More Big Take Aways From Tucker’s Putin Interview

More Big Take Aways From Tucker’s Putin Interview


We have not beaten this horse to death. At least not yet. But there are some other important results from Tucker’s interview of Putin that merit some attention.

First, I checked all of the cable news web sites — Fox News, CNN and MSNBC — this morning and not one covered any facet of Tucker’s interview with Putin except for a mention that Tucker asked Putin to free the Wall Street Journal reporter. The print media did its best to downplay the event. The NY Times published a piece under the headline, Putin Calls on U.S. to ‘Negotiate’ on Ukraine in Tucker Carlson Interview, while the NY Post focused on Putin’s claim that Bill Clinton initially was open to letting Russia join NATO but his advisors vetoed that idea (Putin says Bill Clinton told him Russia could join NATO before pulling back hours later: ‘You tricked us’). No one did a deep dive to analyze what Putin had to say.

While the Western media is bending over backwards to ignore the interview, it has caught fire on the internet. As of 9pm Eastern Standard Time the interview on X/Twitter has over 159 MILLION views.

Did you notice the one President that Putin declined to name? Barack Obama. Putin had some positive things to say about George W Bush and Donald Trump. He talked about Clinton and the U.S. refusal to entertain Russia as a NATO partner. And he described the fruitless interactions with demented Joe Biden. So, why not talk about Obama? It was under Obama’s stewardship that the CIA, in tandem with Britain’s MI-6, launched the Maidan coup, which culminated in the ouster of Ukraine’s elected President Viktor Yanukovych. I interpret not saying the name of Voldemort, err I mean Obama, indicates Putin is mightily pissed off at Obama. Rightly so.

Putin also provided the first confirmed ranking of the countries supplying mercenaries to fight for Ukraine against Russia — Poland, the United States and Georgia (in that order). I did not realize that there were that many U.S. mercs running around in Ukraine.

Ray McGovern and I discussed the Tucker interview with Judge Napolitano on today’s Intel Roundtable.

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CNN Abruptly Cuts to Commercial as Wolf Blitzer Appears to Be in Physical Distress

CNN Abruptly Cuts to Commercial as Wolf Blitzer Appears to Be in Physical Distress


CNN cut to an abrupt break Thursday evening after network host Wolf Blitzer appeared to be physically distressed during an interview on his nightly show, “The Situation Room.”

Network producers cut away from the 75-year-old as he spoke to Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland about the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to take up the case of former President Donald Trump and those attempting to deny him 2024 ballot access.

Initially, it appeared as though Blitzer had to labor for a breath.

As Raskin spoke for several moments, the CNN host appeared to be in some form of physical discomfort.

Seventy seconds after Blitzer first appeared in a state of distress, his producers cut Raskin off and shifted immediately to a pre-recorded network promotion about a Jake Tapper special regarding disgraced former vice-presidential and presidential candidate John Edwards.

The promo was cut short as CNN’s Paula Reid quickly took the reins of the show.

“Wolf had to step away.” Watch Wolf Blitzer’s face carefully. He goes into some sort of physical distress while on live TV, CNN abruptly cuts to a commercial, then returns with another anchor. Blitzer has since posted, “I’m fine!”. (Video: CNN)

— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) February 9, 2024

“Wolf had to step away, he’ll be back, but there is other news we’re following here in ‘The Situation Room,’” she said before changing the topic to Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Blitzer took to the social media platform X later on to tell his followers he was OK, but he did not explain what had happened or why he was forced to leave the set.

“I’m fine! Thanks for the well wishes,” he posted. “I’ll see you back in the Situation Room soon.”

I’m fine! Thanks for the well wishes. I’ll see you back in the Situation Room soon.

— Wolf Blitzer (@wolfblitzer) February 9, 2024

CNN has not released a statement about the awkward moment or indicated whether Blitzer is dealing with any sort of a serious medical issue.

The host had just returned to his show earlier this week after some time away, he announced on Monday.

Before that evening’s show, the host shared an image of himself behind his desk.

