Karine Jean-Pierre Blames Trump After Peter Doocy Repeatedly Asks Her Why Americans Disapprove of Biden Economy (VIDEO)

Karine Jean-Pierre Blames Trump After Peter Doocy Repeatedly Asks Her Why Americans Disapprove of Biden Economy (VIDEO)


White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday absurdly claimed Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of Joe Biden’s economy because of Trump.

Recent polls reveal Americans say they were better off financially under Trump.

2024 GE: Bloomberg/MC – Swing States poll: Would you say the Economy is/was…?

53% – Better off under Trump
33% – Better off under Biden
Your personal financial situation…

52% – Better off under Trump
30% – Better off under Biden
What is single most important issue… https://t.co/kwpgTWVZzX pic.twitter.com/FBZpDfolaa

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) November 10, 2023

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy repeatedly grilled KJP on Biden’s failed economic agenda that has led to persistent inflation.

“On lowering prices, you said earlier that the actions the President has taken have worked. So, is it your sense that, when people were home for Thanksgiving, catching up with their family members they were saying to each other. Can you believe how much more affordable things have gotten?” Peter Doocy asked KJP.

Karine Jean-Pierre responded with a word salad.

“So honestly, I wouldn’t — I — I hear the question, but I want to make sure this is very clear. We take that very seriously. We take what families — families the decisions that they make at their kitchen table….very seriously. It’s not a joke to us is important to us. This is the president who talks about it in a very personal way…The data shows that the economy is improving. The data shows that households remain in a strong financial position…That’s why the President. at 2:00. is going to talk about — what — the actions that he’s taking to continue to lower costs,” KJP said.


DOOCY TIME: “On lowering prices, you said earlier that the actions the President has taken have worked. So, is it your sense that, when people were home for Thanksgiving, catching up with their family members they were saying to each other. Can you believe how much more… pic.twitter.com/mn2rxd2sM7

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) November 27, 2023

Peter Doocy pushed back on Karine Jean-Pierre.

“But why do you think it is that when you say the economy is improving, and President Biden says the economy is improving that a majority of Americans outside of this building are not buying it?” Doocy asked KJP.

Karine Jean-Pierre blamed Trump: “So here’s the thing. When we walked into this administration, the economy was on a tail — a tailspin. That is the fact because…the Trump administration, because of how they dealt with — dealt with COVID and the pandemic…The President came in. He passed the American Rescue Plan, which was able to get the economy back on its feet, which is able to open up small business…We actually had to fix the problem that we saw that the last administration left us.”


Doocy: “But why do you think it is that when you say the economy is improving, and President Biden says the economy is improving that a majority of Americans outside of this building are not buying it?”

KJP: “So here’s the thing. When we walked into this administration, the… pic.twitter.com/cF4y42vmZy

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) November 27, 2023

Doocy pushed back again: “But almost three years in office, inflation is up over 17% since President Biden came here. And you’re saying that it’s still Trump’s fault?”

A very irritated Karine Jean-Pierre insisted prices are going down because of Joe Biden.


Doocy: “But almost three years in office, inflation is up over 17% since President Biden came here. And you’re saying that it’s still Trump’s fault?”

KJP: “Inflation — inflation — Inflation is moderating b/c of the actions that this person — this President has taken. B/c —”… pic.twitter.com/vsWy993HcC

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) November 27, 2023

Peter Doocy is right. No matter what Joe Biden and his stenographers in the media say, Americans are not happy with ‘Bidenomics.’

Not only are Americans feeling strapped financially because of Joe Biden’s failed economic agenda, Moody’s earlier this month cut the outlook on the US government to negative.

Moody’s Investors Service lowered its ratings outlook on the US government citing high interest rates, government spending and deficits.

Earlier this year Moody’s cut its outlook for the entire US banking sector to negative and put six banks on ‘downgrade’ watch.

The credit rating service’s move to downgrade the entire banking sector from ‘stable’ to ‘negative’ will impact borrowing costs.

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UPDATE: Suspect Jason Eaton Pleads Not Guilty in Shooting Three Palestinian Students in Burlington, VT – City Leaders Hold a Press Conference (VIDEO)

UPDATE: Suspect Jason Eaton Pleads Not Guilty in Shooting Three Palestinian Students in Burlington, VT – City Leaders Hold a Press Conference (VIDEO)

 Suspect Jason Eaton was arrested Sunday in connection to the shootings of three Palestinian students in Burlington, VT.

As reported earlier – Three top Palestinian college students were shot in what is being characterized as a “bias attack.”  The victims, who were attending woke institutions such as Harvard, Brown University, and Trinity University, were targeted while on their way to a family dinner in Vermont’s bustling city of Burlington, the New York Post reported.

