Dr. Jill Carries Pumpkin Pies to Firefighters at Nantucket Fire Department While Feeble Joe Shuffles Along

Dr. Jill Carries Pumpkin Pies to Firefighters at Nantucket Fire Department While Feeble Joe Shuffles Along


photo credit: Daily Mail

Joe and Jill Biden delivered pumpkin pies to firefighters at the Nantucket Fire Department on Thursday.

Biden is once again spending Thanksgiving at private equity billionaire David Rubenstein’s $39 million 14-acre Nantucket estate.

The White House refuses to say whether Joe Biden is paying Rubenstein to stay at his estate.

Earlier Thursday, the Bidens participated in a polar bear plunge in Nantucket.

Annual Biden fam polar bear plunge ‍❄️

Happy Thanksgiving! pic.twitter.com/pUuC6e5Qal

— Naomi Biden (@NaomiBiden) November 23, 2023

Later Thursday Joe and Jill Biden visited the Nantucket Fire Department and gave the firefighters pumpkin pies.

Biden’s handlers wouldn’t let him hold the pies because he is accident-prone.

POTUS and FLOTUS take treats to the Nantucket Fire Department pic.twitter.com/b3O1muxy3n

— Emily Goodin (@Emilylgoodin) November 23, 2023

Biden mumbled to reporters as he shuffled over to his motorcade.

“I’m keeping my fingers crossed,” Biden said when asked about a 3-year-old American will be among the hostages released by Hamas. “We ain’t giving up.”


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Taxpayers Are Funding Sex Change Procedures for Transgender Inmates, Federal Bureau of Prisons Memo Reveals

Taxpayers Are Funding Sex Change Procedures for Transgender Inmates, Federal Bureau of Prisons Memo Reveals


A Federal Bureau of Prisons memo has revealed that taxpayers are funding sex change procedures and treatments for transgender inmates.

The June 2023 guidance, obtained by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, includes everything from instructions on dealing with bearded ladies and their facial hair to operations including removing, creating, enlarging, and shaping different sexual body parts.

Here are some of the taxpayer-supplied operations that Biden’s Prisons provide, which include removing, creating, enlarging, and shaping different sexual body parts pic.twitter.com/2KN6tLJulM

— Oversight Project (@OversightPR) November 20, 2023

Biden’s Prisons have a long list of definitions for this gender-bending space, but don’t have a definition for “woman”, consistent with Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s inability to articulate a definition for the ancient term.

They do define “transphobia” pic.twitter.com/HxII30yKnp

— Oversight Project (@OversightPR) November 20, 2023

The guidance provided updated directions for handling “preventative health screening, non-invasive or invasive surgical procedures and transitions of care.”

“Prisoners go to jail because they commit crimes and owe a debt to society. Society doesn’t owe them taxpayer-funded sex changes and things as absurd as facial hair removal treatments,” Heritage Foundation Oversight Project Director Mike Howell told Just the News.

“We have been investigating this disturbing prison-to-trans pipeline and have also discovered that transgender prisoners account for a disproportionately high amount of sex crimes. It’s truly revolting what the Biden Administration signed us all up to fund,” Howell added.

Just the News explained, “The treatment policies outlined in the newly surfaced document range from complex and invasive ‘gender-affirming’ surgeries to cosmetic adjustments like hair removal and speech therapy to change the inmate’s voice.”

The Federal Bureau of Prisons states, “Gender confirming surgery may be medically necessary and is considered on a case-by-case basis” to treat “gender dysphoria” or “incongruence.”

The report notes that an inmate does not have to be medically diagnosed with “gender dysphoria” but only has to confirm a “gender incongruence” to get the treatments that they want.

“Among the complicated procedures highlighted by the guidance are breast augmentation surgeries, removal of sex organs, construction of new sex organs from body tissue, and even the use of a prosthetic device to mimic a naturally occurring erection,” Just the News reports.

The FBOP told the outlet, “Concerning the funding of care, ordinarily, FBOP funds are utilized to provide medically necessary care for individuals committed to our care and custody.” The BOP’s conclusion that “gender confirming surgery may be medically necessary” indicates that these services are provided through its funds for the medical care of prisoners, the report added.