“After a few days off, it’s good to be back today reporting the news in The Situation Room,” he posted.

After a few days off, it’s good to be back today reporting the news in The Situation Room.

— Wolf Blitzer (@wolfblitzer) February 5, 2024

Blitzer has been with CNN since the early 1990s and has worked in media for 52 years.

According to the far-left network, before joining CNN 33 years ago, Blitzer previously worked as a correspondent in Israel for the news wire service Reuters in Tel Aviv beginning in 1972.

After that, he went on to work for The Jerusalem Post as the agency’s Washington, D.C. correspondent.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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EXCLUSIVE | J6 Hostage Isaac Thomas Will Be RELEASED From DC Gulag Monday Pretrial – Defense Attorney Steven Metcalf Explains How He Won Isaac Back His Freedom

EXCLUSIVE | J6 Hostage Isaac Thomas Will Be RELEASED From DC Gulag Monday Pretrial – Defense Attorney Steven Metcalf Explains How He Won Isaac Back His Freedom


Issaac Thomas, a 21-year-old January 6 political hostage will released from the Washington Correctional Treatment on Monday following a ruling issued Thursday by US District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly.

Thomas has been incarcerated for seven months after he was detained in pretrial custody during a hearing last August when Judge Kotelly sided with prosecutors to revoke his bond. As TGP has reported, he is also a victim of foster care child abuse.

After filing two motions, his new attorney Steven Metcalf was finally successful in restoring his freedom.

“Bail factors have not weighed in proportion to how they usually are. A guy with an assault on a police officer should not be in jail on pretrial detention,” Metcalf told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview immediately after the judge issued the order allowing Thomas to return home.

If a guy has 18 cases prior who is an international heavy drug dealer who was caught with 15 bricks. those are the guys are no bond.

“I was able to introduce new information on every single issue that got Isaac into jail — so Isaac will be allowed out.” 

“When he first got arrested the government kept accusing him of violating his conditions, then the judge basically said ‘Enough is enough, had a revocation hearing and threw him in jail. That’s when Isaac was represented by prior counsel. Then he hired me.

“I reviewed the decision and I thoroughly dissected that decision and addressed every single negative thing that she wrote in her ruling to incarcerate him before trial.”

Thomas is currently detained in the hole of the DC gulag, a windowless, vermin-infested cell in the basement of the correctional facility, with two other J6 hostages, Ryan Samsel and Zachary Alam. As TGP has reported, Metcalf’s other client, Jake Lang, was housed in the hole with Thomas, Samsel and Alam until he was moved around 3 am on Thursday.

Thomas called TGP shortly after Judge Kotelly’s ruling to share the good news he considers “a miracle.”

“God is good! The last 6 months have been a roller coaster of experiences that has humbled me in many ways but has also motivated me to speak out even more against the Biden regime’s weaponized justice system,” Thomas told TGP in an exclusive interview. “This communist system is targeting innocent American citizens and all of us need to speak up to stop it.”

After being terrorized by the federal government and incarcerated with rapists and murderers for non-violent crimes, Thomas is even more steadfast in his faith in God.

“These last few months have taught me to trust God and His promise to never leave us nor forsake us even in the darkest of times,” he said. “After spending my 21st birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years in the DC gulag, I can honestly say that I am stronger than I was before and excited to keep fighting the good fight.

“I met a lot God loving American patriots who love our country and have dedicated their lives to this movement. I look forward to keeping these connections for years to come and to continue the fight for justice for all of us. We have a long battle ahead but God is with us and will protect us in this war between good and evil. I give all of the credit to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please continue to pray for me and my attorney as we prepare for my trial and expose the wicked schemes that the establishment orchestrated on January 6th.

“God bless all of you, it’s good to be back!”


Judge Kotelly cited the Bail Reform Act in addition to new information presented by the New York-based criminal defense attorney in her decision granting Thomas’ pre-trial release.