Details of the encounter are still sketchy.

The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) named the individuals involved as Hiham Awartani, Tahseen Ali, and Kenan Abdulhamid, who had gathered to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday break.

According to WCAX: “The suspect was on foot in the area when investigators say he discharged at least four rounds from his pistol without speaking. Two of the victims were wearing keffiyehs at the time of the assault, according to Chief Murad.”

Authorities transported the victims to the University of Vermont Medical Center. The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) reported that two of the individuals were in intensive care, with one suffering from extremely critical and severe injuries.

On Sunday, Burlington police detained Jason Eaton, 48, near where the shooting occurred.

Eaton lived in the building near where the shooting occurred.

Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger and the Burlington Police Chief held a press conference on Monday afternoon after Eaton was arraigned in court.

Mayor Weinberger called the incident an “unprovoked attack” that shocked the community. Weinberger says he has been in contact with Muslim leaders in how Burlington can support their communities.

Eaton was charged with three charges of attempted murder.

He pleaded not guilty earlier this morning.

Newsweek reported:

He was detained at around midday on Sunday near where the shooting occurred. Police searched his home in the apartment building in front of where the shooting took place and arrested him on Sunday evening.

Eaton faces three counts of aggravated assault, police said. He is expected to be arraigned on Monday. Newsweek has contacted the Burlington Police Department for further comment via email.

Hisham Awartani, Kinnan Abdalhamid and Tahseen Ali Ahmad were identified by their families as the victims, according to a post on X, formerly Twitter, from the Institute for Middle East Understanding. Awartani is a student at Brown University, Abdalhamid is a student at Haverford College and Ahmed is a student at Trinity College.
“We are extremely concerned about the safety and well-being of our children,” the statement said. “We call on law enforcement to conduct a thorough investigation, including treating this as a hate crime. We will not be comfortable until the shooter is brought to justice.”

Police released a statement on Jason Eaton’s arrest:

Throughout the day on Sunday, November 26, 2023, investigators led by Lieutenant Michael Beliveau of the Burlington Police Department’s Detectives Services Bureau conducted a series of canvasses, interviews, and other investigatory procedures in an effort to identify, locate, and apprehend the suspect believed to have shot three 20-year-old men the previous evening. The BPD’s detectives were augmented by a contingent of personnel from long-term partners in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), with whom the BPD regularly works through the Chittenden County Gun Violence Task Force (CCGVTF). The BPD also received outstanding assistance from agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), including victim services and computer and cellphone analysis.

On Sunday afternoon, at approximately 1538 hours, ATF agents who were conducting a canvass at the location of the shooting encountered and detained Jason J. Eaton, 48. Detectives worked with the office of the United States Attorney for the District of Vermont, and with the Chittenden County State’s Attorney, Sarah George, to complete a search warrant for Mr. Eaton’s residence in the apartment building in front of which the shooting took place. A judge granted the search warrant and officers executed it at 2153 hours. Evidence collected during that search warrant, and additional evidence developed during the course of this investigation, gave investigators and prosecutors probable cause to believe that Mr. Eaton perpetrated the shooting. He has been arrested and is expected to be arraigned on Monday, November 27, 2023.

Mayor Miro Weinberger will be joined by Chief of Police Jon Murad and other partners at a press conference on Monday, November 27, 2023. The time, location, and other details will be provided later this morning.

48-year-old Jason Eaton has been arrested in connection with the shootings of three college students of Palestinian descent in Burlington, Vermont, authorities say https://t.co/AGOqZkTRja

— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) November 27, 2023

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Chaos on Southwest Airlines: Passenger Opens Emergency Exit, Jumps Out, and Tries to Hijack Airport Vehicle (VIDEO)

Chaos on Southwest Airlines: Passenger Opens Emergency Exit, Jumps Out, and Tries to Hijack Airport Vehicle (VIDEO)


On Sunday evening, a passenger on Southwest Airlines flight 3172 from New Orleans to Atlanta opened the emergency exit door while the plane was still at the gate. The passenger jumped off the plane onto the tarmac and tried to drive away in a service truck.

Eyewitnesses recounted the shocking moments when the man opened the over-wing emergency exit door while aboard the Southwest Airlines flight. He was seen walking on the aircraft’s wing before jumping down to the tarmac.

He then attempted to hijack a service truck, running across the tarmac in a bid to drive away. However, his attempt was thwarted as authorities intervened promptly.


#WATCH: As Passengers Panic After Man Jumps Out of Emergency Exit on Southwest Airlines Flight and Attempts to Hijack Airport Vehicle.