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“F**K UR HOLIDAY!”: Pro-Hamas Thugs Target Home of AIPAC President With Smoke Bombs in Thanksgiving Day Protest (Video)

“F**K UR HOLIDAY!”: Pro-Hamas Thugs Target Home of AIPAC President With Smoke Bombs in Thanksgiving Day Protest (Video)


Pro-Hamas thugs targeted the Los Angeles home of the president of AIPAC with smoke bombs during a Thanksgiving Day protest. The rioters carried a banner that read, “F*** UR HOLIDAY BABY KILLER” and smeared ‘blood’ red paint on the driveway in front of the home where tow cars were parked. One of the protesters confronted a neighbor taking video as the smoke bombs went off:

Video posted by the ‘People’s City Council of Los Angeles’, “RIGHT NOW: people are out in front of @AIPAC president Michael Tuchin’s house in Los Angeles for a holiday wake up call! AIPAC spends tens of millions to control pro-genocide congressmembers. F*** your holiday baby killer! #FreePalestine.” The rioters also left representations of bloody dead babies in burial shrouds on the driveway:

Everyone is out and ok 🫡

No peace for these baby killers! FUCK AIPAC! #FreePalestine pic.twitter.com/utP4UnKZiC

— People’s City Council – Los Angeles (@PplsCityCouncil) November 23, 2023

Video taken by a neighbor shows the smoke bombs going off. The rioters confront the neighbor and throw one of the ‘dead babies’ in her yard. The neighbor warns a relative (“Papa”?) to stay away, but he is soon seen peacefully approaching the rioters while holding high an American flag before the video ends.

The video was posted by StopAntiSemites with the statement, “HORRIFYING- the home of AIPAC’s President was targeted by pro Palestinian radcials (sic) who ignited smoke bombs outside of his residence and proceeded to spill red paint, signifying blood. What’s next? The burning of Synagogues and schools like in 1939 Germany?”

HORRIFYING- the home of AIPAC’s President was targeted by pro Palestinian radcials who ignited smoke bombs outside of his residence and proceeded to spill red paint, signifying blood.

What’s next? The burning of Synagogues and schools like in 1939 Germany? pic.twitter.com/y9O3edAvW9

— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 23, 2023

More video and a photo:

A neighbor managed to snap a photo with some of the individuals assembling. pic.twitter.com/VxeFiZTRDj

— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 23, 2023

Professor William Jacobson commented, “If you thought they would stop with ripping down hostage posters or blocking traffic, you have not been paying attention. When they say “Globalize the Intifada” they mean it.”

If you thought they would stop with ripping down hostage posters or blocking traffic, you have not been paying attention. When they say “Globalize the Intifada” they mean it. https://t.co/vQvj3rKvE9

— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) November 23, 2023

And they do mean it. We are witnessing a red-green alliance of communists and radical Islamists who are waging a revolution against Israel, the U.S. and the West.

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San Diego Mayor Sued for Anti-Christian Retaliation

San Diego Mayor Sued for Anti-Christian Retaliation

 Todd Gloria

This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

No government should use authority ‘to attack other public servants’ over biblical values

A pastor in California has filed a lawsuit against San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria over Gloria’s insistence that he be removed from the San Diego’s Citizens Advisory Board on Police/Community Relations because of his belief in the Bible.

The case is on behalf of Dennis Hodges of the Church of Yeshua Ha Mashiach, and he had served on the commission since 2017.

But when he abstained from a vote condemning “transphobia,” his fellow commissioners told him to leave, and eventually they “influenced” Gloria to veto Hodge’s reappointment.

A report at the Washington Stand said the lawsuit charges, “This is an action for the unlawful discrimination and retaliation against Mr. Dennis Hodges, a devoted Christian pastor and public servant.”

It charges the mayor “under the influence of several of Mr. Hodges’ fellow commissioners, retaliated and discriminated against Mr. Hodges for adhering to his religious beliefs regarding gender identity and transgenderism.”

The report noted the commission voted in November 2021 on “a letter from the city of San Diego Human Relations Commissioner Tootie Thomas Regarding Ending Discrimination and Transphobia by Amplifying the Visibility and Voices of the Transgender Community.”

The idea was to publicize a letter promoting the local government’s plan to end “transphobia,” that claim that those who do not approve of the transgender ideology somehow fear or hate it.

Hodges abstained, explaining, about transgenderism, “I love all people. I love transgenders as well. But to me, it’s an abomination to the eyes of God, so I don’t agree with it.”