“Pursuant to the Bail Reform Act, a court may reconsider prior bond determinations based upon new information bearing on the pretrial release issue,” Kotelly wrote in a 7-page ruling. “Here, the Court is satisfied that Defendant Thomas presents new information that indicates appropriate conditions of release that assure his appearance, the safety of others and the community, and with which he will comply.
The judge continued, “The Court finds that under § 3148(b) and § 3142, considering the nature and circumstances of the offense charged, the weight of the evidence against Defendant, his history and characteristics, and the nature and seriousness of the danger to any person or the community, there are conditions of release that can reasonably assure his appearance and the safety of others.”
Thomas’ condition of release “includes a zero tolerance condition, such that if Defendant Thomas violates any condition of release, he will have to appear before this Court for a revocation hearing,” Kotelly concluded.

Order Releasing Thomas, 2.9.2024 by Alicia Powe on Scribd

J6 defendants have seldom if ever been granted pre-trial release following months of incarceration. Rather, the Americans who were entrapped with bogus felony charges for misdemeanor crimes while law enforcement officials illegally fired bullets, flash grenades, and CS gas at the crowd during the Stop the Steal rally on the Capitol grounds are getting sent to the dungeon left and right and there’s been no effective recourse.

Metcalf also represents J6 hostage Dominic Pezzola, the only Proud Boys charged with seditious conspiracy who beat the conspiracy charge. The crusading attorney has detailed how DC courts readjusted bail reform for J6ers.

“January 6 has taken a life of its own,” he told TGP last year following the 5-month long Proud Boys trial. “The Washington DC courts have added various different factors to the Bail Reform Act that have made it more difficult for certain defendants to get out. I’ll give you a prime example: It started off with the standard getting modified for certain defendants they did not want to release. The Bail Reform Act was readjusted. It changed to, ‘If you celebrated the actions that day, that factor would be used against you and whether you should be released or not.

“But what happened if you were somebody who did not celebrate and just remained silent? If you were somebody who did not say anything at all, then the standard became, ‘Well you did not say you were sorry or express sympathy or renounce whatever your beliefs were. They put the bar so high. Who goes to a demonstration and says the next day or two days later, ‘Oh my God, what I did was so wrong’? That’s essentially an admission.”

The standard applied to J6 defendants, unconstitutional pre-trial detention, had never been employed in thousands of other bail reform decisions, Metcalf continued.


“They actually set a standard that in order for you to receive bond, you literally have to make an admission that what you did was wrong or express remorse for your actions. When I say ‘They said,’ this is court decisions actually talking about this, actually discussing these factors that I’ve never seen in any bail reform analysis, ever, and I’ve reviewed thousands of bail reform decisions.

“That was just the starting point. It started off as crazy.”

Thomas will be released and allowed to return home on Monday, but he still has a long legal battle ahead.

As TGP has reported, Isaac was not gifted a level playing field from birth, like most of us. Born into a family with parental drug addiction and neglect, Isaac was thrust into the foster care system around the age of 6 years old.

Condemned USA, a legal advocacy organization that assisted Thomas with retaining Metcalf’s counsel, has provided the court with affidavits describing the various instances of physical, mental, and even sexual abuse suffered at the hands of bad actors hiding within a broken system.

“Mr. Thomas has also recently served as a witness in a child abuse case of which Mr. Thomas was a victim and a witness for other victims, spanning his time in foster care and only now being resolved. Parties in that case have been found guilty and are awaiting sentencing thanks to the bravery of Mr. Thomas to bring offenders to justice.  Additionally, he is scheduled to testify again and was working on that matter as well,” Trennis Evans, founder of Condemned USA noted in an affidavit.

Thomas is charged including “Entering or Remaining in a Restricted Building or Ground, Disorderly or disruptive conduct in, a restricted building or grounds, Engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds, Entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon, Disorderly conduct in a capitol building, Act of physical violence in the Capitol Grounds or Buildings, parade, demonstrate, or picket in any of the Capitol Buildings, Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon, Obstruction of an official proceeding, Civil disorder, according to the Justice Department.