#NewOrleans | #Louisiana

A passenger aboard Boeing 737 MAX 8 Southwest Airlines flight 3172 from New Orleans to Atlanta caused major panic… pic.twitter.com/NYMbAmBb5b

— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) November 27, 2023

Following the incident, the JPSO took the man into custody, and he was later escorted to a hospital for evaluation. The man’s identity remains undisclosed as of now.

Southwest Airlines officials issued a statement to WWL Louisiana, acknowledging the incident. They commended the quick response of their flight and ground crews, expressing their apologies to customers for the inconvenience caused.

As of the latest reports, no criminal charges have been filed against the man. However, the JPSO has referred the case to federal authorities for further investigation.

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Palestinian Prisoner Released in Hostage Deal Already Under Investigation for Inciting More Terror

Palestinian Prisoner Released in Hostage Deal Already Under Investigation for Inciting More Terror

 Roda Abu Agamiya Courtsey @JNS_org/X

Israeli lawmaker Zvi Sukkot filed a complaint last week against Roda Abu Agamiya, one of the Palestinian terrorists released from prison as part of the hostage deal with Hamas.

According to Sukkot, Israeli Police have opened an investigation into Agamiya.

Agamiya was in prison for recruiting terrorists for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, along with additional charges.

She was captured on video after her release leading a crowd with chants of “Allah Akbar” and urging support for Hamas.

Not even the most powerful army can destroy the idea of liberation. Listen to the released “prisoner” Rawda Abu Ajamia cheering on the resistance. pic.twitter.com/AcjHrs5teJ

— Jairo I Fúnez-Flores (@Jairo_I_Funez) November 24, 2023

Jewish News Syndicate reports:

Abu Agamiya, from the Dheisheh camp near Bethlehem, was set free on Friday along with 38 other terrorists. In footage shared on Arab social media, she was seen celebrating her release and urging Palestinians to support Hamas.

“We are the sword of Mohammed Deif,” exclaimed Abu Agamiya, in reference to the head of Hamas’s Al-Qassam Brigades “military” wing.

Prior to their release, prisoners were asked to sign a document pledging not to engage in terrorism.

Sukkot shared his concerns to X.

“The Israel Police opened an investigation following a complaint I filed yesterday against Ruda Abu Ajamia, one of the terrorists released as part of the kidnapping deal. Immediately upon her release, the terrorist called for support for Hamas, terrorism and Muhammad Daf – which of course constitutes the offense of incitement and support for a terrorist organization.”

משטרת ישראל פתחה בחקירה בעקבות תלונה שהגשתי אתמול כנגד רוד’ה אבו עג’מיה, אחת המחבלות המשוחררות במסגרת עסקת החטופים.
מייד עם שחרורה קראה המחבלת לתמוך בחמאס, בטרור ובמוחמד דף – מה שכמובן מהווה עבירת הסתה ותמיכה בארגון טרור. pic.twitter.com/MnaNHwcbdw

— צבי סוכות (@tzvisuccot) November 27, 2023

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After the Liberal Meltdown, Conservative Media Has Some Intelligent Takes on Javier Milei’s Historic Election in Argentina

After the Liberal Meltdown, Conservative Media Has Some Intelligent Takes on Javier Milei’s Historic Election in Argentina


Javier Milei’s landslide victory in Argentina’s Presidential runoff election is a historic moment for conservatives worldwide, hailed by the likes of Trump, Bolsonaro, Orbán and so many others.

But in the MSM – as you would expect – there was a widespread wave of outrage.

“Far-right’, ‘Authoritarian’, and all the usual ‘bad names’ were applied. His election was called an irresponsible adventure by frustrated voters doomed to disastrous outcomes.

But now the level-headed, right-thinking news vehicles are starting to bring a more balanced and intelligent view of the historic event that marks a significant moment in the rise of pro-market, popular conservatism.

The article ‘Argentina’s chainsaw-wielding president-elect is a libertarian’s dream‘, by Mark Littlewood on British Telegraph, proposes the view that ‘Argentinian voters decided that the fruit being offered to them by the political elite was so rotten that they may as well upend the entire applecart’.

“Milei has not run on a reformist platform, instead he is promising a revolution. He is not offering short-term succor, but a full-blown overhaul of government to alter Argentina’s long-term trajectory. The public has voted for intensive surgery rather than palliative care.

His policy agenda makes a Thatcher or Reagan manifesto look like a mere tweak on a spreadsheet. Vast swathes of government departments will be closed, the central bank is to be shuttered and the country may abandon the peso in favor of the US dollar. State spending will be slashed. Milei has hardly made a secret of this – wielding a chainsaw above his head was a frequent feature of his campaign rallies.

