again, now to pay for Chancellor Scholz’s Climate Alarmist policies.

The Germans have a peculiar expression called schadenfreude: it means ‘the pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune.’

That the Germans even need a word for this is a cultural data point that extrapolates the objective of this post, but suffice it to say this ‘misfortune-derived pleasure’ is many times now directed at Berlin.

As a commenter in X appropriately put it:

“For countries that spent years on the receiving end of Europe’s German-inspired fiscal Inquisition, there’s no sweeter sight than to see Germany splayed on the high altar of Teutonic parsimony.”

“For countries that spent years on the receiving end of Europe’s German-inspired fiscal Inquisition, there’s no sweeter sight than to see Germany splayed on the high altar of Teutonic parsimony.”
I’ve had a look at Germanys’s fake debt crisis…

— matthew karnitschnig (@MKarnitschnig) November 27, 2023

Bloomberg reported:

“German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government approved a supplementary 2023 budget that includes the suspension of rules limiting net new borrowing for a fourth consecutive year.”

Read: ‘No, Scholz, You Can’t Use Leftover Pandemic Money in Your Climate Alarmist Policies’: German Constitutional Court

The new budget lifts the figure for net borrowing for this year by €25 billion ($27.4 billion) to €70.6 billion:

“[Finance Minister] Lindner initially insisted on restoring the borrowing mechanism this year after it was suspended to help deal with the fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic and the energy crisis. The rules, enshrined in Germany’s constitution, can be temporarily set aside in the case of natural disasters or emergencies beyond the control of the government.”

What it means, as we learned, is that once you bend the rules for emergencies, there’ll be emergencies forever.

Read: British Conservatives Lowered Inflation Ahead of Goals, so They Are Giving Tax Cuts to Citizens – German Liberals Dug a Hole in the Budget, so They Are Ditching the ‘Debt Brake’ in a Panic

Lindner’s revised 2023 budget will now be sent to parliament for approval.

“Rolf Muetzenich, the head of the SPD caucus in the lower house of parliament, said Monday that such a move is justified as Germany is facing multiple challenges, not only the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

‘We are not living in normal times,’ Muetzenich told reporters, urging opposition parties to help the government with a ‘constructive’ policy contribution.”

Read more:

German Priorities: Berlin Imposes a Spending Freeze Over Budget Crisis – AND ON THE SAME DAY, Releases a New 1.4B Military Aid Package to Ukraine

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UK Detects First Human Case of H1N2, Scrambles to Find Contacts of Person Infected

UK Detects First Human Case of H1N2, Scrambles to Find Contacts of Person Infected


Health officials in the U.K. have confirmed the U.K.’s first-ever human case of a new strain of swine flu.

In an announcement, the UK Health Security Agency revealed it detected a confirmed human case of influenza A(H1N2)v.

UKHSA reported, “The individual was tested by their GP after experiencing respiratory symptoms.”

The agency continued, “Influenza A(H1N2)v virus was detected by UKHSA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing and characterized using genome sequencing.”

Currently, the UK government is scrambling to find out how many people the infected person had contact with over the last several days.

BREAKING: Britain’s First Human Case of Swine Flu Strain H1N2 Has Been Detected – UK Health Security Agency.

Here we go again

— Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) November 27, 2023

Per The Guardian:

Health officials are scrambling to trace contacts of a person infected with a new form of swine flu, after the UK detected its first human case of H1N2.

Fifty human cases of the strain have been reported globally since 2005. The new case is the first to be detected in the UK and is unrelated genetically to the previous cases.

Influenza A(H1N2)v is similar to flu viruses circulating in pigs in the UK. The UK Health Security Agency has formally notified the World Health Organization (WHO) about the discovery.

Based on early information, the infection detected in the UK is a distinct clade or form – 1b.1.1 – which is different from recent human cases of H1N2 elsewhere in the world.

Within the last 20 years, there have been 50 cases of A(H1N2)v among humans.

According to the WHO, back in August, a case of A(H1N2)v was reported in Michigan.

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