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Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Calls Tucker Carlson a ‘Traitor’ For Holding an Interview with Vlad Putin

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Calls Tucker Carlson a ‘Traitor’ For Holding an Interview with Vlad Putin

 Tucker Carlson interviews Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow in February 2024.

As the Gateway Pundit reported earlier, Tucker Carlson released his highly anticipated interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday evening.

In the interview, Tucker Carlson discussed many topics, such as the war in Ukraine, imprisoned WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich, the Nord Stream pipeline, NATO, Bill Clinton, and much more.

At one point during the interview, Vladimir Putin discussed the open US border with Mexico.

Putin asked Tucker Carlson why America was fighting for Ukraine’s border and refusing to defend it’s own border?

The far left American media was outraged that Tucker Carlson would sit with Vladimir Putin and hold an open conversation about Russia and the West.

Former British Prime Minister was outraged that Tucker would perform actual journalism. The failed prime minister labeled Tucker Carlson a “traitor” for holding the interview.

Wow. That’s a bit dramatic.

Via The Hill:

Boris Johnson, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom, called out conservative commentator Tucker Carlson for interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Around the world, people are watching that ludicrous interview with Vladimir Putin conducted by Tucker Carlson, and we must not fall for this tissue of lies above all for the notion that Putin is somehow fated to succeed in Ukraine. On the contrary, he is doomed to failure,” Johnson said in a video posted by the Daily Mail.

Carlson, a former pundit at Fox News, was pulled off the air by the network last year and has since launched his own media company and program on X, formerly known as Twitter. He announced Tuesday he would interview Putin, the first time a member of the Western media interviewed the Russian leader since he invaded Ukraine nearly two years ago.

Johnson, in a Daily Mail op-ed Friday, criticized Carlson’s interviewing, saying he was “fawning, guffawing” and had “slack-jawed happiness at having a ‘scoop.’” The former prime minister said he “betrayed” viewers around the world.

NEW: Boris Johnson has meltdown after the Tucker Carlson – Vladimir Putin interview, calls Carlson a “traitor.”

Johnson is likely fuming due to Putin’s claim that he stopped a peace deal.

“When Tucker Carlson went to the Kremlin he had a function well known to history. He was…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) February 10, 2024

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Over Half of Fani Willis’ Campaign Contributions Allegedly Tied to Illegal Money Laundering, New Complaint Claims

Over Half of Fani Willis’ Campaign Contributions Allegedly Tied to Illegal Money Laundering, New Complaint Claims

 Photo: Dennis Byron-Pool/Getty Images

Soros-funded Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is now at the center of a scandal involving her campaign finances.

A new complaint filed alleges that nearly half of Willis’ campaign contributions, amounting to approximately $168,000, are linked to illegal activity, including money laundering and identity theft.

The Gateway Pundit first reported Fani Willis’ money laundering network back in September 2023.

A bombshell investigation has uncovered jaw-dropping connections between Fani Willis and a sprawling web of election fraud and money laundering activities.

The investigation, which spans across multiple states and multiple jurisdictions, has revealed a complex network of illicit operations aimed at undermining the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.

Sources close to the matter suggest that Willis was a massive beneficiary in the Federal and Georgia RICO enterprises. It appears that she is currently playing a key role in orchestrating a systematic scheme to manipulate election outcomes, casting doubt on the integrity of the entire electoral process.

In the lead up to the 2022 midterm elections, my team uncovered a massive money laundering network of campaign finance contributions being made via ActBlue. One of the top beneficiaries of this money laundering RICO enterprise was none other than Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock. The Gateway Pundit was the first news organization to cover the massive money laundering network that financed the Raphael Warnock campaign.

As our investigation progressed, we expanded our efforts into other states such as Missouri, Maryland, Wisconsin, Arizona, and then into every single state.

Working with the Epoch Times investigative journalist Steven Kovac, we made a stunning find. Many of the top ActBlue “Contributors” never made the individual contributions. Many of these “Not Employed Individual Contributors” were the victims of a highly sophisticated money laundering scheme.