To try and grasp the scale of Argentina’s woes, you could look at the problems afflicting much of the West and simply dial them up to the maximum. If stubborn inflation here has fueled a cost of living crisis, imagine the impact of prices increasing by nearly 150 percent every year. We may be swimming in debt, Argentina is drowning it. Our state infrastructure is creaking, inefficient, and pitifully wasteful; Argentina’s is in meltdown. Crony capitalism is a blight and affliction on our economy, over there, it’s a full-blown cancer.”

Milei is part of a global trend in which variations of popular conservatism are on the rise.

“In sections of the legacy media, this phenomenon is variously explained as the rise of the far right or by the observation that every nation now possesses its own version of Donald Trump. This is not merely over-simplified, it is wildly inaccurate. The Trump comparisons often amount to little more than noting that a politician exhibits an idiosyncratic hairstyle. What appears to be happening across the democratic world is that social democratic and statist structures – which have been the prevailing norm for decades – have reached breaking point and the electorate is noticing.”

Central banks have been on an insane money-printing spree of fiat currency. Taxes on historically high levels and unhinged state spending produce tragic results.

“Sizable chunks of the population are now latching themselves to mavericks who are broadly supportive of a market economy, deeply skeptical about the ability of a sprawling government system to address economic and social concerns and are focused on the key tasks that the state surely should be able to manage – such as the control of borders.”

Milei only has limited representation in the legislature and the mega-powerful vested interests ranged against him are scary to the max.

Sky News Australia had an interesting segment called Socialist ‘post-election meltdown’ in Argentina has been ‘enormous’:

Excerpts of what Rita Panahi and Kosha Gada said:

Rita Panahi: A huge development in Argentina which has just elected a president that is conservative. He’s a libertarian. He is vehemently anti Marxist, anti woke.

Javier Milei has been called far right. He’s been called an extremist and his rise to power has triggered all the usual lefties who’ve well, they haven’t been this disturbed since Georgia Meloni was elected as Italy’s leader.

Kosha Gada: I think Argentina is one of the biggest cautionary tales of our time of how rapidly that decline happened from prosperity to those numbers that you cite right now.

He’s an unconventional candidate in many ways, ways. He’s got the hair, he’s a TV host, He says kind of things that are beyond, you know, what’s conventionally said. He’s a bit eccentric but the thing is: conventional candidates – look where it’s gotten them [Argentina].

The hosts played some clips of Milei to portray his fiery style.

Rita Panahi: He said in that interview, ‘if you give the left an inch, they will use it to destroy you’, ‘you can’t negotiate with leftards’. That’s a direct quote.

He also said ‘Since they can’t beat us with real arguments, they use the repressive apparatus of the state to destroy us’.

It bears noting the careful analysis by the two journalists.

Rita Panahi: He’s been dubbed the Argentinian Trump. Can he turn the ship around? People are predicting chaos, economic collapse. All the things we heard when Trump was elected in 2016, care to make a prediction?

Kosha Gada: He definitely has his work cut out for him. And I think, when things have gone so far off the deep end – It’s gonna take drastic measures.

American conservative media also had something to say in the matter, with Jon Miltimore writing ‘What we can learn from Javier Milei’s victory — and Argentina’s ruinous economy’ for the Washington Enquirer:

“However one chooses to describe Milei, it’s clear his rise marks a total rejection of Argentina’s political establishment after years of economic pain.

The poverty rate in Argentina is above 40%. Inflation, meanwhile, has been in the triple digits all year, and it continues to rise. Argentina, the second-largest economy in South America, has battled inflation for decades, but inflation has spiraled out of control in recent years.”

This image shows why Javier Milei is Argentina’s new president.

The government destroyed the currency and 40% of the people are now in poverty. pic.twitter.com/1WpVOVcSRT

— Jon Miltimore (@miltimore79) November 20, 2023

“Americans who think they have little to learn from this spiraling South American country should realize that Argentina was once one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

Historians point out that just before the beginning of World War I, Argentina was richer than the primary European powers, Germany and France, and almost twice as wealthy as Spain. Its per-capita gross domestic product was on par with that of Canada, and up until the Great Depression, it was one of the largest exporters of food in the world.”

Read more:

The MSM Smear Machine Turns on Conservative Javier Milei, Most Voted Presidential Candidate in Argentina’s Primary Elections

The post After the Liberal Meltdown, Conservative Media Has Some Intelligent Takes on Javier Milei’s Historic Election in Argentina appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.