Other commissioners, the lawsuit charges, immediate began “a crusade to cancel a man for holding traditional, religious beliefs regarding the biological nature of a man and woman.”

That scheme failed, but then Gloria vetoed Hodges’s reappointment. He claimed the pastor made “repeated concerning public comments about LGBTQ people.”

So the complaint now charges Gloria with making his decision “against Mr. Hodges solely based on his beliefs on human creation and transgenderism — issues that are unrelated to his role on the Advisory Board.”

Hodges released a statement through his lawyers at Advocates for Faith and Freedom and said, “I am standing up for religious people nationwide who have been discriminated against solely because of their faith. What happened to me at the hands of our government should never happen to anyone else.”

The complaint seeks damages and reinstatement.

Lawyer Julianne Fleischer told the Stand, “No government authority should be able to wield their authority to attack other public servants for holding traditional, biblical values.”

Copyright 2023 WND News Center

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Economist: Bidenomics is Putting ‘Astonishing Burden’ on American Households

Economist: Bidenomics is Putting ‘Astonishing Burden’ on American Households


This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

Food prices ‘are up more than 20% from when Joe Biden took office’

An economist who is the acting director of the Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget at The Heritage Foundation, Richard Stern, is marking Thanksgiving Day 2023 with a warning that Joe Biden’s economy is putting an “astonishing burden” on American households.

In a commentary at the Daily Signal, he wrote that the traditional Thanksgiving dinner, at $46.90 in 2020, now is $61.17, “an increase of more than 30.4%.

“This price increase puts an astonishing burden on American households. However, that is only one of many price jumps during the Bidenomics era. Across all categories of food at home, prices are up more than 20% from when President Joe Biden took office, while energy prices are up well over 35%,” he explained.

Bidenomics also has “dramatically pushed up the first year’s interest cost on a typical mortgage from around $8,500 when President Donald Trump left office to well over $24,000 now,” he said.

From Reagan through Trump, annual interest payments on a new mortgage, with 20% down on a median house, were stable.

Under Biden? Up from $8,500 to almost $24,300…over 285% of the level under Trump! Thanks Bidenomics… pic.twitter.com/CegrUuLOW6

— Richard A. Stern (@RichAStern) October 28, 2023

Stern warned, “Thanksgiving is meant to be devoted to thankfulness for family and the many other blessings in each of our lives. But, as most American families sit down to a Thanksgiving meal on Thursday, they will also be met with a specter looming over their financial life—namely, Bidenomics.

“This rampant level of inflation hasn’t, however, been a random or unforeseeable occurrence. It’s the direct and predictable result of massive upticks in federal spending. Whenever the government spends, it does so by forcefully taking funding out of the hands of hardworking Americans,” he explained. “When a business or household borrows, it does so because the lender has faith that the borrower will be able to earn enough money to pay back the loan in the future. When a government borrows, however, that isn’t the case.

“Governments are not capable of earning money through merit alone. Nationalizing industries or raising taxes are clearly coercive. Printing more money is another form of theft, forcefully pouring water into the wine of every American’s life savings.

“Since these methods are coercive, government borrowing is as well. When a government borrows money, it agrees to use its unique power to pay back the loan with someone else’s money,” he noted.

It’s the Left, he charged, that has “propagated the lie that government deficit spending was a magical free lunch because the government didn’t hike taxes to pay for massive spending increases. As inflation has shown, in the end, there is no free lunch, just the government eating your lunch at the money market buffet table.”

The result is inevitable, he said. “With Biden and so many other politicians committed to deficits at such an absurd level, there is only one further policy outcome: hyperinflation or sky-high interest rates that crowd out economic growth.”

Under Biden, “prices are now up more than 20% since the pandemic started and mortgage rates have spiked from around 3% to 7.5%, pushing that pillar of the American dream, homeownership, even further out of reach for tens of millions of Americans,” he said.

His advice: “As the nation comes together this Thanksgiving to be with loved ones and count their blessings, let us recommit to the principles that led us to such prosperity. May lawmakers reduce the crushing size and scope of the government to allow Americans to keep the fruits of their labors and get back to building a brighter future for generations to come.”

Biden, meanwhile, is spending his Thanksgiving at the $34 million Nantucket island home of a friend, billionaire businessman David Rubenstein.

Copyright 2023 WND News Center

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