The scheme was further exposed when I provided the data to James O’Keefe and his people at O’Keefe Media Group who captured many unwitting “Money Laundering Smurfs” in Maryland.

This massive ongoing money laundering operation involves wire fraud, evasion of campaign finance limits, structuring of financial transactions, tax fraud, non profit fraud, identity theft, and elder abuse.

The RICO operation is still in operation today. Using the identities of unwitting elderly, and other democrat voters, this massive RICO money laundering enterprise is the fuel for the entire election fraud RICO operation.

The information on Fani Willis campaign contributions was obtained directly from the State of Georgia campaign finance database “HERE”.

The first item we identified in the Fani Willis campaign finance report was that there were 222 contributions to her campaign that had ZERO donor information.

You can check the names for yourself using the FEC campaign finance database “HERE”.

Peter Bernegger, a citizen investigator, made the allegations during an interview on The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson, bringing to light what many have feared: a potential widespread fraud using campaign finance systems.

According to Bernegger, after an extensive review of Willis’s campaign donations, he discovered discrepancies that suggest the contributions may not be originating from the persons they purport to represent.

Bernegger’s findings suggest three main issues with Willis’s fundraising:

Firstly, 220 donations lacked the required name or address information, constituting a clear violation of state law and totaling approximately $23,000.
Secondly, there were donations exceeding the $3,000 limit, amounting to another $27,000 in unlawful contributions.
The most significant allegation involves “smurfing,” a method of structured campaign money laundering, where large sums of money are divided into smaller amounts and donated to various campaigns, including Willis’s, to evade detection.

Bernegger’s team alleges that over 50% of Willis’s campaign contributions were unlawfully obtained through these methods, thereby compromising the legitimacy of her elections.

The term “Smurfs” refers to unwitting individuals, often seniors, whose identities are allegedly used to mask these contributions, constituting identity theft and elder financial abuse.

“We are filing [Friday] under sworn oath a complaint to the Georgia State Ethics Commission against Fani Willis of $160,000 in smurfing. You add these numbers up, and we’re over 50%, at least, of all her money coming into her campaign. It was unlawful, illegally obtained, and basically, she cheated in her elections by using that money,” Bernegger announced.

With Willis currently involved in high-profile legal proceedings, including the prosecution of a former president, the outcome of this complaint could have significant repercussions.

The complaint, supported by data and evidence, as Bernegger emphasizes, could lead to a thorough examination by the state attorney and possibly law enforcement agencies, given the criminal nature of the allegations.

As the complaint goes forward, questions are raised regarding the potential consequences for Willis. Should the allegations prove true, the response could range from legal action, including arrest and indictment, to political ramifications, such as removal from office.


EXCLUSIVE: New complaint alleges @FultonCountyDA Fanni Willis received around $168k dollars in unlawful campaign funds. @PeterBernegger tells @EmeraldRobinson it’s a classic case of campaign money laundering & identity theft.

— The Absolute Truth with @EmeraldRobinson (@AbsoluteWithE) February 10, 2024

Investigative journalist James O’Keefe III broke his first major investigation in March 2023, since the launch of O’Keefe Media Group.

The legendary journalist released a video from his investigation of the Democrat’s vast network of donation harvesters. The investigation involved:


The Gateway Pundit has previously reported on the vast far-left network of donation harvesters as well.

Chris Gleason first released the information and was first published at The Gateway Pundit back in December 2022. Chris Gleason found many “Campaign Finance Mules,” making hundreds, even thousands of donations per year.

In April 2022, engineer Chris Gleason began working on his first data project involving elections.  The project was tied to the 2022 midterm election.

The goal was to determine who was most likely to vote for which candidate and how likely they were to support particular candidates and causes.

These “Money Mules” were not wealthy individuals. They were average Americans living in an average house in an average neighborhood.  Or at least that is how it would appear. The investigative group observed massive patterns and red flags in the data.

Chris asked “active” donors what they would think if he told them that he had identified voters who were making thousands of campaign donations in an election year.  They all had the same response. “Anyone making that amount of donations is laundering money and is part of a criminal enterprise.”

In the case of Raphael Warnock, he was the top beneficiary of all 2022 Democrat candidates of this money distribution scheme.

Most of these smurfs are unemployed, based on the data that Gleason provided to The Gateway Pundit.

Far-left NBC reported on the donations received in the Georgia runoff for Senator:

Georgia Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock raised $52.2 million for his re-election between Oct. 20 through Nov. 16, more than doubling the fundraising total of his opponent, Republican Herschel Walker.

Warnock, the top fundraising federal candidate of the 2022 election cycle by a long-shot, spent $39.2 million over the same period, which almost doubled Walker’s spend too. The incumbent closed the period with $29.7 million banked away.

Walker still raised a significant amount over that fundraising period — $20.9 million. His campaign spent $16.5 million and closed with $9.8 million on hand.

Chris Gleason provided this date to The Gateway Pundit
Chris Gleason provided this date to The Gateway Pundit
Chris Gleason provided this date to The Gateway Pundit
Chris Gleason provided this date to The Gateway Pundit

This is not a case of an outlier. This has been established in every state that they looked at.

Overall, Raphael Warnock managed to receive over 358,000 donations from unemployed average Americans that totaled more than $24 million.

When you start to dig into the data, you see that these same “Average American Donors” are donating thousands of times always to Democrat candidates and Democrat PACs; this is going on at a national and state level.

Where did all of these “Unemployed Average Americans” get the money to make hundreds and thousands of donations to Raphael Warnock?

According to Bernegger, they will also file a complaint against Warnock.

“In addition to that, since we’re talking about Georgia, somebody who is probably the poster boy for this across the nation besides Joe Biden, is Warnock for Senate. He probably is the number one in all the campaign candidates that we’ve examined across the country. He is by far the number one in excess smurf donations, and we’ll be filing a complaint against him also,” he told Robinson.

This smurfing is happening all around the country. In May 2023, The Gateway Pundit teamed up with social media personality and producer Tim Cramer to investigate donation harvesters in Indiana.

Tim Cramer is the owner and creative director of Mosaic, a national advertising and marketing agency that works exclusively with conservative businesses, candidates, campaigns, and political special interest groups.  Tim Cramer and TGP contributor Adam Sharp recently investigated donations harvesters in Indiana.

The Gateway Pundit, with help from Chris Gleason, identified hundreds of Democrat Party donations harvesters active in Indiana.  Tim and Adam recently went out and knocked on doors, and what they found was a major political scandal!

Numerous individuals who were listed as Democrat Party – Act Blue donors denied making the hundreds and thousands of donations listed under their name!  These Democrat donors told Tim and Adam that THEY DID NOT make these tens of thousands of dollars in political contributions!


The Gateway Pundit, with the help of Adam, went to several homes in the St. Louis, Missouri region of suspected Democrat donation harvesters.  What we found was similar to what we discovered in the other states.

These homes listed as giving hundreds or thousands of donations to Democrat candidates either refuted the number of donations or denied the person was even living at the address!


It is not just Fani Willis and Raphael Warnock. Chris Gleason investigated Soros-funded Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s other donors. What he found was similar to what The Gateway Pundit reported in several Democrat races.

A major segment of donations came from donation harvesters. Many of these people are retired and unemployed. They are donating thousands of times to Democrats around the country. This is likely the largest political donations scandal in US history, and it is about to bust open.

What we found at The Gateway Pundit was that these “contributors” follow a very similar pattern that we have witnessed in all of the states as a part of this RICO enterprise of money laundering, identity theft, fraud, elder abuse, etc.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on Democrat donation harvesters in MarylandGeorgiaMissouriWashington, Michigan, and New York. You can read more of these stories here.

The post Over Half of Fani Willis’ Campaign Contributions Allegedly Tied to Illegal Money Laundering, New Complaint Claims appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.